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jessycardy 05-23-2013 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Yvonne (Post 1132345)
The picture is from today.

How do you know? Any links? I've looked it up and found nothing (which unfortunately could mean it's a pretty new picture indeed).

JoviJovi 05-23-2013 12:03 AM

I realize the daily mail is a tabloid, but do they manufacture actual quotes? I know tabloids in the US stop just short of what will get them sued (usually) and this would definitely be grounds for a lawsuit if he didn't say those words.

ezearis 05-23-2013 12:03 AM

I don't want to believe this and I know the english press isn't the most reliable source of information but, I don't know how things are up there, here in Argentina you can't made up a quote without having to pay a whole lot of money and writing a public apology.

What I'm trying to say is that saying "a source said" or "Richie said" without quotes is one thing, but they're are quoting him, saying they talked with him. Is a completely different situation!

DestinationJovi 05-23-2013 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1132348)
Fans do deserve a Bon Jovi show with Richie. But it's Richie that up and left, he's been phoning it in more than Jon for years! Other than the occasional show of brilliance, he's more consistently average than good, and it pains me to say it because the guy was my hero. Phil may not have the same feel, but he makes up for it in energy, passion and technical proficiency. The guy has been doing sessions and playing dive bars since forever, he's toured with a lot of bands but I bet this is the first time he's been playing stadiums and good for him. And I know that a LOT of guitar players could step in, maybe even do a much better job, but he's the one that did it and he's the one getting my respect (and the bands).

Did you see a show in the beginning of this tour with Richie? I did. He didn't phone it in, he was better than I have seen him in years.

Have you seen a show with Phil? I did in 2011. And I would take Richie at his sloppiest over Phil any day. That's my personal opinion as a spectator at the live show.

No disrespect to Phil. He's obviously an experienced player and he gets the job done. But as I said, he's getting paid for his job and I don't think he deserves to finish the tour even if Richie is ready to come back just because he was able to step in.

Yvonne 05-23-2013 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132357)
How do you know? Any links? I've looked it up and found nothing (which unfortunately could mean it's a pretty new picture indeed).

The picture was posted without the article on twitter.

dianebonjovi 05-23-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132357)
How do you know? Any links? I've looked it up and found nothing (which unfortunately could mean it's a pretty new picture indeed).

Did a quick google search and found the Sun's report under press:

jessycardy 05-23-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1132359)
I realize the daily mail is a tabloid, but do they manufacture actual quotes? I know tabloids in the US stop just short of what will get them sued (usually) and this would definitely be grounds for a lawsuit if he didn't say those words.

I honestly believe tabloids all over the world could not give two flying f**ks about anything and would rather pay some big bucks to have some major (fake) scoop. The UK gutter press got close to sign the end of Bon Jovi once and that was more than enough, they'd better stop now.

efiste2 05-23-2013 12:09 AM

I for one cant beleive that Richie would let all his fans down to concentrate on some bloody stupid fashion fad.......and with Richie saying Jon's making it difficult for him to come back, so he does WANT to come back.......I think this is what JON & RICHIE used to call the "scandalous press" , and i do hope its bullshit.......I think Richie needs to remember its the BON JOVI fans that keep him where he is today. but again I cant see him dissing all his fans to launch some fashion shit

jessycardy 05-23-2013 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Yvonne (Post 1132362)
The picture was posted without the article on twitter.

By whom? (I apologize about the third grade, I just think it's pretty important to understand if we can be 100% sure Richie was out and about in public today for his fashion line. It would be the first time since hell broke loose on April 2nd.)

Living_on_my_Hair 05-23-2013 12:11 AM

Anyone else really disappointed with the quote that instead of saying he was busy working/playing/writing/promoting new solo music, Richie goes on about this ****ing clothing line? I couldn't give two shits about his crappy clothing line! ARGHH *puts fist through laptop screen*

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