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Lisa71 04-04-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119802)
No doubt, things come up, but if that's the case, just say so. All this speculation is being brought up because they're being so secretive about it. It's no one's business what the reasons are for Richie, but at least give an indication that he'll be back at some point. They're being way too vague about the whole thing. But who knows? That could be the point. Get their name in the news, stir up more record sales.

Could it be that Richie doesn't want them to say anything? It's personal. They keep on saying it's personal. Someone mention ex-wife. It's got nothing to do with the music or his public life.

Richie said see ya very soon. Jon said on stage, he will be back. Maybe Jon is not sure himself when he will be back and so can't say. Maybe no one knows what is going on until it gets sorted out. I think they are saying what they know. Not what we want to hear.

danfan 04-04-2013 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Captmorgs (Post 1119807)
Why, because American fans are more loyal, and will support the band even without Richie?

LOL - Awesome!!!

danfan 04-04-2013 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1119808)
Could it be that Richie doesn't want them to say anything? It's personal. They keep on saying it's personal. Someone mention ex-wife. It's got nothing to do with the music or his public life.

Richie said see ya very soon. Jon said on stage, he will be back. Maybe Jon is not sure himself when he will be back and so can't say. Maybe no one knows what is going on until it gets sorted out. I think they are saying what they know. Not what we want to hear.

Richie doesn't want anyone to know when he'll be back? Why?

Like I said, whatever the reason, it's his business, I could care less. I just want to know if and when he plans on returning.

BTW, that Wanted solo by Phil was awesome!

The Rock 04-04-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Captmorgs (Post 1119807)
Why, because American fans are more loyal, and will support the band even without Richie?

Because American fans are more into Jon, then the band. Now I am not talking about the die-hards or us on this message board but in general, the band is really all Jon in America and the fans go and see him. I bet, if you aren't following the news, no one would have known that Richie wasn't there but just the die-hards.

Europe, the band is the band. Richie has a huge following in Europe. His solo shows were sold out in Europe. The audience is more band orientated and not this is Jon's band. Jon knows it, that is why Richie was there last time and that is why they are working their damnest to make sure he is there this time.

Supersonic 04-04-2013 09:39 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Captmorgs (Post 1119807)
Why, because American fans are more loyal, and will support the band even without Richie?

No, because Americans only know Richie from his failed marriage with Heather Locklear and his substance abuse. There's a few die hards here and there but most American fans go see Bon Jovi for Jon where most European fans go see Bon Jovi to see Bon Jovi. If it really was loyalty then where were all those loyal fans when Richie tried touring his record over there? He tours Amsterdam and plays 2 gigs there to do overwhelming demand. He plays New York and has to cancel his show due to low demand. But yeah, it's loyalty.

Aaaaand we're back to slamming America. You yanks make it so easy. :(


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119811)
BTW, that Wanted solo by Phil was awesome!

Yeah, awesome, all the **** ups. But an American wouldn't hear this because he's too busy being loyal to the band.

Salaam Aleikum,

danfan 04-04-2013 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1119813)
Aloha !

No, because Americans only know Richie from his failed marriage with Heather Locklear and his substance abuse. There's a few die hards here and there but most American fans go see Bon Jovi for Jon where most European fans go see Bon Jovi to see Bon Jovi.

Aaaaand we're back to slamming America.

Salaam Aleikum,

So Europeans won't go to the shows if Richie isn't there?

Lisa71 04-04-2013 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119811)
Richie doesn't want anyone to know when he'll be back? Why?!

The time frame seems to be this leg of the tour, maybe there's your answer. It just happened two days ago, Richie probably doesn't know himself when he will be back. They can't give a date if they don't know.

Just to add.

Jon's the boss, the CEO (which by the way, I think people take that comment from WWWB far too seriously but that's a whole other story!) The band knows their place, they know the deal. Yet they come back on every tour and do it again. If everyone hated it so much, why do they return? We can't make it black and white, cut and dry. He can't be as bad as everyone wants to make Jon out to be, if everyone keeps on coming back. I am talking about band, road crew, management team, hell even David Bergman returns! I know, I know money, money, money but it can't just be all about money. It's not like they are struggling and have to work at a shit job or they won't be able to pay their bills? So what makes them come back if Jon is the asshole everyone likes to proclaim him to be.

rightsideofwrong 04-04-2013 09:43 PM

^^ but that's where the european fans are wrong. Always thinking you're better more dedicated and just all around "better" fans. The show I went to in Milwaukee with Phil x all you heard anyone talk about was about richie. It's 100% okay to come down from the pedistal you place the European fan base on because its highly obnoxious. The whole no richie act does not blow over well here better than anywhere else.

LeaJovi 04-04-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119814)
So Europeans won't go to the shows if Richie isn't there?

That's an extremist position to take. They might be disappointed but that's just taking it too far.

samboraisgodUK 04-04-2013 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119811)
BTW, that Wanted solo by Phil was awesome!

Are you kidding? It was shite. Not a patch on when Richie plays it.

I don't think Phil X is better than Richie at all, someone earlier said he could "play circles around Richie". I've seen no proof of that anywhere. From a completely objective standpoint, I much prefer Richie's guitar playing.

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