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Tooka 04-04-2013 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jonty (Post 1119841)
Best thing that can happen is Richie sorts out whatever it is, joins the tour again and they keep Phil X on too instead of Bobby!! Then Richie and Phil can jam away together!!

Loooooooooooooool :D

Crushgen24/88 04-04-2013 11:33 PM

I love how this thread has gone on long enough to go from "It must be rehab." to "Is addiction a disease?" to "Richie and Jon are fighting over money" to "Richie's out of the band" to "Richie's not out of the band" to "Jon's an ass" to "They'd never tour Europe without Richie" to a European vs American argument while all the while we know nothing more than we did Monday.

LeaJovi 04-04-2013 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Jonty (Post 1119841)
Best thing that can happen is Richie sorts out whatever it is, joins the tour again and they keep Phil X on too instead of Bobby!! Then Richie and Phil can jam away together!!

Oh god please no!

Bobby is so inferior to Sambora that we just don't mind him all that much, but if it were Phil X there, I don't want a war.

Well, thinking about it maybe Richie would step up his game :D

LeaJovi 04-04-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1119854)
I love how this thread has gone on long enough to go from "It must be rehab." to "Is addiction a disease?" to "Richie and Jon are fighting over money" to "Richie's out of the band" to "Richie's not out of the band" to "Jon's an ass" to "They'd never tour Europe without Richie" to a European vs American argument while all the while we know nothing more than we did Monday.

I find it one of the most interesting threads of the last few months :D

fairtex444 04-04-2013 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by ShadyLady (Post 1119849)
I am beyond tired of the European attitude that Jon "wouldn't dare tour Europe without Richie, he would have to cancel the tour." If the exact same thing happened in Europe on the eve of the tour, Jon would not cancel the shows period. If you want to look at an arrogant attitude, look no further than those posters who think this.

of course Jon would not cancel the would

Tooka 04-04-2013 11:47 PM

Take a f***** Chill Pill
Please watch this video and tell me how is this a band that is fighting? (4:00)

And many more videos especially from the Cleveland stream. Just check out how Richie stepped in to save Jon with an extended solo when Jon couldn't hit the notes on Always after 3 hours of singing his ass off.

People tend to blow things out of proportion and start imagining scenarios and then fight about them? The posts suddenly change into Jon bashing then Richie bashing then US vs European fans. Seriously?!

The dude had to take care of a personal matter that apparently he doesn't know how long is going to take. Could be his family, could be his ex-wife, could be a hemroid, could be anything!! Why do you need to know? People as well as things break down and sometimes it not really planned and you have to deal with it.

If yo want to go see the show without Richie then go and if you don't then don't! it's your choice, your decision. They were clear about refunding tickets before shows. No body owes you anything, not for telling you what the personal matter is or when Richie will be back.

Makedde 04-04-2013 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1119840)
I just want to know when does Richie get the blame in all this? When does someone point the finger at him and say shit move, dumb ass?

Back in 2011, when this happened with Richie, people blamed Jon. Bastard Jon, continues on with the show, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and money, the stupid CEO. Poor Richie, what he and the band has to put up with. Granted it was a drugs problem then and he had to go to rehab but again, Jon got the blame for Richie's problem.

Happens again in 2013 and again the finger points at Jon. Richie leaves the tour for personal reasons, gives no explanation, nothing. Again, what has Jon done? its all Jon's fault, Richie is a true musician who plays from the heart, Jon doesn't care.

What does Richie have to do until someone says hey, WTF are you doing? you are doing this again to your fans? What? I hear Jon can do no wrong to his fans but heck, Richie fans are much worser. He can screw them over by not turning up for shows and they will forgive him anything. You have our love and support Richie. We are sending you our prayers, Hang in there. There are pages in support of Richie, send him your love. What does he need our love?

When is he ever going to get some of the blame for his actions. When is someone going to tweet him and say I am spending hundreds of dollars travelling to see the band just to see you and you are not turning up to the show? Are you ****in kidding me? No wonder he does it because he knows that his fans will forgive him. I don't need to turn up, they still love me.

Jon, Tico and David have never left the fans high and dry. You know when you go to a show, they will be there. Richie is not looking so good at the moment. 2011, 2012 and now in 2013 and yet it's all Jon's fault....................

^^this. I agree. It's always Jon's fault, for some reason.

I dunno what the heck is wrong with Richie, but whatever it is, I hope he is okay.

Becky 04-04-2013 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1119815)
32Just to add.

Jon's the boss, the CEO (which by the way, I think people take that comment from WWWB far too seriously but that's a whole other story!) The band knows their place, they know the deal. Yet they come back on every tour and do it again. If everyone hated it so much, why do they return? We can't make it black and white, cut and dry. He can't be as bad as everyone wants to make Jon out to be, if everyone keeps on coming back. I am talking about band, road crew, management team, hell even David Bergman returns! I know, I know money, money, money but it can't just be all about money. It's not like they are struggling and have to work at a shit job or they won't be able to pay their bills? So what makes them come back if Jon is the asshole everyone likes to proclaim him to be.

THIS. If Jon were the asshole that people around here make him out to be, he'd have a string of failed relationships and ex band members. He inspires deep loyalty from the people who surround him. He must be a good guy or people wouldn't keep coming back for more.

SadieLady 04-04-2013 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1119843)
On the US fans debate, its not really much surprise that they are very Jon-centric when that is how the band has been pushed to them. All Jon interviews, Jon on the record covers, Jon only in some videos... The band and the PR have gone that way so its no surprise that a lot of the fans are more of the "Jon and a band" opinion.

I agree. I wish that the screens that I see on clips would show more of the rest of the band. During the last tour when there was a facebook vote on what photo to use in a full-page magazine ad, I chose the one with the full band but the fans voted for the Jon-only ones which annoyed me.

With regard to interviews: I've often wondered why the rest of the band even bothered these last few years with press conferences. All the questions go to Jon and a few to Richie. No wonder Tico looked like he fell asleep at the last press conference in Britain. I do not fault Jon for his interviews and I think that he usually presents himself very well and can still be engaging. It is just different thirty years on. As to charm...the flirty Jon went over well in his 20s, 30s, 40s. I am not sure it would go over well in his 50s. It really wouldn't shock me for Jon to go on as a singer (if he can vocally)when Bon Jovi ends and the rest of the band will also go do their own things. Dave and Richie will stay in music; Dave as a composer, Richie as a performer on a smaller scale. I still think Jon genuinely likes to sing and perform. But who knows--I hope to be around long enough to find out!

samboraisgodUK 04-05-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1119828)
Tell us more about your objective standpoint, samboraisgod. Especially how it relates to your personal preferences.

Okay, slight suspicion of an oxymoron there, I admit it haha :p , I didn't articulate myself particularly well.

The gist of what I was getting at was if a casual observer compared the Wanted solo Phil X played last night to the way Richie usually plays it, they would find prefer Richie's version.

Of course I have an affinity to Richie (really wishing I chose a different username when these arguments come up), but I don't think Phil X is a guitarist who can "play circles around him" as some people seem to be saying.

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