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MrNickel 05-28-2013 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1134529)
What's ignorant is stating your own assumptions then adding "oh, but we don't know" at the end in a futile attemp to try and look like you're being objective.

And while we're at it, don't go comparing Richie's position to that of the average working man. "Underpaid?" Are you joking?
If he's unhappy with Jon's treatment of him, he literally could go the entire tour without seeing him bar the 2-3 hours per show. Turn up on stage, play, then "see ya" until the next show.
The fact is, Richie is in a position of some responsibility, where people are paying money to see him and counting on him being there. If he's going to quit in the manner he has, it needs to be for good reasons. Jon's behaviour, whether good or bad, shouldn't come into it unless he has changed into some kind of monster mid-tour- they worked together for 30 years, if its Jon's personality then Richie should have quit a long time ago, not mid-tour. As it stands, unless an official statement or explanation tells us that Jon did X & Y terrible things in the run up to the Calgary show, and therefore is immediately responsible for Richie dropping out, then I'll put this whole thing back on Richie. An in turn, until an official statement clarifies the situation, I'll reserve the right to decide whether I think, as a paying customer, Richie is justified in treating his fans- THE PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM WHERE HE IS- the way he is treating them. And in this situation, where the man himself has said "all is good" and that he's "doing f***ing great" I should be able to expect him to get his ass on a plane and do his job, and fulfill his duty to the fans who paid to see him!


Jon can't be blamed at the minute until / if, we get some evidence he did something wrong. Other than that silly u2/Edge remark Jon has handled this pretty good.

JoviJovi 05-28-2013 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1134529)
What's ignorant is stating your own assumptions then adding "oh, but we don't know" at the end in a futile attemp to try and look like you're being objective.

And while we're at it, don't go comparing Richie's position to that of the average working man. "Underpaid?" Are you joking?
If he's unhappy with Jon's treatment of him, he literally could go the entire tour without seeing him bar the 2-3 hours per show. Turn up on stage, play, then "see ya" until the next show.
The fact is, Richie is in a position of some responsibility, where people are paying money to see him and counting on him being there. If he's going to quit in the manner he has, it needs to be for good reasons. Jon's behaviour, whether good or bad, shouldn't come into it unless he has changed into some kind of monster mid-tour- they worked together for 30 years, if its Jon's personality then Richie should have quit a long time ago, not mid-tour. As it stands, unless an official statement or explanation tells us that Jon did X & Y terrible things in the run up to the Calgary show, and therefore is immediately responsible for Richie dropping out, then I'll put this whole thing back on Richie. An in turn, until an official statement clarifies the situation, I'll reserve the right to decide whether I think, as a paying customer, Richie is justified in treating his fans- THE PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM WHERE HE IS- the way he is treating them. And in this situation, where the man himself has said "all is good" and that he's "doing f***ing great" I should be able to expect him to get his ass on a plane and do his job, and fulfill his duty to the fans who paid to see him!

This exactly.

Solid Sambora 05-28-2013 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1134531)

Jon can't be blamed at the minute until / if, we get some evidence he did something wrong. Other than that silly u2/Edge remark Jon has handled this pretty good.

Exactly. I think some folk see the Edge comment as a valid reason for Richie not being there- WHEN HE'D ALREADY QUIT THE BLOODY TOUR BY THAT POINT!!!

rolo_tomachi 05-28-2013 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by WillRunForChocolate (Post 1134506)
Why on earth do you think Richie was belittled, treated like crap, underpaid and had insults hurled at him? All that is just speculation. Jon is not the devil for crying out loud, and Richie is not a victim.

You are correct when you say "we don't know jack."

There are small signs that Jon, not appreciate to Richie Sambora, you can see those stinking eyes in the videos of this tour before abandonment.

Let's be honest, Jon has underestimated to Richie in his last interviews, remember the comparison with The Edge of U2. Arguing that Richie is completely replaceable, expendable.

Those words of Jon, is a lack of respect for Richie Sambora, the band and their fans.

Sambora is not expendable.

Beaky 05-28-2013 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134514)

It's so unfair, I HATE YOU!!!

Best. Comeback. Ever.

BJ?YesPlease 05-28-2013 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1134529)
What's ignorant is stating your own assumptions then adding "oh, but we don't know" at the end in a futile attemp to try and look like you're being objective.

And while we're at it, don't go comparing Richie's position to that of the average working man. "Underpaid?" Are you joking? As it stands, unless an official statement or explanation tells us that Jon did X & Y terrible things in the run up to the Calgary show, and therefore is immediately responsible for Richie dropping out, then I'll put this whole thing back on Richie. An in turn, until an official statement clarifies the situation, I'll reserve the right to decide whether I think, as a paying customer, Richie is justified in treating his fans- THE PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM WHERE HE IS- the way he is treating them.

I wasn't being ignorant - I fully stated it was rumour and not fact. It was a hypothetical scenario and I thought that was clear to illustrate a point - my ENTIRE point being that no one here knows ANYTHING concrete, and therefore no idea who to blame.

Underpaid is all relative isn't it? If you were the guitarist in Bon Jovi, co-writer of songs, co-producer etc, and were receiving, for arguments sake, 10% of what the frontman/CEO was getting ... would you be happy? Is that being paid for your contribution?

How can you be so naive to blame Richie BY DEFAULT unless there's an official statement? Who is in charge of the official statement, do you think? Can you say 100% that RS doesn't have a contract clause to stop him talking?

And this attitude of "I put him where he is" is such claptrap when it's coupled with "I have a right to dictate his every future career move". Get over yourself.

I'm holding my hands up and saying I don't know if it's Jon or Richie - and until I know otherwise, I'm going to be mature enough to not fly off the handle in a tantrum and cast speculative blame.
Yes, the situation is ridiculous. It's been shockingly handled from the start, I'm pissed and upset about it and *maybe* the fans deserve a better explanation. It depends on the explanation!
If you feel aggrieved that Richie won't be there (and I would) then get your refund.
If it turns our Richie quit for a shit reason, then I'll be in the mix to shout and complain about it.
But we don't truly know Jon's character or Richie's reasons.

We're all BJ fans (ooh-er!) - let's chuck around the crazy theories to pass the time until The Revelation.
I'm almost at the stage where I don't care what it is, so long as they don't just get back together and pretend it never happened...

JoviJovi 05-28-2013 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1134535)
There are small signs that Jon, not appreciate to Richie Sambora, you can see those stinking eyes in the videos of this tour before abandonment.

Let's be honest, Jon has underestimated to Richie in his last interviews, remember the comparison with The Edge of U2. Arguing that Richie is completely replaceable, expendable

Those words of Jon, is a lack of respect for Richie Sambora, the band and their fans.

Sambora is not expendable.

Aww, poor Richie. Somebody call the waahhmbulance :cry:

rolo_tomachi 05-28-2013 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1134539)
Aww, poor Richie. Somebody call the waahhmbulance :cry:

You say it is not a JBJ fangirl, but you lie. You hate Richie Sambora.

Not fool me, girl.

Sissy3 05-28-2013 06:37 PM

The stink eye thing holds no water, because Jon's been know to throw it at other band members, pushy fans and irritating reporters. :D He doesn't save his stink eye just for Richie.

JoviJovi 05-28-2013 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1134541)
You say it is not a JBJ fangirl, but you lie. You hate Richie Sambora.

Not fool me, girl.

No, I just don't see where he is to blame in this. All of the reasons you cited "boy " are petty and something he should get over. Again, richie left, if not for health or family reasons, its not acceptable professional behavior.

I do not hate Richie. I had tickets to his canceled US shows, I was pissed at Jon when he didn't cancel when richie went to rehab. I am not on his"side" at this point. From the info out there, it seems pretty clear Imo.

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