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Mysterytrain 06-03-2013 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1135870)
Can't get into Richie's twitter account..........

I typed in another celebrity's name and it wouldn't go to that page, either, so I don't think this is exclusive to Richie's account.

jessycardy 06-03-2013 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1135872)
I typed in another celebrity's name and it wouldn't go to that page, either, so I don't think this is exclusive to Richie's account.

It must have been a temporary problem, Richie's page seems to work just fine to me now.

Lisa71 06-03-2013 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1135870)
Can't get into Richie's twitter account..........

Twitter wasn't working. Even if you could go to the home page, the updates were over 30 minutes. If you go back now, it seems to be working again.

JoviJovi 06-03-2013 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1135845)
I disagree. UNLESS it was health or family related, there's really no reason for him bailing that I wouldn't consider unprofessional. Unless Jon fired him mid-tour, but nothing suggests that, not even Jon's passive-aggressive comments.

This exactly. I don't understand how it can be seen differently. If it was Jon that walked out he would be the unprofessional one. I am not saying it about Richie because I'm a Jon fan, it just is what it is.

BJ?YesPlease 06-04-2013 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1135888)
This exactly. I don't understand how it can be seen differently. If it was Jon that walked out he would be the unprofessional one. I am not saying it about Richie because I'm a Jon fan, it just is what it is.

I'm not saying that ultimately Richie isn't to blame. I'm saying we dont know.
Until we can say something without the word "if" then there's no way we can add a judgement.

Sorry to anyone who's read something where I've put a theoretical scenario involving Jon being to blame. I'm playing devil's advocate - it could be anyone's fault (literally, at this stage, anyone. I won't be shocked if it turns out to be George W Bush's fault at this stage). Jon is just the go-to person given it seems its something between the two of them.

Mysterytrain 06-04-2013 12:32 AM

When people say that a legitimate reason would be "health issues", I wonder if that includes mental health as well as physical health. Since Richie /appears/ physically healthy, I just wonder if there could be something else going on mentally that isn't so obvious to us.

Just a thought.

Solid Sambora 06-04-2013 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1135763)
I don't feel bad for people who spend a "shit load of money" on something as silly as concerts. It's their own fault. Nobody forced them to do it. You can buy plenty of cheap tickets this tour and it's not like this tour is selling out. You rushed out buying tickets. You could have waited (like me) and you wouldn't have a reason to be so angry. I told you this before: you should be angry at yourself for not being more careful. There are no guarantees when it comes to concerts.


I think that's the gist of your point. If only everyone had the same foresight and pragmatic view on life you do.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Solid Sambora 06-04-2013 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1135845)
I disagree. UNLESS it was health or family related, there's really no reason for him bailing that I wouldn't consider unprofessional. Unless Jon fired him mid-tour, but nothing suggests that, not even Jon's passive-aggressive comments.

Totally agree here. However, its also what he has (and hasn't) done since he left the tour that is unprofessional. His tweets have been nothing short of disrespectful at times. If he really is "f****** great", then do the professional thing and finish the tour.

Solid Sambora 06-04-2013 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Sambo-Chris (Post 1135764)
Beside that the band offers refund so there is no reason to moan. If you don't want to go, refund your tickets like I did.

I must have missed the bit where the band were offering refunds on hotels, flights, trains...

And the part where they offered to get in touch with people's bosses to reschedule holiday time and days off?

You're absolutely right, with the band offering to do all that, nobody has any reason to moan...


People really need to stop dismissing the financial and 'customer' aspects of this mess. When the whole picture is considered, refunds aren't all that suitable for some. While I personally have come mostly to terms with the situation, and will make the most of what's available, I will have huge amounts of sympathy for those who still feel aggrieved at paying for something they didn't get. They've put their money where their mouth is, as they saying goes, so they are perfectly entitled to complain if they feel they've been short changed.

efiste2 06-04-2013 02:01 AM

heres my opinion (for what its worth) as we near the date for the Gig we are attending.....BON JOVI without Richie is like a three wheeler car (remember them) yes they function as a car but without that fourth wheel at the front its never going to perform like a proper car......When this shit kicked off i truly thought it was health/addiction problems for Richie, but as the pictures/tweets came out of Richie looking quite well it became obvious to me that indeed He and Jon were at loggerheads......looking back we all should have seen it coming, right back before The Circle when all this CEO crap surfaced for real, the lack of some decent guitar work.....even back to when the fan club became the backstage with JON Bon Jovi only have to watch live appearances its clear that the dynamic duo arnt a duo anymore (hurricane sandy special was a good example Richie hardly glances at Jon) matter how hard Jon tries to act it this moment in time I think THEY BOTH need to take the rap for this shambles, Richie for saying hes busy fuc#ing dressmaking and worse than that agreeing to tour in the first place, and Jon for overinflating his own ego so much its casued this!!!!
So as we approach "E" day (Ethiad) im expecting to see JBJ giving it his all (and I respect him for that), but without Richie its not going to be the best Gig I have seen....I may be wrong but as I have said, when the final few notes of Wanted are played and Jon is out there on his own with his rasied guitar pointing skyward, he is going to look a lonely figure....I find it (not sure of a word that describes it)"motivating when they BOTH do this little showpeice, its the same with Blood on Blood in the older days with them both at the one mike, perhaps even "Water" in the last of the Sambora gigs where the Jon & Richie thing takes over............but alas its not going to happen this time around and its THAT!!! that really pi#ses me off.....dont get me wrong I love and admire them both but FFS after what is now 28 years of being a loyal fan, being denied a true BON JOVI experience, the very experience that MADE them what they are (were) right now JBJ needs to deflate that CEO attitude, let Richie get a good share of the input towards the setlist (his own songs) and some real rocking guitarwork......whilst Richie should drop his bloody sewing machine and tape measure and get back on the road where he belongs!!!!

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