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SuperBrad 05-23-2013 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132523)
Does Sambora really think that people will buy his clothes? I reckon the same amount as people who bought his album..... 6!

I dont think he really gives a **** who buys his clothes or his album ... He has made his millions and prob just wants to relax and be his own boss

The Rock 05-23-2013 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1132517)
This band is done. There is no coming back from this. They have ALL handled this terribly. They are ALL to blame for turning this situation into the mess that it is. The damage is done. Time for everyone to face it.

Unfortunately, I think that's the case too. Who knows what the future holds but as of this tour, I think its over. Even if Richie DID come back, the feel is gone. To have them hold their guitars up in the air after Wanted? After all that has happened? It won't be the same. Maybe after a break from the band, solo records, who knows what might happen but they are getting older and as of now, this tour will continue until its finished but without Sambora.

The Rock 05-23-2013 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1132504)
@robfuz: Do me a favor, if you don't like what I have to post or say please don't follow me or like my Facebook page. I did some house cleaning 2day

@robfuz: @blazeofglory2 - I welcomed back a friend who was on vacation for 3 weeks Not Richie -People come on! It was NOTHING, Move on, Get Over it!

Then he shouldn't have 'liked' the comment asking it if he was referring to Richie. He should've said right then this is about a non Bon Jovi related friend retuning from vacation. Why string people along for 12hrs other than just to wind people up. :rolleyes:

The guy ****ed up and he knows he did and so its the old, if you don't like what I say, I'm going to clean my list routine. As soon as someone mentioned Richie, he should have said, no nothing to do with him. If he hadn't checked his page, that's different but the guy liked the comment and even quoted the words to the stupid theme. He knew and wanted to see how far, it would go.

The Rock 05-23-2013 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1132511)
I know that Jon is the founder, lead singer and CEO of Bon Jovi but I am beginning to think the only way this will be resolved is for Dave, Tico, JBJ Management, Promoters and the record company to tell Jon in no uncertain terms to "fix this and fix this now."

I see your point completely and agree but just maybe they don't see Jon in the wrong. Maybe, everyone made a commitment to the band, to the tour and think that Richie has ****ed up with what he did. Last time the guys (David, Tico) were behind Jon and again, they are with him still touring.

Chris_Newton 05-23-2013 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1132524)
Jon will continue as a solo act, but as a band they're done. Jon is just as guilty of letting fans down as Richie is. Jon could be the bigger person and reach out to Richie for the sake of the band. He isn't. And he could refuse to answer questions about Richie. He isn't, instead he is stirring the pot. He is acting just as childish and stubborn as Richie. Feuds are a two-way street. They are both to blame for this.

So Jon cant win then?

If he refuses to answer questions about Richie then he is at fault, if he answers questions about Richie then he is also at fault?

I dont get the quote from Richie (if its true) about Jon wanting to see if he can fill stadiums alone, this stinks on 2 levels.

Firstly if he did say this then he is undermining Tico and David's role in the band and saying its just him and Jon.

Secondly it was Richie that did not show up, so if Jon is trying to see if they can do it without him then its only because Richie left him no choice.

Some how i can see this article being real.........

SadieLady 05-23-2013 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1132530)
I see your point completely and agree but just maybe they don't see Jon in the wrong. Maybe, everyone made a commitment to the band, to the tour and think that Richie has ****ed up with what he did. Last time the guys (David, Tico) were behind Jon and again, they are with him still touring.

I don't think it matters at this point if they think Jon is right...the problem is that they have lost some fans over this and it can start snowballing in that direction real quick. They have three big festivals coming up and comments indicate that ticket sales aren't strong. All it will take is one big fiasco of a low turnout that can't be covered up and the wheels are off the tour. They still haven't announced the expected fall leg of the North American tour--are those dates contracted with promoters or are the promoters holding off? I am sure that someone within the Bon Jovi organization monitor sites like these for public opinion--it stopped being fun and games 100 pages ago and now posters are increasingly mad and frustrated. I was willing to go to one concert without Richie (I had no choice) but I definitely wouldn't bother to go to another. Bad press might also generate more requests for refunds.

steel_horse75 05-23-2013 09:17 AM

With so much bullshit about and now this article now is the time for Richie to speak.
But he wont. If he wanted out then he should have quit before the tour.
At the moment Richie is ****ing with us and taking the piss.

I cant see how JBJ gets any flack here? He has said everything he can and he has played the shows with more energy than before.

Its up to Richie now.

Also did anyone else notice a line in the Mail where Richie says "Jon wants to see if he can fill the stadiums on his own"

Maybe Richie is gutted that he can fill stadiums as Bon Jovi but not as Richie Sambora. He couldnt even fill out my front room as a solo artist.

Whatever the issue he needs to speak and until he does he is a total wank stain.

rainsong 05-23-2013 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1132524)
Jon will continue as a solo act, but as a band they're done. Jon is just as guilty of letting fans down as Richie is. Jon could be the bigger person and reach out to Richie for the sake of the band. He isn't. And he could refuse to answer questions about Richie. He isn't, instead he is stirring the pot. He is acting just as childish and stubborn as Richie. Feuds are a two-way street. They are both to blame for this.

How is jon guilty in this?? Up until the afternoon of the Calgary show, everyone in the band, including Richie himself by his own tweet expected Richie to be on stage in Calgary.
For the 10 days prior to Calgary, both Richie and Jon were on vacations with their families, so they hadn't been together so when did they have a fight???

Jon is a planner, and if he thought for one second on the prior leg of the tour that Richie was having drinking or drug issues, or if there was a simmering dispute going on between them, then when that plane left NJ the night before Calgary Phil would have already been on it, not scrambling to get to Calgary on show night.

Jon tried the refusal thing in the beginning of all this with the "it's a personal matter" and yet everyone kept asking him and asking him. The man can't win. If he says nothing he's an arrogant asshole, and if he tries to say hey he didn't come you have to ask him he's a dick not respecting Richies privacy.

BonJovi100 05-23-2013 09:30 AM

If Personal Issues/Matters means that Richie needs time to work with Nikki Laud for their project.. that Richie can kiss my ass.

I know that he has money, sun in LA, fans which always will tell him that he is hero so he CAN say hm today I wanna sleep more so I won't go to show with band but he can do because people like me pay for his CD, concerts, dvds ecc.

And now he show me "f**k you"? Now? On tour? "I don't love you like I loved you yesterday mr.Sambora!".. It just not fair.

Beaky 05-23-2013 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132534)
With so much bullshit about and now this article now is the time for Richie to speak.
But he wont. If he wanted out then he should have quit before the tour.
At the moment Richie is ****ing with us and taking the piss.

I cant see how JBJ gets any flack here? He has said everything he can and he has played the shows with more energy than before.

Its up to Richie now.

Also did anyone else notice a line in the Mail where Richie says "Jon wants to see if he can fill the stadiums on his own"

Maybe Richie is gutted that he can fill stadiums as Bon Jovi but not as Richie Sambora. He couldnt even fill out my front room as a solo artist.

Whatever the issue he needs to speak and until he does he is a total wank stain.

I don't think he did want to quite before the tour. I think he went on tour and he didn't like what he found. I've explained what I think this is about and that still stands.

I hope they ALL f*ck off for five years and then get back together and do something decent for a change. The best thing about Bon Jovi right now, including the album, the shows, the band... is a stage. A big car.

That speaks volumes.

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