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Kathleen 06-05-2015 09:43 PM

Oh boy - can I jump up and down and say goodie goodie LOL. I would love to see this guy exposed for what he is - a crook.

rocknation 06-06-2015 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1188489)
Oh boy - can I jump up and down and say goodie goodie LOL. I would love to see this guy exposed for what he is - a crook.

In the course of looking up an earlier post, I found what I wanted:

NJ “It seemed crazy to me to do what they did,” Robert Del Tufo, a former New Jersey...and U.S. Attorney, said of Christie’s...internal investigation. “They spent over a million dollars of taxpayer money. It’s unusual in an internal investigation not to take down transcripts of what people said, and presumably they just summarized things so they could put a slant on what people said."

...Del Tufo...believed the interview memos “implicitly would be public information paid for with public funds, and I think investigators could get the memos with a subpoena.”
But when I clicked on the article's link to the Gibson Dunn/Bridge(t)Gate Mastro report at, this is what came up:

403 Forbidden

Code: AllAccessDisabled
Message: All access to this object has been disabled

Well, I hope all you haters are happy -- maybe now you'll face the truth instead of believing all this nonsense about Gibson Dunn getting 7 million dollars of taxpayer money from Christie (minus what was "donated" to his Republican Governors Association). Apparently, the law firm of Gibson Dunn is actually so broke they can't even afford keep their web URL names renewed. But what are we supposed to do now? The entire Mastro Report is GONE! The cover letter explaining it all -- GONE! The executive summary -- GONE! The interview summaries of 75 of Christie's best friends -- GONE! All 360 pages of the report itself -- GONE GONE GONE!

While there was absolutely no reason to believe that the reports might unceremoniously disappear from online one day, all we can do is hope that someone had the foresight to download them first...and a place for uploading them, too!

rocknation 06-09-2015 06:05 AM

Remember her?
Quote: Christina Genovese-Renna...(who) resigned...(as an) aide to...Bridget married to a top executive of a company that tried to build a controversial gas pipeline through the environmentally sensitive Pinelands region — a plan the governor's office unsuccessfully sought to get approved... married to Michael J. Renna, president and chief operating officer of South Jersey Industries, the parent company of South Jersey Gas, which wanted to build the pipeline...The relationship has drawn fire from environmentalists who call it a conflict of interest...(They)...accused Christie administration officials of trying to strong-arm opponents...
And remember her?

Christie Loyalist To Run Ethics Panel That Would Get Bridge(t)-Gate Complaints

The state Ethics Commission, which would rule on any ethics complaints against state officials in Bridge(t)-Gate or other Christie administration scandals, yesterday approved Gov. Chris Christie’s recommendation for its new executive director -- Susana Espasa-Guerrero...who served in the governor's office with all nine Christie aides subpoenaed in Bridge(t)-Gate...

(T)he...former...vice chairman of the commission...(said), “...The commission is supposed to choose the executive director, not the governor...The commission has to have total independence...”

Well, their paths crossed this week, and you'll be delighted to know that Espasa-Guerrero showed neither partisanship, sentiment nor mercy when she slammed down the feather of justice upon the humbly bowed head of Renna-Genovese:

USA Today: A former aide to Gov. Chris Christie violated conflict of interest laws by sharing unauthorized information with her husband, a top executive for the company developing the controversial Pinelands pipeline, a state ethics panel has ruled.

Christina Genovese-Renna agreed to a $500 fine after acknowledging "the contents of some of the emails she sent to her family members contained information that was not generally available to members of the public," according to the new consent order from the New Jersey Ethics Commission...
While they are no doubt scrambling to re-finance their mortgage in order to pay the fine, you can bet that the Genovese-Rennas will think long and hard before they dare to acknowledge non-public information in some emails they share ever again!

rocknation 06-24-2015 08:46 PM

It wasn't a question of IF Governor Soprano would use the Charleston South Carolina racial shooting to his political advantage -- it was only a question of HOW badly he'd screw it up.

Here's what he had to say to a predominately white conservative religious audience:

Daily Caller: Speaking to religious the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference...Christie said “This type of conduct is something that...(l)aws can’t change...Only the goodwill and the love of the American people can let those folks know that that act was unacceptable, disgraceful and that we need to do more to show that we love each other...That’s what leadership is about, everybody.”
And here's what he had to say to a predominately black liberal religious one:
Quote: Gov. Chris Christie said the shootings last week in Charleston, S.C. were the result of hate rooted in racism.

"If we're going to try to understand it, we have to talk about it, and we have to talk honestly about it," Christie told audience packing the pews at St. Matthew African Methodist Episcopal Church in Orange New Jersey. "This hate didn't come from nowhere. This hate didn't just appear out of the sky. This hate comes from an awful place -- and this hate is born of racism. We must say that out loud."
If only Christie had told the white audience that not looking racism in the eye is the root the problem, and the black audience that adhering to their love and faith was at the root of the solution. He seems to be confused as to who the real victims were, but as a Republican, he's not alone.

There has been a lot of Republican reluctance to entertain even the possibility that the victims were targeted for racial reasons, as explained here. Most of them have declared the attack as one on Christianity since it happened in a church. Not even a manifesto written by the domestic terrorist himself has deterred them:

...I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the Internet. Well, someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me...
Christie's not confused as to the real victims were, but he's not enough of a leader to point out to white people that racist hate by white people does exist, and most important, actually involves white people. Instead, his answer is love, love, love, not laws that will make it harder for people to get guns, discriminate and avoid accountability. Love plus faith equals peace -- groovy and far out, man!

rocknation 06-27-2015 07:07 PM

Another super storm, another self-serving response, another Christie power failure
Did you know that Southern New Jersey was devastated by Sandy-like storms and damage on June 23rd?
Quote: The threat of severe weather was known for several days across New Jersey, prompting concern from forecasters who warned the state would become a pressure cooker for dangerous conditions...

While...North Jersey residents woke up to the hum of air-conditioners and cooled homes...much of the southern half of the state awoke to stuffy, dark houses. A commuter in Morristown might check the traffic report, while another in Deptford may be wondering how to get their overturned car out of the mall parking lot.

Hundreds of thousands lost power. Massive trees were uprooted and brought down on homes and across roads. Lawn furniture was tossed like feathers, and parts of buildings were ripped apart and strewn into streets and parking lots...(D)amage to the property and power grid could rival the derecho of 2012, which devastated the southern half of the state months before Hurricane Sandy...
Well, don't feel too bad -- apparently Chris Christie didn't, know, either:
Quote: Gov. Chris Christie said (June 26) that at least 90 percent of...the several hundreds of thousands of people whose lights went dark earlier this week...during New Jersey's recent storms should have their lights on by Friday night. Christie also explained why he hasn't declared an emergency for areas of South Jersey hit hard by the weather.

"Right now what's happening is FEMA is on the ground with the Office of Emergency Management of the State Police and they are assessing the damage level. You don't need a state of emergency declaration in order to get federal funds if you need a certain threshold and if there's anything that a state of emergency declaration would do to enhance our ability to get more help more quickly, I'd be happy to do that," Christie said...
And if you're planning to announce your run for president and will be traveling heavily afterwards, the last thing you want is a state of emergency declaration, as it would probably interfere with your getting the national headlines you're looking for!

The (June 24) news cycle made a couple things pretty clear to anyone who was paying attention: Gov. Chris Christie plans to officially announce he's running for president next week...The news day started with a local media outlet breaking news of Christie's upcoming announcement, scheduled for (June 30) at Livingston High School...Spokespeople for the governor's office and those tied to his 2016 political action committee refused to provide comment (and) maintained their silence throughout the day (June 25).
Well, that was the right thing to do: as of June 25, Christie had something more important to worry about -- nearly half a million affected by a storm in South Jersey! But later that day...
Quote: The governor showed up to a 101.5FM's studio for his monthly Ask the Governor radio show. While working inside the building, Christie brushes off reporters about the day's news..."There's been absolutely no final decision made by me."

...(O)nce on the air...Christie said..."I haven't made a decision. Let's everybody remain calm." (But) NJ Advance Media reported (that) the interim superintendent of the school district (where) Christie plans to make the announcement...spoke with...the governor's brother on (June 24), and (also said) an advance crew has already been to the school to pick out locations. Livingston school officials say they were told to be ready...for Christie to be at the high school on (June 30). "They asked us not to say anything,"...said (the superintendent)...

The governor was asked about how he could be so adamant about not making up his mind when his brother was talking to school officials about details of an announcement when he left the New Jersey radio station..."I have absolutely no idea what the school superintendent is talking about," Christie said...
And what did he have to say about the storm and his response to it? Well, during June 25 Ask The Governor radio show, it took thirty minutes to even broach the subject: all he said was that he's in the process of filing the federal paperwork, and since the estimated amount of damages automatically qualified them for federal aid, there was no need to declare a state of emergency. He makes it sound like the lights went out for a couple hours in a couple of neighborhoods. He offered no info on shelters, who to call, how to apply for aid, how to make donations -- he didn't even invite anyone to call the station if they were still in dire straits. Has he even toured the area?

Imagine if he'd stated on the radio show that his presidential plans (such as they are) were off the table until both the budget AND the aftermath of the storm were under control, then enthusiastically explained how he was going to get 'em done. Being able refer to the great job he'd done after hurricane Sandy would have been helpful, of course. But the point is, it would have made him appear so much more -- well, presidential!

Kathleen 06-27-2015 09:20 PM

Parts of southern Jersey were really devastated in that storm. There were several reports of tornadoes and waterspouts. People that have lived in some of these areas all their lives have said that they have never seen such damage.

These storms are getting worse and worse - far stronger than they used to be. I checked about the history of tornadoes in this state and it was as I expected. All the while I was growing up here there wasn't a single tonado.

NO tornadoes at all from 1899 to 1973. Since 1973 there have been 6 of them. But no climate change right? :roll:

And you already know my opinion of this governer - he is a scumbag who only has his own interests at heart. He doesn't give a fcuk about the people of New Jersey.

rocknation 06-29-2015 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1188918)
...If only Christie had told the white audience that not looking racism in the eye is the root the problem, and the black audience that adhering to their love and faith was at the root of the solution...

Christie's not confused as to the real victims were, but he's not enough of a leader to point out to white people that racist hate by white people does exist, and most important, actually involves white people...

While Governor Soprano barely mentioned the mini-superstorm that was happening in his own back yard while on a radio show, he did mention this:

...I think that the way you go about trying to fix this problem is for the leaders in this country -- and not just elected leaders, religious leaders, community leaders -- need to start having these conversations on a regular basis in our communities. And we need to call out the people who are not conducting themselves in a way that is not respectful of others and in fact borders on being racist. We can't ignore it, we can't make excuses for it; we have to call it out...

I think the way to do this is for folks of all colors (to be) interacting with each other and standing up for the people who are the victims of this kind of conduct...I think what fuels the emotion on both sides is fear of violence...rejection...I think so much of this hate comes from fear...of the differences between us.
Well color me called out, if you'll pardon the expression: Bravo, Governor -- someone or something must have gotten through to him! Good job of telling ALL of New Jersey that discrimination is a two-way street, and that we all need to learn how to start walking in the same direction! It marks a major evolution in his thinking about fighting discrimination -- look at what he said three and a half years ago:

The New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says the turmoil of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s could have been avoided had states simply put African-Americans’ rights and integration to a vote. "People would have been happy to have referendum on civil rights rather than fighting and dying in the streets in the South," (he) said...

Christie was comparing the civil rights movement to the fight for same-sex marriage, calling for a referendum on gay marriage in New Jersey...(He) says he’ll veto a Democratic measure legalizing gay marriages, but a public vote on the matter would be fine with him.
He got barbecued over it, and deservedly so:

New Jersey Newsroom: The comment that the civil rights movement of the 1960s could have been settled through a national or southern states voter referendum stunned Assembly Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver who became the first African-American woman to head the lower house in 2010. “Gov. Christie better sit down with some of New Jersey’s great teachers for a history lesson...It’s unfathomable to even suggest a referendum would have been the better course. Governor, people were fighting and dying in the streets of the South...because the majority refused to grant minorities equal rights by any method...The governor’s comment is an insult to those who had no choice but to fight and die in the streets..."

“It’s difficult to understand what the governor was thinking,” (said) Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman “...(C)an you imagine the outcome if civil rights in this country, during this very racially charged time in our history, had been left up to a vote?...If the governor was hoping to defend his reprehensible stance on marriage equality by suggesting that those who fought and died for civil rights...would have preferred a referendum -- that by all historical accounts would have been most likely defeated -- he failed miserably.”

Assemblyman John Wisniewski, the state Democratic chairman, said, "Rosa Parks didn't get to the front of the bus through a ballot question, and Jim Crow laws weren't repealed by public referendum...To call for a public referendum on any civil right is the refuge of someone who refuses to lead...Governor Christie has an opportunity to leave a mark in history as a someone who, when the beacon of civil rights called his name, stood up to be counted among the leaders...My hope is that he finds the courage to take up the challenge and joins in the great American tradition of fighting to expand our civil rights and for justice."
Nearly two years later, when he decided to back off from challenging New Jersey's legalization of same-sex marriage, he decided it was better to burn out than fade away:

Huffington Post: Gov. Chris Christie's administration...submitted a formal withdrawal (of) his appeal...of a judge's recent ruling in favor of gay marriage in New Jersey to the state Supreme Court...

Christie...says he strongly disagrees with the court substituting its judgment "for the constitutional process of the elected branches or a vote of the people." But he says the Supreme Court was clearly going to favor same-sex marriage and that he has a constitutional duty to enforce the law...
Well, that's all water under the bridge now (again, if you'll pardon the expression): equality via popularity contests and doling out civil rights for good behavior like Scooby snacks hasn't worked out properly since King Tut tried it. It's good to know that Christie has finally obtained at least a grasp of the true nature of discrimination (whether by race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation), and of why civil rights referendums are nothing short of con games pre-rigged in favor of the oppressors.


Asbury Park Press, June 27, 2015: Gov. Chris Christie (is)...not happy with the Supreme Court ruling that makes same-sex marriage legal nationwide. (He) said he believes it was a matter for each state to decide, not the courts..."I don't agree with the way it was done...This is something that should be decided by the people..."
Well, it really was fun while it lasted...

Kathleen 06-29-2015 12:49 PM

Great article - How can you tell when Christie is lying? His lips are moving.

rocknation 06-29-2015 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1188950)
Great article -

How can you tell when Christie is lying? His lips are moving.

And the great articles just keep on coming!

Mayor calls out Gov. Christie for storm response Gov. Christie was quickly on the scene when Super Storm Sandy devastated the eastern Jersey coast. But last week, after tornadoes strength winds and downpours hit the western side of the state, leaders say the governor was nowhere to be seen. "As a fellow Republican, I have been good to him from day one. Our township has been good to him. The governor has repaid us by forgetting us in our time of need," said Mayor George Shivery, Greenwich Township.

Power was knocked out for hundreds of thousands of customers after Tuesday night's storm. And Saturday's weather caused an estimated 16,000 new outrages. It's estimated that about 5,000 customers still do not have electricity...

"Christie was out there, for us this was as bad as Sandy," said Megan Crowne...(She) and her neighbors in Gloucester Township just got power...after being without it for five days...Mayor Shivery is calling on Gov. Christie to do his part to come to his state's aid: "I haven't seen anyone from FEMA. Members of council are standing with me - they haven't seen anyone from FEMA. Communication has been terrible during the crisis and it is unacceptable...Twenty-five percent of the people in Greenwich are still without power..."

The mayor says if it was five years ago. he would have stood beside the governor as he announces his presidential bid. But now Mayor Shivery says he is going to standing right here helping his residents rebuild their lives.

10 Reasons Chris Christie Has No Business Announcing His Run From A New Jersey School
Reverb Press: New Jersey governor Chris Christie is widely perceived as corrupt to the core and only has a 30% approval rating among his own state’s voting public. Nevertheless, on Tuesday, June 30th, Christie plans to announce his run for the Presidency at the public high school from which he graduated...

Christie...was class president for three years and catcher on the baseball team...His return to his home town high school is likely meant as symbolic of his recent statements that there is too much federal meddling in education and that states, districts and towns ought to make their own decisions.

The greatest flaw in Christie’s new state by state approach to education policy is that there are people like Christie running many of our states in this country. Few politicians have been as consistently eager to attack teachers, slash budgets affecting public school children and impose dictatorial control on local districts. If Christie had treated cops the way he’s treated teachers and was announcing his presidential bid at a police precinct, hundreds of cops would be barricading the door and refusing to let him in...

YES YES YES YES YESSSSS!!!! A towel and a cigarette, please....

Kathleen 06-30-2015 03:32 AM

I think that you and I are the only ones reading this shit LOL. It's nice to have someone to share with though :)

rocknation 06-30-2015 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1188955)
I think that you and I are the only ones reading this shit LOL. It's nice to have someone to share with though :)

I don't think I've read each post 63 times, but if you have, too, that would account for the 21,500 views, LOL!

rocknation 06-30-2015 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1188953)
Reverb Press: ...(O)n Tuesday, June 30th, Christie plans to announce his run for the Presidency at the public high school from which he graduated...

If Christie had treated cops the way he’s treated teachers and was announcing his presidential bid at a police precinct, hundreds of cops would be barricading the door and refusing to let him in...


North Governor Christie launched his long-awaited presidential campaign Tuesday...(before) a crowd of about 1,000 inside Livingston High School, his alma mater...

North More than a thousand demonstrators - mostly dressed in red and carrying banners and signs - congregated on the front lawn outside Livingston High School Tuesday morning to protest Governor Christie announcing his presidential bid.

New York Times: With two pillars of his presidential run — his record and his judgment — looking wobblier than ever, Mr. Christie must build a campaign around his most raw and prodigious asset: his personality...
Shouldn't that be "his personality DEFECTS?" He's currently tied for sixth place with 5% of the vote in a field of 14 candidates. And so it begins, LOL!

Becky 06-30-2015 07:50 PM

It's a slow news day...

rocknation 06-30-2015 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1188960)

Chris Christie campaign powered by Bon Jovi music: (

Christie, who announced his candidacy for president at Livingston High School on...June 30, walked to the school's podium to We Weren't Born to Follow. After the announcement, the rocker's Have A Nice Day and Who Says You Can't Go Home were played as exit music...
It's a slow news day...

I think it just sped up, LOL! Is Bon Jovi about to make another entry in the "Victims of Songs Getting Pre-empted by Politicians" Hall Of Fame?

Asbury Park Press:
Hillary Clinton attended a fundraiser hosted by Jon Bon Jovi at the Molly Pitcher Inn (June 30)...which donors...attend(ed) for campaign donations...Attendees tweeted from the event, including photos of Clinton speaking and Bon Jovi playing guitar...
Of course, Richie wrote those songs, too -- maybe it was he who gave Christie permission...

Becky 06-30-2015 08:11 PM

Jon seems to have a friendly relationship with Christie when they have mutual interests. He probably gave him permission to use the songs if he asked nicely. LOL

Kathleen 06-30-2015 10:24 PM

Nope - Jon gave him permission:

rocknation 07-01-2015 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1188964)


"My friendships are apolitical and yes, I absolutely gave him permission to use the songs,” he told Billboard through a spokesperson...
I sincerely hope that's the honest truth and Jon isn't just trying to cover his ass. Why? Because to the Chris Christie that I've come to know, retribution is practically a sacrament, that's why.

A devout Bruce Springsteen fan, Christie attempted to get the Boss to perform at his 2009 inauguration party. The longtime Democrat declined, so Christie hired a Springsteen cover band.
He didn't hire that cover band because he loved Bruce that much any more than he blocked access to that bridge because he wanted to do a traffic study. He's even gone as far as to remove a state police security detail from a former New Jersey governor who criticized him. Here's an illustrated guide:
And I hope that Christie will have enough class (if not common sense) not to play Bon Jovi music in the future now that Jon has an official "political friendship" with Hillary.

Becky 07-01-2015 12:23 AM

Why would Jon have any reason to lie to cover his ass? He wouldn't. It's well established that Jon and Chris Christie get along and share some of the same charitable interests.

If Jon gave him permission to use the music to announce his campaign, I see no reason for him not to continue to use it. I'm sure he intends to use the music all along the campaign trail, at least until he gets knocked out of the race. Let's face it... he's not going to be on the ballot in November.

Walleris 07-01-2015 12:28 AM

Not a good move by Jon to agree on this.

Republicans don't have a very good image (at least internationally) these days, from what I read, neither does Christie. Him using Bon Jovi songs immediately creates associations Jon should try to avoid considering his political views are completely opposite. I think people pay attention to these things.

Also, is Jon going to support Hillary next year or someone else? Or is that uncertain at this point?

Becky 07-01-2015 12:41 AM

Well, in the USA, just as many people hate Hillary as hate Christie. So by associating with either one of them, Jon will lose supporters. It's like I said in another thread. Hillary (or Christie) will lose no support by being associated with Jon. Jon, on the other hand, WILL lose support by associating with either one of them. That's why I wish he'd keep his nose out of politics.

Becky 07-01-2015 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Walleris (Post 1188967)
Also, is Jon going to support Hillary next year or someone else? Or is that uncertain at this point?

She hasn't gotten the party's nomination yet. There are a bunch of other candidates. She seemed a sure thing 2 elections ago and then Obama came along.

On the subject of the songs:

Becky 07-01-2015 02:59 PM

If you scroll down the Yahoo home page news selections, there are 4 stories about this. A bit redundant.

Kathleen 07-01-2015 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1188966)
Let's face it... he's not going to be on the ballot in November.

This is my most fervent hope. Even the New York Times said yesterday that he would be unlikely to carry his own state because he has screwed over New Jerseyans too many times.

rocknation 07-01-2015 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Walleris (Post 1188967)
...Christie...using Bon Jovi songs immediately creates associations Jon should try to avoid considering his political views are completely opposite. I think people pay attention to these things.

Exactly -- everyone loses because it calls the basic judgment of Jon, Christie AND Hillary into question. Besides, true "apolitical friends" let each other know when they're doing something that will make them look bad.

rocknation 07-01-2015 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1188977)
This is my most fervent hope. Even the New York Times said yesterday that he would be unlikely to carry his own state because he has screwed over New Jerseyans too many times.

Rachel Maddow concurs with your diagnosis, LOL!

rocknation 07-06-2015 07:46 AM

The first week of Christie's presidential campaign: how did it go?
His campaign launch drew about as many protestors as supporters:
North Governor Christie launched his long-awaited presidential campaign Tuesday...(before) a crowd of about 1,000 inside Livingston High School, his alma mater...

North More than a thousand demonstrators - mostly dressed in red and carrying banners and signs - congregated on the front lawn outside Livingston High School Tuesday morning to protest Governor Christie announcing his presidential bid...

His campaign launch speech drew mixed reviews: a mix of getting caught in lies...

Quote: Christie said...that he has not raised taxes on New Jerseysans. That's not to say that taxpayers aren't paying more under his administration...(I)n 2010 Christie cut a tax credit on the working poor from 25 percent of the federal credit to 20 percent, a loss of about $117 for the average recipient...Christie's budget proposal for the current fiscal year included nearly two dozen taxes and fees...

ProPublica: When Christie signed his sixth budget on Friday, he reiterated his claim that his contributions to the state’s pensions have far outpaced those of his predecessors. As we pointed out in April, that’s only true if you exclude a $2.75 billion pension contribution by former Republican Gov. Christine Todd Whitman. Christie doesn’t count Whitman’s payment because it was made with borrowed money...

CHRISTIE: "We rolled up our sleeves and we went to work and we balanced six budgets in a row."

THE FACTS: He had no choice. The New Jersey constitution requires balanced budgets, as many states do, and they are achieved one way or the other, often with some accounting tricks.

...and psychoanalysis with a very poor prognosis:

New York Times: It’s fundamentally nonsense. There are lines between brash and belligerent, between open and obnoxious, and, most important, between “telling it like it is” and not telling the truth. Mr. Christie crosses those lines all the time...

NJ. com: He has a silver tongue. But if you look closely, you can see that it is forked like a serpent's...(M)y warning to America: When Christie picks up the microphone, he speaks so clearly and forcefully that you assume genuine conviction is behind it. "As far as what his temperament would be like if he were president, well, if Putin said something he didn’t like, he’d hang up and say, ’Give me the black box.’ And there goes Russia. Simple as that." He is not a man of subtlety and nuance. He is a fist-bumper, a forceful, loud, physical presence that fills a room in a way that is hard to ignore. His fuel is adrenaline, not reflection...His critics call him a bully. His supporters call him decisive. And now, if he becomes president, Chris Christie says he has the stuff that will unite a fractured nation. Really?

He's lost control of his campaign slogan's #TellingItLikeItIs Twitter hashtag More than 3,000 tweets with the hashtag #TellingItLikeItIs were sent via Twitter in the first few hours after Christie made his announcement, according to data compiled by the social-analytics firm Topsy. The sentiment score, measuring the mood of the tweets, was listed as 17 and therefore skewed toward negativity and away from positivity.
- I will tell it like it is, you're an angry fat man who needs anger management courses

- Christie sold out the people of NJ to Exxon. He couldn't care less about us...or you.

- Of course he's lying: His lips are moving.

- Chris Christie has a 31% approval rating, and is the most unpopular governor in the nation!

- "I have a bad economic record."

- Remember when @GovChristie helped hundreds of thousands w/o power instead of running for office? Neither does S. Jersey

- You're a crook, a scam, and an embarrassment to my state. Did you have to check w/Norcross before you ran?

He and a rival candidate were house guests of the Republican who lost the previous U.S. presidential election


CNN: What does one do at a presidential candidate slumber party? We'll likely never know exactly what happened at Mitt Romney's lakeside summer home in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, where Chris Christie and Marco Rubio spent the night...

"What matters most to me is that he's a resource for me," said the New Jersey governor, who was an early backer of Romney's 2012 candidacy.

Romney...(said) he didn't give either candidates any advice on running. "These guys will make their own mistakes," Romney said. "Hopefully, they won't follow mine."
I'll try to put this as tactfully as possible, Governor Soprano: You have NO BUSINESS WHATSOEVER being within NINETY-NINE MILES of EITHER of those men!!! Not Rubio, because he, too, is a presidential candidate and should not be privy to your campaign confidences (did you offer him a vice presidential slot?); and not Romney, because his presidential campaign featured such brilliant tactics as not showing his tax returns and suggesting that how he ran his businesses should not be a campaign issue. Political advice from Mitt Romney is like marriage counseling from Henry the Eighth.


He spent Independence Day Leading A Parade In New Hampshire instead of in New Jersey (DailyKos)

Geez, didn't ANYTHING happen last week that he can feel positive about? Well, yes: Governor Christie received his first major endorsement...(from Maine governor) Paul LePage, a...conservative with a fiery persona that rivals Christie's..."(T)he only difference I see between Chris Christie and I -- he's a little bit shy. I'm gonna work with him for the next year, bring him out of his shell.”
And no:

The Rachel Maddow Show:

Bangor Daily News: Members of the (Maine) Legislature’s Government Oversight Committee voted start a formal investigation into whether Gov. Paul LePage illegally or unethically used taxpayer money to force Good Will-Hinckley (charter school) to fire House Speaker Mark Eve... “The first major endorsement Governor Christie receives after announcing he’s running for president is from a governor who is facing impeachment threats for his role in exacting retribution upon a political adversary,” said Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Kaylie Hanson. “Can't say we're surprised.”
But Christie should look on the bright side -- he has nowhere to go BUT up...

Kathleen 07-06-2015 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1189027)

But Christie should look on the bright side -- he has nowhere to go BUT up...

Personally I hope he keeps sinking. And the following article shows that the Lincoln Tunnel Access swindle is still being investigated.

Mousebounce 07-06-2015 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1189031)
Personally I hope he keeps sinking. And the following article shows that the Lincoln Tunnel Access swindle is still being investigated.

His wife visited my school once. She was totally uncomfortable and awkward around the kids. Spoke volumes in my book.

rocknation 07-07-2015 08:51 PM

Even the LAWYERS are lawyering up?

Originally Posted by Mousebounce (Post 1189033)
(Christie's) wife visited my school once. She was totally uncomfortable and awkward around the kids. Spoke volumes in my book.

And she has four kids of her own? Yes, that is fascinating. And does she always smile as though she wants to bite your head off?


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1189031)
...(T)he following article shows that the Lincoln Tunnel Access swindle is still being investigated.

This is truly fascinating, too:

...(T)hree in-house attorneys have lawyered up amid an escalating investigation into the Port Authority’s decision to redirect $1.8 billion in toll money from its Hudson River crossings to fix roads in New Jersey...suggest(ing)... (that)...prosecutors and federal regulators are closely examining the legal justification for shifting toll dollars to New Jersey-owned roads...The Port Authority quietly justified the spending by labeling the highways as access roads to the agency’s Lincoln Tunnel — even though they are miles from the tunnel, do not connect to it directly and do not generate any revenues for the Port Authority...

The probe into the Pulaski Skyway also casting a light on the Christie administration’s reliance on the Port Authority to fund New Jersey projects: Christie claimed $1.8 billion in toll money only a few months after he and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo approved five years of toll hikes at Port Authority bridges and tunnels...The $1.8 billion was originally slated to go to a new Hudson River rail-tunnel project, called ARC, which Christie canceled his first year in office...All the while he blamed the agency for runaway spending and years of mismanagement...

The probe into the Pulaski Skyway repairs grew from the scrutiny in the wake of the lane-closing scandal but is being led by prosecutors and regulators in New York...The (Security and Exchange Commission) is involved because it enforces federal regulations that maintain the integrity of the bond market...The fact that the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and the SEC are working together raises the stakes...It is also casting a light on the Christie administration’s reliance on the Port Authority to fund New Jersey projects...

Prosecutors in New York have a powerful investigative tool in the form of the state’s Martin Act...Under the Martin Act, fraud “includes all deceitful practices contrary to the plain rules of common honesty” in the sale or purchase of securities...That language leaves prosecutors with a lot of discretion, experts said. “I would not want to be a public official looking at an investigation under the Martin Act,” (says the) director of New York University’s Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement and an expert on securities fraud. “It’s very broad.”
In case you need your memory refreshed, here again is a map of the area in question:

And here's a wonderful video the New Jersey Star-Ledger did:

If it can be legally designated as fraud, AND as a favor to then-PA head David Samson (who would have raked in monster fees from his PA clients at his law firm), then it's no wonder that the Feds have been so downright apathetic about nailing Christie on Bridge(t)-Gate!

Kathleen 07-08-2015 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1189043)

If it can be legally designated as fraud, AND as a favor to then-PA head David Samson (who would have raked in monster fees from his PA clients at his law firm), then it's no wonder that the Feds have been so downright apathetic about nailing Christie on Bridge(t)-Gate!

I can only hope they nail him on this. Also this article ran in the NYT today - once again pointing out how Christie killed the tunnel project - and kept mucho money from the Port Authority.

rocknation 07-08-2015 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1189051)
This article ran in the NYT today - once again pointing out how Christie killed the tunnel project - and kept mucho money from the Port Authority.

I'm not totally clear on exactly where the tunnels would run: between Penn Station New York and Penn Station Newark, the Hoboken NJ Transist station, or both?

And I hope you had a chance to look at the Star Ledger video. The sight of those hourly rate "no-tell" motels on Tonnelle Avenue bring back such fond memories...uh, of my having to drive past them in order to avoid the tolls on the New Jersey Turnpike, of course!

Kathleen 07-08-2015 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1189052)
I'm not totally clear on exactly where the tunnels would run: between Penn Station New York and Penn Station Newark, the Hoboken NJ Transist station, or both?

And I hope you had a chance to look at the Star Ledger video. The sight of those hourly rate "no-tell" motels on Tonnelle Avenue bring back such fond memories...uh, of my having to drive past them in order to avoid the tolls on the New Jersey Turnpike, of course!

More than you probably ever wanted to know about the Gateway project LOL

And yes - I watched the Star Ledger video (also sent it to my husband). It had been years since I thought of it looking like that LOL.

rocknation 07-14-2015 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1174865)
(Christie) has no right to spend my money on expensive lawyers so they can write a report saying he's clean...


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1175237)
(But) he might have made a fatal mistake...He used taxpayer money to fund that report, and because of that he might actually have to abide by the subpoena. That might expose records that he doesn't want exposed. I can dream, can't I...


Talking Points Memo: If interview transcripts exist and repeatedly diverge from the the Mastro Report or the interview summaries, it raises the question of what Gibson Dunn has been doing with all that public money and why they were hired by Christie’s team in the first place...

According to the manual for outside counsel that’s put together by the N.J. Attorney General’s office, “outside counsel shall” – not may or might, but shall – “retain pleadings, correspondence, discovery materials, deposition transcripts and similar documents and work product for a period of no less than seven years.”

...If the judge agrees that the transcripts are material to Bridget Kelly’s defense, Gibson Dunn’s legal bills, interview memos, and their compliance with their state contract are all likely to become the target of scrutiny. And if it turns out that Gibson Dunn did indeed destroy documents, (Kelly's attorney) is asking the judge to convene a hearing so he can ask who at the firm did the shredding, when it took place, and who in the Christie administration gave their approval...

Will the Report’s already-strained credibility come under further questioning and seem like a part of the same cover-up that Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni are answering for in court? Could the legislature decide to probe how Gibson Dunn has spent that $7.75 million? They sure could.

Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1188487)
Since the public funded the Mastro Report, I don't see how the judge can say no...It looks like our Kathleen's dreams might actually come true!

A federal judge has ordered the law firm that wrote a report on the George Washington Bridge lane closings for Governor Christie’s office to turn over any handwritten notes or recordings of interviews it conducted with dozens of administration officials during its investigation.

The notes had been requested by attorneys for two former Christie allies who are now fighting federal criminal charges, the governor’s onetime deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, and a former Port Authority deputy executive director, Bill Baroni...

Mastro had previously submitted a letter to the judge stating that the firm had no additional notes or recordings, just interview “summaries” that have already been made public. The 345-page report was based on interviews with more than 70 people.

Mastro has said that investigators did not record or transcribe the interviews, and the “summaries” state that they reflect the “mental thoughts and impressions” of the attorneys who conducted the interviews. Some people who were interviewed later said during legislative testimony that the summaries were not entirely accurate...

So Christie and Mastro are now officially between a rock and a hard place, and have 45 days in which to either produce the documents or explain why they don't exist. They're damned if there's no cover up, damned if there is -- somebody wake up Kathleen! :D

Kathleen 07-14-2015 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1189134)

So Christie and Mastro are now officially between a rock and a hard place, and have 45 days in which to comply. They're damned if there's no cover up, damned if there is -- somebody wake up Kathleen! :D

I'm awake :D I am just waiting for the shit to hit the fan in the press - still hoping it will anyway.

rocknation 07-20-2015 06:08 AM

How goes it with the Christie presidential campaign? As well as can be expected:

Among the top ten declared U.S. presidential candidates, he's #8 on the money-raising list. And among the declared Republican candidates, he polls at #9 -- important because only the top ten candidates will be invited to the first round of nationally televised Republican debates.

Since Independence Day, Christie has hung out in New Jersey just long enough to see a U2 concert with Jon, shrug off a 10% increase in New Jersey Transit fares, and has announced that he won't be doing any more local town hall meetings:

Gov. Chris Christie once promised he would hold weekly town hall meetings...So why didn’t he follow through?

“To be honest, I got tired of them, so I didn’t do it,” he said. "I just got tired of it during that period of time. I had a lot of other things I was doing...And so when I do a lot of that other stuff, developing national ideas, raising money, all that, that’s done on time that’s outside my workday most of the time. And so the people that really affects are Mary Pat and the kids.”

When a reporter pressed him on the subject, Christie got testy. “You stand up for two hours and do that, OK? Tell me how you feel, buddy,” he said.
Well, standing for two hours might be a problem for him physically -- which might explain why he allowed this New Hampshire town hall attendee to get a word in edgewise:
Quote: Far away from the friendly-faced, Republican-heavy ZIP codes that have defined his New Jersey town halls, Christie almost immediately found his plan to reform Social Security challenged...

"Anybody here want to work a couple extra years?" a woman asked..."Why not just make really rich people pay the same amount as middle class people? Why shouldn't they have to pay Social Security on their full income?" Currently, the 6.2 percent Social Security withholding tax only applies to wages up to $118,500.

"Well, 'cause I'm gonna...Because my plan says they shouldn't get Social Security," Christie answered.

"But why are you asking middle class people to work longer?" the woman continued, unmoved. "It doesn't seem fair."

"What will be less fair is when Social Security goes bankrupt," Christie answered, noting that he planned to phase in the age increase over 25 years. "That's plenty of time to plan for an extra two years of work."

"But you shouldn't have to," the woman said.

"But you do have to," Christie insisted.

"If the really rich people paid on their full amount of their earning -- just like us in here have to do -- " offered the woman...

"There are not enough rich people in the United States," interrupted Christie, "nor enough money, to be able to fund what we would need with a growing population, to be able to have that be the only way you can solve this."

...The woman wasn't having it. "It's always going to be a tax increase," she said, asking, "When is someone going to stand up for the middle class and say, 'You guys have paid enough!' We've put enough in. Let the one per centers, or whoever they are, pay. This trickle down thing isn't working."

Christie, who has lost his patience when continuously challenged in New Jersey town halls, kept his cool..."Are you running for president?" Christie later asked, his voice even and calm, "because I'm not here to debate you..."
On the other hand, maybe Chrisite has been advised to try being as nice to the constituents who can give him votes as he is to the constituents who can give him big donations. But if this is supposed to be Christie's new, improved, non-bullying town hall version, his sarcastic, contemptuous "Are YOU running for president?" doesn't stick the landing: a cool, calm, even-voiced bully is still a bully. Maybe if he did the meetings sitting on a chair, he wouldn't get so tired and cranky.

P.S. Get rid of the Social Security salary cap altogether, and not only would it stay solvent forever, everyone could pay a lower rate.

P.P.S. Note to candidate Donald Trump: Keep it up with the anti-Hispanic sentiment, and Tico may take back the painting he sold you!

Becky 07-22-2015 05:18 AM

rocknation 07-22-2015 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1189958)

Where did this reporter learn journalism -- Cracker Jack Box University? There is no mention of Jon's supporting Hillary to the point of hosting a fundraiser for her. And as for it being "impossible to know...just what Mr. Christie had in mind in spurning Mr. Springsteen," the spurning was the other way around -- which the reporter might have figured out by comparing some of Bruce's lyrics to some of Christie's policies!

Old Joysey 07-23-2015 04:42 PM

More fun! :lol:

Kathleen 07-23-2015 07:28 PM

The pandering in these stories is making me gag :(

rocknation 07-24-2015 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1190173)


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1190190)
The pandering in these stories is making me gag :(

Fun, indeed: the Asbury Park Pander -- I mean Press -- article contains links to three other articles AND an editorial on the subject! Did they give that much attention to the recent mini-Hurricane Sandy, and is this how Christie intends to blow leading Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump off the front pages?

You are both stronger people than I am...

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