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JonGirl 05-22-2013 04:13 AM

Richie should have just said thanks for the support and left out that asinine remark.

And maybe Jon should call up Lou Cox again.

JoviJovi 05-22-2013 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1131826)
It sounds like both sides are being passive-aggressive and taking shots at each other in the media.

Jon's comment about The Edge made me think back to that TMZ article that accused Jon of having 'belittled' Richie. If that is any way true, the comment about The Edge vs. Richie seems like the ultimate example of a belittling statement imo.

Someone on Tumblr made what I thought to be a succinct comment to this issue:

'It’s not about Jon being frustrated about having to answer the question about Richie. He doesn’t have to answer it, he can easily blacklist the question. He also is choosing to communicate with Richie through the media because by his own admission, he has only spoken to him once.

'What is being discussed at the core is that Jon had the audacity to say that The Edge is irreplaceable to U2 while Richie Sambora is replaceable. The Edge’s guitar work is simple. He really just plays the same licks over and over again. So is he trying to say Edge is a more important member of U2 than Richie is Bon Jovi? That’s pretty insulting to the guy who has written or co-written most of Bon Jovi’s hit songs. Wonder if he thinks he could have made it without his song writing skills too?

'People would be up in arms of Richie said the same thing about Jon. The blind Jon defending is sickening. Richie left the band high and dry but the fact that people are blind to what Jon is doing is sickening. It’s actually appalling.'

Just thought it was an interesting take on this whole soap opera...

Yes, Jon made an idiotic comment. I think to some degree that comment came out of frustration. Either way, the fact remains the Richie bailed, and left the rest of the band high and dry. He failed his band and his fans...again. He doesn't just get a pass because Jon has been turned into some maniacal dictator in the eyes of a few Richie diehards. I am not naive to the fact the Jon is most likely a pr*ck, but this situation is Richies doing and the way he has handled it has made it worse.

rightsideofwrong 05-22-2013 05:03 AM

Richie is the common problem for the band. That's really all there is to it. Jon has every right to be pissed and say things out of frustration. Should he? No. Did it slip? Probably.

The more I think about it the more Richie pisses me off. I've been tip top and smiling while wasted. Good for him. If there is too much for him to say then stay off of twitter as well. Every post he posts without his expected return date or that he quit is just a slap to the face.

WillRunForChocolate 05-22-2013 05:10 AM

I wonder if Richie's depressed...

CharlieShipley 05-22-2013 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by WillRunForChocolate (Post 1131834)
I wonder if Richie's depressed...

As someone who suffers from depression, I have suspected this too.

bounce442 05-22-2013 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1131833)
Richie is the common problem for the band. That's really all there is to it. Jon has every right to be pissed and say things out of frustration. Should he? No. Did it slip? Probably.

The more I think about it the more Richie pisses me off. I've been tip top and smiling while wasted. Good for him. If there is too much for him to say then stay off of twitter as well. Every post he posts without his expected return date or that he quit is just a slap to the face.

I agree with you 100%... I reserved my anger or judgement up until just recently, but now I am irritated. I did my best, holding it for an explanation or his return, but the guy can't even pick a winner for his cover contest. This is low rent amateur nonsense.

I hate it that he worked his ass of for 25 years to blow his good will like this.

AmyHarket 05-22-2013 05:48 AM

I’m so frustrated and exhausted. I got broken and bruised by his rudeness towards fans as much as I cared for him.
When I heard Jon said something like “he chose not to do the tour” in the interview at the press conference in Vienna, I got shocked because I never thought Richie’s absence was due to his intention. I believed that a custody problem occurred on the Calgary show day and he was not legally allowed to leave LA. I never thought he chose not to show up on the show day (Calgary show).
If he strongly didn’t want to continue the tour, he should’ve let the band know before hand so that the band was able to find a guitarist for the tour including the Calgary show. He is one of the founding members of the band, and no doubt he knows the band more than any of the fans, so I bet he knows “Show must go”.
His act is beyond unprofessional and rude to the fans.
Before losing his respect from all of the fans, he needs to find a personal manager who has good skills to manage him and to control public relations as soon as possible. This band is very important to me so I don’t want to hate him for the rest of my life…………….

rightsideofwrong 05-22-2013 05:56 AM

It does suck. I havnt been really mad at him until now. Having the audacity to get on twitter and say there is too much to say..

Lisa71 05-22-2013 06:13 AM

Someone asked Matt:

Hannah Sambora ‏@JoviHolic31 2h
@MatthewBongiovi is Richie safe and healthy? Please, this young, concerned fan is a little worried due to his latest tweet...

Matt's response:
Matthew Bongiovi ‏@MatthewBongiovi 1h
@JoviHolic31 not sure where his head is at with that

Then someone got worried by Matt's above response:

MAVS & Bon Jovi ‏@Serpephone 1h
OMG... panic mode setting in! RT "@MatthewBongiovi: @JoviHolic31 not sure where his head is at with that"

Matt's response:
Matthew Bongiovi ‏@MatthewBongiovi 1h
@richardmartos @serpephone @joviholic31 no panic needed. I just don't know what he refers to. No reason to look into my comment.

WillRunForChocolate 05-22-2013 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1131842)
It does suck. I havnt been really mad at him until now. Having the audacity to get on twitter and say there is too much to say..

I can't even keep track of how many emotions I've had over the course of these 400+ pages. It's pretty clear that Richie's "personal issues" are from within. I don't think it's something outside of him that he has to attend to, like a sick family member.

Now I'm just sad. Admittedly I don't know what's going on with him, but Richie is just not acting like a grown up, responsible man. Obviously Jon is aggravated, and rightly so. I just hope he can overcome whatever demons are plaguing him. If he is having emotional trouble then I hope he finds the help he deserves.

If he wants to leave the band then so be it. But please say goodbye with dignity and treat your band mates and fans with respect.

Sorry for rambling. His tweet just upset me :(

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