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Javier 04-30-2013 05:22 AM

If and when Richie gets back I could think of no better way to thank Phil X than to get The Drills to open a few stadium shows in Europe....

Emisambora 04-30-2013 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1125576)
Here are my feelings.

Richie Sambora is one of my absolute heroes. Whilst he's never been the best guitar player in my eyes, he's always been my favourite. Whilst I've never liked his solo work as much as I like Jon's, Seven Years Gone is one of my top all-time tracks. I'd much rather hear him playing guitar with those guys than I would anyone else.

But if it's over, I'm not going to say I'm never going to see the band again, in whatever form it chooses. Those songs I love that Jon and Richie wrote together will still be there, as will be the great ones Jon penned himself (it was Blaze Of Glory that got me into this music...not a band song.) They won't sound quite the same without Richie on guitar - his voice on that instrument is as unique as Jon's vocals - and it's the magic of the two together that can be breathtaking, but I can only think that if he has left or does leave that it's only by his choice. Jon will not want to break up his gang. He's been too proud of it for too long. And Jon by himself, when he's the underdog, when he knows he needs to fight for something....well that's the Jon Bon Jovi that can blow the roof of a stadium.

I´m 100% agree with you.

I tried to explain the same in another thread but you used the right words.

Richie is mi hero. I play guitar because of him. But I love the Bon Jovi songs written by Jon and Richie. The music written by David and Tico. As long this guys still playing this songs, I´ll see the band so many times I could.

Mysterytrain 04-30-2013 07:24 AM

I've been puzzling over all of the theories I've seen/discussed/read regarding the Richie situation, and I've come up with an idea to add to the mix. As a big Richie fan, I'd love to be proven wrong about this, but since I have anxiety and emotional codependency issues, myself, I can empathize some, if this scenario has any truth to it.

Basically, I'm wondering if Richie has replaced drinking to cope with stress with fleeing conflict (literally).

The story that made me consider this angle was one I had forgotten: Last year, Richie and Denise Richards were scheduled to present at an awards show. Apparently, they got into an argument, and Richie took off and flew back to L.A., leaving Denise to present the award on her own.

Meanwhile, Richie does his solo tour in Europe, which sold out in pre-sale! He is loved, he is adored. He Tweets enthusiastically after each show. However, the U.S. dates don't fare so well, so he claims illness and cancels most of them, and turns the LA show into a charity show (commendable, of course, but by doing this, he can also take the focus off of himself and what might otherwise be disappointment at not selling to a packed house). Therefore, stress of poor sales averted, even if for only one show.

On Twitter, fans get pissed that he's cancelled so many U.S. shows, and they call him out on it. Eventually, perhaps after being 'attacked' one too many times, Richie sends out a couple of nearly incoherent Tweets. Though I didn't understand quite what he was saying, the tone I got was akin to a cornered, wounded animal, trying to defend itself. However, by the next day, Richie claimed his Twitter account had been hacked, and that we should just ignore the seemingly out-of-character Tweets.

Now, magnify that type of scene, only have Jon as the source of the conflict. Richie gets offended by something, and flees by leaving the tour. Instead of dealing with the conflict, he can hide out for a few weeks, then send a few Tweets to his own Twitter fan base, and then chill and watch his 'Every Road' contest submissions, while, in the very same state of California, his band mates play a show (and just in case they're wondering how he's doing as they prepare to go live, he Tweets he's 'having fun'). No crisis here!

If any of this is true, then it says to me that Richie's coping mechanism is the main problem here: Perhaps he has substituted drinking with running away from stress. Unfortunately, this behavior affects a lot more than the band; it affects his loyal fans, as well. On his part, it points to deeper psychological issues than addiction.

micro cuts 04-30-2013 08:36 AM

Richie is a huge part of bon jovi's live sound, I checked couple recent videos and it is obvious, it doesn't matter how talented phil x is.

ezearis 04-30-2013 09:31 AM

Richie and Jon had a fight, that's why he left. In the pre show party in Las Vegas, a mexican couple asked Rob Fuzesi if that night (April, 20), Richie would make his return to the band. Rob answered "no". Then he told them that they had a fight and then he said "Business are business!". Or maybe he's just helping Heather Locklear.

PatriciaSambora 04-30-2013 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1125589)
I've been puzzling over all of the theories I've seen/discussed/read regarding the Richie situation, and I've come up with an idea to add to the mix. As a big Richie fan, I'd love to be proven wrong about this, but since I have anxiety and emotional codependency issues, myself, I can empathize some, if this scenario has any truth to it.

Basically, I'm wondering if Richie has replaced drinking to cope with stress with fleeing conflict (literally).

The story that made me consider this angle was one I had forgotten: Last year, Richie and Denise Richards were scheduled to present at an awards show. Apparently, they got into an argument, and Richie took off and flew back to L.A., leaving Denise to present the award on her own.

Meanwhile, Richie does his solo tour in Europe, which sold out in pre-sale! He is loved, he is adored. He Tweets enthusiastically after each show. However, the U.S. dates don't fare so well, so he claims illness and cancels most of them, and turns the LA show into a charity show (commendable, of course, but by doing this, he can also take the focus off of himself and what might otherwise be disappointment at not selling to a packed house). Therefore, stress of poor sales averted, even if for only one show.

On Twitter, fans get pissed that he's cancelled so many U.S. shows, and they call him out on it. Eventually, perhaps after being 'attacked' one too many times, Richie sends out a couple of nearly incoherent Tweets. Though I didn't understand quite what he was saying, the tone I got was akin to a cornered, wounded animal, trying to defend itself. However, by the next day, Richie claimed his Twitter account had been hacked, and that we should just ignore the seemingly out-of-character Tweets.

Now, magnify that type of scene, only have Jon as the source of the conflict. Richie gets offended by something, and flees by leaving the tour. Instead of dealing with the conflict, he can hide out for a few weeks, then send a few Tweets to his own Twitter fan base, and then chill and watch his 'Every Road' contest submissions, while, in the very same state of California, his band mates play a show (and just in case they're wondering how he's doing as they prepare to go live, he Tweets he's 'having fun'). No crisis here!

If any of this is true, then it says to me that Richie's coping mechanism is the main problem here: Perhaps he has substituted drinking with running away from stress. Unfortunately, this behavior affects a lot more than the band; it affects his loyal fans, as well. On his part, it points to deeper psychological issues than addiction.

I had anxiety and maybe that's why I can empathize with him..

jbjhand 04-30-2013 10:07 AM

Given Richie is an alcoholic he will probably have received endless advice on avoiding stress and prolonged pressure situations. It may just be the pressure and expectation of touring that has kept him away, or it could be a ‘personal matter’ between him and Jon.

Either way, it is possible that he has stayed away in order to maintain his sobriety.

Beaky 04-30-2013 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1125609)
Given Richie is an alcoholic he will probably have received endless advice on avoiding stress and prolonged pressure situations. It may just be the pressure and expectation of touring that has kept him away, or it could be a ‘personal matter’ between him and Jon.

Either way, it is possible that he has stayed away in order to maintain his sobriety.

This was my first notion... but I think there is more behind the stress that leads to the temptation. I still don't think Jon would have been happy that Richie was plugging his album while WAN was freefalling from the top ten all around the globe. Richie is the only band member with a dedicated Twitter following and he wasn't marketing the right record, as far as Bon Jovi are concerned. I can see both sides of that one.

jbjhand 04-30-2013 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1125611)
This was my first notion... but I think there is more behind the stress that leads to the temptation.

Could well be, in fact im sure there is but you know he will have been advised time and again to avoid stress.


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1125611)
I still don't think Jon would have been happy that Richie was plugging his album while WAN was freefalling from the top ten all around the globe.

If Jon wasnt happy about that i dont have much sympathy with him. Its essentially a Jon record anyway and it pretty much sucks, Jon knew Richie was committed to finally getting out a new Solo album and was occupied enough with that when Jon started on WAN. This is the tragic thing about the album for me, when I listen to WAN its totally lacking any Sambora. Had Richie been involved they could have turned it into a decent album. I think there are some good ideas on there they just needed some more work and some Richie influence.

Im not commenting on whether or not Richie could have promoted WAN any harder, im just saying I doubt whether he really believes in it and I don’t think that has helped.

PanosBonJovi 04-30-2013 11:16 AM

And what if Richie is facing a health problem? That's a very personal matter which I don't know if he would like to become public. What if Richie Sambora is in a Tony Iommi situation at the moment? Alcohol, smoking etc can cause such health issues. It's just a thought that crossed my mind few minutes ago. I hope I'm wrong but we might never know.

DevilsSon 04-30-2013 11:16 AM

Has any of you red the Trial by Franz Kafka? This whole conversation is incredibly reminiscent of that book...Slightly disturbing I find....

jbjhand 04-30-2013 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1125617)
Has any of you red the Trial by Franz Kafka? This whole conversation is incredibly reminiscent of that book...Slightly disturbing I find....

No, can you enlighten me?

What do you find disturbing about the conversation?

DevilsSon 04-30-2013 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1125619)
No, can you enlighten me?

What do you find disturbing about the conversation?

Ah sorry! My bad. There is nothing disturbing about the conversation in itself (it's more banter and fun really) - it's just disturbing that it feels similar to the Trial. And if you read any Kafka, you know what I mean...

Beaky 04-30-2013 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1125621)
Ah sorry! My bad. There is nothing disturbing about the conversation in itself (it's more banter and fun really) - it's just disturbing that it feels similar to the Trial. And if you read any Kafka, you know what I mean...

You've really got to elaborate unless you want to come off as a bit patronising mate...

DevilsSon 04-30-2013 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1125624)
You've really got to elaborate unless you want to come off as a bit patronising mate...

I don't mind coming off as a bit patronising, not at all :)

Beaky 04-30-2013 11:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1125625)
I don't mind coming off as a bit patronising, not at all :)

Fine. Seems little point in mentioning it.

I could say it reminds me of an episode of Postman Pat but dropping Kafka and playing the whole... 'oh, don't worry about it... '

jbjhand 04-30-2013 12:04 PM

Sir David of Brent i presume :) best show ever!!!

DevilsSon 04-30-2013 12:05 PM

Postman Pat :D

The Trial is a book about a guy who is one day arrested randomly without having done anything. He is then trialled for IT (which no one knows what exactly it is, not even the man himself) - all the way to the point that his friends, relatives, colleagues do believe that he is guilty. Even he himself believes that he is guilty. The absurdity of the situation is quite funny at times, but it becomes increasingly daunting while the story progresses.

At times, some of the comments in here start going in that direction...especially when I read some of Captain Jovi's ones - who, on this forum, I always thought was the equivalent of Switzerland in world affairs.

Anyhow - just read the book, then it won't need any explanation...

Beaky 04-30-2013 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1125615)
Could well be, in fact im sure there is but you know he will have been advised time and again to avoid stress.

If Jon wasnt happy about that i dont have much sympathy with him. Its essentially a Jon record anyway and it pretty much sucks, Jon knew Richie was committed to finally getting out a new Solo album and was occupied enough with that when Jon started on WAN. This is the tragic thing about the album for me, when I listen to WAN its totally lacking any Sambora. Had Richie been involved they could have turned it into a decent album. I think there are some good ideas on there they just needed some more work and some Richie influence.

Im not commenting on whether or not Richie could have promoted WAN any harder, im just saying I doubt whether he really believes in it and I don’t think that has helped.

I've pretty much echoed these very sentiments on this thread, I completely agree with you. I think this is down to Richie feeling as though he has walked away from a job half done on Aftermath... this is where his stress comes from.

Stress/depression/anxiety... nasty mix.

Reminds me very much of something Nietzsche once said... oh... don't worry... anyone who knows him will know what I mean... (couldn't resist)

Supersonic 04-30-2013 12:09 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1125631)

Anyhow - just read the book, then it won't need any explanation...

I can barely keep up with this topic, let alone find the time to read a book now.

Salaam Aleikum,

DevilsSon 04-30-2013 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1125633)
Aloha !

I can barely keep up with this topic, let alone find the time to read a book now.

Salaam Aleikum,

Fair enough. It's a short book though :D Definitely shorter than this thread...

Beaky 04-30-2013 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1125633)
Aloha !

I can barely keep up with this topic, let alone find the time to read a book now.

Salaam Aleikum,

Jovitalk Reading List:

Kafka, Franz - The Trial.

Ollerinshaw, Clive - Postman Pat VI - Pat Goes Postal

jbjhand 04-30-2013 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1125632)
Reminds me very much of something Nietzsche once said... oh... don't worry... anyone who knows him will know what I mean... (couldn't resist)

pmsl :) thats a goal!

ezearis 04-30-2013 12:22 PM

Reminds me very much of something my Civil Law teacher said once, anyone who's been on his class will know what I mean.
Seriously talking, you can always read the plot on Wikipedia. Not more than one paragraph.

RonJovi 04-30-2013 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1125639)
Reminds me very much of something my Civil Law teacher said once, anyone who's been on his class will know what I mean.
Seriously talking, you can always read the plot on Wikipedia. Not more than one paragraph.

Yeah but anyone who has read Wikipedia from top to bottom shouldn't need to do that coz they'll know what you mean.

Beaky 04-30-2013 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1125639)
Reminds me very much of something my Civil Law teacher said once, anyone who's been on his class will know what I mean.
Seriously talking, you can always read the plot on Wikipedia. Not more than one paragraph.

Why read ANYTHING other than this thread? I have friends who are teaching their toddlers to read RIGHT NOW because, the expectation is, that one day this thread will save the world...

DevilsSon 04-30-2013 12:30 PM

Right - yes, I appreciate it, I deserve all the sarcastic comments :D

I honestly thought that most people actually read the Trial (isn't it mandatory reading in most high school's???).....

Edit: Anyway - the point isn't Kafka, but how easily we judge and trial people despite having ZERO evidence. People already found Richie to be guilty of capital treason and what not. Sentenced to death! There is some absurdity in it...which is great entertainment...but when you dig a little deeper it does feel slightly disturbing to me. And yes, that was my patronising point! :D

TheseDaysEra 04-30-2013 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1125617)
Has any of you red the Trial by Franz Kafka? This whole conversation is incredibly reminiscent of that book...Slightly disturbing I find....

yep, well observed. if it turns out like Kafka's book, Richie will eventually leave the band without even giving a reason. and we would have spent weeks discussing something we don't know for sure what it is.

liljovi93 04-30-2013 12:33 PM

If Richie comes back, I think JoviTalk should become unavailable for good.

No thread will ever beat this.

Beaky 04-30-2013 12:34 PM

On a serious note, anyone who uses social media listening software, just type in Richie's Twitter handle and you'll see that people are messaging him, Bon Jovi Official and Matt on a daily basis, begging in the nicest possible terms, for any info... just asking if he is well, if he's going to make it back for Europe etc...

This has been going on since this all exploded.

Beaky 04-30-2013 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1125644)
Right - yes, I appreciate it, I deserve all the sarcastic comments :D

I honestly thought that most people actually read the Trial (isn't it mandatory reading in most high school's???).....

I actually have to apologise... for, how you say... bustin' your balls...

No, we read Shakespeare, darling...

karlj 04-30-2013 12:38 PM

I've read these pages and love some of the ideas put forward. I can't shed any light but I can give my opinion.
I opened up for Bon Jovi in 2006 for two nights and met the band - Jon was a real gent to me as was all the band and crew - don't get me wrong - there's only one boss but he looks after things (very well) and knows the business. Richie was a mess at this time but Jon was around and been a friend (and seemed pretty close).
As a musician it must be upsetting to Richie - In his band as a guitarist/co writer he can play massive venues and chart highly (of which writing wise and certainly in Europe he is a major part of) but anything with just his name on hardly makes a mark. Mentally that must be quite annoying - especially when not many in your own country want to know you .......
Added on to non stop album - tour- album etc and constant travelling from Los Angeles to New York, the rehab/drug/drink problems, death of father and failed marriage I think anyone would be a little on the edge ......
He's made a fine album in my opinion - a big grower (which is not as throw away pop as the Jovi album) and wants to do his own thing ----- Jon been the workaholic wants to move forward - resulting in two albums close to each other - one Richie is fully involved in and one to be fair he was probably half assed about but did it has a duty - I have to question how much he actually played on it also .....
So why do I think this situation has happened -
1. It could be a genuine situation - illness in the family - mentally not fit to be on tour - who knows ...
2. Conflict of interests - I'm surprised Jon hasn't let him sing 'Every Road' or a solo track at a Jovi gig - Come On - one song out of 24/25 songs a night - giving him an hand up with his album - He can't sell in his own country so playing a solo track to 15,000 fans a night would lift his head - and I'm sorry but it would n't arm 'wHAT aBOUT nOW' as most fans have already bought it ...... - I'd be mighty pissed if I'd put all my energy into something and then have a friend/band mate VETO putting a track in the set ......
3. Money - I can't see it unless there has been a big change (and the other two I'm sure would have walked as well). Richie makes millions a year in royalties from co writes from past hits also plus when co write tracks are played live he gets paid a royalty .......
My honest opinion is that his heart is just not in it at the moment and he has actually tried really hard for it to be. It may be a treasured life but imagine forcing yourself to work everyday to keep others happy while your mind is on other things - cancelling out what you want to be doing and subjecting yourself to a year of it and on the time off working on what you want to = BURNOUT ..... - The others around you in the band not bothered about your 'THING' and you been told what to do - I would probably have done the same.
If this is the case (and I'm only making my prediction) then how do you put that on a press release without sounding selfish or out of order ? - Maybe the reason Jon has not disclosed the reason is due to the fact he hopes Richie will have a rest and come back with a new mind set ........
For totally selfish reasons I'd like to see Richie leave for a while - The band I loved is now just a corporate machine churning out middle of the road non inspired music that sounds like something off a production line - not a band. The band don't record together and it's all done piece meal with some of it been session men (Phil X is probably on some of What About Now for all we know!). Jon needs to get his hunger back (and his band) while Richie needs to spread his wings - get some independent confidence back - let some steam off and possibly come back when the time is right .....
Anyway thats my views and by next week he could be back and all forgotten ..........

MrNickel 04-30-2013 12:44 PM

Am I the only one that fears we will run of pages in this thread and it will explode because of too much conversation and conspiracy theories ?

Kinda reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer tries to drive the car as far as he can when its running on empty.

jbjhand 04-30-2013 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by karlj (Post 1125650)
The band I loved is now just a corporate machine churning out middle of the road non inspired music that sounds like something off a production line - not a band.

Beautifully put.

jovigirloz 04-30-2013 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1125654)
Beautifully put.


Tom Bon Jovi #29 04-30-2013 01:13 PM

I've been trying to follow the thread as best I can although I have no idea if this has been posted or not, but there were a few moments in this clip which make me lean more and more towards the Jon V Richie thing other than any of the other reasons for the departure. Richie mentions his tour and makes a point of it being smaller than what he would have liked plus what he say about compromise made me think. It's probably nothing although the whole vibe of the clip just makes me think that he's fed up.

malcyc 04-30-2013 01:18 PM

WAN video
Just watched the new video for WAN, not much Richie and loads of Jon Tico and Dave... Was wondering if Richie was gonna be in it at all but there are a couple of flashes....

JDJovi 04-30-2013 01:22 PM

The problem as I see it is that, for whatever reason, Jon always seems to think he needs to prove himself by churning out album after album
WAN is as weak as it has got for a long time and the time (or lack of it) that has gone into it is to blame.
And it does seem, looking from the outside without having a 'scooby doo' about what is actually happening, that RS and maybe the others feel the same.
Take away What's Left of Me and the album is a shocker.
After seeing them in 2011 I thought it would be next year at the earliest that they would be back on the road.
Don't get me wrong, I CANNOT WAIT to see the band in a few weeks at Manchester and Villa Park and not just because I love watching them live but because of the friends I have met through watching the band. We get together when we can but the best place to do it is when we are seeing them live.
But everything about this album and tour all seems way too hurried and it wouldn't surprise me if relations have been affected because of it.
Whether RS comes back or not, they need a long break after this tour and find themselves again. And, as long as Jon's ego allows, hopefully an album written by both of them again.

Having said all of that, I really haven't got a clue what is going on and I just want to keep contributing to this stunning thread.

Talk about making history, we are doing it right here and right now!

Beaky 04-30-2013 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by malcyc (Post 1125660)
Just watched the new video for WAN, not much Richie and loads of Jon Tico and Dave... Was wondering if Richie was gonna be in it at all but there are a couple of flashes....

Have to say, don't agree with this at all... there is plenty of Richie in that vid. Also, I think they purposefully picked a shot of Phil X with his back to the camera because they are JUST stupid enough to think we wouldn't be able to tell it was him.

I don't think the video would be much different if Richie had been ever-present on this tour...

JoviJovi 04-30-2013 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1125664)
Have to say, don't agree with this at all... there is plenty of Richie in that vid. Also, I think they purposefully picked a shot of Phil X with his back to the camera because they are JUST stupid enough to think we wouldn't be able to tell it was him.

I don't think the video would be much different if Richie had been ever-present on this tour...

Agree. There's a whole section in the middle with a bunch of shots of just Jon and Richie.

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