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MrNickel 04-23-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1123996)
If Richie will be absent from the European tour I wonder what Jon's going to do. When the problem first occured I thought someone mentioned Phil X would be available for, at maximum, 70 days until he's scheduled to play with his own band again. The European leg would last longer than that...will he go out and hire another one to play their songs?

They'll probably just leave out the guitar sections, who'd notice ? :confused:

schlochty 04-23-2013 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1123996)
If Richie will be absent from the European tour I wonder what Jon's going to do. When the problem first occured I thought someone mentioned Phil X would be available for, at maximum, 70 days until he's scheduled to play with his own band again. The European leg would last longer than that...will he go out and hire another one to play their songs?

Not really an issue for me. I won't be seeing my favorite band this summer in case Richie can't make it. Quite happy I have not yet bought a ticket.

Butters 04-23-2013 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by schlochty (Post 1124002)
Not really an issue for me. I won't be seeing my favorite band this summer in case Richie can't make it. Quite happy I have not yet bought a ticket.

I gotta say, at this stage I feel the same way. I have a ticket for Slane but simply can't see myself going if Richie isn't there.

Becky 04-23-2013 12:42 AM

I would imagine Phil would cancel his scheduled dates to stick with the Bon Jovi tour. I'd say that's a once in a lifetime opportunity, but in his case, apparently it's at least twice in a lifetime.

If Jon said anything about Richie during the Ellen taping, I wonder if it will leak before the show airs.

DevilsSon 04-23-2013 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Butters (Post 1124005)
I gotta say, at this stage I feel the same way. I have a ticket for Slane but simply can't see myself going if Richie isn't there.

That's really interesting. I'm a massive Richie fan - loved his solo show and I think he's an incredible performer. But I'm SOOOOOO bored with Bon Jovi that the only reason I'd go to see them would be Phil X. I don't have a ticket, but will get at least one if Richie doesn't come back :D

The Rock 04-23-2013 12:01 PM

Jon on Ellen talking about Richie.

kleman 04-23-2013 12:02 PM

Ellen Show:

Question about Richie:

JBJ :well...all I can say honest to God is that it's a personal matter...but we love him very much...and he's absolutely still a member of the band...
ELLEN :- he's still your guitar player? -
JBJ: Absolutely! :D

Crushgen24/88 04-23-2013 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1124034)
Jon on Ellen talking about Richie.

A nice clear concise statement, almost a month late.

Beaky 04-23-2013 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1124036)
Ellen Show:

Question about Richie:

JBJ :well...all I can say honest to God is that it's a personal matter...but we love him very much...and he's absolutely still a member of the band...
ELLEN :- he's still your guitar player? -
JBJ: Absolutely! :D

According to Jon, Alec is still the bass player too...

This is either a HUGE case of Jon being the most supportive guy ever, or Richie being the biggest douche in the world and throwing his toys out of the pram and letting fans down.

Either way, they really aren't doing themselves any favours. All publicity is NOT good publicity.

fairtex444 04-23-2013 12:28 PM

It's a personal matter...between Jon and Richie XD

DevilsSon 04-23-2013 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1124036)
Ellen Show:

Question about Richie:

JBJ :well...all I can say honest to God is that it's a personal matter...but we love him very much...and he's absolutely still a member of the band...
ELLEN :- he's still your guitar player? -
JBJ: Absolutely! :D

Funny how Jon's language changes ...from 'I wrote the album, I sing the songs, I play this I do that' to WE love him very much...

Not sure what it all means but would love to finally have an answer to the whole story. I remember danfan pointing out how bad Richie looked during a couple of shows, and how he seemed to have 'raided his grandma's closet' or something like that...I am sure it's somewhere related. Richie didn't look into it at all for long time....even if he's playing was all right. Remember, even during the 12/12/12 gig we were saying how Richie's mind seemed to be elsewhere....finally time to uncover the mystery!

aljo 04-23-2013 01:30 PM

I am assuming Richie did not resurface yesterday to pick a winner in his cover contest. any word on that?

IML88 04-23-2013 01:43 PM

That response means nothing. The bloke is so well media trained its almost robotic.

RonJovi 04-23-2013 01:47 PM

Well we all said that we would just like a statement confirming it's personal issues if it's personal issues.

Jon's been pretty definitive with that. Fair play to him for sticking by Richie and taking the hits he has taken. He's shown a lot of loyalty and this is maybe why he seems to get it back. I take my hat off to him.

So we should leave it at that. Richie will be back when Richie is back. There isn't a problem with the band and we don't need to know anymore.

crashed 04-23-2013 02:48 PM

I have flights and a hotel booked. I'll still be going to Slane and to Hampden.

MellyMel 04-23-2013 03:22 PM

I just want to say that it's nice to come here and be able to debate the Richie issue. I'm a backstage member (please don't hate!) And over there it's the message board police. We keep getting scolded by some for discussing it. Apparently they think since it's a personal issue, we shouldn't discuss it. :\

Waage 04-23-2013 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by MellyMel (Post 1124053)
I just want to say that it's nice to come here and be able to debate the Richie issue. I'm a backstage member (please don't hate!) And over there it's the message board police. We keep getting scolded by some for discussing it. Apparently they think since it's a personal issue, we shouldn't discuss it. :\

WHAT? Have they deleted the discussion?:confused:

ezearis 04-23-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by MellyMel (Post 1124053)
I just want to say that it's nice to come here and be able to debate the Richie issue. I'm a backstage member (please don't hate!) And over there it's the message board police. We keep getting scolded by some for discussing it. Apparently they think since it's a personal issue, we shouldn't discuss it. :\

That's retarded. Every time I read about what happens in the backstage I have less and less interest on buying a subscription. People should be able to talk about whatever they want.

LeaJovi 04-23-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1124049)
Well we all said that we would just like a statement confirming it's personal issues if it's personal issues.

Jon's been pretty definitive with that. Fair play to him for sticking by Richie and taking the hits he has taken. He's shown a lot of loyalty and this is maybe why he seems to get it back. I take my hat off to him.

So we should leave it at that. Richie will be back when Richie is back. There isn't a problem with the band and we don't need to know anymore.

What a boring attitude.

It's obviously something money-related between Jon and Richie, speculating is way more fun.

RonJovi 04-23-2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1124056)
What a boring attitude.

It's obviously something money-related between Jon and Richie, speculating is way more fun.

You're 100% right. The speculation is fun. Let's start some more rumours. :-)

ezearis 04-23-2013 04:06 PM

Can't believe people already forgot about him.

JoviJovi 04-23-2013 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Waage (Post 1124054)
WHAT? Have they deleted the discussion?:confused:

No, the fascist grandmothers have put their feet down and declared that it is not appropriate to discuss this topic.

Waage 04-23-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1124066)
No, the fascist grandmothers have put their feet down and declared that it is not appropriate to discuss this topic.

OMG!:( Glad to have a forum like this!:multi::multi:

Kathleen 04-23-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1124045)
I am assuming Richie did not resurface yesterday to pick a winner in his cover contest. any word on that?

I forgot all about that :( Considering the work that some people put in recording a cover song - that sucks.

Richie is letting a lot of people down.

Living_on_my_Hair 04-23-2013 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1124068)
I forgot all about that :( Considering the work that some people put in recording a cover song - that sucks.

Richie is letting a lot of people down.

If Richie doesn't address all the effort that his fans have put into their videos then that's really a bit shitty from someone like him. Especially as without these diehard fans his solo tour would have been even more of an embarrassment or even a non event in the first place.

Hell, if he is still busy with his ''personal issues'' surely he can get someone else he knows to at least keep his fans up to date a bit more.


LeaJovi 04-23-2013 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1124068)
Richie is letting a lot of people down.

He's not letting me down, at least until I know what was going on. Then we will see.

I think people believe that he screwed on the fans and stuff but I don't believe that they really think of the fans that much. I don't even believe that the fans could influence even 5% of the decision to keep touring with BJ or not, regardless of the "personal issue" that he could've had.

The band's decisions are based on the money, the PR and their personal issues. If it was "for the fans" we would have much better sets, performances and at least some kind of hint of a reason why Richie ain't playing.

MellyMel 04-23-2013 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1124066)
No, the fascist grandmothers have put their feet down and declared that it is not appropriate to discuss this topic.

Right, the thread hasn't been deleted, but its like this.

faith1985 04-23-2013 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1124042)
Funny how Jon's language changes ...from 'I wrote the album, I sing the songs, I play this I do that' to WE love him very much...

Not sure what it all means

It means he has a split personality:shock: ;-), I am sure of that!

Mysterytrain 04-23-2013 05:43 PM

For what it's worth, re: the Ellen Show segment, someone on the Topix forums wrote:

Alec is still a member too. Jons body language shows he is lying.

jon has pretty much given the story on Richie and people who weren't around in 1995 won't see the writing on the wall but some of us do. The language jon is using is the same, the removal of richie from banners outside the venue (NOT the t-shirts before anyone shouts at me) has all been done before with Alec. Richie is gone and won't be back any time soon. Bon Jovi is now a 3 man band.

faith1985 04-23-2013 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124040)
According to Jon, Alec is still the bass player too...

This is either a HUGE case of Jon being the most supportive guy ever, or Richie being the biggest douche in the world and throwing his toys out of the pram and letting fans down.

Either way, they really aren't doing themselves any favours. All publicity is NOT good publicity.

Maybe it is a very important personal matter that is more important than his JOB. Either way, discussing and speculating doesn't help.

Roll 04-23-2013 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1124083)
For what it's worth, re: the Ellen Show segment, someone on the Topix forums wrote:

Alec is still a member too. Jons body language shows he is lying.

This is where I stopped reading...

Sambo-Chris 04-23-2013 05:56 PM

I'm still sure that if Richie quit/got fired both of them would professionalls enough to end the tour until July until they split.

Did Alec got fired during a running tour? I don't think so.

efiste2 04-23-2013 06:15 PM

I think you all have missed a point, We all agree that Richie is an essential cog in the huge machine that is BON JOVI. Jon is not stupid, from both a "musical" point of veiw and probably more important to Jon, a "Financial" point of view, he knows full well that sacking Richie would be a bad move and as has been proven on here, it would go down with the fans about as well TLFR did!!!! Im still maintaining that its a personal issue with either himself or a member if his family....All we can do is hope that whatever it is gets sorted ASAP but I do think a breif explanation of what is going on would be the decent thing to do from Richie.

Beaky 04-23-2013 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1124084)
Maybe it is a very important personal matter that is more important than his JOB. Either way, discussing and speculating doesn't help.

Seriously?!?! Everything I've put on this thread... and you come after me for THAT!?!

You're addressing the architect of 'Sambongo', the man behind 'touch the winky,' and you wait until I am actually being serious to lecture me on speculating?!

We've done the whole 'you should/shouldn't speculate' thing about 900 pages ago, my friend; we're speculating... we've got nothing else... live with it.

Lyn Wo 04-23-2013 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1124066)
No, the fascist grandmothers have put their feet down and declared that it is not appropriate to discuss this topic.

Love this!!!

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 04-23-2013 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124092)

You're addressing the architect of 'Sambongo', the man behind 'touch the winky,'

Another reason why this board is superior to backstage. Lol.

Beaky 04-23-2013 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1124115)
Another reason why this board is superior to backstage. Lol.

Ha! I wonder how our theories would go down over there...

If 'touch the winky' turns out to be true, you'll all be very sorry...

faith1985 04-23-2013 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124092)
Seriously?!?! Everything I've put on this thread... and you come after me for THAT!?!

You're addressing the architect of 'Sambongo', the man behind 'touch the winky,' and you wait until I am actually being serious to lecture me on speculating?!

We've done the whole 'you should/shouldn't speculate' thing about 900 pages ago, my friend; we're speculating... we've got nothing else... live with it.

Sorry, I haven't read your other "ideas" :D. But it sounds interesting indeed, I should go back and read them (and get drunk before that).

DestinationJovi 04-23-2013 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124040)
According to Jon, Alec is still the bass player too...

Not true. Jon has said numerous times that he fired Alec. He's said Alec will never be officially replaced, but he definitely does not say Alec is still the bass player. :rolleyes:

nikos greece 04-23-2013 10:49 PM

it looks like richie is in rehab again...thats to me is the most logical explanation...if its true then jon stood up and took many hits for richie this time...this leg is close to the end and the south african-european shows will prove if richie will be back...
this tour started really poor, one bad luck after another, but if they remain together and richie comes back strong, then maybe they make up for the mediocre begining...

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