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SexxAtraxxion 12-13-2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1077687)
But you will win friends with songs like "Hysteria", "Animal", "Armageddon It", "Love Bites", "Pour Some Sugar on Me", "Photograph", "Stand Up", "Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad" - need I continue?

oh and Hysteria did stand the test of time.

and your point does not make sense when comparing Def Leppard to Jovi, a 50 year old guy singing WGIGO and This Is Our House? Yeah okay mate...

Excluding the hardcore fans, no one knows WGIGO and TIOH. Lets Get Rocked was the lead single of a long-waited album at their peak.

At the time Let's Get Rocked was released, Bon Jovi was writing quality songs like Dry County. If Bon Jovi had followed the Leppard formula, they wouldn't be selling out arenas today. People took BJ seriously.
Def Leppard didn't transcend the hairband era. Today, kids pick Appetite, Back in Black, Slippery.. but Hysteria is ignored.

Rdkopper 12-13-2011 11:01 PM

Song writing, for the most part, is BS. Some of the best songs are the ones you can't understand or the ones where you have no clue what they are talking about.

It all comes down to sound. Bon Jovi have been very successful with modernizing their sound. They know how to change but still keep it Bon Jovi which is something most bands struggle to do.

Kid Rock said it best in the WWWB documentary and I'll add in my own part as well….. There are two types of songs….. 1. Songs where the trend is bigger than the song. I'd say 99% of mainstream radio play fit this bucket. Or 2. The song is bigger than the trend. Right now, I'd say Adele takes this category.

In addition, there needs to be a balance between albums. You don't want to be over exposed but you def don't want to be out of the spotlight too long.

With Bon Jovi, they have been able to balance all this out…… Unfortunately, Def L struggled with all this in the 90's and now they are all but forgotten. DL made a grunge album in the 90's and once that didn't work, they turned around and made an 80's album. So even if they eventually did get it right, too much time has past, a new generation rolled in, and it's all over.

As you can see, Bon Jovi are now starting to struggle because they are over exposed and their sound has not changed. They recognize the needed break, lets just hope they can get it right musically.

danfan 12-14-2011 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by SexxAtraxxion (Post 1077692)
People took BJ seriously.
Today, kids pick Appetite, Back in Black, Slippery.. but Hysteria is ignored.

A.People have never taken Bon Jovi seriously.
B.AC/DC is not hair metal.
C.Hysteria is not ignored. Jesus, ever listen to XM Radio?

danfan 12-14-2011 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1077697)
DL made a grunge album in the 90's and once that didn't work, they turned around and made an 80's album. So even if they eventually did get it right, too much time has past, a new generation rolled in, and it's all over.

What, Slang? It was different, but wasn't a Grunge album.

As for the new generation thing, they could get it right and pick up again. Half the people going to Bon Jovi shows weren't even alive when the first record came out.

Rdkopper 12-14-2011 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1077704)
What, Slang? It was different, but wasn't a Grunge album.

As for the new generation thing, they could get it right and pick up again. Half the people going to Bon Jovi shows weren't even alive when the first record came out.

Yes Slang. No matter how you categorize it, they did a complete 360 and made an album to fit the alternative music trend going on at that point.

The reason why Bon Jovi are crossing generations is because of everything we've been saying. Successful or not, hit or not, they've manage to stay in the spotlight and produce radio airplay up to 2012. Jon's now in a movie with an all star cast. That's huge publicity for Jon and the band.

I actually saw Def Leppard this past summer and thought they were great. They looked great, sounded great. Played all hits. I think Two Steps Behind was as current as they got but the show was a complete blast.

I even thought about how sad it is that it's all but over for most of these 80's bands. Even if/when rock comes back, these bands will be too old to continue..... Very Sad

Captain_jovi 12-14-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1077714)
Yes Slang. No matter how you categorize it, they did a complete 360 and made an album to fit the alternative music trend going on at that point.

The reason why Bon Jovi are crossing generations is because of everything we've been saying. Successful or not, hit or not, they've manage to stay in the spotlight and produce radio airplay up to 2012. Jon's now in a movie with an all star cast. That's huge publicity for Jon and the band.

I actually saw Def Leppard this past summer and thought they were great. They looked great, sounded great. Played all hits. I think Two Steps Behind was as current as they got but the show was a complete blast.

I even thought about how sad it is that it's all but over for most of these 80's bands. Even if/when rock comes back, these bands will be too old to continue..... Very Sad

I don't know if I'd classify it as a grunge album but it was way darker than people were used to. Deliver me definitely walked the grunge lines.

yomamasofat 12-15-2011 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1077715)
I don't know if I'd classify it as a grunge album but it was way darker than people were used to. Deliver me definitely walked the grunge lines.

Totally agree. I hate that album, to me it's their "These Days". Difference is, I actually think These Days (the song) is in BJ's top 10 greatest song - none of Slang songs made it to DL top 50 in my opinion.

samboraisgodUK 12-15-2011 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by yomamasofat (Post 1077729)
Totally agree. I hate that album, to me it's their "These Days". Difference is, I actually think These Days (the song) is in BJ's top 10 greatest song - none of Slang songs made it to DL top 50 in my opinion.

Can this be used as a quote in a dictionary as an example of exaggeration?
Come on, I agree it's not the best, but top 50? really?

Captain_jovi 12-15-2011 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1077731)
Can this be used as a quote in a dictionary as an example of exaggeration?
Come on, I agree it's not the best, but top 50? really?

It was a little over the top. Considering they have maybe 110 songs at the most surely some of them get there.

I personally love the album, it's different. Blood Runs Cold is amazing. Gift of Flesh is a winner, too.

Fredrik 12-15-2011 10:18 AM

I consider Slang the best album DL has ever done and one of the most underrated gems of music to ever come out of the 90's. When they went "back in time" with Euphoria was such a huge letdown. They have since then pretty much never done a decent song (Go and Torn To Shreds are the two exceptions).

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