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AmyHarket 05-25-2013 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1133505)
Are you in elementary school?

Okay. It's very childish of you. So, you're just a Jon hater. Gotcha

Kryten2340 05-25-2013 01:09 PM

I honestly believe that this will be sorted out during the 10 day break. They have 3 big festivals coming up, some of which are televised I do believe. Jon knows they will fail massively if they aren't a complete set and knows that he needs Richie.

I do believe that Richie will return come June 6th. If the sun is correct and he does want to play Hyde Park then he can't come back for that gig alone so the first gig after the break makes sense.

CKatz 05-25-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by AmyHarket (Post 1133508)
Okay. It's very childish of you. So, you're just a Jon hater. Gotcha

Says the person who uses the term "Jon hater"..... I don't hate anyone. I don't have time for that.

The Rock 05-25-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1133502)
Richie saved himself. He got the help he needed and he's sticking to his sobriety. No doubt, Jon supported him, but don't give him credit for saving Richie. He did that on his own and to say anything else is disrespectful.

Jon was there for Richie and helped as much as he could but in the end, Richie is the one who helped himself. No one can save themselves, unless they want to be saved. No matter how much tough love, support, friends and family you have around you. Richie had to help himself first.

samboraisgodUK 05-25-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by AmyHarket (Post 1133508)
Okay. It's very childish of you. So, you're just a Jon hater. Gotcha

The Rock 05-25-2013 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by JordanRose (Post 1133488)
After Jon's literally just said 'at least Richie isn't irreplaceable, unlike The Edge..' why would anyone think it wouldn't be possible that he said 'I thought it would have been your daughter who would overdose if any, not mine'?

We know the guy is an arrogant, tactless ****. What's not to believe?

You know it's false. As if Richie would have gone anywhere near a tour if it was true. We would have seen Jon with a broken jaw if he said that.

I never thought we would see the day where we believed Hollywood Scoop?

It's exactly how it was at the end of the NJ tour but this time just throw in the internet and social media. Then it was just the printed press and the same thing was happening. They would hear things in the press and the other would believe that one said it or the other said it and in the end, no one said it.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-25-2013 02:17 PM

This is the media doing what they do best - playing their games, twisting some tweets and quoting the classic ''insider sources'' and so egging the two parties on into some sort of 'Celebrity Deathmatch' for all to see. It's what sells/gets website hits. I've seen it done many times with other artists and band members. The British Press love to (still!) do it with the Gallagher Brothers for example.

Saying that, if JBJ had said that about Ava, Richie should have knocked him on his ass. But the timing doesn't work out for that theory, why then do the first leg of the tour? And be seen to be having a great time doing it? We would have picked up on something serious being amiss between the two from all the videos, online broadcasts we have scrutinised.


jessycardy 05-25-2013 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1133515)
You know it's false. As if Richie would have gone anywhere near a tour if it was true. We would have seen Jon with a broken jaw if he said that.

I never thought we would see the day where we believed Hollywood Scoop?

It's exactly how it was at the end of the NJ tour but this time just throw in the internet and social media. Then it was just the printed press and the same thing was happening. They would hear things in the press and the other would believe that one said it or the other said it and in the end, no one said it.

Exactly. It's the same happening all over again. And quite frankly, I'm not so surprised some fans - let alone the casual gossipers who don't even know let alone care about the band - would fall into the trap all over again. What I would be surprised of would be if the band itself fell into it. They know perfectly well how PR and media and tabloids work and, most of all, they've experienced a similar twisted situation back in 1989 through 1991. I would think they know better. Then again, I would have never thought they'd start washing their dirty laundry in public, but, unless ALL that came out till now is false (which I highly doubt), then it's actually happening. I guess we can't take anything for granted now.

That's why to approach the whole thing like this is ideal if you want to keep your feet on the ground:


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1133504)
With all this blowing up even more and god knows what else is going to be thrown out there between now and whenever this is resolved, it might be useful to remind ourselves of the only facts we know:

Richie was expected to show up for work
Richie didn't show up for work
Richie says all is good in his life
Jon says we need to ask Richie what's up

Anything I'm missing here?

And no, I don't think you're missing anything here. As weird as that sounds, those few facts are actually all we know in this drama.

JoviJovi 05-25-2013 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1133502)
Richie saved himself. He got the help he needed and he's sticking to his sobriety. No doubt, Jon supported him, but don't give him credit for saving Richie. He did that on his own and to say anything else is disrespectful.

Hes been plenty disrespectful to fans, not to concerned about giving him any respect

CKatz 05-25-2013 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1133524)
Hes been plenty disrespectful to fans, not to concerned about giving him any respect

You're taking this way too personally. Especially since you still have no idea what is going on.

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