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linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 05-23-2013 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1132398)
Some people are taking the fashion thing too seriously. He might just happen to be working on the fashion line at the moment, he's been doing it on and off for years. It's not like he's come out and dedicated the rest of his life to making corsets.

No obviously not... and even if he feels like doing it at the moment, it most probably isn't the reason he's not touring. Just sayin that he should really make an official statement now before this turns into an even bigger clusterf*ck than it already is. :(

ezearis 05-23-2013 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1132393)
I'm pretty sure it's libellous to quote someone directly when no interview took place. The Daily Mail are are crude but they aren't that stupid surely. They could have covered their arse by quoting "a close friend" instead of saying Richie spoke to them.

What Richie is supposed to have said isn't the strange thing but rather the fact he would publicly speak negatively of Jon, but Jon recently alluded to Richie having substance abuse issues so who knows.

The whole thing stinks.

Acually, they quote a friend at the end, but they say they spoke with Richie and quote him in the article. That's what's making me doubt, you just can't madek up that you talk with someone and publish make up quotes.

Mysterytrain 05-23-2013 01:18 AM

So, I'll play devil's advocate and try to see this from Richie's POV:

Even if Jon thinks Richie's fashion stuff is frivolous, that doesn't excuse the allusions he made to Richie being back on the bottle.

I'm guessing that those comments (along with the diss about him versus The Edge) is what made Richie speak up now. He feels he can't let blatant insults just stand.

It would have been better if Jon had just blacklisted the Richie question from the start, or stuck to the 'personal issues' statement or 'ask Richie' statement, without inferring anything, but if he at the heart of things doesn't respect Richie's other interests, I can see where that would drive a wedge between them.

I can see Richie's point in his comment that Jon is 'making it very hard for me to come back' with the latest couple of interviews he's done. If there was any goodwill about Richie's eventual return to the band, those interviews have done a lot to squash it.

Slakk 05-23-2013 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1132415)
So, I'll play devil's advocate and try to see this from Richie's POV:

Even if Jon thinks Richie's fashion stuff is frivolous, that doesn't excuse the allusions he made to Richie being back on the bottle.

I'm guessing that those comments (along with the diss about him versus The Edge) is what made Richie speak up now. He feels he can't let blatant insults just stand.

It would have been better if Jon had just blacklisted the Richie question from the start, or stuck to the 'personal issues' statement or 'ask Richie' statement, without inferring anything, but if he at the heart of things doesn't respect Richie's other interests, I can see where that would drive a wedge between them.

I can see Richie's point in his comment that Jon is 'making it very hard for me to come back' with the latest couple of interviews he's done. If there was any goodwill about Richie's eventual return to the band, those interviews have done a lot to squash it.

Wait, they are in the middle of a world tour and RICHIE DECIDES TO QUIT AND DO FASHION???? And the band is supposed to support him??? Really? (Not pointed at you but at Richie)

I think it is hard for them NOT to say something when they are the ones having to do press for the tour and Richie is finding his inner Calvin Klein. I would have a hard time biting my tongue.

He is either bi polar, delusional or on drugs/alcohol. Is he taking life coach lessons from Lindsey Lohan???

Jonty 05-23-2013 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1132359)
I realize the daily mail is a tabloid, but do they manufacture actual quotes? I know tabloids in the US stop just short of what will get them sued (usually) and this would definitely be grounds for a lawsuit if he didn't say those words.

Likely to be more true than false! It is not The Mirror or The Sun.

jessycardy 05-23-2013 01:28 AM

Two quick questions:

1) Do some people here honestly believe Richie would just leave these (very random) statements to the first UK tabloid after having tweeted just a few hours ago that he was not gonna say anything because there is too much to say for him at the moment?

2) Why do some people think Jon alluded to Richie being back on the alcohol problem? That's just what gossip sites want you to believe, but that's not the truth here. They take Jon's words ("been through this before") out of context and try to make it look like Jon's outing Richie. And of course, after that's been settled, they take care of the rest and make up Richie's response to it. Can't you see it?

WillRunForChocolate 05-23-2013 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Esther (Post 1132372)
Well if it's not a true statement from Richie, now would be the time for him to make a real statement. Not via twitter either, but this is just my opinion.

Yes. No more vague "I'm effing fine - don't worry" tweets. I don't care if his personal issues are a stupid clothing line or he is drinking again - whatever it is CAN remain his personal business. I respect that. But, in turn, please respect the fans enough to state his intentions. We want to know if he plans to return to Bon Jovi.

jovigirlCT 05-23-2013 01:33 AM

Have been following this thread and have enjoyed a lot of the beginning theories as to why Richie left the tour. I'm not sure I totally believe the interview that Richie supposedly gave. In listening to the interview that Jon gave, he never said that Richie was drinking again, he just said they have been through this before - I took that to mean being on tour with Richie leaving in the middle. I can understand the frustration that Jon and the others must feel since they are having to answer the same questions over and over. If Richis did indeed leave to concentrate on a clothing line, Jon must be extremely frustrated about that and has done everything up to this point not to say anything. After awhile, plus with all the negativity pointed at him, I think Jon has finally reached his boiling point. Who can blame him, the band is out there at every concert giving their all and Richie may be at home working an a clothing line. Hopefully there is still another personal reason beyond that. I will continue to support the band and hope that Richie gets it together and comes back.

Jonty 05-23-2013 01:33 AM

he has been out and about with Ava so why not with his clothing line.

Big fall out with Jon and Richie, Clothing line is a 'personal issue' and Richie is just getting on with life rather than moping around waiting for Jon to call. Jon wont because of his ego and Bonjovi cant say anything as it will kill the tour and band. Richie wont say anything as he still wants to be in the band and so we have gone through this whole 'Personal Issue' saga.

Crushgen24/88 05-23-2013 01:34 AM

This whole mess has officially jumped the shark.

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