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synnea 04-04-2013 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1119798)
Personally I think you're all blowing this out of any sort of proportion. There's no indication whatsoever Richie is leaving or has left the band, or ever has any intention to.

Something came up. It happens.

The most sensible post yet. One day I had to leave my work 2 months ago just before I arrived in. My dad was rushed to hospital with heart problems. Just because Richies job is rock star in a band doesn't mean things like what happened to me (and all of us) won't happen to him! My team knew I left work for personal reasons. That's all I told them. Same thing here.

Captmorgs 04-04-2013 10:30 PM

I don't think Richie quit. He loves being Jon's right hand man. Ever since the break between New Jersey and Keep The Faith, I've never seen a desire on his part to be "the" star.

MJB12 04-04-2013 10:38 PM

Hahahaha at Phil X's tweet...

it's like answering the BATphone only every 2 years

Gabriel Shoes 04-04-2013 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1119813)
Aloha !

No, because Americans only know Richie from his failed marriage with Heather Locklear and his substance abuse. There's a few die hards here and there but most American fans go see Bon Jovi for Jon where most European fans go see Bon Jovi to see Bon Jovi. If it really was loyalty then where were all those loyal fans when Richie tried touring his record over there? He tours Amsterdam and plays 2 gigs there to do overwhelming demand. He plays New York and has to cancel his show due to low demand. But yeah, it's loyalty.

Aaaaand we're back to slamming America. You yanks make it so easy. :(

Yeah, awesome, all the **** ups. But an American wouldn't hear this because he's too busy being loyal to the band.

Salaam Aleikum,

But wait, why his solo efforts wasn't successful as band's albums in the US?

Captain_jovi 04-04-2013 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Roll (Post 1119821)
If Richie had left the band, I'd have sold my tickets right away. Bon Jovi is a band, not a solo act.

About the shows Richie cancelled in America, it's got more to do with the album being sooooooo bad I guess.

No. The shows didn't sell because no one gives a crap about him here. The album that no one heard didn't even get the chance to be considered because everyone has a preconceived notion of the guy and it had zero promo. It's not like millions of people heard the samples and said "no thanks"

semigoodlookin 04-04-2013 10:43 PM

Another thing. None of us know Jon, no matter how much we want to or profess too. I think he comes across a right douche, but I would not even start to say I know how he is as a person. There was a post that has been hailed as amazing, but truth is it was just speculation about a man's character, a man none of us know.

All I will say is it is possible to be something in work (Bon Jovi is his job) and something else away from it. And if I was famous with the media I would be an utter cunt, when in real life I am only a little bit of a cunt.

And Phil done a good enough job with the Wanted solo, was a pretty faithful rendition.

Lisa71 04-04-2013 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1119813)
Aloha !

No, because Americans only know Richie from his failed marriage with Heather Locklear and his substance abuse.

Salaam Aleikum,

In all honesty, isn't that true everywhere? I am not talking about die-hards or the fans of the band but generally the causal fan will only think of Richie in that light everywhere around the world. You can't say that only die-hards go to the shows in Europe because if that was the case, the album sales would be different. Not everyone in the audience who sees the band, has got the CD. So the majority of the audience everywhere are causal and they would only see Richie as the dude who was married to Heather, went out with Denise and Cher and was in rehab.

I would love to see the turn out for Europe if Richie wasn't there. Again, not talking about die-hards and Richie fans who say no Richie, no them but generally. Would there be a mass walkout? would we notice the difference in audience? I honestly think it would be a case of some not going but others going to the show and then the comments of great show but different without Richie etc etc.

I am from Australia and I am trying to think of how it would be here if it was know that Bon Jovi was coming without Richie? We are a band's band here. Bon Jovi is a band, not just Jon in Australia but still I don't think people wouldn't go to the shows.

NicoRourke 04-04-2013 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119814)
So Europeans won't go to the shows if Richie isn't there?

I won't. I want the 4 of them.

Lisa71 04-04-2013 11:07 PM

I just want to know when does Richie get the blame in all this? When does someone point the finger at him and say shit move, dumb ass?

Back in 2011, when this happened with Richie, people blamed Jon. Bastard Jon, continues on with the show, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and money, the stupid CEO. Poor Richie, what he and the band has to put up with. Granted it was a drugs problem then and he had to go to rehab but again, Jon got the blame for Richie's problem.

Happens again in 2013 and again the finger points at Jon. Richie leaves the tour for personal reasons, gives no explanation, nothing. Again, what has Jon done? its all Jon's fault, Richie is a true musician who plays from the heart, Jon doesn't care.

What does Richie have to do until someone says hey, WTF are you doing? you are doing this again to your fans? What? I hear Jon can do no wrong to his fans but heck, Richie fans are much worser. He can screw them over by not turning up for shows and they will forgive him anything. You have our love and support Richie. We are sending you our prayers, Hang in there. There are pages in support of Richie, send him your love. What does he need our love?

When is he ever going to get some of the blame for his actions. When is someone going to tweet him and say I am spending hundreds of dollars travelling to see the band just to see you and you are not turning up to the show? Are you ****in kidding me? No wonder he does it because he knows that his fans will forgive him. I don't need to turn up, they still love me.

Jon, Tico and David have never left the fans high and dry. You know when you go to a show, they will be there. Richie is not looking so good at the moment. 2011, 2012 and now in 2013 and yet it's all Jon's fault....................

Jonty 04-04-2013 11:10 PM

Best thing that can happen is Richie sorts out whatever it is, joins the tour again and they keep Phil X on too instead of Bobby!! Then Richie and Phil can jam away together!!

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