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Supersonic 06-04-2013 09:13 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1136025)
I cannot believe there is still so much gossip going on here....

I can't believe Bon Jovi fans are actually analyzing articles from some gossip sites, it kind of shows how not used Bon Jovi fans really are when it comes to the band making some sort of headline in a tabloid. It makes me wonder if anyone actually follows other bands, considering it's quite usual for several other acts, especially those who actually are relevant. It's called gossip for a reason, there's no need to actually think anything of it but that. The differences between fans of the Gallagher brothers laughing at articles from The Sun and Bon Jovi fans actually analyzing this are shocking.

It's "funny" how the past 5 years the band or those involved have been making headlines for the first time in probably 20 years, and pretty much none of it has been particularly good. (Richie's stints at rehab, ticket prices, more stints at rehab, Jon's daughter overdosing on heroïn and now Jon and Richie supposedly being in disagreement over something). It's another thing that shows that the press and people in general just no longer care for anything this band's been doing. No music magazine ever reports on them anymore, unless Jon is willing to do some press for them. And with Jon's mind on making the cover of Forbes I doubt that'll change much soon.

I guess it shows that no matter how much you try to keep a clean image; eventually that bubble will burst. For one it makes them more human, sadly it's not the kind of human people want to associate or identify themselves with, and thus they're being ridiculed both by both actual fans of the music and the general public. Now this topic used to be fun when the whole situation was still ridiculed by pictures and silly conspiracy theories but that well seems to have run dry by now and you can't really blame anyone here. It seems only a select few delusional die hards still have faith this band will start to function as a real band recording music people care for.

Salaam Aleikum,

Sissy3 06-04-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1136025)
I cannot believe there is still so much gossip going on here....

I guess none of us have a life. :D Actually I check here everyday because I'm afraid that as sure as I don't, that will be the day something major happens. Like Richie's new fall line coming out. ;)

nickolai 06-04-2013 09:48 PM

I hardly check into this thread and hardly check on the Richie situation because it is, quite frankly, boring. My dutch arch nemesis has some valid points it pains my to say. The thread has ran its course because people are bored of this whole stupid situation - and quite honestly know hand on heart that Richie probably isn't coming back. Probably ever. Thats the sad truth.

I personally have never been so unenthusiastic about Bon Jovi as I am right now and its probably got a lot to do with how the Bon Jovi corporation has treated fans over this sorry mess. The album is shit, the tour is shit and the PR for the whole mess is shockingly shit. Thats how I feel. I'll still go to Birmingham on Sunday and probably have a good time, but at the forefront of my vision the very man that is the backbone of Bon Jovi wont be there and it's gonna take a big edge of the experience.

steel_horse75 06-04-2013 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1136025)
I cannot believe there is still so much gossip going on here....

Nearly 600 pages to be exact.
But without a statement from Sambora then he is creating gossip himself.

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 06-04-2013 10:27 PM

So eh.... any news on the "cover contest" yet? Is he hoping everyone will just forget about it if he stays quiet long enough?? :confused:

jessycardy 06-04-2013 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1136065)
So eh.... any news on the "cover contest" yet? Is he hoping everyone will just forget about it if he stays quiet long enough?? :confused:

I don't think we'll hear anything about it until Sambogate is settled.

JackieBlue 06-04-2013 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1136065)
So eh.... any news on the "cover contest" yet? Is he hoping everyone will just forget about it if he stays quiet long enough?? :confused:

I still think it's promotion and he can't touch it until something's resolved. Just my opinion.

Kriegentragen 06-05-2013 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Juls Sambora (Post 1135975)
Of course there would not have been these theories but it's a fact that Richie and Tico don't have the same role in the band. Tico is not only on stage in the background. I would have missed Tico but Jon and Richie are the faces of the band. Richie co-wrote the songs and delievers the background vocals which I really missed in Munich. The guitar solos aren't the same (The drum sound wouldn't also be the same). Phil X does a good Job but it's Richie who puts the emotions into the songs. The interaction between Jon and Richie is responsible for the magic of the shows. It's not the case that I don't appreciate Tico but Richie and Tico are different to compare.

Tico would be terribly missed if THIS drummer replaced him.

Jonty 06-05-2013 02:45 AM

So not even any Matt tweets?! Or sightings of the band in Denmark?!

jessycardy 06-05-2013 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jonty (Post 1136091)
So not even any Matt tweets?! Or sightings of the band in Denmark?!


I don't miss any of his tweets and he seems to not be addressing the issue anymore, which is probably what he meant when he tweeted he was going to disregard all the negativity and start replying only to the positive. I think he's still getting a shitload of tweets commenting or asking about Richie, but he simply decided (or has been told) to ignore them for good.

As for the band in Denmark, something could pop up any minute now, I think. I can be the most optimistic (read "delusional") person on this planet, but even I lost whatever hope I had to maybe see Richie come back on June 6th. I didn't have much to begin with, but now it's totally out of the window. It's just too late...

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