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ZigZag 05-28-2013 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1134451)
5 Top Reasons Richie Sambora and Bon Jovi need to kiss and make up:

This article is by far the most thoughtful stuff I read about the situation. Someone should really forward that to the band. And maybe also directly to the other mentioned bands like Journey, Crue, Guns, Extreme, Van Halen etc. Though for them it's obviously too late to solve their explained problems. Hopefully BJ gets the warning.

MrNickel 05-28-2013 06:54 PM

Jon didn't just become an arse on BWC tour. We all know he's been doing the CEO/stink eye routine for a long time. Why would Richie just decide to have an issue with that now ?

Maybe Ticco kept stealing all Richie's groupies, we know that's been an issue. :evilbat:

JackieBlue 05-28-2013 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
I wasn't being ignorant - I fully stated it was rumour and not fact. It was a hypothetical scenario and I thought that was clear to illustrate a point - my ENTIRE point being that no one here knows ANYTHING concrete, and therefore no idea who to blame.

Underpaid is all relative isn't it? If you were the guitarist in Bon Jovi, co-writer of songs, co-producer etc, and were receiving, for arguments sake, 10% of what the frontman/CEO was getting ... would you be happy? Is that being paid for your contribution?

How can you be so naive to blame Richie BY DEFAULT unless there's an official statement? Who is in charge of the official statement, do you think? Can you say 100% that RS doesn't have a contract clause to stop him talking?

And this attitude of "I put him where he is" is such claptrap when it's coupled with "I have a right to dictate his every future career move". Get over yourself.

I'm holding my hands up and saying I don't know if it's Jon or Richie - and until I know otherwise, I'm going to be mature enough to not fly off the handle in a tantrum and cast speculative blame.
Yes, the situation is ridiculous. It's been shockingly handled from the start, I'm pissed and upset about it and *maybe* the fans deserve a better explanation. It depends on the explanation!
If you feel aggrieved that Richie won't be there (and I would) then get your refund.
If it turns our Richie quit for a shit reason, then I'll be in the mix to shout and complain about it.
But we don't truly know Jon's character or Richie's reasons.

We're all BJ fans (ooh-er!) - let's chuck around the crazy theories to pass the time until The Revelation.
I'm almost at the stage where I don't care what it is, so long as they don't just get back together and pretend it never happened...

OMFG I LUFF YOU!!! Will you marry me??? :BIG:

Srsly, you said what I've been TRYING to say and said it so so much better. Thank you!!

ben 05-28-2013 07:01 PM

have you seen this poll at Vh1 about Richie Sambora's return?
Look at the C= Apologize to Jon..

Kriegentragen 05-28-2013 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1134535)
There are small signs that Jon, not appreciate to Richie Sambora, you can see those stinking eyes in the videos of this tour before abandonment.

Let's be honest, Jon has underestimated to Richie in his last interviews, remember the comparison with The Edge of U2. Arguing that Richie is completely replaceable, expendable.

Those words of Jon, is a lack of respect for Richie Sambora, the band and their fans.

Sambora is not expendable.

So, Rolo. You wouldn't be happy unless Richie got all the spotlights, Jon kneeled at him and let the band's name to be changed to SAMBORA.

Jon can be an ass sometimes, but apparently until now, he has been supportive with Richie in his own (not always best) way. The pre-LH incident... ok, the Circle stint in rehab... ok. But maybe Jon has grown tired of Richie's recent years lack of compromise, and Richie has grown tired of Jon's attitude... and finally the bomb exploded.

Richie is a guitar hero, but he abandoned in the middle of a tour. If a plausible reason was given, I'd support him. I can even understand him being tired of Jon, but turning down fans that paid a respectable amount of money to see him (along with the band) was WRONG.

But there are no villains or victims for me, until I can see the whole story. They are just two old friends (yes, I still believe there's friendship in there) having some kind of differences.

I heartly hope they can amend them, whatever they are.

jessycardy 05-28-2013 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1134552)
have you seen this poll at Vh1 about Richie Sambora's return?
Look at the C= Apologize to Jon..

What's interesting is the article that goes with it. It starts right off with: "When Richie Sambora was asked to pack his bags and take a leave of absence from the current leg of the Bon Jovi world tour back in early April, Jon Bon Jovi cited “personal reasons” as the cause of Sambora’s departure."

Am I missing something? Unless we're proven otherwise, we know that it was Richie not showing up at the Calgary show, without any warnings even. He wasn't "asked to pack his bags". VH1 could be handling this whole matter worse than the gutter press by stating something like that.

(Link to the article: )

Mysterytrain 05-28-2013 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1134555)
What's interesting is the article that goes with it. It starts right off with: "When Richie Sambora was asked to pack his bags and take a leave of absence from the current leg of the Bon Jovi world tour back in early April, Jon Bon Jovi cited “personal reasons” as the cause of Sambora’s departure."

Am I missing something? Unless we're proven otherwise, we know that it was Richie not showing up at the Calgary show, without any warnings even. He wasn't "asked to pack his bags". VH1 could be handling this whole matter worse than the gutter press by stating something like that.

(Link to the article: )

Agreed. VH-1 is assuming a lot, right from the first sentence.

BJ?YesPlease 05-28-2013 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1134551)
OMFG I LUFF YOU!!! Will you marry me??? :BIG:

Srsly, you said what I've been TRYING to say and said it so so much better. Thank you!!

I'm hideous - 8ft tall, clinically obese, mono-brow and a voice like a sex pest on a prank call ... but I'm game if you are!


Sissy3 05-28-2013 07:32 PM

Surprised a fan hasn't called them out on it! VH1 is almost tabloid anyway, with all their odd little "reality" programs.

jovifan93 05-28-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1134529)
What's ignorant is stating your own assumptions then adding "oh, but we don't know" at the end in a futile attemp to try and look like you're being objective.

And while we're at it, don't go comparing Richie's position to that of the average working man. "Underpaid?" Are you joking?
If he's unhappy with Jon's treatment of him, he literally could go the entire tour without seeing him bar the 2-3 hours per show. Turn up on stage, play, then "see ya" until the next show.
The fact is, Richie is in a position of some responsibility, where people are paying money to see him and counting on him being there. If he's going to quit in the manner he has, it needs to be for good reasons. Jon's behaviour, whether good or bad, shouldn't come into it unless he has changed into some kind of monster mid-tour- they worked together for 30 years, if its Jon's personality then Richie should have quit a long time ago, not mid-tour. As it stands, unless an official statement or explanation tells us that Jon did X & Y terrible things in the run up to the Calgary show, and therefore is immediately responsible for Richie dropping out, then I'll put this whole thing back on Richie. An in turn, until an official statement clarifies the situation, I'll reserve the right to decide whether I think, as a paying customer, Richie is justified in treating his fans- THE PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM WHERE HE IS- the way he is treating them. And in this situation, where the man himself has said "all is good" and that he's "doing f***ing great" I should be able to expect him to get his ass on a plane and do his job, and fulfill his duty to the fans who paid to see him!

But you do can read, or don't you? Otherwise you would've noticed the capital "IF"s he's put in front of everything. Made it perfectly clear to me how it was meant...

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