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BJ?YesPlease 05-28-2013 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1134513)
If you kids don't stop, you're all going up to your rooms!!


It's so unfair, I HATE YOU!!!

WillRunForChocolate 05-28-2013 04:35 PM

Omg, I hate snarky people and I've become one! I'll use the excuse that I haven't had my coffee yet this morning. Good heavens, the Jon and Richie drama has turned me into a bitch. I'm officially joining the group hug. Kumbaya anyone? :)

Tooka 05-28-2013 04:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I thought this thread was bringing us all closer, looks at these guys, you should learn from them :P

Solid Sambora 05-28-2013 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by AmenRocksHard (Post 1134482)
Why is it only Richie again?!?

Its both of them!!!

You're correct of course. Jon's as bad as Richie, what with him quiting mid-tour too and leaving the fans high and dry. Oh, wait... Jon didn't quit the tour? Ok then, I'm gonna go back to talking to the grown ups...


Originally Posted by AmenRocksHard (Post 1134501)
Turn the finger and point at yourself first, dear Jon fanatic. Turn back a few pages, read the comments about the "doing well with my fashion project" statement...

Eh? What? Looks like we've got ourselves another one...

BJ?YesPlease 05-28-2013 04:50 PM

Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya....

I'm thinking pinched harmonics and power chords - and this could be a hit!

Stranger11 05-28-2013 05:08 PM

When this all began in April Jon seemed to be understanding with the whole Richie situation. That changed and Iīm not sure that itīs only because of the obvious reasons (lack of communication, fight,..)

Jon barely gave any interviews during the US leg of the tour and so he wasnīt bothered with questions regarding that subject matter. Now he is in Europe and suddenly every interviewer is asking him about Richie Sambora. I think that pisses him off big time cause he is used to be the center of attention. Now itīs Richie this, Richie that, how is Richie doing, when is Richie coming back and so on. That could also be a reason why heīs giving those grumpy interviews lately.

WillRunForChocolate 05-28-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Tooka (Post 1134519)
I thought this thread was bringing us all closer, looks at these guys, you should learn from them :P

Oooohhh, that's so sweet. I miss the good old days!

CKatz 05-28-2013 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1134523)
When this all began in April Jon seemed to be understanding with the whole Richie situation. That changed and Iīm not sure that itīs only because of the obvious reasons (lack of communication, fight,..)

Jon barely gave any interviews during the US leg of the tour and so he wasnīt bothered with questions regarding that subject matter. Now he is in Europe and suddenly every interviewer is asking him about Richie Sambora. I think that pisses him off big time cause he is used to be the center of attention. Now itīs Richie this, Richie that, how is Richie doing, when is Richie coming back and so on. That could also be a reason why heīs giving those grumpy interviews lately.

He doesn't have to answer those questions. He can choose which topics to discuss before the interview. So that's no excuse for "grumpy" answers.

JoviJovi 05-28-2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1134525)
He doesn't have to answer those questions. He can choose which topics to discuss before the interview. So that's no excuse for "grumpy" answers.

No he cant when the interview is about the tour that Richie is supposed to be on. How stupid would that sound? Celebrities choose which topics to discuss on say Ellen or Katie, even then if its a hot topic, it will be touched on even if gently. The interviews jon is doing now are solely to promote the tour. The hottest topic about the tour right now, unfortunately, is richies absence.

Solid Sambora 05-28-2013 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134484)
This attitude irks me - because, IF you'd been treated like crap, had insults thrown at you/your daughter, IF you'd been belittled, IF you'd been underpaid, IF you'd been promised you could play solo songs etc....Why on earth would you keep going when you're getting royally screwed?

It comes back to the basics...we don't know jack. We're as in the dark as ever and it's nigh on impossible to take sides. But assuming Richie should just tour "because fans bought tickets" is utter nonsense and ignorant.
Jon should not be able to act like an ass and screw people over and expect them to follow him. But we don't know he's done that either.

We don't know....500+ pages in! LOL.

What's ignorant is stating your own assumptions then adding "oh, but we don't know" at the end in a futile attemp to try and look like you're being objective.

And while we're at it, don't go comparing Richie's position to that of the average working man. "Underpaid?" Are you joking?
If he's unhappy with Jon's treatment of him, he literally could go the entire tour without seeing him bar the 2-3 hours per show. Turn up on stage, play, then "see ya" until the next show.
The fact is, Richie is in a position of some responsibility, where people are paying money to see him and counting on him being there. If he's going to quit in the manner he has, it needs to be for good reasons. Jon's behaviour, whether good or bad, shouldn't come into it unless he has changed into some kind of monster mid-tour- they worked together for 30 years, if its Jon's personality then Richie should have quit a long time ago, not mid-tour. As it stands, unless an official statement or explanation tells us that Jon did X & Y terrible things in the run up to the Calgary show, and therefore is immediately responsible for Richie dropping out, then I'll put this whole thing back on Richie. An in turn, until an official statement clarifies the situation, I'll reserve the right to decide whether I think, as a paying customer, Richie is justified in treating his fans- THE PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM WHERE HE IS- the way he is treating them. And in this situation, where the man himself has said "all is good" and that he's "doing f***ing great" I should be able to expect him to get his ass on a plane and do his job, and fulfill his duty to the fans who paid to see him!

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