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MellyMel 04-25-2013 09:18 PM

I'm still just dying to know what was deleted!

jbjhand 04-25-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1124396)

I think part of the reason is because Jon likes to answer band questions lately with "I...I...I" It's about him! And when Richie is there, Jon seems to cringe whenever he answers a question. Check out how annoyed he is when Richie interjects at 3:20:

The tension in that room was awful

jbjhand 04-25-2013 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124518)
I think you're right and I think the reason 'the organisation' states that the issue is simple and the issue is personal to Richie is in fact because it is a falling out but it's one sided.

We've discussed why it's probably not rehab or family issues already (many, many times) and yes, this is speculating but my feeling is that Richie has grown a pair. I honestly think this is how it's unfolded...


1. Richie wanted to keep pushing his record, he believed in it and feels the job is only half done. Leaving it at this stage feels all wrong to him.

2. He feels the exact opposite about the Bon Jovi record. He didn't show up to rehearsal in London, his involvement was minimal, it wasn't made in the same organic way as their records in the past and certainly didn't come from a place anywhere near HIS heart. He was focusing on his solo record and wanted to leave the new Bon Jovi album until autumn 2013, giving him a year to focus on Aftermath.

3. The touring schedule completely f*cked with his plans for the solo album. He went into the tour resenting the hell out of Jon, the record and the band. But, being Richie, he decided to have a damn fine time performing. However, I really don't think he likes the new songs as much as Jon wants him to. Missing rehearsal to sit in his room and watch football, but still showing up and playing the new Jovi shows how little they stretch him

4. Jon won't let him play an Aftermath song live. Jon has an album to promote and he believes in it. Richie can sing a Bon Jovi song live but not a song from Aftermath. I think Richie's involvement in WAN, even in those he has writing credits on were minimal and much like many here, he sees the new album as a 'Jon' album. In the past, this hasn't been a problem but this time, he has a record sitting behind him that he really does believe in and is desperate to let people hear.

5. Richie does his Tip Cup busking and Jon is pissed that he doesn't take the opportunity to plug the band's record, focusing instead on Aftermath.

6. Bannergate... Richie is really getting pissed off by now.

7. The end of the first leg and Richie decides to discuss some of the issues with Jon but is basically told, 'we have an album out and we need to promote it.' Jon isn't being an arse about it, there's just not a lot he can do about Richie's issues, they are in the middle of a US tour. Sure, he could let him sing a song from his album but my guess is, Jon resent Aftermath a little, he must have heard it and must know how much colour and passion Richie put into it. So, f*ck him. It's time to go to work.

As far as Jon is concerned, there's nothing to discuss. The tour goes ahead, Jon hasn't moved the goal posts, so the issues are Richie's and his alone... they're personal... and the solution is simple... come back when you're ready, we'll be here.

Simple. Personal. Issues.

i think that's the best speculation so far. Is that true about Richie no showing for rehearsal with the band in london?

JordanRose 04-25-2013 09:31 PM

Check your messages, Beaky.

Haja 04-25-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1124522)
i think that's the best speculation so far. Is that true about Richie no showing for rehearsal with the band in london?

Yup, apparently football was on.

Beaky 04-25-2013 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1124522)
i think that's the best speculation so far. Is that true about Richie no showing for rehearsal with the band in london?

About 1min 34 seconds in...

He didn't show to Sunday rehearsal, which was, apparently, not planned until the night before.

He showed up for the planned Monday rehearsal.

hackster73 04-25-2013 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1124521)
The tension in that room was awful

Something seriously wrong even then...

Crushgen24/88 04-25-2013 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124518)
I think you're right and I think the reason 'the organisation' states that the issue is simple and the issue is personal to Richie is in fact because it is a falling out but it's one sided.

We've discussed why it's probably not rehab or family issues already (many, many times) and yes, this is speculating but my feeling is that Richie has grown a pair. I honestly think this is how it's unfolded...


1. Richie wanted to keep pushing his record, he believed in it and feels the job is only half done. Leaving it at this stage feels all wrong to him.

2. He feels the exact opposite about the Bon Jovi record. He didn't show up to rehearsal in London, his involvement was minimal, it wasn't made in the same organic way as their records in the past and certainly didn't come from a place anywhere near HIS heart. He was focusing on his solo record and wanted to leave the new Bon Jovi album until autumn 2013, giving him a year to focus on Aftermath.

3. The touring schedule completely f*cked with his plans for the solo album. He went into the tour resenting the hell out of Jon, the record and the band. But, being Richie, he decided to have a damn fine time performing. However, I really don't think he likes the new songs as much as Jon wants him to. Missing rehearsal to sit in his room and watch football, but still showing up and playing the new Jovi shows how little they stretch him

4. Jon won't let him play an Aftermath song live. Jon has an album to promote and he believes in it. Richie can sing a Bon Jovi song live but not a song from Aftermath. I think Richie's involvement in WAN, even in those he has writing credits on were minimal and much like many here, he sees the new album as a 'Jon' album. In the past, this hasn't been a problem but this time, he has a record sitting behind him that he really does believe in and is desperate to let people hear.

5. Richie does his Tip Cup busking and Jon is pissed that he doesn't take the opportunity to plug the band's record, focusing instead on Aftermath.

6. Bannergate... Richie is really getting pissed off by now.

7. The end of the first leg and Richie decides to discuss some of the issues with Jon but is basically told, 'we have an album out and we need to promote it.' Jon isn't being an arse about it, there's just not a lot he can do about Richie's issues, they are in the middle of a US tour. Sure, he could let him sing a song from his album but my guess is, Jon resent Aftermath a little, he must have heard it and must know how much colour and passion Richie put into it. So, f*ck him. It's time to go to work.

As far as Jon is concerned, there's nothing to discuss. The tour goes ahead, Jon hasn't moved the goal posts, so the issues are Richie's and his alone... they're personal... and the solution is simple... come back when you're ready, we'll be here.

Simple. Personal. Issues.

I think that's one of the most sensical theories that's come out so far, though there are a couple of things I think are stretches. I hope it's not true though, not for the survival of the band, just because it would make Richie a complete douche in my eyes.

SadieLady 04-25-2013 09:53 PM

I kind of agree with the possibility Beaky posted about Richie being pissed that he wasn't singing one of his Aftermath songs in concert. He said in multiple interviews leading up to the tour that Jon was going to let him sing a song. He also said that as a solo offering on an independent label that there was no end to the timeline in terms of promoting it (meaning that the fact that there hadn't been a hit didn't mean it was over). If he had been able to play a song in concert, it could have presented an opportunity for further interest. I don't see why he couldn't have played one of his songs. Jon likes/needs to take a break in concert and Richie would assume for 5 minutes the burden and/or the glory of the outcome in terms of audience attention.

I am also annoyed that Jon talks so much about the band taking "secrets to the grave" when it is he that in the WWWB documentary stated that Tico had been a mean drunk who caused a lot of problems; in old interviews he said that Alec had been using/abusing during tours and most recently that Richie had missed a rehearsal in London. Why did he have to announce any of that to the world at large?

Lindy 04-25-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124529)
About 1min 34 seconds in...

He didn't show to Sunday rehearsal, which was, apparently, not planned until the night before.

He showed up for the planned Monday rehearsal.

So when did he know about the Sunday rehearsal?

Beaky 04-25-2013 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Lindy (Post 1124535)
So when did he know about the Sunday rehearsal?

From what Jon says, they decided on it the night before.

alois 04-25-2013 10:04 PM

another tense moment, at the BBC show in January when the power is out before LOAP :

SadieLady 04-25-2013 10:05 PM

I do also agree with Beaky that there might be legal issues which prevent either Richie or Jon or the band from saying anything and Richie from doing anything. I think it is more than just respecting privacy. However, they are going to have to announce something soon since the break between legs of the tour is short. May 7th is just around the corner.

If Richie left the tour over the scenario described by Beaky and is in negotiations with Jon about the future, it is a tense time for the band. Jon pretending to have a great time on stage shows that he is a better actor than we give him credit for! Looking forward to watching the stream tonight.

crashed 04-25-2013 10:05 PM

So we're back to Jon and Richie fell out?

hackster73 04-25-2013 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1124545)
So we're back to Jon and Richie fell out?

The band have done no favours to themselves in how this has been handled. .. jesus christ, mick and keef hate each other but manage to perform for the fans. If this is a bust up it is very sad.

hackster73 04-25-2013 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124538)
From what Jon says, they decided on it the night before.

If richie was that into it he would have been there. The other band members managed it.

badmoon 04-25-2013 10:12 PM

Let's take a moment to appreciate that a 2 seconds video of Richie driving his daughter to school made us go back to ''Jon and Richie are fighting''.

Though tbh, that theory really is what makes the most sense as of now. The fact that he is fine/not in rehab and that a familly issue is unlikely doesn't leave much possibilities.

crashed 04-25-2013 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by hackster73 (Post 1124546)
The band have done no favours to themselves in how this has been handled. .. jesus christ, mick and keef hate each other but manage to perform for the fans. If this is a bust up it is very sad.

If it's a bust up and Richie has left in the middle of the tour for any reasons other than health, legal, or family then I don't want him in the band, no matter how much he's an integral part of it to us die-hards.

But I dunno if I think that - they've all said countless times, they have no reason to break up. And I certainly don't believe it's over money.

Lindy 04-25-2013 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1124545)
So we're back to Jon and Richie fell out?

Yep we are:rolleyes:

SadieLady 04-25-2013 10:23 PM

I don't know about the rest of you, I'm just trying to help get this thread to 200 pages and 2,000 posts! :D

Beaky 04-25-2013 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1124550)
If it's a bust up and Richie has left in the middle of the tour for any reasons other than health, legal, or family then I don't want him in the band, no matter how much he's an integral part of it to us die-hards.

But I dunno if I think that - they've all said countless times, they have no reason to break up. And I certainly don't believe it's over money.

I agree, I really don't think this is money. If I am anywhere close with my 'pull-it-outta-my-arse theory, then it's bigger than money for Richie and Jon is making it all the worse, rubbing his nose in it pushing this whole 'it's simple' angle. It's not simple to Richie, it's pissing him right off.

I honestly DO think that video by Ava is contrived. Richie knows Twitter by now, he knows social media or he at least has people around him who do. Everyone involved in this, knows someone who can work a MacBook and can get on a social media listening tool and search for trends, tags and see what Bon Jovi fans are talking about.

What have we been talking about? (Besides Touch The Winky) - Richie is in rehab, he's fallen off the wagon etc etc... Jon is standing by him.

Well, what if Jon is simply standing by a contract and Richie isn't? What if Richie can't make statements, can't answer questions on Twitter and can't contractually do anything with the videos his fans have sent in because he's in breach?

So Jon is on Ellen yesterday, telling everyone it's a personal issue and Richie is the only one who can resolve it and he's still my guitar player and to be fair to Jon, he's right... as I say, he hasn't changed the game, it's always been the same.

But Richie's had it up to here. So Ava (don't feel to bad for her, btw, she could always make her social media posts private if she wanted) flashes the camera at Daddy the very next day... and BOOM, the fans pick it up. It makes us question the 'truth' we've been told. I think this is what Richie wanted. If not, let's not be silly, he'd have said 'don't post that, people will go nuts.' You can't judge Richie and Ava in the same way you judge you and your kids; this family unit knows the media, knows social media and knows the press...

SadieLady 04-25-2013 10:36 PM

This also makes sense given that Richie didn't personally call Jon in Calgary; if they were such friends and brothers and the issue was health-related, he would have made a personal call. Richie was doing fine and playing fine and tweeting a lot including "the tour resumes on Tuesday, on the move again." The mysterious tweets about "Forgiveness Street" and "doesn't Easter make you feel Born Again" take on new meanings with this scenario of Richie falling out with Jon.

Wrath Mania 04-25-2013 10:38 PM

I just want to say that, no matter what happens, this thread has been a true gem.

I have absolutely no stake in this outcome- as far as I'm concerned this band is in free-fall and it would be merciful for us all if they just broke up. I will say I can't see how this isn't some sort of spat between Jon and Richie. Otherwise we obviously would have been told SOMETHING by SOMEONE official. I mean if booze, drugs, and criminal activity are not in the picture, what kind of 'personal trouble' would it be that no one can publicly explain it? No, the gag order on Richie and Jon being deliberately vague to put pressure on Richie makes a lot of sense. They're both waiting for the other to blink: Jon is hoping Richie will either cave and come back or quit (thus keeping Jon's hands clean), and Richie is hoping Jon caves into negotiating.

Personally I think the chance is remote that Jon would cave to any demands that Richie might have; he's just not the type of dude to compromise. Richie should probably just have the balls to quit.

The Rock 04-25-2013 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1124545)
So we're back to Jon and Richie fell out?

Pretty much. Doesn't it always lead back to Jon and Richie fighting? Richie driving a car, he looks upset. Must have had a phone call from Jon.

So basically we are all back to square one. Jon and Richie fighting. We could have just cut out 190 pages of this thread!!

The only thing I question and which is what everyone else is question, is why no certain date of when Richie will return. On the 3rd April when the statement was released that Richie wasn't performing, they said this leg. Very simple. Cut and dry. Now no one is even saying that. So it went from this leg of the tour, to Richie is still a member of the band. Jon could have said on Ellen. It's a personal matter, his still a member of the band but he just couldn't do this leg of the tour but come next leg, he will be there. Then they wonder why the fans are worried and getting up in arms.

hackster73 04-25-2013 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1124570)
Pretty much. Doesn't it always lead back to Jon and Richie fighting? Richie driving a car, he looks upset. Must have had a phone call from Jon.

So basically we are all back to square one. Jon and Richie fighting. We could have just cut out 190 pages of this thread!!

The only thing I question and which is what everyone else is question, is why no certain date of when Richie will return. On the 3rd April when the statement was released that Richie wasn't performing, they said this leg. Very simple. Cut and dry. Now no one is even saying that. So it went from this leg of the tour, to Richie is still a member of the band. Jon could have said on Ellen. It's a personal matter, his still a member of the band but he just couldn't do this leg of the tour but come next leg, he will be there. Then they wonder why the fans are worried and getting up in arms.

Good point. This would have been easy to clear up if was coming back on the next leg. I have 3 shows planned and I am not looking forward to them. This is the first time I have ever felt that way about this band of brothers... this will not go down well in Europe and they will be desperate to make the Hyde park show special as the stones play their next... without richie I just cannot see it being special.

jbjhand 04-25-2013 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by alois (Post 1124542)
another tense moment, at the BBC show in January when the power is out before LOAP :

It was horrible watching that. Had i been there, I'd have shouted 'stop being a prick Jon'

fairtex444 04-25-2013 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1124580)
It was horrible watching that. Had i been there, I'd have shouted 'stop being a prick Jon'

exactly...and also, Richie looks like a very funny person..he's always smiling,telling just can't hate Richie:)...Jon became really pissed when richie said:"that's becasue I'm so hot" lool

SadieLady 04-25-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1124580)
It was horrible watching that. Had i been there, I'd have shouted 'stop being a prick Jon'

I didn't get that sense at all. I think we are reading things into it since we are back to Richie/Jon falling out and Jon being a CEO/dictator theme.

Kathleen 04-25-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1124559)

But Richie's had it up to here. So Ava (don't feel to bad for her, btw, she could always make her social media posts private if she wanted) flashes the camera at Daddy the very next day... and BOOM, the fans pick it up. It makes us question the 'truth' we've been told. I think this is what Richie wanted. If not, let's not be silly, he'd have said 'don't post that, people will go nuts.' You can't judge Richie and Ava in the same way you judge you and your kids; this family unit knows the media, knows social media and knows the press...

You do have a point and I didn't even think about the timing. Hmmm...... Certainly Dad could have ask that it not be posted and Ava probably would have agreed.

jdanielross 04-25-2013 11:37 PM

"Personal reasons" could be quite simple as Richie's heart not being in this tour.

Jon admitted that he lied to the band about taking the year off. Tico told him no and I'm sure there's studio musicians on half the album (could be all with Richie coming in to do solos and backing vox). Even during/after last tour they were almost all saying the band needed to go away for awhile to make the fans miss them.

I can see him being on break for Easter in Hawaii, getting ready to go back out and just saying to himself 'I don't need to do this' (especially since Phil X has filled in before).

If it's true, it's a bad move to make day-of and screws the fans and the rest of the band, but it's something I can see happening even without a big blowout like TMZ was reporting.

If it was a family emergency, I think they would've said "family emergency." If it was rehab, I think they would've said "rehab" (just like before).

If my scenario is true, that truly is "personal reasons" for being absent from the tour.

Whatever it is, however, I think the whole organization is a joke in the way they've handled this and almost everything else for the past 5-10 years.

JoviJovi 04-26-2013 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1124586)
You do have a point and I didn't even think about the timing. Hmmm...... Certainly Dad could have ask that it not be posted and Ava probably would have agreed.

He would have to know about it first (i am sure he does by now) . I have taken funny pics of my parents and posted them to FB w/o them knowing for the family to get a chuckle.

MrNickel 04-26-2013 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by fairtex444 (Post 1124583)
exactly...and also, Richie looks like a very funny person..he's always smiling,telling just can't hate Richie:)...Jon became really pissed when richie said:"that's becasue I'm so hot" lool

haha I loved that by Richie.

Richie always comes across the best during interviews/live performances. Jon on the other hand oozes ego and feels he's entitled to lots of respect. He goes on about how successful they are as if he needs to keep convincing himself that the band still needs to be around.

All I can say is blame Taylor Swift. :D

efiste2 04-26-2013 12:27 AM

In the past few pages there has been some really good and sensible summising of the facts, and I have changed my mind and now believe its a big fall out.
on one hand you have Jon who wants it his way or there is no way, then you have Richie who is captain cool and chilled out. I think the whole BON JOVI business machine has broken down, at a fork in the way is the tightly run business model where everything has a place and is costed,timed and clinically produced right down to the minute details..........and the other way is to become a band again with a heart and soul, that would go out busking in the street and be a brotherhood that are FOUR equals, not just one ruling the others, and leaving all the logistics,costs and organisation to managers etc etc, and just concentrating on the MUSIC and performing...and dare I say WRITING thier own songs, and performing on the actual release........
If indeed the bust up is the truth and I do think its becoming more obvious it is.......I feel badly let down by Jon and his machine..and no longer see Richie as the bad man, he is a music man first and foremost, where as Jon has turned into a corparate man, whilst he can be a music man for those 2-3 hours on stage, off stage he is as we all know him, The CEO of a big company!!! certainly not the ROCKSTAR we all used to know...looking like a sad day for al of us loyal fans.....

RonJovi 04-26-2013 12:43 AM

Just got to watch some of the clips posted here.

Am I the only one missing the supposed tension? Neither the Hyde Park Press Conference or the BBC show seem particularly tense to me at all nor do Jon's actions or reactions seem dismissive of Richie.

If anyone is reading into Ava's clip that Richie looks unhappy, then you're reading too much into it. It's a second or two of a man driving a car. He doesn't look particularly unhappy, just like he trying to drive. Unless he was in tears, drunk or hyterical, it would be impossible to read anything into such a clip. He was none of those things.

Beaky's analysis is very well put together and plausible. Personally, I still think this is what it says on the tin and Richie will be back. We'll laugh about it in months to come - "Remember when we all thought Richie had left. Remember the 200 page thread. God some of us lost the run of ourselves."

It is a fact though that this has been handled dreadfully. Whether that's Jon's fault or Richie's fault (it will be one of them) is impossible to say but they've made an absolute mickey of it.

efiste2 04-26-2013 12:48 AM

there has been tension for ages, in any appearance on TV they have not been the Dynamic duo for a long time. Dont get me wrong I hope to god I AM WRONG, but take a look at the SANDY benefit concert, yes Richie played well but he barely looks at Jon!!!! perhaps Richie has just had the balls to say enough is enough....Im ouuta here for a while.

Jayster 04-26-2013 01:01 AM

Looks like the personal matter was the launch of his new Australian cosmetics company!

RonJovi 04-26-2013 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1124616)
there has been tension for ages, in any appearance on TV they have not been the Dynamic duo for a long time. Dont get me wrong I hope to god I AM WRONG, but take a look at the SANDY benefit concert, yes Richie played well but he barely looks at Jon!!!! perhaps Richie has just had the balls to say enough is enough....Im ouuta here for a while.

It is possible Richie has bailed but I think we are all reading far too much into fairly innocuous clips and taking stuff from those clips out of context.

Having seen Richie in WWWB, I'd be surprised if he has bailed in some ways. I thought he came across as completely spineless in it. Then again, that's me mainly taking one comment in isolation and drawing a conclusion from it.

I'd call that ironic but I'd be afraid I'll draw Iceman on me and we'll turn this into a 300 page thread by Saturday all on our own. :-)

The Rock 04-26-2013 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1124616)
there has been tension for ages, in any appearance on TV they have not been the Dynamic duo for a long time. Dont get me wrong I hope to god I AM WRONG, but take a look at the SANDY benefit concert, yes Richie played well but he barely looks at Jon!!!! perhaps Richie has just had the balls to say enough is enough....Im ouuta here for a while.

At the Sandy benefit, I think that Richie was still in solo tour vibe and disappointed by the solo tour.

I personally think the vibe between them two was the best its been at the start of the WAN tour. You could see them on stage and in the pictures, they were good together. I've seen pics of backstage on Jon's birthday, 2nd March and Richie is there with Jon and family, all cool. So it must be a pretty big fight, if they are fighting, for Richie to up and leave the tour.

DestinationJovi 04-26-2013 01:31 AM

The shift in theory back to Jon/Richie problems since Ava's video was posted makes sense, but I'm going to play devil's advocate here...

1. In 2007 Richie's stint in "rehab" was actually just a one week detox at a hospital in LA. The announcement of him not touring this leg was on April 2, a little over 3 weeks ago. He could have just entered the same type of 7 day detox program followed by therapy, which would explain him being around and available to drive Ava to school today.

2. We know from past history time off for Richie leads to trouble. When he entered rehab in 2011 it was at the end of a one month break from the road. April 2 of this year was the end of a 2 week break from the road. Not the month long bender requiring a 30 day rehab stint, but a couple of weeks hitting the bottle warranting a 7 day detox. At 1:15 he even admits being on the road isn't the problem, it's time off that is the problem.

3. The fact that Matt has insisted that the TMZ article is completely off with this one, explicitly said Jon and Richie are not fighting, said it's up to Richie to make an official statement and he "WILL be back on the road" squashes the whole gag order theory. I know Matt is theoretically a nobody, but he still works for the organization and cannot make statements like that (whether they be true or false) if there is some sort of take our secrets to the grave clause. He would simply say "personal reasons" and leave it at that, not reassure his twitter followers that the fighting rumors are bullshit and that he'll be back for the European shows.

Again, the situation could very well be as Beaky has suggested, but I'm not so sure alcohol being the reason can be ruled out.

MrNickel 04-26-2013 01:42 AM

I think an album where Richie took the reigns over Jon would sound really epic but I doubt that would ever really happen.

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