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TheseDaysEra 05-23-2013 04:28 AM

sorry, it has. but hey, can't blame a guy for not wanting to read 430 pages. anyways, they're doing what they've never done before and sworn never to do: doing their laundry in public.
I don't mean to sound dramatic, but either they get their shit together or the end is nigh. or is it ? I can see Jon carrying on as Bon Jovi. if this is all sambora's fault, then one can't blame Jon for doing so. He wasn't the one who fired Richie was he ? Allegedly he wasn't.
On the other hand... Bon Jovi without Richie Sambora isn't BON JOVI, the band. period.

MrNickel 05-23-2013 04:33 AM

'My opinion is Jon wants to see if he can pull off stadiums by himself. He is making it very difficult for me to come back.'

That sentence is the one I can't quite understand. Its like he's saying Jon put him off the tour to do it by himself, when we were led to believe it was Richie that bailed.

Slakk 05-23-2013 04:34 AM

The problem is that Richie chose to bail in the middle of the tour. He may have legitimate reasons had they happened at another time. They had contracts and concerts and people relying on them and he NO SHOWED and left everyone else to carry his weight.

If he has the time to work on his fashion line then he can get on a plane and finish his obligations to the band that made him what he is. He is losing any good will he had.

RSROCKS 05-23-2013 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1132478)
'My opinion is Jon wants to see if he can pull off stadiums by himself. He is making it very difficult for me to come back.'

That sentence is the one I can't quite understand. Its like he's saying Jon put him off the tour to do it by himself, when we were led to believe it was Richie that bailed.

If indeed Richie said this, I don't think he means that Jon kicked him off the tour to see if he can do it himself but more Jon is in no hurry to settle the issue and bring him back into the fold because he believe he can do it as a solo act or Richie is replaceable. Thanks to Jon, we at least know he believes the latter. Whatever happened it's clear Jon expected him to show up and he never did even if they had "a row".

JoviJovi 05-23-2013 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1132478)
'My opinion is Jon wants to see if he can pull off stadiums by himself. He is making it very difficult for me to come back.'

That sentence is the one I can't quite understand. Its like he's saying Jon put him off the tour to do it by himself, when we were led to believe it was Richie that bailed.

I think he means Jon is carrying on without him and even adding more dates trying prove Richie is replaceable.the thing is that most of these shows were sold with the band intact. If Richie was gone from the start I think things would be a lot different.

GabrielC 05-23-2013 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132438)
I'm torn here. I want Bon Jovi. As in all of them. But I sure as hell don't want an act either. I guess I just really want the happy ending... you know, when the orchestra plays and Richie comes back to them? F**k. I'm way too emotional and stuff for this shit to be happening.

No, Jessy, this is Real Life.

Tooka 05-23-2013 06:00 AM

Someone's at work, someone isn't. That's the reality. The tour is on, it's still selling well & refunds have been very minimal, band still sounds great. Anyone who knows anything about Jon knows that he will not stop until he proves he is right. That's why these comments, if indeed were made by Richie, don't make sense to me. The way i see it, based on these comments, Richie can't see this thing straight. What did he expect? that the tour would fail and then someone would finally "appreciate" him and beg him to be back? I don't understand. Jon is clearly escalating because he feels he is carrying this tour on his shoulders, and because he feels that it is working... and sadly in my opinion, he doesn't give a flying monkey's butt whether Richie is coming back or not.
Richie needs to get his s*** together before the train leaves the station for good, he's the one at loss here, and of course us!

LeaJovi 05-23-2013 06:07 AM

It's obviously a fallout between Jon and Richie.
Richie wanted X, Jon gave him Y and told him to take it or leave it.
Richie played hardball and said **** it in the middle of the tour.
They call it "personal business".
Time passes, they start letting some passive aggressive lines slip on interviews (like The Edge).

When the tour ends, 2 outcomes:

Richie still wants X so Jon says **** you I can sell out the desert alone and phil X plays better.

Richie takes Y (which is probably Z by now) and he's back with a frowny face.

The 3rd outcome would be hiring Phil and firing Richie for good no matter what he says. But I don't think it's gonna happen.

LeaJovi 05-23-2013 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Tooka (Post 1132497)
Someone's at work, someone isn't. That's the reality. The tour is on, it's still selling well & refunds have been very minimal, band still sounds great. Anyone who knows anything about Jon knows that he will not stop until he proves he is right. That's why these comments, if indeed were made by Richie, don't make sense to me. The way i see it, based on these comments, Richie can't see this thing straight. What did he expect? that the tour would fail and then someone would finally "appreciate" him and beg him to be back? I don't understand. Jon is clearly escalating because he feels he is carrying this tour on his shoulders, and because he feels that it is working... and sadly in my opinion, he doesn't give a flying monkey's butt whether Richie is coming back or not.
Richie needs to get his s*** together before the train leaves the station for good, he's the one at loss here, and of course us!

Wow I didn't even read this and I practically said the same thing.

DestinationJovi 05-23-2013 06:32 AM

@robfuz: Do me a favor, if you don't like what I have to post or say please don't follow me or like my Facebook page. I did some house cleaning 2day

@robfuz: @blazeofglory2 - I welcomed back a friend who was on vacation for 3 weeks Not Richie -People come on! It was NOTHING, Move on, Get Over it!

Then he shouldn't have 'liked' the comment asking it if he was referring to Richie. He should've said right then this is about a non Bon Jovi related friend retuning from vacation. Why string people along for 12hrs other than just to wind people up. :rolleyes:

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