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DestinationJovi 05-25-2013 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1133403)
This was the article..part BUT...
SPIEGEL: "Your acting career once was pegged as promising. That's over, right?"

Bon Jovi: "I just wanted to answer with 'yes', when I remembered: No,
just now it's continuing. Fox has called me and asked, if I would want
to play or better dub myself in a new show. I have said yes and five
episodes are already finished: "Murder Police". So my acting career is
starting to move forward again."

I did a google search and pulled this up so looks like an animated thing and Jon will play himself?

LOL, he's not listed though yet.


Seriously?? :shock:

Jonty 05-25-2013 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1133364)
That article is horrific. I don't believe a frickin' word of that.

cant read it, what does it say?

Jonty 05-25-2013 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1133391)
I don't want to believe this story about a supposed Jon comment about Ava, but it would explain a lot. For one thing:

1. The "belittling" comment links back to the original TMZ story;

2. For all of the fights they most likely have had in the past (including after the "New Jersey" tour) -- they were able to resolve and move forward, but if the attack is on another member's kid, that's something else altogether and may not be salvageable. Also, it's the only thing (barring illness) that I could imagine Richie leaving the tour for;

3. We all know how in-control Jon likes to be. I could see where he would be completely unhinged and shocked by Stephanie's overdose, and feel the need to lash out at someone. Jon was the one with the long, happy marriage; Richie was the one who had had problems. Maybe in a moment of weakness, Jon lashed out at Richie in this way, because he was angry at what had happened in his own life and hadn't seen it coming;

4. Richie repeatedly refuses to acknowledge the "personal issue." If this is indeed the nature of that 'personal issue', now we know why.

5. If this is true, Jon's reputation will take a huge hit; it's possible his anger since Richie left is at least in part due to panic, hence his wanting to use the reference to Richie's past alcoholism to take the focus off of him and /or a fight.

i am pretty sure jon would apologise pretty quickly if he said something lashing out

Mysterytrain 05-25-2013 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1133375)
Agreed. Jon comes across as very level headed when talking about the overdose.

If he said this to Richie, and I don't believe for one second he did, it would have been done in a jokey way. No doubt Jon can be hard but I don't believe he is this hard or this dumb.

Just a few things that have been nagging at me since I read that awful article:

1. Re: Jon sounding level-headed while talking about the overdose: Well, of course he does; he's talking to the media, he has an image to uphold. But that doesn't mean he is able to talk so calmly or rationally in private or among family and friends;

2. "In a jokey way"? How does one "joke" about a dear friend's daughter becoming a junkie? If this happened, it was bullying and an awful thing to say, pure and simple.

3. "Don't believe he is this hard or this dumb". I don't want to believe it, either, but who knows what people are like behind closed doors? Also, grief or fear or some combination thereof can do strange things to people who might seem 'rational' in every other facet of their lives, including in their public lives. I think it's quite possible that Jon could have said something like this in a moment of despair or anger. Maybe he didn't /mean/ to hurt Richie, but was just expressing shock that such a fate had befallen him (Jon)who had the same wife for 24 years, had raised his kids away from the limelight, etc. He had done everything "right" and this had happened to him anyway.

This article, as outlandish as it sounds, actually seems to tie up a lot of loose ends for me between the initial TMZ article and now. I hope it's proven to be false, but of all the theories we've bandied about here, I think it's the one that (barring alcoholism or family illness) would be the most plausible given what we know.

rolo_tomachi 05-25-2013 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1133358)

I was right.

Becky 05-25-2013 02:20 AM

I think the two headed alien love child is more believable than this article.

MrNickel 05-25-2013 02:30 AM

Maybe Jon and Richie are ................

DestinationJovi 05-25-2013 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1133417)
Just a few things that have been nagging at me since I read that awful article:

1. Re: Jon sounding level-headed while talking about the overdose: Well, of course he does; he's talking to the media, he has an image to uphold. But that doesn't mean he is able to talk so calmly or rationally in private or among family and friends;

2. "In a jokey way"? How does one "joke" about a dear friend's daughter becoming a junkie? If this happened, it was bullying and an awful thing to say, pure and simple.

3. "Don't believe he is this hard or this dumb". I don't want to believe it, either, but who knows what people are like behind closed doors? Also, grief or fear or some combination thereof can do strange things to people who might seem 'rational' in every other facet of their lives, including in their public lives. I think it's quite possible that Jon could have said something like this in a moment of despair or anger. Maybe he didn't /mean/ to hurt Richie, but was just expressing shock that such a fate had befallen him (Jon)who had the same wife for 24 years, had raised his kids away from the limelight, etc. He had done everything "right" and this had happened to him anyway.

This article, as outlandish as it sounds, actually seems to tie up a lot of loose ends for me between the initial TMZ article and now. I hope it's proven to be false, but of all the theories we've bandied about here, I think it's the one that (barring alcoholism or family illness) would be the most plausible given what we know.

Jon wasn't even with the band when she overdosed, he was home. He had time to deal with and come to terms with it before he was even around Richie. He has said in interviews that he came to realize it's a lot more common than he thought and that others who he greatly respects reached out and said something similar has happened to their own kids, which appeared to be comforting to him in the way he said it in interviews.

I don't believe for a second that he said it.

The Rock 05-25-2013 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1133417)
Just a few things that have been nagging at me since I read that awful article:

1. Re: Jon sounding level-headed while talking about the overdose: Well, of course he does; he's talking to the media, he has an image to uphold. But that doesn't mean he is able to talk so calmly or rationally in private or among family and friends;

2. "In a jokey way"? How does one "joke" about a dear friend's daughter becoming a junkie? If this happened, it was bullying and an awful thing to say, pure and simple.

3. "Don't believe he is this hard or this dumb". I don't want to believe it, either, but who knows what people are like behind closed doors? Also, grief or fear or some combination thereof can do strange things to people who might seem 'rational' in every other facet of their lives, including in their public lives. I think it's quite possible that Jon could have said something like this in a moment of despair or anger. Maybe he didn't /mean/ to hurt Richie, but was just expressing shock that such a fate had befallen him (Jon)who had the same wife for 24 years, had raised his kids away from the limelight, etc. He had done everything "right" and this had happened to him anyway.

This article, as outlandish as it sounds, actually seems to tie up a lot of loose ends for me between the initial TMZ article and now. I hope it's proven to be false, but of all the theories we've bandied about here, I think it's the one that (barring alcoholism or family illness) would be the most plausible given what we know.

There is no way this is true because why is Richie covering for Jon and himself saying personal reasons? Honestly, I don't know about you but if my friend said that about my daughter, I would not be hiding the truth and saying personal reasons, I would tell and I wouldn't care that you are Jon Bon Jovi. I would say the statement along the lines of our friendship is beyond repair and Jon has spoken out of line regarding my family.

They are all fathers and have seen each other became fathers and these children growing up all throughout the years. Jon brought Ava out to dance on stage and even through I've got the girl is about Stephanie, he would sing the line about breaking their hearts and mention all their daughters.

This sounds like something the press thought of themselves and even fans. During that time I saw comments such as I would have expected this from Ava, not Stephanie. Don't think the press didn't think it.

Don't even try to rationalize it, its beyond stupid.

Mysterytrain 05-25-2013 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1133426)
There is no way this is true because why is Richie covering for Jon and himself saying personal reasons? Honestly, I don't know about you but if my friend said that about my daughter, I would not be hiding the truth and saying personal reasons, I would tell and I wouldn't care that you are Jon Bon Jovi. I would say the statement along the lines of our friendship is beyond repair and Jon has spoken out of line regarding my family.

They are all fathers and have seen each other became fathers and these children growing up all throughout the years. Jon brought Ava out to dance on stage and even through I've got the girl is about Stephanie, he would sing the line about breaking their hearts and mention all their daughters.

This sounds like something the press thought of themselves and even fans. During that time I saw comments such as I would have expected this from Ava, not Stephanie. Don't think the press didn't think it.

Don't even try to rationalize it, its beyond stupid.

Ok; now I feel better. I hadn't read the commentary about Ava and Stephanie during Stephanie's overdose, but you're right that it's certainly possible the press picked up on it and now have an excuse to bring it up again, just to stir the pot. Anything to sell a story, as usual...

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