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Jonty 05-23-2013 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Irakli (Post 1132590)
I've watched tons of videos and was at the San Jose show. This tour is a good Jon Bon Jovi solo tour, if even. I would have preferred if they did a song or two from one of his solo albums (blaze does not count). That would at least make the shows somewhat more interesting. However, in reality, as people have pointed out, 95% of the audience does not care/notice nor do they want to hear anything but the hits. The stuff from WAN, except for maybe water, sounds weak. I mean come on, Amen?, that's just a Hallelejuah wannabe. At least play the fighter, these two hands, or what's left of me. I think they played what's left of me just a handful of times although, in my opinion, it's probably the strongest songs on the new album.

Glad to see they have someone competent like Phil X filling in. Anymore repeats of puerto rico or calgary would be a disaster.

I must admit, the band has been pretty boring in the last few years and this Richie thing has made things interesting. I hope Richie comes back soon. If not, the band should go on a hiatus.

I would love to hear more Richie solo stuff and even more Jon solo stuff. We don't need another WAN/Circle :shock:

The perfect wind up by Jon would be to play a few Richie solo songs in teh shows from now on!! Go for the full monty fall out!!

jessycardy 05-23-2013 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1132455)
Obviously, all of this is conjecture. The reason for Richie leaving the tour could yet be something that we haven’t even considered, despite our collective attempts to investigate, speculate, research, crystal-ball, or supernaturally divine. But I refuse to throw all the respect I’ve had for Richie (or Jon) to the wind.

Yet, Jon is a manipulative bitch who couldn't care less if Richie's there or not, whose mind is not affected a bit by the fact he has to carry on this tour without a vital band member and best friend while answering the same questions by the press. And who actually PLANNED the damn drama beforehand and the only thing that bothers him is the fact that it all didn't go as planned. Is that correct? Honestly, I'm tired of this stupid theory that Richie's the sensitive caring in-love-with-music one and Jon's the arrogant selfish ass who's all about money. Seriously, people. They're both great human beings and they both have their wonderful qualities and dark sides as well.

About this:

I personally think Jon has been goading him since April 2, beginning with the Calgary stage and the (deliberate, I believe) statement of Jon's, "I'm sorry he's not here for you" (IBTFY, anyone?) and that there was a veiled threat in his comment that, "Sambora's not going to be performing anywhere for a long time."
Jon's been quiet as the grave ALL ALONG till the two infamous UK interviews of just a few days ago. And he did NOT say: "Sambora's not going to be performing anywhere for a long time" in Calgary.
He said he wouldn't be performing for a while, period.

steel_horse75 05-23-2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Savvi (Post 1132586)
It gets to a point where there is nothing left to say. We are all just rambling now.

So true.

Now reading bollocks like Tico didnt play on the album, Daves hair is really a dead poodle et etc

Its all just shit.

Until Richie speaks whats the point of adding more petrol to the fire.

steel_horse75 05-23-2013 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1132577)
He believed that love would win the battle, but won the hatred.

About Tico. He not participate in the last Album, John Shanks fill his parts. Tico did not want to join as soon in the record WAN. Now he only thinks about retirement.

That sir is wrong.
He wasnt ready and didnt want to make a record and tour so early but he eventually did.

afk 05-23-2013 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132602)

"Daves hair is really a dead poodle"

That made me LOL

ticos_stick 05-23-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132545)
Agreed, I think many people on here are vastly over exaggerating Richie's draw to the band.
Yes he has fans, but for one to not attend a Bon Jovi show purely because of his absence you're talking only the real diehards here


I'm not a die hard and neither are the five or so people I would have went to the shows with but none of us want to go without Richie being there. I didn't go to Richie's solo shows either so it's not like I'm some kind of fan boy. Bon Jovi work because of Jon & Richie's chemistry and combined sound. Without Richie it just doesn't work. It has nothing to do with levels of dedication to the band.

WillRunForChocolate 05-23-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132602)
So true.

Now reading bollocks like Tico didnt play on the album, Daves hair is really a dead poodle et etc

Its all just shit.

Until Richie speaks whats the point of adding more petrol to the fire.

I understand that none of us have anything of substance to add, other than our feelings and opinions and theories. However, it's good (for me anyway) to have this thread as an outlet. Obviously we all care about the outcome and are concerned or upset on some level. But my friends and family and co-workers could give jacksh*t about the Richie drama. If I brought it up more than once they'd think I'm nuts. So it's nice to be among like-minded people to discuss and commiserate. :)

CharlieShipley 05-23-2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132602)
So true.

Now reading bollocks like Tico didnt play on the album, Daves hair is really a dead poodle et etc

Its all just shit.

Until Richie speaks whats the point of adding more petrol to the fire.

What if David's dead poodle another of Richie's dogs that Jon had "put down?!?"

samboraisgodUK 05-23-2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1132610)
I'm not a die hard and neither are the five or so people I would have went to the shows with but none of us want to go without Richie being there. I didn't go to Richie's solo shows either so it's not like I'm some kind of fan boy. Bon Jovi work because of Jon & Richie's chemistry and combined sound. Without Richie it just doesn't work. It has nothing to do with levels of dedication to the band.

Agreed. Whilst I did go to Richie's solo show in London and I am a big fan of him, the first people who said they didn't want to go to the shows without Richie were my family that I'm going with, not me.

ticos_stick 05-23-2013 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132604)
That sir is wrong.
He wasnt ready and didnt want to make a record and tour so early but he eventually did.

Yeah, he recorded his parts but Jon got another drummer in to demo the new songs while Tico was golfing and painting. So Tico had little say in the drum arrangments. He just came in and played off a sheet for the recording process. I'm assuming Richie did the same judging by the uninspired guitar work on the album.

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