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jessycardy 05-25-2013 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1133422)
I think the two headed alien love child is more believable than this article.



Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1133426)
Don't even try to rationalize it, its beyond stupid.

And this.

JoviJovi 05-25-2013 03:49 AM

What if these "sources " they keep attributing this crap to are people on team Richie trying to make jon look bad. Easy to do, Jon already had a reputation of being a control freak. I mean, look at the people Richie has been hanging around with lately.

angelsambo 05-25-2013 06:02 AM


Tooka 05-25-2013 06:55 AM

I have a vision of this Nikki where she looks and acts like the priestess Melisandre in the Game of Thrones show.

Beaky 05-25-2013 08:32 AM

It does make me chuckle that, without knowing Nikki at all, everyone is ready to dump blame at her door.

The guy Richie had lunch with is a PR, former journalist, all-round freelance press chappie. The reason why it doesn't sound like Richie's words is, he would have had a chat, they'd have drafted something and Richie would have okay'd it; making sure his message got across. Certain lines taken out, others added in, to make the right impact.

The PR guy is also not Satan. He is doing his job.

It might be convenient to think it's Dorothea, or it's Nikki or it's some random PR fella that Richie clearly wanted to speak to but it's not... it's two guys we've idolised for years acting like children and ruining Bon Jovi.

jbjhand 05-25-2013 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1133469)

It might be convenient to think it's Dorothea, or it's Nikki or it's some random PR fella that Richie clearly wanted to speak to but it's not... it's two guys we've idolised for years acting like children and ruining Bon Jovi.

The most apposite piece of commentary in almost 500 pages!

nickolai 05-25-2013 08:43 AM

The article is BS, total fabrication and poor journalism.

However this gives a little bit of hope to the people attending the Hyde Park show:

hackster73 05-25-2013 10:24 AM

Well we all know this is nothing more than ego's and stubbornness. It is like two children at school. They are both good artists in their own right but together they are great. Time to put ego's to one side and accept it.

JordanRose 05-25-2013 10:57 AM

After Jon's literally just said 'at least Richie isn't irreplaceable, unlike The Edge..' why would anyone think it wouldn't be possible that he said 'I thought it would have been your daughter who would overdose if any, not mine'?

We know the guy is an arrogant, tactless ****. What's not to believe?

nrm123 05-25-2013 11:44 AM

What an asshole.

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