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WillRunForChocolate 05-28-2013 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1134451)
5 Top Reasons Richie Sambora and Bon Jovi need to kiss and make up:

This is great stuff!

jovigirloz 05-28-2013 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1134451)
5 Top Reasons Richie Sambora and Bon Jovi need to kiss and make up:

Terrific article. Thanks for sharing. Yes number 5 is the man reason.

Robd788 05-28-2013 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1134451)
5 Top Reasons Richie Sambora and Bon Jovi need to kiss and make up:

If only both Jon and Richie would see this......

AmenRocksHard 05-28-2013 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1134476)
Point 5! Absolutely, point 5!

Someone on here said the other day that Richie has no contractual obligation to fans, to which I pointed out he does when Bon Jovi have taken our money. Really wish someone would remind Richie of this.

Why is it only Richie again?!?

Its both of them!!!

JoviJovi 05-28-2013 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by AmenRocksHard (Post 1134482)
Why is it only Richie again?!?

Its both of them!!!

Only 1 walked out on his commitment.

BJ?YesPlease 05-28-2013 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1134483)
Only 1 walked out on his commitment.

This attitude irks me - because, IF you'd been treated like crap, had insults thrown at you/your daughter, IF you'd been belittled, IF you'd been underpaid, IF you'd been promised you could play solo songs etc....Why on earth would you keep going when you're getting royally screwed?

It comes back to the basics...we don't know jack. We're as in the dark as ever and it's nigh on impossible to take sides. But assuming Richie should just tour "because fans bought tickets" is utter nonsense and ignorant.
Jon should not be able to act like an ass and screw people over and expect them to follow him. But we don't know he's done that either.

We don't know....500+ pages in! LOL.

JoviJovi 05-28-2013 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134484)
This attitude irks me - because, IF you'd been treated like crap, had insults thrown at you/your daughter, IF you'd been belittled, IF you'd been underpaid, IF you'd been promised you could play solo songs etc....Why on earth would you keep going when you're getting royally screwed?

It comes back to the basics...we don't know jack. We're as in the dark as ever and it's nigh on impossible to take sides. But assuming Richie should just tour "because fans bought tickets" is utter nonsen
se and ignorant.
Jon should not be able to act like an ass and screw people over and expect them to follow him. But we don't know he's done that either.

We don't know....500+ pages in! LOL.

IF all that was the case then he shouldn't have started the tour. I am sure evil Jon didn't just emerge right before Ccalgary. Once he signed on he accepted whatever terms were in place. Sorry, but I could give at least 50 reasons why I don't want to go to work today ((bad pay, shitty boss, promised a promotion I didn't get etc) but I made a commitment when I accepted the job. If and when I choose to leave I will give them plenty of notice and not leave them hanging
And yes, because people keep buying tickets for his unreliable ass, he should play.

Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? "just because you paid for a product, don't get mad when you don't get that product"

BJ?YesPlease 05-28-2013 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1134485)
IF all that was the case then he shouldn't have started the tour. I am sure evil Jon didn't just emerge right before Ccalgary. Once he signed on he accepted whatever terms were in place. Sorry, but I could give at least 50 reasons why I don't want to go to work today ((bad pay, shitty boss, promised a promotion I didn't get etc) but I made a commitment when I accepted the job. If and when I choose to leave I will give them plenty of notice and not leave them hanging
And yes, because people keep buying tickets for his unreliable ass,

The difference is, if your boss was abusive or rude then you'd be able to take them to a tribunal. Everyone assumes that as a musician your biggest priority is the fans. That's bullshit. Sure, you should always do what you can to please the fans who spend their cold hard cash. But NO job ever comes before yourself and your happiness.
Come on people, let's get a grip and some perspective here - at least until we know who the bad guy is and the circumstances.

BJ?YesPlease 05-28-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1134485)
Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? "just because you paid for a product, don't get mad when you don't get that product" could look at it that the tour should've have continued. All depends who is to blame. We don't know.

JoviJovi 05-28-2013 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134486)
The difference is, if your boss was abusive or rude then you'd be able to take them to a tribunal.

Maybe that's the case where you live, but not in the US for the most part. If you don't like your circumstances, you look for a new job. Possible exceptions are sexual harrassment and physical abuse. Neither of which are issues in this case. Unless of course you think evil Jon is capable of that too?

Funny how you Richie fanatics believe every word written about Jon but when it comes to Richie we have to wait and see. Talk about something that's irking! I know he's probably a jerk to work for, I don't wear rose colored glasses and I am a fan of the band, not a Jon or richie fan. However, I can tell you which one has let me down on more than 1 occasion.

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