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MrNickel 05-24-2013 12:26 AM

Jon will definitely do another band album before calling it quits.

WillRunForChocolate 05-24-2013 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1132916)
For the record, I didn't say Richie was definitively a twat, I said he was coming across like one.

See how easy it was to clarify your misconstrued message on social media?? Richie needs to take a lesson from you :)

Neurotica80 05-24-2013 12:32 AM

How about Richie combining his experience in music and fashion? Americans next top Rockstar model guitarist?

crashed 05-24-2013 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132932)
Yes.. ''wives'' ....

It's all coming out now.

Well, you gotta have options. :p

Becky 05-24-2013 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by WillRunForChocolate (Post 1132934)
See how easy it was to clarify your misconstrued message on social media?? Richie needs to take a lesson from you :)

One of the problems is he's using Twitter and can only write short messages.

bonjovi821 05-24-2013 12:44 AM

What a shitty, shitty situation. I remember when I met Richie last November and posted the story here, everyone was talking about how Richie was such a "true professional" and a "class act" and all was seemingly good. And it was good, he was so genuinely nice and it was an absolutely fantastic day. I'd go as far to say it's almost embarrassing at this point in the game.

Esther 05-24-2013 01:02 AM

I vote for this young lady for guitarist. It would make things interesting. Yes I know there are probably others that can do this just as good or better, but to be 14/15 I think it's pretty awesome. (p.s. I don't want Richie gone)


TheseDaysEra 05-24-2013 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1132822)
Dude. That news is like 7 pages old. :p

again, don't mean to sound arrogant, but I can't be arsed scavenging for news on this thread.

rolo_tomachi 05-24-2013 01:30 AM

They are like children.


RonJovi 05-24-2013 02:03 AM

Christ this really has escalated quickly. Meh, I'm fed up of Richie at this stage, couldn't care less if he disappeared.

As for Jon, he should just tell Richie "say something soon or I will. This is damaging us all".

Time to call it quits boys. There is still time to wipe that stink of shit off of your legacy. Leave it much longer and you won't have the option.

Very ****ing sad.

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