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Rdkopper 12-26-2018 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1249803)
The exact words are very important because even the slightest change, one word wrong can completely change the way the sentance is perceived. It's basic english.

As Jackie pointed out, the same translation varied from Richie being drugged (if someone is drugged, someone else drugged them, so this is clearly incorrect) to drug withdrawal (which could also translate to being in rehab, but not neccesarily) to being in rehab (which is more than likely what Jon actually said) yes, what he actually said does indeed these can all mean completely different things...

For starters, I don't believe for one second that Jackie has a German friend who translated anything...

But regardless, if Jon is giving an interview and the words Drugs and / or Rehab come up when talking about Richie, common sense tells me that he's not telling the story of "Richie leaving to spend time with his daughter'

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Rdkopper 12-26-2018 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1249806)
I don't know what discussion you've been having, but Jon's and David's choice of words is exactly what I've been debating all along. (Remember the whole "habits" is another word for "addictions" discussion?)

I also don't know who "ripped on Jon" for saying anything "all of a sudden", but it sure as hell wasn't me. I'm the one who's been saying (over and over) that I don't see why Jon is still yakking about Richie because he's not telling us anything different than what he told us in 2016. It's true that the message has been the same because the only thing that changes is the euphemism he uses.

Another thing that hasn't changed since 2016 is that, afaik, neither Jon nor David has directly linked Richie's addictions with why he didn't show up, in a way that doesn't require interpretation - no matter how little intelligence it takes to reach the conclusion they want people to reach.

Just to be clear, this has nothing to do with whether or not Richie's using now, or was using from 2014 til now, or what shape he was in from 2007 through 2011, or why he isn't with the band now, or if he'll be with BJ in the future.

None of that has anything to do with the question that David and Jon are supposedly answering with all their repeated implications, which is "why didn't Richie show up?"

And since 2016, my question hasn't changed: If it's true that Richie didn't show up in Calgary because of his addictions, then why won't David or Jon say that in terms that can't also refer to something else?

Let me go back and and post the discussion for you and them I'm done after that.

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JackieBlue 12-26-2018 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249808)
For starters, I don't believe for one second that Jackie has a German friend who translated anything...

Not that it matters, but I don't see why not. I’m pretty sure that I've never lied to you - or to anyone here, for that matter. If I had to lie to make a point, I wouldn’t bother.

JackieBlue 12-26-2018 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249809)
Let me go back and and post the discussion for you and them I'm done after that.

Here, let me help you out with that. ;)

This is what started it (this time around). Beginning on page 11:


Originally Posted by Eveline (Post 1246169)
Bon Jovi blamed Sambora's "habits" for interfering with his work with the band."His habits got into the way of him coming to work. And he just didn’t show up," he said…


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1246222)
New interview with Jon, where he outright says Richie's "habits" are why he didn't show up that day. His addictions are the reason he didn't show up. Wake up….


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1246225)
Then I wonder why it is that Jon still seems to be coming up with every word under the sun to keep from calling it what it is. Why is it, when he's asked flat out if alcohol or drugs is the "issue", he deflects instead of confirming it?...


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1246226)
…somewhere he had alluded to it as well...


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1246227)
He alluded to it in nearly every interview he did after the fangurl write up Kate Whatshername did in that "respectable" British publication. But for some reason, he's avoiding saying it flat out.


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1246516)
Do you honestly think Jon and David would each say (more than once) that Richie's "habits," "drug addiction," and "demons" are the reason if it wasn't?...


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1246542)
... He kinda went there on Howard but sure, five years later, it's time...
Jon's probably like, F it!!! I'm coming clean...


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1246610)
…unless I missed it, the phrase “drug addiction” hasn’t crossed David's or Jon's lips. Nor has “alcohol” or “substance” or “abuse”…I might have more faith in what they’re insinuating if they didn’t seem to be working so hard to imply something without saying it flat out. Or if just once, when Jon is asked point blank to confirm it, his reply wouldn't be non-responsive. If that IS the “personal issue” that led to Richie not showing up, a simple "yes" would settle it.
… Why mention it? It's not like he clarified anything or gave more information than he did before. He didn't "come clean” in that interview, any more than he did umpteen times in 2016-2017.

To answer your question, no, I don’t think that Jon or David would say, even once, much less more than once, that it was substance related if it weren’t…Jon’s ever-changing story, and tap-dancing around calling Richie’s issue by any name that he might have to back up, is one reason I doubt the truth of the statement...

From that point Destination Jovi has been on a mission to prove that David or Jon has said “drug”, “addiction”, etc. at least once. And you’ve been right behind her…


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1246628)
David in September 2015: “You know, drug addiction is a very tough thing,” he says.


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1246629)
Oh thank goodness... maybe the madness and denial can stop


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1246627)
…for Jackie: Habits is a soft way of saying Drug & Alcohol Abuse. Just like when people say 'Passing' instead of Dead...


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1246630)
…I did say, however, that I didn't think they would say it once if it wasn't true; so I may have to reconsider.


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1246886)
But the story has been told Jackie. You're just in denial... You were so adamant about no one in the band using the word 'Drug or Alcohol' and were in complete denial because Jon used the word 'Habits' instead.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1246907)
… I fully realize Richie's "habits" could be the reason he didn't show up. …David did say "drug addiction" … so it's now in the hopper with all the other puzzle pieces. But it didn't magically answer all my questions…


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1246971)
David used that pesky word "addiction" again…So much denial…


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1246992)
… Notice in Dave's interview he said Richie was in rehab THREE times…


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1247024)
… he was including the week long detox stint he did in June 2007.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1247213)
…. Jon took a couple stabs at floating the "the guy who filled in for us last time.. " rehab connection, two interviews in a row, iirc. Then a couple days later, Richie called him out on it; and it was in Jon's next interview that the reporter asked if it was alcohol and Jon said flatly that no, it wasn't alcohol...


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1248405)
… David didn't say anything new that would explain why Richie didn't show up in Calgary. ….


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1248465)
… they all are sayin' the same, that it was "His... you know, habits"


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1248423)
"You think he'll ever be back?"
"Strange thing about addiction is it doesn't cure itself. It's that tough love thing."
"Is he still partying?"
"Addicts don't get better on their own."
If you can't put this together and figure it out then I truly hope you're never called for jury duty.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1248509)
… The question is “Why didn’t Richie show up in Calgary?” … That’s the question David didn’t touch on; and the one that nobody is answering explicitly. If Jon and David know, for a fact, that what they’re insinuating is true, then why don't they just say it - in a way that can’t be construed to mean something different (e.g., habits, issues, demons), and that doesn’t require “figuring out” or reading between the lines, or connecting abstract statements like the ones David made ….


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1248517)
… The first round of promos it was "issues", the 2nd it was "demons", this last round was "habits"…I just thought it was strange how everybody seemed to think David clarified so much more in the podcast, when he didn't really say anything about Richie that hadn't already been said


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1249619)

Q: This is the first Bon Jovi album without guitarist Richie Sambora. Did you really fire your longtime partner?
JBJ: That's a great misconception. And I had become the fans' bogeyman because of that. Nobody fired Richie. He just didn't show up for work anymore. He had to make a drug withdrawal - and never returned to the band again. I haven't heard from Richie in three and a half years and finally replaced him because we need to continue with Bon Jovi. I hope that Richie will be able to get away from drugs and alcohol someday.


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1249726)
Louder for the folks in the back! He and David have said it over and over again, but it really doesn't get any more clear or direct than this.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1249730)
We don't know what Jon actually said; but if it was "rehab" then he and David need to get their stories straight. We've already accounted for the 3 rehabs David mentioned (2 in 2007 and 1 in 2011). If Richie didn't show up in 2013 because he was in rehab or detox, by my count, that would be 4.


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249733)
Google Translate it yourself Jackie... He gave you the link...


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249743)
Jon's been tap dancing around it for years... Dave was the one who was out right blunt about it... Jon is now just following Dave…


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1249747)
I don't question either of their translations. I'm more concerned with what Jon said in English and how accurately the reporter translated it into German…Or would you agree it's more likely that Jon may have said something else, more along the lines of what he said in other interviews at that time, and the reporter translated it into the German word(s) for "drug withdrawal"?


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249802)
Who gives a shit what his EXACT words were?...That wasn't even the point of discussion. The point of the discussion was, someone ripped on Jon for calling Richie out all of a sudden in 2018 and BonJovi90 proved from an article that Jon's been saying it since 2016 (at the very least)...


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1249806)
I don't know what discussion you've been having, but Jon's and David's choice of words is exactly what I've been debating all along. (Remember the whole "habits" is another word for "addictions" discussion?)…I'm the one who's been saying (over and over) that I don't see why Jon is still yakking about Richie because he's not telling us anything different than what he told us in 2016. It's true that the message has been the same because the only thing that changes is the euphemism he uses….Another thing that hasn't changed since 2016 is that, afaik, neither Jon nor David has directly linked Richie's addictions with why he didn't show up, in a way that doesn't require interpretation …And since 2016, my question hasn't changed: If it's true that Richie didn't show up in Calgary because of his addictions, then why won't David or Jon say that in terms that can't also refer to something else?


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249809)
Let me go back and and post the discussion for you and them I'm done after that.

And I believe that brings it up to the present.

You’re welcome.

Captain_jovi 12-26-2018 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249809)
....I'm done after that.

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Not a single person who has said that has meant it haha.

semigoodlooking 12-27-2018 02:39 PM

One thing I believe Jon on is that Richie was not fired and simply didn't show. This is evident by the fact Richie seemingly thought he would be back in the band. Sure, he might have been fired after that (in fact, it is pretty obvious he was).

So, if he wasn't fired and didn't show then he made a genuine choice to not go. Drugs, daughter, or just simply not being bothered anymore, Richie chose to leave Bon Jovi. What happened after that was all simply the fallout for that choice.

Not notifying the band suggests Richie was unable to do so, which suggests intoxication. Who knows, but people are not making giant leaps by presuming Richie had relapsed. If he was sober, why not tell the band he would not be showing up?

richiefan95 12-27-2018 04:57 PM

Richie was saying in November in 2013 that he will be back with the band and in every interview until then he was saying that everything will be resolved.
Everyone knows that he didn't show up in Calgary but I am 100% sure that he thought he would be back for the european leg or so but that didn't happen. I think after Jon saw that he could go on without him he didn't let him back.

rickysambo 12-27-2018 06:27 PM

Random richie thoughts.
Been a while since I posted. Surprised to see so many still following what the "band" is doing these days [unless I'm reading it wrong]. I don't think there has ever been a day in my life that I haven't listened to a Bon Jovi song ever since I first [really] got into music [2004]. And I haven't listened to even a second of post Richie BJ material- live or otherwise. I've seen all almost available Richie material post that and almost never have been awed by the playing or vocals. So musically, its been downhill on both fronts. I understand people age and their motor skills decline but don't think the king of swing has been taking his health seriously at all. Hooking up with Orianthi is only an issue because it resulted in him being absolutely bizarre musically for 2-3 years where he could have just retreated into a shell and made a great blues record and have something for these years. Thankfully, the past catalog is huge and varied. The more I get better at the guitar, the more I appreciate Richie's style of playing and I'm not being biased at all.
It was great to see Bob Rock sticking with Richie for what seems like a solo upcoming album [on Norm's guitar channel]. Hopefully we'll get mature tracks and great soul. Richie hasn't been paying attention to phrasing his solos at all and its been 3 years of merely improvising with his Aussie gal. So, hopefully he listens to the These Days record or something and remind himself of his own words/mantra: playing to the needs of the track and not just random exhibition of skills/wankery. As for Bon Jovi the "band" or the multimillion business corporation, I won't be listening to anything they'll do. I love the guys but I feel like the more insecure and lonely Jon has gotten, the more he has surrounded himself with people onstage. His comment about Richie not being indispensable like Edge/Keith Richards was so laughable. None of those guys have the technical skills neither do they sing better than their singers! I didn't hear Richie taking shots at Jon's terrible nasal voice and countless off key moments since mid 2000s. But the main reason why I [and anyone like me] can't listen to the "new" thing is because of some random robot replacing our God. I'll gladly listen to a Jon solo album, hell, even a Tico solo album [the guy can sing!].
Anyway, there's my rant.
"Don't you know that all my heroes died"

Becky 01-01-2019 12:39 AM

Tomorrow will be 2019 and y’all are STILL arguing about why Richie is no longer in the band. Does anyone consider that there’s a correlation between the consistent negativity and continuing circular conversations about this topic and the lack of Dry County member participation in discussions?

Just a thought. Do with it whatever you want... which will probably be to still be arguing in circles in 2020.

Happy New Year. Really, do something to make yourself happy. You’re the only one who can.

bonjovi90 01-01-2019 01:24 AM

It's much more a correlation of the band's musical decline and the membership activity than that.

Happy New Year![emoji4]

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