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jessycardy 05-28-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1134562)
Surprised a fan hasn't called them out on it! VH1 is almost tabloid anyway, with all their odd little "reality" programs.

Oh, you mean they've turned into MTV? I didn't know that. Nothing to see here, then. It's sad that this kind of networks will always be considered somewhat more reliable no matter what, though.

jessycardy 05-28-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134560)
I'm hideous - 8ft tall, clinically obese, mono-brow and a voice like a sex pest on a prank call ... but I'm game if you are!


Trololol. :D

Solid Sambora 05-28-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
I wasn't being ignorant - I fully stated it was rumour and not fact. It was a hypothetical scenario and I thought that was clear to illustrate a point - my ENTIRE point being that no one here knows ANYTHING concrete, and therefore no idea who to blame.

You ain't fooling anyone pal. You came out, all "if this happened, if that happened blah blah" Then decided to add your disclaimer. Then had a wee dig at Jon. Then added your disclaimer. If you genuinely are slap bang in the middle, totally objective, then unfortunately your writing style has betrayed that and made you look like another blind 'Richie lover'.


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
Underpaid is all relative isn't it? If you were the guitarist in Bon Jovi, co-writer of songs, co-producer etc, and were receiving, for arguments sake, 10% of what the frontman/CEO was getting ... would you be happy? Is that being paid for your contribution?

I might have considered that BEFORE signing my contract, and BEFORE starting the job...

[QUOTE=BJ?YesPlease;1134538]How can you be so naive to blame Richie BY DEFAULT unless there's an official statement? Who is in charge of the official statement, do you think? Can you say 100% that RS doesn't have a contract clause to stop him talking? [/QOUTE]

Richie Sambora is not performing on the tour Richie Sambora is supposed to be performing on. As it stands the only sure fire 100% official information we have (i.e. straight from the horse's mouth) is from Jon Bon Jovi's interviews and Richie Sambora's tweets. Taking that little sure fire 100% information, we can quite reasonably reach the conclusion that he has not been fired, and has left of his own accord. Unless Jon Bon Jovi has blatantly lied to our faces. Which we have no reason to believe he has. Therefore, a reasonable conclusion is that Richie Sambora is not performing on the tour Richie Sambora is supposed to be performing on, due to a decision made by Richie Sambora. No matter his reasons, Richie Sambora's decision is the reason that he is not there, so at this present moment if people wish to blame Richie Sambora, they are fairly justified in doing so. Are you keeping up?


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
And this attitude of "I put him where he is" is such claptrap when it's coupled with "I have a right to dictate his every future career move". Get over yourself.

'We', of which 'I' am a part of, as people who have bought his records and paid for tour tickets and handed over cash for T-shirts etc etc, have helped put Richie, and Jon, Dave, and Tico in very fortunate positions in life. No talent in the world would have gotten them there without the support and financial backing of fans. Does that entitle 'me' or 'us' to "dictate" theire lives to them? No. They're human beings with their own free will. Does it though mean that they should treat 'me' and 'us' with a little respect as a thank you for being human beings who believed in them enough and allowed them to reach that position. Yes. I'm under no illusions that 'I' personally will get exactly what 'I' want, but as a collective we deserve better.


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
I'm holding my hands up and saying I don't know if it's Jon or Richie - and until I know otherwise, I'm going to be mature enough to not fly off the handle in a tantrum and cast speculative blame.

No, you're just going to try slamming folk who don't agree with your 'Jon's a prick' feelings then hide behind the old 'we don't know' line. Go on, you don't have to hide it here. Let it all out...


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
Yes, the situation is ridiculous. It's been shockingly handled from the start, I'm pissed and upset about it and *maybe* the fans deserve a better explanation. It depends on the explanation!


Don't confuse this with people demanding to know all the intimate details, but "personal reasons" cuts no ice when people have spent hundreds, even thousands of pounds on a product they are not fully receiving. "Personal reasons" would be acceptable outwith a tour where he has no obligations to anyone; mid-tour where he does have obligations, there should have been a better explanation.


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
If you feel aggrieved that Richie won't be there (and I would) then get your refund.

Gee, I didn't think of that...



I'll stick with my tickets thanks, seeing as the non-refundable travel and accommodation costs would then go to waste.

^That's the situation a lot of folk found themselves in. We made the decision to go to the shows regardless, make the most of things, and show our support for the rest of the band. We made that decision without to much worrying and are quite happy to see how it goes, but it pisses me off that the alternative would have been to lose money, particularly when I don't really know why we were in that position.


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
If it turns our Richie quit for a shit reason, then I'll be in the mix to shout and complain about it.
But we don't truly know Jon's character or Richie's reasons.

There you go again. What's Jon's character got to do with it? Those are baseless rumours remember, so why bring it up? Again?


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
We're all BJ fans (ooh-er!) - let's chuck around the crazy theories to pass the time until The Revelation.

Aren't the crazy theories just 'speculative blame'?


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134538)
I'm almost at the stage where I don't care what it is, so long as they don't just get back together and pretend it never happened...

You've gotten right up my nose, and it pisses me off that right at the end I actually agree with you on the 'pretending it never happened' bit.

ZigZag 05-28-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1134560)
I'm hideous - 8ft tall, clinically obese, mono-brow and a voice like a sex pest on a prank call ... but I'm game if you are!


Sounds like you urgently need an avatar. :D Go ahead! :cool:

ben 05-28-2013 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1134555)
What's interesting is the article that goes with it. It starts right off with: "When Richie Sambora was asked to pack his bags and take a leave of absence from the current leg of the Bon Jovi world tour back in early April, Jon Bon Jovi cited “personal reasons” as the cause of Sambora’s departure."

Am I missing something? Unless we're proven otherwise, we know that it was Richie not showing up at the Calgary show, without any warnings even. He wasn't "asked to pack his bags". VH1 could be handling this whole matter worse than the gutter press by stating something like that.

(Link to the article: )

Oh I think we may be missing much more that we even can imagine in this case. you know as time goes by and reading all those articles related to Richie's absence and his tweets I really believe that there are too many vague things here. polls or not it doesn't really matter, media do their job most of the times in a very inappropriate way. I'm just too patient to see what's next in this BJ mess.
I don't think that we'll ever learn the truth.. but as much as I'm hurt and sad by all this situation I still believe all will be good in the end in any way for both sides either alone or together! yeah ok, "maybe I'm a dreamer but I still believe.." but it's just love you know, I truly love this band, been a fan since 25 years.. BJ are the soundtrack of my life.. and this is not a good period for me, saddens me a lot! never really payed attention to those articles, deep inside me I didn't believe them.

that's my opinion. sorry for my English and if I couldn't express myself in the right way. I'm full of emotions now and I just tried to show you how I feel.
it's just that love hurts. I honestly keep the faith here, can't do and don't wanna do otherwise.

Solid Sambora 05-28-2013 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1134563)
But you do can read, or don't you? Otherwise you would've noticed the capital "IF"s he's put in front of everything. Made it perfectly clear to me how it was meant...

I do can read. The capitals are to emphasise the word. However, if (or IF?) you take into account the repetition, tone, sentence structure, and WHAT'S ACTUALLY BEING SAID, you can come to an altogether different conclusion.

nickolai 05-28-2013 07:54 PM

Heard on Absolute Radio today, and I quote from Russ Williams, "Richie should be back for the UK gigs". This was in the same link as promoting the IOW Festival

Crushgen24/88 05-28-2013 07:59 PM

Some people keep saying "we don't know anything for sure" and that's not true. We know for sure that Richie was supposed to be on the Because We Can Tour and that he hasn't been on said tour since Calgary, and that by all accounts he left on his own accord. We knoe that he's been. On his Twitter claiming he's "doing ****ing great" and that everything is good in his life. Therefore, I don't think it's out of line to out this at Richie's feet right now. And honestly, like I've said all along, if he had issues with Jon creatively/financially/personally they didn't come up just now, and he never should have started the tour. Once he did, leaving for those reasons mid-tour became indefensible in my mind.

Crushgen24/88 05-28-2013 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1134573)
Heard on Absolute Radio today, and I quote from Russ Williams, "Richie should be back for the UK gigs". This was in the same link as promoting the IOW Festival

Honestly, I think he's going to be back for the major gigs and outside of "Welcome back our brother Richie" bullshit and some vague "Personal issues" mentions in interviews, nothing will be said.

BJ?YesPlease 05-28-2013 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1134566)

No, you're just going to try slamming folk who don't agree with your 'Jon's a prick' feelings then hide behind the old 'we don't know' line. Go on, you don't have to hide it here. Let it all out...

You've gotten right up my nose, and it pisses me off that right at the end I actually agree with you on the 'pretending it never happened' bit.

Haha, your nose is indeed an unpleasant place to be - as is anyone's!

I can't quite fathom the strength to re-iterate once again that I'm not taking sides and never said "Jon's a prick". I did use a lot of capital IFs, and did that for both RS and JBJ so am quite astonished at how you think I'm taking sides.

I shall just sigh, give a "meh", and trundle off to marry a complete stranger who is bound to be far hotter than I am. Epic win.

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