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jessycardy 05-29-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1134926)
I don't know about Mexico, but here in Argentina we only say "Es un grande" when we're saying something like "He's a genius" or "He's great". To use it as "big" we say "Es grande".

That's funny, Italian works the same way.

ezearis 05-29-2013 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1134921)
Thanks for doing the full translation.


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1134928)
Thank you so much for doing the whole thing, pictures included! You're a pro!

You're both welcome! :D. It took me like one hour to translate the whole thing.


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1134928)
1) He talked about it with them, including Jon. That's good news, whether it happened right away or just lately.
2) I wanna frame this or something, I need the positivity. They love him and Jon trusts that everything will be solved and he hopes he's okay. Yes, this. I have hearts all around my face at the moment.

What I find interesting about this interview is that he insinuates that the issues are Richie only issues, and not between them or Rich' and the band.


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1134931)
That's funny, Italian works the same way.

Yeah, italian is similar to spanish in some things but really different in others haha. I studied italian for 4 years, but as I haven't used it lately I forgot almost everything about it. It takes me like 5 minutes to write a sentence.

Kriegentragen 05-29-2013 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1134933)
Yeah, italian is similar to spanish in some things but really different in others haha. I studied italian for 4 years, but as I haven't used it lately I forgot almost everything about it. It takes me like 5 minutes to write a sentence.

Argentinian Spanish is even more similar to Italian, because of the late-19th/early 20th centuries heavy immigration from Europe to South America.

It is also noticeable in their accent, and, oh yes, in their beautiful and warm people.

rolo_tomachi 05-29-2013 10:11 PM

Es un grande

Es un grande

Es un grande

ezearis 05-29-2013 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kriegentragen (Post 1134935)
Argentinian Spanish is even more similar to Italian, because of the late-19th/early 20th centuries heavy immigration from Europe to South America.

It is also noticeable in their accent, and, oh yes, in their beautiful and warm people.

Thanks for the last thing :). What you say about the Argentinian Spanish is true, for example, the city where I was born and I lived all my life, was made by Italian immigrants almost exclusively. I could say that the 90% of the population has ancestors of that country. Also, there's a recent investigation that says that Mussolini helped to do the foundation of my hometown.
But speaking of the language, what's confusing at the time to learn Italian is that some words we use of that language have completelly different meanings here. So imagine the headache I had the first year I went to Italian classes :p

slippery079 05-29-2013 10:23 PM

That is exactly the meaning! ;)

bonjovi821 05-29-2013 10:26 PM

Come on, rolo. There wasn't any photoshop here. You're slipping.

nickolai 05-29-2013 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1134936)

Es un cheating fat ****

jessycardy 05-29-2013 11:02 PM

It's cool, this feels like that old tape of Jon and the guys trying to have a conversation with his Italian relatives... Good times! LOL

afk 05-29-2013 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1134862)
It would be one of those lame made-for-tv movies.

"He's in the band"

"No he's not."

"Jon's supportive. "

"No he's not. "

"I love the band. I hate my brother. "

"Someone killed my dog! "

"Your daughter should be the junkie, not mine!"

"Stop trash talking! My clothes are all that matters"

And then the big reveal.

Richie had a bad case of genital warts.

LOL Thanks for the laugh :lol:

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