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Emil 04-04-2013 11:12 PM

This has probably been mentioned in this thread before, but my bet is that something has happened to Heather, who's been struggling a lot lately, far worse than Richie, it seems, and that Ava very much needs her dad right now. That would also explain all the secrecy; they probably wouldn't like to share that info with the media, and thereby put more focus on the strained situation. Especiallly since Heather is a celebrity in her own right.

I honestly don't believe that there's a financial issue, and with all other possible scenarios (Richie's mother being ill, a relapse, whatever), I really think the band would've put out a statement to end all speculation.

Bounce7800 04-04-2013 11:12 PM

On the US fans debate, its not really much surprise that they are very Jon-centric when that is how the band has been pushed to them. All Jon interviews, Jon on the record covers, Jon only in some videos... The band and the PR have gone that way so its no surprise that a lot of the fans are more of the "Jon and a band" opinion.

idbl_fanatic 04-04-2013 11:18 PM

Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 5m

Passed my permit test on my first try ��������

Who knows WHAT is going on, maybe he wanted to be there for Ava......................Sheesh

steel_horse75 04-04-2013 11:24 PM


Good post

Crushgen24/88 04-04-2013 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1119844)
Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 5m

Passed my permit test on my first try 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Who knows WHAT is going on......................Sheesh

What's going on there is a teenage girl is using her twitter, probably not realizing that a bunch of fans of her dad are disturbingly picking apart every tweet she makes about her personal life to try and find information about a situation involving her dad's career.

Crushgen24/88 04-04-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1119840)
I just want to know when does Richie get the blame in all this? When does someone point the finger at him and say shit move, dumb ass?

Back in 2011, when this happened with Richie, people blamed Jon. Bastard Jon, continues on with the show, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and money, the stupid CEO. Poor Richie, what he and the band has to put up with. Granted it was a drugs problem then and he had to go to rehab but again, Jon got the blame for Richie's problem.

Happens again in 2013 and again the finger points at Jon. Richie leaves the tour for personal reasons, gives no explanation, nothing. Again, what has Jon done? its all Jon's fault, Richie is a true musician who plays from the heart, Jon doesn't care.

What does Richie have to do until someone says hey, WTF are you doing? you are doing this again to your fans? What? I hear Jon can do no wrong to his fans but heck, Richie fans are much worser. He can screw them over by not turning up for shows and they will forgive him anything. You have our love and support Richie. We are sending you our prayers, Hang in there. There are pages in support of Richie, send him your love. What does he need our love?

When is he ever going to get some of the blame for his actions. When is someone going to tweet him and say I am spending hundreds of dollars travelling to see the band just to see you and you are not turning up to the show? Are you ****in kidding me? No wonder he does it because he knows that his fans will forgive him. I don't need to turn up, they still love me.

Jon, Tico and David have never left the fans high and dry. You know when you go to a show, they will be there. Richie is not looking so good at the moment. 2011, 2012 and now in 2013 and yet it's all Jon's fault....................

I gotta say, I agree with a lot of the sentiment here, and I'm someone who tends to be more of a Richie guy.

Jayster 04-04-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Jonty (Post 1119841)
Best thing that can happen is Richie sorts out whatever it is, joins the tour again and they keep Phil X on too instead of Bobby!! Then Richie and Phil can jam away together!!

That would be cool.... but Phil X would be left with all the rhythm parts. He's get over it quickly.

SadieLady 04-04-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by TheOriginalJez (Post 1119774)
Matt, Richie himself tweeted that he just had to stay in LA for a little while - stands to reason something's happened in the family and he has to be there, which is fair enough. This is gonna come out as someone died or someone got hurt and, as usual, this board jumped on the jon is a twat bandwagon. let's face it, none of us know him - he could be the nicest guy in the world behind that media bandwagon, but we'll never actually know. And that's irrelevant anyway, let's just wish richie the best and hope that it's nothing that serious.

I hope that fans and reporters have enough regard for Richie to not badger him in the future for reasons. Personal is personal and not our business. Yes, I am crushed I won't see him at my show but I've decided to go and have a good time anyway.

It is interesting how one moment Jon or Richie can give a "substandard" Bon Jovi performance and people immediately say the band is over, should call it quits and that they aren't going to go to a show this tour. Then they give a great performance and people trip all over themselves with excitement.

I do think the music releases have changed over the years. The band no longer lives in the studio making band music together. Jon develops the songs that he has to sing/present as the frontman and the others still have input when they are in the studio but it is not an organic, from scratch process. Jon keeps the brand going, keeps the Bon Jovi sound identifiable. Perhaps now he is seeing how fickle his fan base is and how fast things can go south.

I am beyond tired of the European attitude that Jon "wouldn't dare tour Europe without Richie, he would have to cancel the tour." If the exact same thing happened in Europe on the eve of the tour, Jon would not cancel the shows period. If you want to look at an arrogant attitude, look no further than those posters who think this.

LeaJovi 04-04-2013 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Roll (Post 1119821)
Lea jovi: So anyone around here can be offensive to evil Jon but it's not OK when it's about Richie? The truth is that though Jon isn't half the singer he used to be, the same goes with Sambora and his guitar skills. And yes AOTL is crap. You just need to read fan reviews talking about how it's genuine with heart and soul to understand it. When something is really good, you don't need to support it with such lousy arguments.

First of all, you were offensive because of the "MS" thing, not because you bashed Richie's work. You are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Second, we get that YOU don't enjoy AOTL, please stop shoving down our throats that it is crap and giving the same lousy positive arguments you despise but in a negative way.

LeaJovi 04-04-2013 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1119828)
Tell us more about your objective standpoint, samboraisgod. Especially how it relates to your personal preferences.

LOL. That was funny.

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