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jessycardy 06-05-2013 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1136297)
I just simplified it in my mind...Phil is there so Richie isn't. Done and done. ;)

That's all there is to say about this. Even if they decided to keep Phil ready for insurance somehow, I don't think they would have him travelling the world with them only to sleep in luxury hotels and take pictures while out and about. He would probably arrange it to be "a call away" and available to fly in at any time.

samboraisgodUK 06-05-2013 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136300)
That's all there is to say about this. Even if they decided to keep Phil ready for insurance somehow, I don't think they would have him travelling the world with them only to sleep in luxury hotels and take pictures while out and about. He would probably arrange it to be "a call away" and available to fly in at any time.

Unless they just keep him playing on stage too.

Sissy3 06-05-2013 11:33 PM

Actually the thought of Jon even feeling the need to have him on stand-by is a little disconcerting. You either feel Richie is reliable or you don't. (Yes I know this was just speculation on someone's part.)

DestinationJovi 06-05-2013 11:34 PM

So Obie lied?

jessycardy 06-05-2013 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1136301)
Unless they just keep him playing on stage too.

True... I still think it would be awkward to have someone who's been your lead guitarist now playing rhythm or whatever in the back. You know, have the two "titans" on stage at the same time... But yeah, it would be a great way to have him available at all times.



Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1136302)
Actually the thought of Jon even feeling the need to have him on stand-by is a little disconcerting. You either feel Richie is reliable or you don't. (Yes I know this was just speculation on someone's part.)

...I think Jon's grown tired of playing this game, so my guess is it will probably be one way or the other, as you say. Whoever (Richie, Phil, my grandma) will be playing guitar on that stage in the years to come will have to be 100% reliable.

JackieBlue 06-05-2013 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136291)
Oh, sorry, I didn't know it worked that way. So basically I can post whatever worthless derogatory shit's on my mind and it will lose all meaning if I add an emoticon after that. Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind next time you talk bullshit and I feel like insulting you but don't really wanna get banned. Just throw a smiley in and it won't count.


First, I really was teasing and that IS why I included the icon. I didn't mean for it to be an insult because the way I read the statement I was responding to, I thought YOU were kidding about yourself not ever making any statements like that. Guess not. I'll keep that in mind the next time you post something like, "What? And not blame Evil Jon for it? No way." I guess that really WAS a dig at me, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Lesson learned.

Second, I haven't noticed that you've been especially protective of my feelings up to this point - so why start now? What "worthless derogatory shit" are you referring to, other than my first post for which you crawled all over my ass, then seemed to accept my apology. Or maybe THAT was you kidding? It's hard to tell.

Third, according to nrm123, I (and I guess my comments) don't count , so why should you care anyway?

Fourth, I guess your response answers my question about whether you were serious or just forgot the icon. If that then is the dare it seems to be, consider it accepted. While I'm following your instructions... why don't you see if you can locate any quotes of mine where I've made speculative comments without indicating that they are speculation (i.e., what I "think" or "my opinion") and share with class.

(And don't worry about being insulting on my account... I'm a big girl with thick skin. I can take it or I never would have posted the first time. I may have just joined 2 weeks ago, but I've lurked here for years and know how people can rip apart anyone who posts something they don't agree with.)

Solid Sambora 06-05-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1136305)

First, I really was teasing and that IS why I included the icon. I didn't mean for it to be an insult because the way I read the statement I was responding to, I thought YOU were kidding about yourself not ever making any statements like that. Guess not. I'll keep that in mind the next time you post something like, "What? And not blame Evil Jon for it? No way." I guess that really WAS a dig at me, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Lesson learned.

Second, I haven't noticed that you've been especially protective of my feelings up to this point - so why start now? What "worthless derogatory shit" are you referring to, other than my first post for which you crawled all over my ass, then seemed to accept my apology. Or maybe THAT was you kidding? It's hard to tell.

Third, according to nrm123, I (and I guess my comments) don't count , so why should you care anyway?

Fourth, I guess your response answers my question about whether you were serious or just forgot the icon. If that then is the dare it seems to be, consider it accepted. While I'm following your instructions... why don't you see if you can locate any quotes of mine where I've made speculative comments without indicating that they are speculation (i.e., what I "think" or "my opinion") and share with class.

(And don't worry about being insulting on my account... I'm a big girl with thick skin. I can take it or I never would have posted the first time. I may have just joined 2 weeks ago, but I've lurked here for years and know how people can rip apart anyone who posts something they don't agree with.)

Lisa71 06-06-2013 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1136302)
Actually the thought of Jon even feeling the need to have him on stand-by is a little disconcerting. You either feel Richie is reliable or you don't. (Yes I know this was just speculation on someone's part.)

Although, could you blame Jon? Nothing against Richie but he hasn't been reliable on the last few tours. Jon needs backup.

JackieBlue 06-06-2013 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1136295)
I wouldn't take it personally. Emotions are running high.

Ya think?? Sheesh! But thanks anyway. ;)

samboraisgodUK 06-06-2013 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136304)
True... I still think it would be awkward to have someone who's been your lead guitarist now playing rhythm or whatever in the back. You know, have the two "titans" on stage at the same time... But yeah, it would be a great way to have him available at all times.

Oh come on... Phil's a session musician. Nothing more. Richie's a legend.

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