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rainsong 05-21-2013 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1131250)
Who would know that besides U2 fans? I wouldn't know that. It sounds like a dig at Richie to me.

Richie really needs to break his radio silence. Bon Jovi is his bread and butter. Without Bon Jovi he would have even fewer fans of his solo work. He's losing the respect of Bon Jovi fans and his solo fans by not talking about why he's not touring.

Haha, the only reason I know anything about it is because one of my dearest friends is an obsessed U2 fan. I have however been corrected by another friend that the comment made about the Edge was in reference to U2 canceling a tour a couple of years ago because the Edge had a sick child and Jons God Forbid Edge comment was saying he was glad that wasn't something they had to do. Maybe in response tp a question about Stephanie??

jessycardy 05-21-2013 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1131259)
Could he also mean, the reason why the Edge had to not perform was because of his daughters illness? And thankfully that is not the case for Richie?

Jon says God Forbid and then uses The Edge as an example. His daughter got cancer and U2 cancelled the tour. I took Jon saying God forbid, if that would have been the case, Bon Jovi would have cancelled but thank God, its not illness with his daughter. I probably didn't explain it good.


Originally Posted by rainsong (Post 1131260)
Haha, the only reason I know anything about it is because one of my dearest friends is an obsessed U2 fan. I have however been corrected by another friend that the comment made about the Edge was in reference to U2 canceling a tour a couple of years ago because the Edge had a sick child and Jons God Forbid Edge comment was saying he was glad that wasn't something they had to do. Maybe in response tp a question about Stephanie??

If that's the case, then it puts the whole thing in a whole different perspective. I hate the idea that this might be a case of "we'll never really know", though.

steel_horse75 05-21-2013 09:02 AM

The problem Jovi have re ticket sales is not no Richie but an over kill of touring in last 6 years.
There's a recession on and people are picking and choosing their gigs more carefully.
If a non die hard has seen them twice in last few years he wont go again especially if other bands he is interested in are touring.

steel_horse75 05-21-2013 09:04 AM

Wrong thread!!

rolo_tomachi 05-21-2013 11:26 AM

I think Jon was referring so himself. I also think that Richie's situation is not as extreme as The Edge leave U2.

He said: “It’s getting more and more difficult every day to not just sit here and say something... Because all I can say is this — it’s for personal reasons. He’s been through it before, fortunately for us the same guy who filled in last time was available this time. (He has already been through this, I think it refers to missing for personal reasons, not to make it again for the alcohol).

“Life goes on, so if someone chooses not to be here... unlike if this were, God forbid, The Edge, and he for some reason couldn’t make a U2 show, [then] it would be very difficult to just step in. (The Edge is the guitarist for U2, he decided to leave for religious reasons, fortunately returned to the group, Bono was going to find a substitute for the Edge, but he returned. Regarding Jon about Richie's case is not The Edge's case, Jon says he's not in this situation thanks to God, and that Richie will return, IMO.)

“You have a choice — you either figure it out, go and grow, not only survive but thrive. Or, you say, ‘I hate my brother and I’m gonna quit the band. (Jon does not refer to Richie. Refers to him, and what he says is that if lack Richie has that choice: I hate Richie because you can not be on the tour, and canceling the show or move on and await the return of Richie.)

I think Jon refers to himself when he says: ‘I hate my brother and I’m gonna quit the band.

JordanRose 05-21-2013 11:40 AM

He said 'if Edge had to leave for some reason.' He wasn't being specific or drawing a parallel with Edge leaving because of his daughter.

It's very widely known how important Edge's role in U2 is, particularly for live shows. I only own one U2 album but i've read countless articles over the years talking about and detailing the guy's insane live set-up.

If you read the music mags in the UK and are really interested in music outside of JBJ Land then this stuff is pretty common knowledge.

CKatz 05-21-2013 11:50 AM

The "Figure it out or say ' I hate my brother, I quit the band'" comment from Jon was definately an ultimatum. He wants Richie to make up his mind, as soon as possible. It also shows that their relationship is in a deep crisis. Even if Richie comes back, I doubt their friendship will fully recover from this.

StoneDeaf 05-21-2013 12:14 PM

Whatever the reason behind this all is, there has to be *something* real, personal or professional. After all, I don't think Rich would have bailed if he was happy with the current way of things, personal or professional.

As far as I can think of, the blame could just as well be on Jon as on Rich. Until someone says something that actually clears the situation.

The way things are at the moment, the band is losing ticket sales, that is nothing elso should make Jon at least slightly unhappy. And Rich, depends on the actual reason, can for all I know be smiling his ass off while fans do prove that he's considered irreplaceable.

No matter what, I know few fans who are going to see them for the first time. Such fans lose the most in this situation.

gkkes 05-21-2013 12:18 PM

I don't want to be pedantic regarding The Edge, but much of the sound set up is done live by the guitar tech backstage, See the behind the scenes of Bon Jovi - this tour, there's a giant pedal board operated by Takumi, be it for Richie or for Phil X. Settings are pre-assigned depending on which guitar is used on which song.

Pete Malandrone, Brian May's tech, operates all the differing set ups backstage, leaving just a selection of pedals on stage which don't need re-setting. Rack Mounted kit is similarly handled these days.

How often do you see the top guitarists on stage bending down to twiddle all the knobs on their pedals between numbers? Very seldom, they just want to segway quickly and effortlessly between completely different guitar sounds.

Jon talks Richie at @1.40 (Austrian)

DevilsSon 05-21-2013 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by gkkes (Post 1131303)

Interesting. Jon loves to talk about Bono and Jagger...Would those guys ever talk about Jon?
Just guessing here...

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