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jessycardy 06-02-2013 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by alois (Post 1135629)
That tweet was right after the interview where Jon said :
“Life goes on, so if someone chooses not to be here... unlike if this were, God forbid, The Edge, and he for some reason couldn’t make a U2 show, [then] it would be very difficult to just step in. You have a choice — you either figure it out, go and grow, not only survive but thrive. Or, you say, ‘I hate my brother and I’m gonna quit the band.’ ”

People tweeted Richie asking him about his reaction to Jon's rash statements.

I view this tweet as him addressing what Jon said. That's the kind of phrase you use when you're so angry you refrain yourself from saying anything because what you really think and wanna say may be game-changing.

And just a few hours after that tweet, Richie's interview for the MailOnline came out. That interview is said to be a reaction to Jon's interview. If that's the case, then it wouldn't make much sense for the tweet to be linked to it too, because it's quite the opposite approach. So, unless Richie's interview either actually took place before Jon's or simply didn't take place at all, that tweet is probably not related to Jon's interview.

jessycardy 06-02-2013 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kryten2340 (Post 1135632)
Did they say anything last time round or did he literally just walk on stage in Zagreb? Granted TMZ broke the story first and we had a bit of a clue from Nikki Lund.

I can't recall, I would love to know that as well from someone who remembers exactly what happened.


Originally Posted by Kryten2340 (Post 1135632)
I'm still puzzled by the lack of Twitter activity in the past week. I can only hope this is a case of no news is good news as they say.

After all the apparent bitchfighting, I'm thinking no news is good news, although I have to admit the quiet waiting is killing me.

Kryten2340 06-02-2013 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1135635)
I can't recall, I would love to know that as well from someone who remembers exactly what happened.

After all the apparent bitchfighting, I'm thinking no news is good news, although I have to admit the quiet waiting is killing me.

I'm sure Nikki sent the tweet first with words to the effect of getting clothes ready for the tour which got the buzz going on here then a couple of days later TMZ caught Richie flying into NY and the return announcement came from the horses mouth. If I'm not mistaken there may have been some official announcement on the main website as I can recall a photo of them doing sound check on the catwalk with a tag line to the effect of look who's back.

Becky 06-02-2013 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1135620)
When/If Richie returns, I'm sure he'll go on and on about all his personal demons in interviews to make it sound like a really dramatic period in his life.

For some reason that truly made me laugh out loud. I couldn't help but think he'll throw in something about 52 countries too.

Mysterytrain 06-02-2013 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kryten2340 (Post 1135637)
I'm sure Nikki sent the tweet first with words to the effect of getting clothes ready for the tour which got the buzz going on here then a couple of days later TMZ caught Richie flying into NY and the return announcement came from the horses mouth. If I'm not mistaken there may have been some official announcement on the main website as I can recall a photo of them doing sound check on the catwalk with a tag line to the effect of look who's back.

I'm holding onto hope that the week-long Tweet silence means they are hashing things out behind the scenes, working out differences, reaching a truce, etc.

jessycardy 06-02-2013 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kryten2340 (Post 1135637)
I'm sure Nikki sent the tweet first with words to the effect of getting clothes ready for the tour which got the buzz going on here then a couple of days later TMZ caught Richie flying into NY and the return announcement came from the horses mouth. If I'm not mistaken there may have been some official announcement on the main website as I can recall a photo of them doing sound check on the catwalk with a tag line to the effect of look who's back.

Thanks for the recap!

Lisa71 06-03-2013 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Kryten2340 (Post 1135632)
I'm still puzzled by the lack of Twitter activity in the past week. I can only hope this is a case of no news is good news as they say.

I hope that is what it means but I would not count on it. Jon has been with family the whole break, his son's graduation was on Friday, as was his daughter's birthday
I think the lack of tweets were just from the fact that his last tweet got a huge bad reaction and lots of replies such as if you have nothing to say, don't tweet until you do.

They could be talking on the phone but Jon has been in Jersey.

Becky 06-03-2013 12:40 AM

And let's not lose sight of the fact that there might not be a need for a "truce" at all. A lot of speculation doesn't make the rumors true.

JoviJovi 06-03-2013 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1135655)
And let's not lose sight of the fact that there might not be a need for a "truce" at all. A lot of speculation doesn't make the rumors true.

I'm sorry, but its really just obvious at this point.

jessycardy 06-03-2013 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1135660)
I'm sorry, but its really just obvious at this point.

It does look that way, but among the very few things that directly came from Bon Jovi themselves, there's also the fact that "there was no row". Jon said it multiple times. You might argue he's not necessarily telling the truth and I might ask you what for. They're saying next to nothing anyway, it would have taken no effort to omit that as well. It seems obvious, sure, but to me it's not. I'm still as in the dark as I was on day one.

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