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JackieBlue 06-06-2013 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1136306)

OMG, I hope you meant that to be funny cos I'm laughing the unchewed portion of my ass off! (So if I'm taking that wrong and you wanted to jump on the bandwagon and insult me, too, I guess you'll have to try again. That was way too funny.)

jessycardy 06-06-2013 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1136305)

First, I really was teasing and that IS why I included the icon. I didn't mean for it to be an insult because the way I read the statement I was responding to, I thought YOU were kidding about yourself not ever making any statements like that. Guess not. I'll keep that in mind the next time you post something like, "What? And not blame Evil Jon for it? No way." I guess that really WAS a dig at me, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Lesson learned.

Why would I kid about myself making statements like that when I never have?
That was a dig at whoever blames Jon for anything from world hunger to Richie's absence to hurricanes. Up to you if you wanna be a part of that group.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1136305)
Second, I haven't noticed that you've been especially protective of my feelings up to this point - so why start now? What "worthless derogatory shit" are you referring to, other than my first post for which you crawled all over my ass, then seemed to accept my apology. Or maybe THAT was you kidding? It's hard to tell.

I'm not especially protective of anyone's feelings, I try to always be respectful, but also fair. And by "fair" I mean if you give me lemons, I'll throw lemons right back at you. I didn't crawl over your ass for your first post, that's simply called "replying". You know, that thing you usually do on message boards.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1136305)
Third, according to nrm123, I (and I guess my comments) don't count , so why should you care anyway?

I'm not him. I could agree with him or not, but assuming that is stupid.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1136305)
Fourth, I guess your response answers my question about whether you were serious or just forgot the icon. If that then is the dare it seems to be, consider it accepted. While I'm following your instructions... why don't you see if you can locate any quotes of mine where I've made speculative comments without indicating that they are speculation (i.e., what I "think" or "my opinion") and share with class.

(And don't worry about being insulting on my account... I'm a big girl with thick skin. I can take it or I never would have posted the first time. I may have just joined 2 weeks ago, but I've lurked here for years and know how people can rip apart anyone who posts something they don't agree with.)

It's easy, really. Nearly every post of yours was overtly bias. I've always repeated myself to tears saying we don't know anything, we can't judge. That's all you'll find from me. Comparing my posts to yours just won't work.

About insulting you, THAT was a joke. Or better, a provocation. I don't care about insulting you or anyone else, unless that's what I'm treated with. It was to make a point that not anything followed by an emoticon loses meaning. But we already clarified that part.

jessycardy 06-06-2013 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1136310)
Oh come on... Phil's a session musician. Nothing more. Richie's a legend.

Yeah, sorry, I worded that very wrongly. Scratch that part, please.

Beaky 06-06-2013 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136312)

It's easy, really. Nearly every post of yours was overtly bias. I've always repeated myself to tears saying we don't know anything, we can't judge. That's all you'll find from me.

Just playing Devil's advocate; but aren't you a teensy weensy bit biased towards JBJ?

Also, you did kinda leap down the Newbie's throat a bit... I know, I do it myself all the time. Just sayin...

Solid Sambora 06-06-2013 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1136311)
OMG, I hope you meant that to be funny cos I'm laughing the unchewed portion of my ass off! (So if I'm taking that wrong and you wanted to jump on the bandwagon and insult me, too, I guess you'll have to try again. That was way too funny.)

Just trying to lighten the mood. I have a feeling your sky darkened with the "you don't count" post, but you shouldn't get worked up by it- there are folk here who see post counts as some kind of badge of honour, who'll take quantity over quality anyday.

jessycardy 06-06-2013 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1136316)
Just playing Devil's advocate; but aren't you a teensy weensy bit biased towards JBJ?

Also, you did kinda leap down the Newbie's throat a bit... I know, I do it myself all the time. Just sayin...

I'm not a robot, but I honestly try my best at being one.
Current events don't display Richie in the best of lights. But I decided to discern appearances from facts. I'm trying to keep those two things separate. People saw this as a pissing match between Jon and Richie before we even knew that was likely the case. That's why I had a hard time seeing "pro-Jon" and "pro-Richie" stuff even when they were meant as a joke. It's because I know, sadly, some people are seriously like that. They're not Bon Jovi fans, they're either Jon fans or Richie fans or simply fans of hatred.

We all have favorites, and I won't make it a secret that my personal one is Jon. But I've been taking a stand for both of these guys. I think they belong together and that's it. I don't have to prove anything and I don't think they have to prove anything either.
I happen to believe things are not black or white, and that even in a fight you won't necessarily have one who's wrong and one who's right.
I felt the blood boil in my veins when I saw people going: "Richie who?" on the Internet. And I called them out on it. As I did with people who trashed Jon. That's the difference. I don't feel the need to trash one to defend the other, simply because I don't see them as enemies and because I love them both. Simple as that.

As for the newbie, well... I'm not much less of a newbie. And I didn't mean to come across like the one bullying the newbie, that's not it. But back then I sensed some sort of aggressivity in that one post and, well, that reflected in my reply.

I'm sorry I ended up writing a novel. It happens a lot with me.

jdanielross 06-06-2013 01:07 AM

I'm taking applications for a new favorite band. I'm pretty sick of it all from this band.

nrm123 06-06-2013 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by jdanielross (Post 1136329)
I'm taking applications for a new favorite band. I'm pretty sick of it all from this band.

Oh really? How do we apply?

SadieLady 06-06-2013 01:15 AM

It's been 100 pages since I've last posted so I figure its time to post again. Sadly I have no new information or opinions on this whole situation. Still hoping for the best but at the moment it seems unlikely. Geez who would have thought it would ever come to this.

Jonty 06-06-2013 01:55 AM

Given up hope of Richie being at Slane. More chance of 70000 fans turning up!

Really doubting I will see him in New Jersey either. :-(

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