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Becky 03-15-2018 01:29 AM

I bet some of you will get this. I’m going to see The Lion King musical tomorrow. I bought the tickets before there was a hint of a Bon Jovi USA tour this year. It’s a magnificent show that I would highly recommend to anyone, but I’ve been trying to sell my tickets to apply that money to my Bon Jovi tickets. I’ve seen The Lion Ling once, 12 years ago. I’ve honestly lost count of how many times I’ve seen Bon Jovi, but with one weighing against the other, I would still prefer more Bon Jovi shows!

You freaks get that, right? At least some of you do! 😆

Kathleen 03-15-2018 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1236067)
I bet some of you will get this. I’m going to see The Lion King musical tomorrow. I bought the tickets before there was a hint of a Bon Jovi USA tour this year. It’s a magnificent show that I would highly recommend to anyone, but I’ve been trying to sell my tickets to apply that money to my Bon Jovi tickets. I’ve seen The Lion Ling once, 12 years ago. I’ve honestly lost count of how many times I’ve seen Bon Jovi, but with one weighing against the other, I would still prefer more Bon Jovi shows!

You freaks get that, right? At least some of you do! 😆

Duh....I guess LOL

And just for the record I would do the same :D

bobbye49 03-15-2018 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1236072)
Duh....I guess LOL

And just for the record I would do the same :D

So would I.

Becky 03-15-2018 03:45 AM

You are my people!

BJFan99 03-15-2018 06:47 AM

By the way, Jon can't sing I Love This Town anymore - we have the FB stream from last night as a proof!

Now if he only stopped trying as well... :rolleyes:

jazzsta 03-28-2018 04:48 PM

I noticed that a lyric on "what's left on me" Jon talks about T-shirts made in Japan.

Hmm that was the 80s and 90s if I am not mistaken.

2013 made in China was all over the place.

But Jon is somehow always living in the 80s and 90s in terms of his perception of some things, whilst always wanting to look forward and not back.

Contradictions are in everyone's personality. Some people make nice music of them. Sometimes less nice music as well ;-)

Becky 03-29-2018 05:39 PM

I am somewhere between crying and throwing up at the moment. I just bought FRONT ****ING ROW tickets for Atlanta at a fraction of what the exact tickets on the opposite side were selling for.

That’s it. I’m done. I won’t be able to accomplish anything today and I probably won’t sleep until April 22!!!

So.... I have some floor seats for Atlanta if anyone needs any, btw.

Lucky0003 03-29-2018 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1237451)
I am somewhere between crying and throwing up at the moment. I just bought FRONT ****ING ROW tickets for Atlanta at a fraction of what the exact tickets on the opposite side were selling for.

That’s it. I’m done. I won’t be able to accomplish anything today and I probably won’t sleep until April 22!!!

So.... I have some floor seats for Atlanta if anyone needs any, btw.

Becky - I feel for you! I just did the same thing for St Paul. I now have tickets for sale! Luckily my husband is very understanding!

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Becky 03-29-2018 09:45 PM

Luckily, I answer to no one but my credit card company about my spending! Haha

bjcrazycpa 03-29-2018 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1237451)
I am somewhere between crying and throwing up at the moment. I just bought FRONT ****ING ROW tickets for Atlanta at a fraction of what the exact tickets on the opposite side were selling for.

That’s it. I’m done. I won’t be able to accomplish anything today and I probably won’t sleep until April 22!!!

So.... I have some floor seats for Atlanta if anyone needs any, btw.

YAY!! That's great!!

Becky 04-02-2018 11:05 PM

I’m looking forward to this!!

YOVANAfromPeru 04-05-2018 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1237671)

So JBJ said he would like to have a comedy guy like opening act everynight show 'cause that would make everybody so happy! >_< jajaj

Becky 04-05-2018 03:50 AM

I think there was a comedian at one of the Borgata shows for TLFR. But I was really sick and might have been delirious. I saw a comedy set during that trip to Atlantic City. Somewhere.

Lucky0003 04-05-2018 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1237451)
I am somewhere between crying and throwing up at the moment. I just bought FRONT ****ING ROW tickets for Atlanta at a fraction of what the exact tickets on the opposite side were selling for.

That’s it. I’m done. I won’t be able to accomplish anything today and I probably won’t sleep until April 22!!!

So.... I have some floor seats for Atlanta if anyone needs any, btw.

Have you sold your tickets yet? I just sold my St Paul extra tickets (from moving closer to the stage) today! I’m relieved!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Becky 04-05-2018 05:44 AM

Not yet. Some interest expressed, but it’s hard for so many of my local friends to get off work and make that trip. It’s kind of a foreign concept to people who don’t typically travel for concerts.

They have no trouble traveling for football games.

Faceman 04-17-2018 03:37 PM

Just came across this interview with Bryan Reesman from 2016 who published a book about Bon Jovi.

He give's quite an interesting theory on why the record company didn't push Stranger In This Town more. In this interview he's just talking about Stranger but after the Undisvocered Soul Tour I remember an interview with Richie where he complained about the lack of support by the record company, too.


Setaro: During the band's first hiatus in the early ’90s, Jon did a solo record and it was huge. Richie Sambora did a solo album that did not do quite as well. What accounts for that difference?

Reesman: Richie thought maybe he didn't have the commercial element, but actually it's a way better album.

I remember working in a record store right after I got out of college. My manager loved the album, he thought it was great. And one week, the airplay just suddenly stopped, for no reason. It's been suggested—and you can't prove this, it's a rumor—that possibly the label decided to stop working that record because Bon Jovi was on hiatus, and if both these guys had successful solo careers, maybe it would delay a Bon Jovi reunion. Where are you going to make more money: with two guys doing solo tours in smaller venues, or the band getting back together and playing stadiums? No one's ever going to go on the record about that, but from what I was told, the airplay and the promotion just kind of stopped. Even someone working at the label had no idea why that happened.

Becky 04-17-2018 09:06 PM

It’s also been “suggested “ that Elvis was seen flipping burgers at McDonald’s.

He had appearances on MTV and other promo efforts at the time like those Snapple commercials. He got radio airplay. By today’s standards, it sold well.

Thinny 04-17-2018 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1239355)
Just came across this interview with Bryan Reesman from 2016 who published a book about Bon Jovi.

He give's quite an interesting theory on why the record company didn't push Stranger In This Town more. In this interview he's just talking about Stranger but after the Undisvocered Soul Tour I remember an interview with Richie where he complained about the lack of support by the record company, too.

I think the timing was just wrong. If it had come out a year earlier it would have sold a lot more copies. in 1991 Nirvana hit and once grunge was all over radio it was instantly over for the 80s rockers and although Stranger wasn't really an 80s rock album in style, so to speak, Richie was bundled in with that because of being from Jovi. It wasn't just Richie, it was everyone related to the scene that got dropped from the radio. Stranger was literally released 3 weeks before Nevermind....

jazzsta 04-19-2018 08:18 AM

Yes I am considering this for the first time really, but I think Stranger has a very 80s sound overall. If it was 1989 it would sound cool but yeah, I mean even Use Your Illusion sounds way more modern than Stranger. The Jon solo album has this cowboy theme which somehow gives it a pass for its retro-ness.. But surely its not so 1990 either.

All that said, I would really preferred if lately they had stopped trying to sound modern..

Faceman 05-04-2018 07:19 PM

I did some jamming on my guitar(s) this afternoon and came across Garageland which I haven't played for a couple of years. First of all it's a great song, beautiful lyrics and some nice hooks.

When I listen to the first lines:

I read the paper just the other day
About a buddy of mine who headed to an early grave

and with the knowledge that this song was written what became Crush...from the first time I heard this song 14 years ago I imagined that this buddy was Bruce Fairbairn and this song was Jon's reaction to his sudden death, remembering the time before Slippery.

What are your thoughts on this one?

jon-flp 05-04-2018 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1240757)
I did some jamming on my guitar(s) this afternoon and came across Garageland which I haven't played for a couple of years. First of all it's a great song, beautiful lyrics and some nice hooks.

When I listen to the first lines:

I read the paper just the other day
About a buddy of mine who headed to an early grave

and with the knowledge that this song was written what became Crush...from the first time I heard this song 14 years ago I imagined that this buddy was Bruce Fairbairn and this song was Jon's reaction to his sudden death, remembering the time before Slippery.

What are your thoughts on this one?

Here's Jon's words:

Richie and I wrote Garageland in New Vork City in my apartment. We were writing for Crush. We'd talk about where we came from and where we were going to. And it was an early song written for Crush but because the subject matter had been written before in a number of songs over the years, it didn't make it. But when I hear it now, I go, "Gee, this could have made it". It really was just about us and where we came from. But it was more important with Crush to talk about where we were going to. A lot of the garage bands are coming back which is exciting to me. When I hear bands that are really singing and playing and are making music that they want to sing and are reminiscent of the influences that I had as a kid, I get it. If you'd asked me two years ago what was my advice, I'd say sing a song, learn an instrument, write about what you know - don't worry about how may sit-ups can you do and how flat your belly is. The video era, as The Buggles once said, killed the radio star - they killed the imagination. But I think that there's a return to it again which is exciting to me because there's an opportunity for a band to grow as a band. Go out there on the road and become one - where each of the members of the band is as important as the next. And that's what Garageland was about. Longevity is virtually impossible these days. For a band to have three records before they have any real success the way we did? But I do believe that there's an opportunity that some of these bands are gonna shine.

I do think this "buddy" could be Bruce, but he doesn't say it, so who knows.

Faceman 05-04-2018 08:07 PM

Right, I know this quote, that's why I asked for your thoughts and not for band statements :D ;)
Besides Jon tells different stories in different years about same songs :D

jon-flp 05-04-2018 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1240760)
Right, I know this quote, that's why I asked for your thoughts and not for band statements :D ;)
Besides Jon tells different stories in different years about same songs :D

Ah, sorry for not get it well :mrgreen:

But yes, we can't trust in Jon because he contradicts himself a lot of times.

Becky 05-19-2018 07:45 PM

I’m at a restaurant waiting for my BFF and her mom and what comes on the radio? WWBTF. Yay. 🙄

YOVANAfromPeru 05-19-2018 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1241884)
I’m at a restaurant waiting for my BFF and her mom and what comes on the radio? WWBTF. Yay. 🙄

I’m right now at JBJ’s favorite restaurant in Peru, crazy!

KeepTheFaith2211 06-02-2018 09:54 PM

Live In London 1995 has just been on TV.
Forgot how genuinely good it is. 'Faith', 'Wanted', 'Hey God', 'Blaze', 'Lay Your Hands'...incredible.

Rdkopper 06-03-2018 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1241886)
I’m right now at JBJ’s favorite restaurant in Peru, crazy!

With who? (Is the real question)

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YOVANAfromPeru 06-03-2018 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1242363)
With who? (Is the real question)

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk
>_< jajajaj

P.S. Okay, this is gonna be my last post here!, >_< lol

Rdkopper 06-03-2018 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1242364)
>_< jajajaj

P.S. Okay, this is gonna be my last post here!, >_< lol

You know that's not true.

YOVANAfromPeru 06-03-2018 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1242365)
You know that's not true.

This is the correct answer!


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1241618)
Yeah, he's said so, but he's a notorious liar as well (they all are) :D


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1241619)
Could you be more specific with this? >_< jaja


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1241651)
I was testing the boy...


This looks “like in the movie” Saw VIII >_<
If I ever meet you, I’m gonna give you some money, you deserve it!

P.S. Are we off topic?

Rdkopper 06-03-2018 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1242368)
P.S. Are we off topic?

It's an 'Anything Thread" so I don't think you can go off topic.

YOVANAfromPeru 06-03-2018 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1242373)
It's an 'Anything Thread" so I don't think you can go off topic.

I always used to go off topic apropos... and you always helped me, you still do jajaj; but I can’t stay here anymore, See ya! -_-

Rdkopper 06-03-2018 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1242375)
I always used to go off topic apropos... and you always helped me, you still do jajaj; but I can’t stay here anymore, See ya! -_-

Why can't you stay here anymore?

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YOVANAfromPeru 06-03-2018 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1242376)
Why can't you stay here anymore?

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‘Cause I don’t want to answer questions!!!

I make the questions here!
Phil X has a trauma with his face on BJ t-shirts???

Rdkopper 06-03-2018 11:41 PM

It's called a discussion. Not a question/answer forum.

Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1242378)
‘Cause I don’t want to answer questions!!!

I make the questions here!
Phil X has a trauma with his face on BJ t-shirts???

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

YOVANAfromPeru 06-04-2018 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1242379)
It's called a discussion. Not a question/answer forum.

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk


Okay -_-

YOVANAfromPeru 06-09-2018 12:02 AM

There is a jovitalk member who is in Peru... O_O oh!
The only Jovi things here is a really big image of JBJ and RS with a signed Richie guitar at Hard Rock Cafe in Lima and a really old original heart and dagger art in Arequipa -_- (beside me with my collection in La Libertad lol)

Peru is a happy country; read the cartoons in the newspapers, they are crazy fun and ask people about Bon Jovi 2010 visit here, they gonna tell you lot of funny stories

I give you a couple: a recognized chef made a lot of crazy food to JBJ, he REALLY refused to eat some, chef hates JBJ since that day lol; there are some food that I really never tried so I understand hahaha
JBJ did a radio commercial and of course he said the name of the radio wrong, everybody thinks it was on purpose >_< jajajaj
a Richie one, he went to a public bathroom in a mall, one person recognized him and he had to leave the place with everybody in 1 second... >_< jajaj

tomorrow is football day here, the country is nuts
tomorrow night there is a Bon Jovi tribute in La Noche de Barranco in Lima

have fun in Peru! (it’s a wonderful country)

YOVANAfromPeru 06-09-2018 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1242462)
There is a jovitalk member who is in Peru... O_O oh!

Ops, it's not today, it's next year >_< jajaja

Rdkopper 06-10-2018 04:40 PM

Just listened to Burning Bridges and it's still my favorite post 2000 album.

I'm also convinced that Blind Love is about Stephanie... Blind Love is their relationship and "Welcome to another hard life, you made it through another day' speaks volumes... also this "Get out of bed now sleepy head, You'd give an arm to hear him say" "With every moment I'm away, We're getting closer to the day, We'll never have to say goodbye, love, With our blind love

I really think Jon wrote this out of guilt.

Captain_jovi 06-10-2018 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1242480)
Just listened to Burning Bridges and it's still my favorite post 2000 album.

I'm also convinced that Blind Love is about Stephanie... Blind Love is their relationship and "Welcome to another hard life, you made it through another day' speaks volumes... also this "Get out of bed now sleepy head, You'd give an arm to hear him say" "With every moment I'm away, We're getting closer to the day, We'll never have to say goodbye, love, With our blind love

I really think Jon wrote this out of guilt.

If I recall it was written/recorded in 2005 so I don't think the timelines match up.

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