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rocknation 07-25-2015 05:36 AM

Crew Christie Personnel Department update:
Remember the O'Dowds? Husband Kevin went from Christie's chief of staff to Cooper University Health Care, which caused a conflict of interest because wife Mary is the state health commissioner. Well, as of the end of the month wife Mary will be joining Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance. I don't know enough about her new position to determine if it solves their conflict of interest problem, but here's a conflict of interest problem Mary created all by herself:

NJ Persistent violations of state regulations by Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center has led a hospital labor union official to accuse the state Department of Health of failing to hold Meadowlands, a for-profit hospital, accountable. That was flatly denied by Department of Health Commissioner Mary E. O’Dowd, who says the state’s oversight of the hospital has been intense and that a series of fines against the hospital have set a precedent for future enforcement actions...

Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE) union officials have demanded stricter action against the hospital for several years, following Meadowlands’ conversion from nonprofit to for-profit status...HPAE Chief of Staff Jeanne Otersen yesterday renewed the union’s call for a state-appointed manager. Otersen added: “I think we’ve seen under the Christie administration, less enforcement, less oversight, and a hands-off regulatory approach — and we would disagree with that (approach) in general.”
If it can be shown that Mrs. O'Dowd has been tailoring her regulatory oversight in favor of for-profit medical systems like the Meadowlands Hospital with Christie's blessing, it could explain her sudden departure.

rocknation 07-27-2015 04:34 PM


MotherJones: Republican Chris Christie promised "a new era of accountability and transparency." But five years later, local reporters and watchdog groups accuse Christie's administration of making unprecedented efforts to keep public records a outlets have been forced to sue to obtain even routinely disclosed information...(His) administration is fighting 23 different open-records requests in court...

From a 2013 New York Times story (mostly from the photo captions):

  • Sheriff Deborah Trout was accused of hiring deputies without conducting proper background checks.

  • When the charges became public, the indicted undersheriff, Michael Russo, shrugged it off...Governor Christie, he assured an aide, would “have this whole thing thrown out...” That sounded like bluster. Then the state killed the case.

  • Paula T. Dow, Gov. Chris Christie’s appointee as New Jersey attorney general, supervised the quashing of the indictment of the Hunterdon County sheriff.

  • Bennett A. Barlyn was dismissed as a Hunterdon County prosecutor after claiming that the state attorney general killed an indictment to protect prominent supporters of Gov. Chris Christie.

The grand jurors’ wounds have not healed. “I still get angry,” one said. “It was shameful and I keep trying to put it behind me because it was so obvious this was about politics.”

...Mr. Barlyn...said he mourned the loss of his career as a prosecutor...(He) now teaches at a middle school. “I think about what happened all the time; it wasn’t subtle,” he said. “In the end, it’s easy to get rid of a prosecutor. But it raises that question: In New Jersey, who watches the watchman?

Rachel Maddow also explains it all for you (if you find that you're geoblocked, drop me a line):

Well, at least one open records request has finally been resolved:
Quote: A former Hunterdon County assistant prosecutor who claims he was fired for objecting to the dismissal of indictments against supporters of Gov. Chris Christie has been granted access to secret documents that he says will help prove his case. A state Superior Court judge ruled Wednesday that the state must provide the former prosecutor, Bennett Barlyn, access to sealed grand jury transcripts related to the indictments.

The state argued that grand jury documents are usually kept secret to protect witnesses and others involved in criminal cases. But Barlyn's attorney...argued...that the documents should be released to his client because the three officials indicted in the matter...(former Hunterdon County Sheriff Deborah Trout, former Undersheriff Michael Russo, and former Sheriff's Investigator John Falat Jr.)...were already granted access to them...
One open records request down, 22 to go...but this loss for Christie could turn out to be the biggest one.

Old Joysey 08-03-2015 12:48 AM

What a relief for Bruce: he hasn't lost his #1 fan! :D


Christie Says Springsteen’s Music Still His Favorite

[...] Not only did Mr. Christie’s campaign launch feature Bon Jovi tunes, he and his wife, Mary Pat, said in a recent interview with conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham that they preferred Bon Jovi as their favorite rock star over Mr. Springsteen – despite Mr. Christie’s numerous public proclamations about his Springsteen worship.

“It’s not an egregious flip-flop,” Mr. Christie said Sunday. He said Ms. Ingraham was asking them who they preferred as a friend, not a musician.

“Jon and Dorothea Bon Jovi are friends of ours….Bruce’s music is still my favorite music. Come on. Are you kidding?”

Not the nicest way to put it though. I'd be Jon, I'd feel insulted.

rocknation 08-03-2015 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1190879)

“It’s not an egregious flip-flop,” Mr. Christie said Sunday. He said Ms. Ingraham was asking them who they preferred as a friend, not a musician.

“Jon and Dorothea Bon Jovi are friends of ours….Bruce’s music is still my favorite music. Come on. Are you kidding?”
Not the nicest way to put it though. I'd be Jon, I'd feel insulted.

And on top of that, Christie hasn't got enough sense to be insulted that Jon AND his music are also backing Hillary!

Meanwhile, as the August 6 Fox News Republican presidential debate approaches, it looks like Christie will make the cut in being among the top ten polling candidates:

Incorporating the new NBC/WSJ numbers, NBC estimates that the top ten candidates at this time are:
  • Trump - 19.8 percent
  • Walker - 13.2 percent
  • Bush - 13 percent
  • Paul - 6.4 percent
  • Carson - 6.4 percent
  • Rubio - 6.2 percent
  • Huckabee - 5.8 percent
  • Cruz - 5.8 percent
  • Christie - 3.2 percent
  • Kasich - 3.2 percent

As Rachel Maddow points out, the problem with getting only three per cent of the vote is that it falls within

so any distance Christie can put between himself and Mr. Kasich would help him enormously.

Quote: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is reportedly purchasing $250,000 of advertising time on Fox News in an attempt to help secure a place at the network’s August 6 debate. Christie’s ad buy is more evidence that Fox News’ debate — the first of the presidential cycle — is proving lucrative for the network.

Politico: This week alone, Christie has made four appearances on Fox News, accounting for more than half of the total appearances he’s made on the network since launching his campaign in June...

With national polls determining inclusion in the debate, campaigns have been forced to play for a far wider audience, either through media interviews or attention-grabbing headlines...
Attention-grabbing and hopefully poll-boosting headlines? Well, that would explain this:

RawStory: In an interview that aired on...CNN...Jake Tapper reminded the New Jersey governor that he had advised people to "punch bullies in the face" during his first term as governor. “At the national level, who deserves a punch in the face?” Tapper wondered.

“Oh, the national teachers union,” Christie replied without hesitation. “They’re not for education for our children, they’re for greater membership, greater benefits, greater pay for their members...(T)hey are the single most destructive force in public education in America...I’ve been saying that since 2009...but I’m never going to stop saying it because they never change their stripes.”
He also complained that the teacher's union endorsed Hillary Clinton before she officially announced she was running. If Jon endorsed her before the fact, too, I guess he'd better work on his bob and weave!

Doesn't Christie realize that he sounds more like he's auditioning for the next Godfather movie? Is he that desperate to out-Trump Donald Trump for attention-grabbing headlines, or was CNN so desperate to get some of his advertising dollars, they gave him such an ass-kissing interview?

At least Christie spent this weekend in New Jersey. He joined 60,000 others at the Haskell Invitational at Monmouth Park. It's a horse race, not a golf tournament, won by Triple Crown winner American Pharaoh. But I thought once you won the Triple Crown, your next career move was, to put it diplomatically, creating FUTURE Triple Crown winners!
Quote: It was one long happy celebration at Monmouth Park for the great American Pharoah's latest victory. At least, that is, until Gov. Chris Christie stepped into the Winner's Circle to present the trophy.

And then, the record crowd of 60,983 booed.

Long. Loud. Sustained.

Maybe he should have hung around Bill Murray.

The cheering resumed as trainer Bob Baffert and owner Ahmed Zayat addressed the crowd and talking about their famous horse. Then Christie's name was mentioned again, and the booing started anew...
Maybe Christie SHOULD have hung around Bill Murray. He hung around Richie Sambora, who didn't even rate a mention in the photo caption -- now, THAT'S insulting, LOL!

Old Joysey 08-03-2015 12:29 PM


Doesn't Christie realize that he sounds more like he's auditioning for the next Godfather movie?
Someone had the same themed thought and posted this photo beneath the article with the photo of Christie chatting with some unidentified guy in an old hat:

He could be Big Pussy's twin bro, bro! :lol:

I can hear some similarities here too! :lol:

rocknation 08-03-2015 08:51 PM

Here's some video from the racetrack:


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1190907)
Someone...posted (a) photo beneath the article with the photo of Christie chatting with some unidentified guy in an old hat...

Identification accomplished:


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1190907)
I can hear some similarities here too! :lol:

Holy crap, you're right!!! Christie DOES have "friends" AND "friends of his," doesn't he?

rocknation 08-07-2015 01:50 AM

The first Republican presidential debate will be starting in a few hours,
so I'm posting this now in anticipation of being too incapacitated from either alcohol or laughter to do it later. Speaking of anticipation, the Surgeon General (the U.S. government's top-ranking doctor) reportedly suggested at a press conference this morning that people play a safer variation of the traditional debate drinking game by only consuming alcohol when one of the candidates says something reasonable.

So here's the latest on Tunnel-Gate:
Quote: NJ Transit...leases and shares tracks with Amtrak, which was given the Northeast corridor of track between Washington, D.C. and Boston when it was created in 1971...To make a trip from New Jersey to New York, trains pass through a tunnel – one tunnel...(that) was designed in 1902...On the New Jersey approach to the tunnel is a rotating rail bridge that’s even older, prone to getting stuck, and that caught fire a few years ago...

Last Monday...rush hour (NJ Transit) trains were delayed by at least an hour. Then last Tuesday morning, a circuit breaker tripped west of the tunnel, cutting off power to train signal equipment and reducing the tunnel’s capacity to just one train per tube at a time...The next day, delays topped 90 minutes after another set of electrical problems in the tunnel...There were even more delays again on Friday, due again to electrical issues. All of this happened just days after NJ Transit’s board approved a 9% fare hike.

From Iowa, Christie blasted Amtrak for failing to maintain the region’s rail infrastructure, never noting that Congress had recently voted to cut $1 billion from the agency’s budget...(H)e said that if he is elected president, he will see to it that a new tunnel is built under the Hudson...
Quote: Christie, who condemned his constituents to decades more of gridlock and crowded train platforms by pulling the plug on a Hudson River tunnel in 2010 after construction had begun...(said) in an interview with Larry Kudlow of WABC:
The reason I killed the ARC Tunnel was: the federal government was contributing to it, the state of New Jersey was contributing to it, and the state or city of New York was contributing nothing. And New Jersey was going to be responsible for every nickel of cost overrun...which at that time was estimated to be 3-5 billion dollars...

If I'm president of the United States, I call a meeting between my secretary of transportation, the governor of New York, and the governor of New Jersey, and I say, "If we're all in this even-steven, if we're all going to put in an equal share, then let's go build these tunnels underneath the Hudson River and walk away as equals. We're all equal for the upfront costs, and we're all equal for the cost overruns."

But why you couldn't do that as governor, governor?

North Christie appears to have forgotten that $3 billion of the allocated $9 billion for ARC came from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The two states in this particular bistate agency are New York and New Jersey. So while New York City was not required to pony up cash, New Yorkers through the Port Authority were contributing toward a third of the total allocated funding...That sleight of hand may still come back to haunt Christie if investigators find that using Port Authority funds for a road not under Port Authority jurisdiction violated bond covenants. But that is another story.
Quote: Just so we're clear...Christie lied...An audit by the federal Government Accountability Office later showed that, though Christie claimed New Jersey would pay 70 percent of the tunnel cost, the actual proportion was 14.4 percent. He also said estimated cost overruns had ballooned leading up to 2010, but the amount hadn't changed in two years...The move did, however, allow Christie to fill the gaping hole in the road repair budget without raising taxes on motorists, which he promised not to do in his campaign.
And now that you're telling your "stories" on a national level, governor, it's that much more important that you keep them straight!

rocknation 08-07-2015 05:33 PM

Exxon Settlement Ruling Updates
Incorporating what was posted yesterday.

There has been one ruling on Christie's settlement with Exxon -- the settlement he reduced by some ninety-seven percent. The judge has rejected the inclusion of New Jersey State Senator Ray Lesniak and environmental groups as parties to the settlement:

Quote: Superior Court Judge Michael Hogan’s 32-page ruling said the groups did not show that the state Department of Environmental Protection failed to represent their interests...

The groups and Lesniak sought to become a party to the suit because they wanted an opportunity to appeal if the court approves the settlement over polluted land, including industrial sites in Bayonne and Linden...

Hogan also wrote that allowing the intervention could show he was prejudiced against the deal because the groups made it clear they opposed the agreement...

And here are some things to chew on while awaiting the actual settlement ruling:
Quote: Public Strategies Impact, the firm that represents Exxon’s interests in New Jersey, has donated $50,000 to America Leads, a super PAC supporting Christie’s presidential campaign, according to federal campaign finance filings...

The donation to the super PAC from Exxon’s lobbying firm is “not surprising,” said Democratic State Sen. Raymond Lesniak, who has led the charge to block the settlement. “If the judge approves Christie's settlement, Exxon will walk out with a check," he said.

PSI has also given $80,000 to the Republican Governors Association since Christie became New Jersey’s chief executive, according to Political Money Line data. State documents list PSI as Exxon’s longtime lobbyist, and the firm includes a laudatory quote from an Exxon executive on its website...

New Jersey has a strict “pay-to-play” law designed to bar state contractors from donating to state officials. That statute includes so-called anti-circumvention provisions that aim to keep firms from doing indirectly what they are prohibited from doing directly. However, the law does not explicitly apply to super PACs, which are technically supposed to be independent of public officials.

1. Christie's former Attorney General Paula Dow (the one who dismissed the Hunterdon County indictments) used to be an attorney for Exxon.

2. Former Christie DCA Commissioner and former Wolff & Sampson partner Lori Grifa is now a partner and lobbyist for Archer & Greiner, the law firm representing Exxon in this litigation.

3. Archer & Greiner donated $30,000 to the RGA.

4. Former Christie Deputy Chief of Staff Lou Goettner now works for Public Impact Strategies, the lobbying firm representing Exxon's interests in NJ.

5. Exxon donated $751,000 to the RGA in 2014 while Christie was in charge and nearly $1.8 million during the period of time Christie has been governor.

You can't tell the corruption without a scorecard!

rocknation 08-08-2015 06:03 AM

Now that I've sufficiently sobered up from the political midget mud wrestling marathon -- I mean, Republican presidential debate -- to evaluate Christie's performance, I'm happy to report that the way his true colors shined through rivaled Donald Trump's. But I also have to say that Christie was set up a little.

For hosts Fox News, pretty much the media arm of the Republican party, their marching orders were clear -- make Jeb Bush look better and frontrunner Donald Trump look worse. Bush got softball questions that allowed him to appear passionate yet lucid; Trump was prodded into his trademark ranting and raving; and Christie was pitted against a candidate who opposes him on a security issue, sending him into bully attack mode:


ThinkProgress:...Christie said...“I was appointed U.S. Attorney by President Bush on September 10th, 2001, and the world changed enormously the next day, and that happened in my state. This is not theoretical to me...” In his closing remarks, Christie repeated the claim and date.

DailyKos: Setting aside that it is the (Foreign Intelligence) "Surveillance" Court...(not the Foreign Intelligence "Service" Court)...and that U.S. attorneys don't go before the FISC, there's a big problem here. Maybe Christie was so affected by the events of that day and the aftermath that his memory has got all foggy...Christie wasn't nominated for the U.S. attorney post until December (2001) of that year and started in January 2002...
Quote: The intervening crisis caused by the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington then delayed action on the nomination. In the interview for (his biography), Christie said he didn’t hear again from the White House for two weeks and that things were slowed because there were no available FBI agents to do background checks, as they had been assigned to investigating the 9/11 attacks...

UPDATE: In an absolutely hysterical attempt to rebut the clear fact that he was not nominated when he said he was, Christie’s people said he was informed he would be on September 10 at 4:30...But the rest of the explanation makes it clear they hadn’t even done a background check yet!

Asbury Park Press: What actually happened on Sept. 10, 2001 is that Christie was informed by the White House that President George W. Bush had decided to nominate him as U.S. attorney. In a 2011 interview for (his) biography...Christie said the job offer was formally extended on that date by White House counsel Alberto Gonzales in a 4:30 p.m. phone call...

Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts said the reports criticizing Christie’s use of the word ‘appointed’ have “been totally incorrect” and pointed to morning newspaper coverage from Sept. 11, 2001 saying Christie had been nominated a day earlier.
If the background check had not begun, never mind been completed, prior to September 2001, then Christie had been neither nominated nor appointed -- he'd only been "put under consideration" for the position. Also, deflecting from his hugging that evil President Obama by saying he can only remember hugging those affected by the 9/11 attack is downright shabby. Doesn't Christie remember that a candidate was pretty much knocked out of the 2008 presidential race by being described as "a noun, a verb, and 9/11"?

Kathleen 08-09-2015 03:17 AM

As I have said many times - and this proves my point - he is a lying sack of shit. I can only hope that he a "the Donald" took themselves out.

rocknation 08-18-2015 02:49 AM

With Friends Like These, Who Needs (Political) Enemies?

Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1188968)
...Hillary (or Christie) will lose no support by being associated with Jon. Jon, on the other hand, WILL lose support by associating with either one of them. That's why I wish he'd keep his nose out of politics.


Originally Posted by Walleris (Post 1188967)
...Christie...using Bon Jovi songs immediately creates associations Jon should try to avoid considering his political views are completely opposite. I think people pay attention to these things...


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1190879)

“It’s not an egregious flip-flop,” Mr. Christie said...“Jon and Dorothea Bon Jovi are friends of ours….Bruce’s music is still my favorite music. Come on. Are you kidding?”
Not the nicest way to put it though. I'd be Jon, I'd feel insulted.


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1188978)
Everyone loses because it calls the basic judgment of Jon, Christie AND Hillary into question. Besides, true "apolitical friends" let each other know when they're doing something that will make them look bad.

We saw this coming from light years away, and now it's here -- Jon's apolitical friend and Republican presidential hopeful Chris Christie has publicly fired a salvo at Jon's apolitical friend and Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton:

Mediaite:...Chris Christie went after...Hillary Clinton...for making jokes about the deletion of her private emails. “Her arrogance is breathtaking,” Christie said...“Mrs. Clinton, this is not about politics...Why don’t you just answer this question: why’d you have your own private email server? I worked for the federal government for seven years as a U.S. attorney. It was made clear to all us when we walked in the door, official business is done on your official email account...(I)t’s the typical approach of the Clintons: where when they’re in trouble, they blame everyone else.”

CNN: "Can you imagine, if after the bridge investigation began, I came out and said 'Oh, I've done all my business as governor on a private email server. And, I've deleted now 30,000 of those emails. But trust me none of it had to do with the bridge.' Give me a break."
Christie is not holding fellow Republican hopeful Jeb Bush to the same standard, however -- because Jeb's father gave Christie the U.S. Attorney job, perhaps?

IB Times: In her initial response to this week's revelation that she exclusively used private email to conduct State Department business, Hillary Clinton tried to downplay...(a) New York Times report by saying that her predecessors as secretary of state employed the same practice...(She) faces allegations that she didn’t comply with federal recordkeeping requirements put in place in 2009...The State Department said going through (her) emails...some 55,000 pages -- would take months...

Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor who is considering a run for president as a Republican, used personal email while in office and owned the email server, and said he would release emails through this website “in the spirit of transparency.”

And here's another Republican presidential hopeful whose emailing habits may not meet Chris Christie's ethical standards:
Quote: new report shows there were 12 text messages exchanged between...New Jersey Governor Chris Christie...(and) aide...Regina Egea...during an explosive day of testimony...(I)t's not unusual that the Governor and the aide...who was monitoring the testimony...would have been exchanging messages...But their previous denials raises the question of what other communications were deleted as the scandal unfolded.

(S)ubpoenaed...(p)hone the governor initiated the exchange, sending a total of three texts to Egea on December 9, 2013. Egea returned the text, and sent nine in total, all during the 6 hours of testimony by Port Authority officials in which they...denied the existence of a legitimate traffic study...and said they feared for their jobs if they disobeyed Wildstein.

In Egea's own testimony last summer, the new report notes, she referred to a single text she sent that day as "not at all substantive." She said she "couldn't recall" a response from the governor. Egea acknowledged deleting the text, though she couldn't say when...Asked last summer about that text, Christie told reporters: "If it was of any moment or import I would have remembered it."
Is there an oxygen tank in the house? I'm feeling a little short of breath...

And what is Jon going to do -- support his apolitical friend Christie's allegations against Hillary, or defend his apolitical friend Hillary, (and, by extension, her husband) against Christie? At least ONE of them has stepped out of line. He's going to have to pick a side now --

Old Joysey 08-22-2015 09:46 PM


What they're saying across the nation about Christie and his 2016 run

The Asbury Park Press reported that Christie was at a fundraiser in the Hamptons this weekend with Jon Bon Jovi.

Can you open the link to APP? I can't , access denied 'cause I'm not a subscriber I guess.

Kathleen 08-22-2015 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1192861)

Can you open the link to APP? I can't , access denied 'cause I'm not a subscriber I guess.

Here is the text - there are also a couple of videos.

TRENTON — Here is a look at what's being said across the nation about Gov. Chris Christie's run for president:

• The Des Moines (Iowa) Register ran an opinion piece from Kraig Paulsen, speaker of the Iowa House of Representatives, about why he is endorsing Christie for president.

• Talking Points Memo explored how Christie appears to be backtracking on birthright citizenship.

• The Asbury Park Press examined how a visit to the Iowa State Fair may have been key for Christie.

• The Asbury Park Press reported that Christie was at a fundraiser in the Hamptons this weekend with Jon Bon Jovi.

• Fox News Radio reported that Christie called President Obama "the worst negotiator in the history of the presidency" during an interview.

And here is the story about Christie and Jon "partying"

If it's August, chances are Jon Bon Jovi and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie are at a party in the Hamptons.

This year, it was a return to the Wainscott estate of Ronald O. Perelman to take part in the fundraiser for the Apollo Theater on Saturday, Aug. 15. Jamie Foxx, Jimmy Fallon, Pitball, Christina Aguilera, Smokey Robinson and Bon Jovi were the performers, backed by the Roots, and Jack Nicholson, Penny Marshall, Harvey Weinstein, Mary-Kate Olsen, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Robert Kraft, Perelman and plenty more power players were in the audience, according to multiple reports.

Bon Jovi joined Robinson on stage for “The Tracks of My Tears,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

“This is what rock-and-roll history looks like,” Bon Jovi said of Robinson. “This is what rock 'n' roll history sounds like.”

Christie, who is a Republican presidential candidate, kept a low profile at the party as compared to last year when he jumped on stage to dance with Foxx. Instead, he ate fried chicken and salmon with Bon Jovi and convened with billionaire private equity boss Steve Schwarzman, according to a Bloomberg report. He sat with Matt Lauer to watch the show, according to the New York Times.

Bon Jovi, who has a home in East Hampton, has popped up at several events in the area this summer. Most recently he joined President Bill Clinton Tuesday, Aug. 18 at the the Blue Parrot restaurant in East Hampton for the Clinton's 68th birthday dinner, according to the Daily Mail.

Both Hillary and Chelsea Clinton didn't make the dinner. Jon Bon Jovi and wife Dorothea Bongiovi hosted a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, a Democratic presidential candidate, in June at the Molly Pitcher Inn in Red Bank.

Bon Jovi is scheduled to release “Burning Bridges” on Friday, Aug. 21, the band’s first album without long-time guitarist and co-writer of the Bon Jovi hits, Richie Sambora.

Old Joysey 08-22-2015 10:48 PM

TY, Kathleen! :D


Bon Jovi joined Robinson on stage for “The Tracks of My Tears,”
Oh yeah, I saw photos a few days ago: "Apollo in the Hamptons" and wondered what it was exactly. Now I know!

rocknation 08-23-2015 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey
Can you open the link to APP? I can't , access denied 'cause I'm not a subscriber I guess...
TY, Kathleen!

I thank Kathleen, too -- death to geoblocking!


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1192865)
I saw photos a few days ago: "Apollo in the Hamptons" and wondered what it was exactly. Now I know!

It would have looked better to actually hold fundraiser AT the Apollo -- the band wasn't too scared to shoot the Keep The Faith video in Harlem:

Kathleen 08-23-2015 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1192995)
I thank Kathleen, too -- death to geoblocking!

Wasn't that the original reason for the internet - so that anyone could see the same content anywhere?

They have already screwed that up haven't they. I manage to get around most of it with proxy servers but honestly it has become somewhat of a game for me.

You mean I can't see that - hmmm...... I bet I can find a way :D

Old Joysey 08-23-2015 08:40 PM

Was it geoblocking? I was only asked to subscribe. There's a different message when a site is geoblocked.

Proxy servers work fine but you end up spending your time changing the settings which is a bore. Yeah, we're far from the global village that they tried to sell us when it all started!

rocknation 08-25-2015 08:27 PM

This just in -- the state court has approved the three-cents-on the dollar Exxon Mobil settlement.

Kathleen 08-25-2015 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1193221)
This just in -- the state court has approved the three-cents-on the dollar Exxon Mobil settlement.

I just saw that in the Times. Ugh.....that guy has sold New New Jersey down the river more than once. Disgusting :(

rocknation 08-31-2015 01:07 AM

While his three-cents-on-the-dollar settlement is being appealed, let's check in on Christie's presidential campaign.

Christie has undisputed possession of eleventh place in the national polls, once again putting himself in danger of missing the cut for the next nationally televised Republican debate on Sept. 16:

Politico: As CNN, Fox News and MSNBC covered (candidate Donald) Trump’s first town hall live — breaking only to run clips of Jeb Bush attacking the real estate tycoon — Christie was gasping for air on C-SPAN. Because the governor’s dimly lit event...was outdoors, the few viewers watching saw the candidate gradually disappear into darkness...“He’s just not getting the traction that I think he was expecting,” said (a)...former New Hampshire Republican party chairman...
That really is too bad, especially since Christie appointed one of his own aides to help run the New Hampshire Republican party!

But what's the cure -- what strategy should Christie employ to overcome the formidable polling and media domination of frontrunner Trump? Well, it makes sense to take a look at what Trump has been saying to earn such domination:

  • "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

  • Trump publicly gave out Senator Lindsey Graham's phone number during a speech in South Carolina as a response to Graham calling him a "jackass".

  • Trump said that (Fox News Reporter Megyn) Kelly is a "lightweight" and had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."

  • Trump said of (Senator John) McCain: "He’s not a war hero...because he was captured."

Did you see the pattern there? Do you see the answer? It's right under your nose -- the way to duplicate the success of The Donald (what his first wife called him) is to duplicate Duh Donald!
Quote: You've heard it again and again in this wacky summer of Republican presidential politics: Chris Christie is the one who should be the leading plain-talking, outside-the-box, in-your-face, I'm-not-your-typical-Washington-politician candidate. But instead...that title has gone to the ever-controversial Donald Trump.

A focus group of Trump supporters...showed that while two-thirds of the panel's members agree Christie "tells it like it is," just about as many say it's the real estate mogul who's the "only person running for president who tells it like it is."

But all's fair in love, war...and campaign slogans. Christie released a new TV ad last week in which the governor closes by intoning: "Let's make America a leader again."

Sound familiar? It's essentially a retooling of the campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" uttered repeatedly this summer by -- yep -- Donald Trump.

Okay, slogan duplicating accomplished. All he has to do now is say something "ever controversial" that the Republican voters would love and that the national media simply could not ignore:

NY Times: Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said...that if he were elected president he would combat illegal immigration by...ask(ing) the chief executive of FedEx, Frederick W. Smith, to devise (a) tracking system.

“At any moment, FedEx can tell you where (a) package is: It’s on the truck. It’s at the station. It’s on the airplane,” Mr. Christie told the crowd in Laconia, N.H. “Yet we let people come to this country with visas, and the minute they come in, we lose track of them.”

He said 40 percent of illegal immigrants are allowed into the United States legally with a visa and then stay longer than their visa allows. “However long your visa is, then we...tap you on the shoulder and say, ‘Excuse me. Thanks for coming. Time to go.’”
First of all, it's not FedEx who Christie be talking to about implementing his plan...

Secondly, where would the tracking mechanism be? If it's on the visa itself, that raises the problem of the visa not always being where the visa holder is. That leaves embedding it in the visa holder, like that movie Logan's Run:

Or something could be tattooed on, like what was done to Holocaust prisoners.

So far, FedEx has declined comment...for some reason...

Old Joysey 09-02-2015 04:25 PM


Christie says Springsteen no longer a friend

:lol: :popcorn:

Kathleen 09-02-2015 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1193755)

BooHoo - anything to "distance" himself and get more votes. It won't matter in the end. He has no chance and he shouldn't be selling a lifetime of love so cheaply. But hey - that's him to the bone.

rocknation 09-02-2015 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1193755)
SHOCKING NEWS! Christie says Springsteen no longer a friend

Christie has flip-flopped on Bruce? Hopefully, only Bruce's feelings were hurt... :mrgreen:

Becky 09-02-2015 10:59 PM

I don't know why Christie is even still in the race. He's got no shot.

Kathleen 09-03-2015 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1193778)
I don't know why Christie is even still in the race. He's got no shot.

Christie was supposed to be the loudmouth who "tells it like it is". That has turned out to be Donald Trump. So there really isn't a place for him - I think he should come home and clean up some of the messes he has left New Jersey in.

rocknation 09-03-2015 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1193786)
Christie was supposed to be the loudmouth who "tells it like it is". That has turned out to be Donald Trump. So there really isn't a place for him - I think he should come home and clean up some of the messes he has left New Jersey in.

Yeah, he's got a lot of messes to clean up...

And, of course, neither Trump nor Christie "tell it like it is," but like they need you to believe it is with no questions or backtalk -- which is precisely WHY they "tell it" so loudly.

rocknation 09-09-2015 11:53 PM

Christie is in a flat-footed tie for tenth place
in the Republican presidential polling race. How can he push Ron Paul into undisputed possession of eleventh place, which would give Christie the bottom rung on national debate ladder? Shift the "Duplicate Duh Donald" strategy into overdrive!

Quote: ...Gov. Christie on Sunday called Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton "a disgrace" for comments she made about Republicans...

During a campaign stop...Hillary Clinton...(said) "Extreme views about women? We expect that from some of the terrorist groups. We expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world...But it’s a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States."

Christie responded to her comments on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: "Well, there's a uniter, isn't it? Comparing Republicans to terrorist groups..."That's a disgrace, and she's a disgrace...for comparing Republicans to terrorist groups. Don't let her go on that, Chris. That's awful."
Quote: During an appearance on The Tonight Show...Christie (said)...
"Stay tuned on Sept. 16th...We may be changing tactics. You know, if I get to like 15 questions in a row (where he's not called on) -- count 'em at home -- if I get to 15 in a row , you're going to go 'Uh oh, he's going to go nuclear now.'"
Quote: Sean Hannity asked (Christie): "You love Bruce Springsteen. Does Jon Bon Jovi, who also lives in New Jersey, get mad that you're always talkin' about Springsteen?"

Christie, who had appeared on NBC's "The Tonight Show" the night before, performing a lip sync to Springsteen's classic, "Born in the U.S.A." Christie quickly answered..."No. I'm actually friends with Jon, so..."Bruce, I know; Jon, I'm friends with."

"Bruce is a huge liberal (who) hates my guts," (said) Hannity.

"...I could suspect he might," Christie said..."Listen, he's not all that fond of me, either...I mean, politically, I'm not his cup of tea..."

Fine. However, saying extremist-endearing, national media-generating things is only half of what Duplicating Duh Donald is all about. Here, note how Trump avoids apology, accountability, remorse and regret like the plague:

RTE News: Embattled US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has hit back at critics who say he went too far with caustic comments about a US television news anchor, insisting no apology was necessary and defending his relations with women.

"I've had such an amazing relationship with women in business. They are amazing executives. They are killers. They are phenomenal," Mr Trump said. (He) has repeatedly attacked his fellow candidates, accusing...(a) former governor of wearing glasses to look smarter...(and) calling a "idiot."

He dismissed his critics as beholden to political correctness, a concept he is not encumbered with, and pointed to opinion polls as proof he was "winning big all over the place."
Now let's see how well Christie does it:
Quote: ...After suggesting that the U.S. government should keep tabs on immigrants entering the country the same way FedEx tracks its packages, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie fired back at critics. "I don’t mean people are packages, so let’s not be ridiculous,” Christie said on Fox News Sunday.

"This is once again a situation where the private sector laps us in the government with the use of technology," Christie said. "We should bring in the folks from FedEx to use the technology to be able to do it. There’s nothing wrong with that."
Quote: As Gov. Chris Christie continued to skewer Hillary Clinton on the presidential campaign trail for conducting government business on a private (email) server...a report surfaced...detailing how Christie sent a government-related email from a private account as the George Washington Bridge scandal brewed...(Fox News) host Chris Wallace said...the exchange...was sent from the governor's personal Yahoo! account...

Wallace also noted...that Christie had exchanged 12 text messages with an aide in December 2013 as the New Jersey Legislature investigated the bridge scandal — and that those messages appear to have been deleted.

"The one email you're referring to — and it's the only one they've released — involved a press release," the governor told Wallace. "So, let's all remain calm. My press secretary sent it to my private email account, I'm sure inadvertently, and I responded to it. We cannot compare that, can we, to someone having a private email server...that could be hacked by the Russians, the Chinese, or just a group of 18-year-old(s) who want to have some fun?"

...Christie added that "everything I've done as governor has been an open book, and I've answered every question anybody's ever had to answer. Can you hold Mrs. Clinton to that standard?"
He's not in Trump's class, of course, but not bad at all -- stealth bullying, moral indignation, obfuscation, missed direction plays, and a BIG big lies! He just might be able to Duplicate Duh Donald and push past Rand Paul into tenth place after all...say what?

No, no no -- you BLEW it! You don't deny what's been filmed -- you blame it on the film makers being UNIONIZED!!!

rocknation 09-10-2015 05:12 AM

Crew Christie Airlines: Mayday! Mayday! Remember Crew Christie Airlines -- "You're the Graft Beneath Our Wings"? It just took a nosedive!


New York Times: Jeff Smisek...(t)he chief executive...of United Airlines... and two senior officials...resigned...amid a federal investigation into whether the airline had traded favors with (David Samson,) the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

The United States attorney for New Jersey has been investigating whether United, the nation’s third-largest airline, agreed to reinstate money-losing flights to the airport nearest the weekend home of the (Mr.) Samson, in return for improvements the airline wanted at Newark Liberty International Airport, where it is the biggest carrier...Mr. Samson was appointed by Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey in 2010. He stepped down in March 2014...United discontinued the flight to South Carolina within days of Mr. Samson’s resignation from the Port Authority...

United asked (a) law conduct an internal investigation into the airline’s dealings with Mr. Samson and the Port Authority...(L)awyers close to the case predicted that it would lead to the resignation of Mr. Smisek and possibly other executives, in the hope that the airline could avoid prosecution...

The resignations also complicate the fortunes of (Chris) he moves ahead on his presidential bid, by underscoring the accusations of cronyism that have dogged his administration since the bridge scandal broke.
A self-financed internal investigation concluded that the CEO was guilty, so he resigned? What are the odds? And note how none of those guys are insisting that they had no idea what was going on, or that they shouldn't be held accountable for what their underlings were doing. They just left quietly (though with nice severance packages) and promised to cooperate with the authorities. Hint, hint!

Quote: Governor Christie said...he still considers (David Samson) a friend and isn’t sure he did anything wrong. “David (Samson) is a friend and I find all of this hard to believe,” Christie said...(to radio host) Eric Scott..."I don’t see him as much as I used to because he’s retired and moved out of state...We’ve got to be really careful not to jump to conclusions on news reports.”

...Samson is not the only Christie appointee who is the subject of a federal investigation. Bill Baroni, another Christie appointee to the Port Authority, and Bridget Kelly, a former deputy chief of staff to the governor, are facing federal charges for allegedly closing lanes at the George Washington Bridge two years ago today in an act of political retribution.

“Now I know you know nothing about Samson and this United/Continental CEO, but you appointed him and this isn’t the first time one of your appointees has come under legal fire,” (CNN’s Jake) Tapper said. “Should people question your judgment when it comes to your appointees?”

Christie told Tapper he tries to maintain a high standard and that his “entire life has been making sure that the law is enforced.” He said when issues have been brought to his attention..."I’ve acted strongly and decisively and continued to keep myself where I need to be, which is focusing on the work of the people and making sure that the standards I hold myself to are always the highest standards...(B)ut the fact is when you have 60,000 people working for you, there are going to be occasions when someone doesn’t hold up to that standard.”
But it's NOT the tens of thousands working under you who have been "causing" your problems, Governor Soprano: It's the handful who report to you directly. And too bad nobody dared asked why Christie let Samson run the PA while he was also running a law firm that did business with the PA. At least Samson was "ethical" enough not to take a salary from the PA!

P.S. Tapper, you fcking wimp -- I hope that CNN got at least a Christie campaign commercial ad buy out of your butt-kissing!

rocknation 09-11-2015 02:08 PM

Remembering 9/11, Christie style
Quote: On (September 9), Gov. Chris Christie took a swipe at Mayor Bill de Blasio for a culture of “lawlessness” in New York City. Police Commissioner Bill Bratton smacked back hard, calling Mr. Christie a “fool” and warning him to “stay within your own neighborhood” and even bringing up Bridgegate. “When he gets Trenton, when he gets Newark, when he gets Camden to be anywhere near as safe as New York City, then he might be able to criticize us," Mr. Bratton added...
For shame, and two days before 9/11, when New York and New Jersey should be united by grief. Way to set a good example for your constituents, guys, and to look presidential, Chris. But why?


This (story) is the product of interviews with two people who were present...(The) bad blood...dates back four years...(to) the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center...

On September 10, 2011...the Christie family drove...(to) the Intercontinental Hotel in (New York City), because coming into the city the next morning with all the security around the Ground Zero ceremony would certainly be a hassle. The dignitaries...always have to gather early so that everyone is in place for the 8:46 a.m. commemoration...President Obama and (former) President Bush were to join (New York) Gov. Cuomo, Gov. Christie and (New York City's mayor) in laying a wreath...So around 7 a.m., the Christie family loaded into the detail’s SUV...The route had been thoroughly rehearsed by Mr. Christie’s advance team, in conjunction with the state police and Secret Service...

David Samson, Bill Baroni, David Wildstein and Port Authority Superintendent of Public Safety Michael A. Fedorko were among a large group of PA brass as well as two NJ state troopers and a contingent of Port Authority police officers who were standing at the gate on West Street at the corner of Vesey waiting for the governor’s car to arrive.

All of a sudden...a New York City police officer...stopped the motorcade in the street and said, “You can’t go here. You can’t come in.” The NJ state trooper...showed his identification and told the officer...“This is Gov. Christie and his family in the SUV.” The officer...said he had his instructions from New York City police about who had been cleared by the Secret Service and he won’t budge. Then the Port Authority police guy got out of his car, which elevates the situation from a police-to-police courtesy, since Port Authority police have police power in the entire State of New York. He explained to the officer that the governor needed to be driven through but this cop won’t budge. The PAPD guy said, “Why don’t you call a supervisor?” The cop replied, “I don’t have to. I’ve been told no.”

According to two people, the entire delegation witnessing the scene had the feeling from the officer’s tone that he had been specifically told not to let Gov. Christie in. As the argument intensified...Gov. Christie exited the car...and began screaming at the cop...“I’ll walk the rest of the way!” He took a few steps, then turned back and said, clear as a bell, (to) "tell (the New York City Police Commissioner) to go f*ck himself."
The NYC cop didn't recognize either Christie or a uniformed New Jersey state trooper, blew off a Port Authority official and refused to double-check with his chain of command? And to think that the very reason why Christie was there was to remember a day that forced the entire nation to be more diligent about coordinating its security measures.

I hope that cop got the boot, the sack, AND the bum's rush. And I would say that Christie and his party still have every right to be angry at New York City's police commissioner and mayor, except...except that in 2011, New York City's police commissioner and mayor were Ray Kelly and Mike Bloomberg, NOT Bill Bratton and Bill DiBlasio...

He can't even hold a grudge right.

rocknation 10-01-2015 05:47 PM

Well, Christie was certainly in New York City this past September 11 -- in fact, he overstayed his welcome a little:


New York Daily News: New Jersey Gov. Chris being blamed for another traffic jam...caus(ing) a block-long backup outside Ground Zero just before Friday morning’s 9/11 anniversary ceremony when he wouldn’t get out of his black SUV because he was on the phone...

As a result, Christie’s car was left idling in a strategic staging area, turning a carefully planned dignitary rollout into a 20-minute backup that left some VIPs and two busloads of family members of NYPD 9/11 victims in the lurch...Fed up, some family members, including a few elderly participants, got off their buses down the block and walked to the staging area.

Christie’s...Spokesman Kevin Roberts...called the allegations “just not true...He spent about five minutes in the car finishing a phone call before we moved on into the memorial...Everyone arrived on time and the program started on time.”
Well, what's a fifteen-minute discrepency between friends, especially when you're in a security-sensitive area on a day memorializing those who died due to a failure of security sensitivity?


NJTV Online: New Jersey is still waiting for its payoff after privatizing the state’s lottery system. According to documents obtained by the Associated Press, the deal is not bringing in the expected revenues and there’s a $136 million shortfall...

The state’s largest public worker’s union tried to block the deal. The 2013 contract with the private company Northstar, promised to generate about a $1.5 billion in income over the next 15 years. But so far, it’s been missing the target...

Northstar contributed to the Republican Governor’s Association while Gov. Chris Christie was leading it, then hired both the law firm of his political ally, former Port Authority chairman David Samson and the communications firm of Christie’s campaign strategist...

Prior to Northstar, New Jersey kept 34 cents for every dollar in ticket sales. Now, because expenses are higher under the private company, the state keeps just 30 cents of every dollar...Under the contract New Jersey could fire Northstar if they don’t hit their revenue mark for two consecutive years...
Well, what's an $136 million discrepency between friends, especially if it doesn't include administration fees to Northstar that could have stayed in the state coffers? There are more important matters to attend to -- like trying to convince people that you should be president of the United States because you're security-sensitive and fiscally responsible!

rocknation 10-02-2015 06:01 PM

I guess it takes a big blowhard to know one
Fortunately, it's looking like New Jersey will not be celebrating the third anniversary of Superstorm Sandy with a direct hit from Hurricane Joaquin. Good thing Governor Soprano was on the job:

Quote: Gov. Chris Christie declared a state of emergency Thursday as Hurricane Joaquin approaches New Jersey and the East Coast...Christie says it's too soon to know whether the Hurricane Joaquin will have a direct impact on the state.
I guess he learned his lesson from back in June when he didn't declare a state of emergency about a storm that overturned cars, uprooted trees, and shut down the railroad:

Quote: Christie...explained..."Right now what's happening is FEMA is on the ground with the Office of Emergency Management of the State Police and they are assessing the damage level. You don't need a state of emergency declaration in order to get federal funds if you need a certain threshold and if there's anything that a state of emergency declaration would do to enhance our ability to get more help more quickly, I'd be happy to do that..."
Since he fell back to declaring a state of emergency the old-fashioned way, I guess his June strategy didn't work -- or did it?


Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1188941)
If you're planning to announce your run for president and will be traveling heavily afterwards, the last thing you need is a federal state of emergency declaration, as it would probably interfere with your getting the kind of national headlines you want!

Does that mean that if you're running for president and are tied for ninth in the polls, the FIRST thing you need is a federal state of emergency declaration because it would "enhance your ability" to get the national headlines you want? Or am I just being too cynical and suspicious again? In the interest of journalistic fairness, I must concede it's also possible that Hurricane Joaquin decided to turn tail and not make landfall BECAUSE he heard about Christie's declaration. Now THAT'S the kind of leadership that's needed from a United States president!

rocknation 10-03-2015 07:30 PM

Commander In Chump
Among this volume of ridicule of Chris Christie, you won't find many weight-oriented jokes. That's because Christie's political and ethical failings far outdistance his dietary ones -- and besides, if losing weight really was simply a matter of eating less and exercising more, everyone would be skinny.

Similarly, you'll find few suggestions that Christie, of Irish and Sicilian parentage, should be associated with the Mafia -- for instance, I refer to his administration as "Crew Christie" instead of "the Christie crew." Yes, I refer to him as "Governor Soprano," but the Sopranos were fictional characters -- and a mobster who seeks out psychiatric counseling is about as fictional as a character can get!

Which brings us to this report from the Christie presidential campaign -- relevant because a U.S. presidential job duty is commander-in-chief of the military. Cue the F-Troop theme:


Washington Post: Besides serving as governor...Chris Christie (is)...commander in chief of the New Jersey National charge of 8,400 citizen soldiers...

After he took office in 2010, Christie reappointed (a) childhood lead the Guard. But the married general was forced to resign in disgrace after staff members caught him having an affair at work...The governor’s next pick...Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael L. Cunniff...was (officially) reprimanded...for...repeatedly ducking physical-fitness tests...

Cunniff finally took a fitness test in November 2013, his first in more than three years. He flunked when his waist size was measured at 4.5 inches larger than what was allowed...Cunniff reports directly to Christie...(but Christie's) staff said he was unaware that...Cunniff...had been reprimanded...(According to) spokesman Kevin Roberts...Christie...has given Cunniff 90 days to slim down and “meet his obligations...The Governor has expressed directly to the General that his failure to meet that standard or to provide notification of his formal reprimand is both unacceptable and disappointing...”

Failure to meet physical fitness standards is a serious infraction in the military and can result in dismissal. But it is an especially delicate subject in New Jersey, where Christie had weight-loss surgery two years ago.
Oh, really? Well, as much as I'd like to believe that Christie was more interested in not hurting Cunniff's feelings, his oblivion probably had more to do with not wanting to draw attention to his own weight -- especially with a presidential run in the works.

As for Christie not being aware of the reprimand, that's pretty much impossible. Cunniff not mentioning it to Christie is one thing. But there is no way that Cunniff's superiors at The Pentagon (U.S. military headquarters) would NOT have informed Christie directly that they might have to supply him with a new military subordinate in chief. That's Chain Of Command 101 stuff: as fundamental to the military as -- well, having to meet minimal physical fitness standards!


Dissent began to bubble up last year. In April 2014, a group of junior officers wrote a letter to Christie to complain about a “demeaning and toxic” command culture in the militia. The(y)...accused Cunniff and his deputy, Army Brig. Gen. James J. Grant, of not promoting minorities into senior jobs...In May...(it was) disclos(ed) that four colonels had been convicted of drunken driving...In December...other senior officers, including the state chaplain, filed a harsher complaint with the Army inspector general at the Pentagon...accus(ing) Cunniff and Grant of abuse of authority, fraud, waste, cronyism and other wrongdoing...

In January (2015), the mutiny reached the Internet...Parody videos were posted...casting Cunniff and Grant as incompetent Nazi commanders...In February...the Guard’s top (minority) officers wrote another letter to Christie saying that the troops “have had enough...(of the) mistrust, secrecy, intimidation, deception, favoritism, cronyism and unethical behavior.”

...“It’s like the mob,” said...a retired Army lieutenant colonel who says he lost his job because he refused to help cover up the general’s affair. “One minute you’re the made man. The next, you get a bullet in the back of your head -- only here it’s career assassination.”
He said it...I didn't... :roll:

rocknation 10-07-2015 04:26 AM

Gosh darn it -- it looks like those well-intentioned but loyal-to-a-fault subordinates of Chris Christie have undermined him yet again! On the heels of not informing Christie that his military point man had been formally reprimanded and was in danger of being dismissed, they may have defied a New Jersey Supreme Court order:


New Jersey Watchdog: Last month, the court ordered the governor’s office to release its “secret” directory of media contacts and VIPs, assembled at taxpayers’ expense. The list was created by the Christie’s communications staff of 16 full-time state employees paid $1.36 million in salaries last year, New Jersey Watchdog found.

But what Christie’s staff gave New Jersey Watchdog last week contained only half of the information described in court papers. Instead of 2,500 names, the list has only 1,229 entries...Matt Katz of WNYC...was allowed to review but not copy the list at the governor’s office last year, as part of a settlement in a public records lawsuit by New York Public Radio. Katz reported the list contained roughly 2,500 names...In his statement to the court, Katz gave specific examples of information conspicuously missing from the list...Judge Mary C. Jacobson will hear arguments next week on whether or not the record was altered before its release, a possible violation of the court’s order.
Now, whose idea was that -- Christie's? His communications director? His chief of staff? More to the point, what would BE the point of altering the list? How different would Christie's media contact list look from that of any of the other presidential candidates? Let's not overreact here -- maybe there were two packages of documents, and one got lost. But on the other hand, when you're paying sixteen people an average of $85K US of New Jersey taxpayer money per year, maybe it's time to do a little employee RE-evaluation...

rocknation 10-30-2015 01:15 PM

It's been pretty quiet on the Christie campaign trail -- or has it actually been the calm before the storm?

The third national Republican party presidential debate took place the day before yesterday, and you'll be pleased to know that though his average poll rating has skyrocketed to 2.4 percent since the previous debate, Governor Soprano hasn't been resting on his laurels. He spent the weekend before the third debate manufacturing fresh "duplicating duh Donald" quotes in hopes of scoring headlines:

Quote: The Black Lives Matter movement is creating an environment that can put police officers at risk, Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie said Sunday...on CBS' Face the Nation, (and) accus(ed) President Barack Obama of supporting the movement, encouraging "lawlessness" and not backing up law enforcement...Told that some individual members have been recorded calling for the deaths of officers, Christie replied that the environment is "what the movement is creating."

...(F)or example, some marchers were recorded chanting to [fry] police "like bacon"...Christie said..."I don't believe that movement should be justified when they are calling for the murder of police officers..."
Not quite -- "frying like bacon" is slang for being executed via the electric chair, which is what happened to Americans convicted of premeditated murder before lethal injections were deemed more humane. So technically, the environment the movement is striving to create is one where the American justice system works properly, not the opposite.

The Face The Nation political talk show is usually filmed in Washington D.C., which would explain why Christie was on a train from DC to New York that same day:

Quote: ...First, he nearly missed his 9:55 (AM) Amtrak train from DC to New York. Then, he didn’t get the seat he wanted on the train. Then, to make things even worse, he got kicked out of the quiet car!

...A passenger on his way home to Manhattan was traveling in that very same quiet car...told Gawker: "He got on last minute yelling at his two secret service agents I think because of a seat mixup, sat down and immediately started making phone calls on the quiet car..." (The passenger) also said that Christie was having an intense phone conversation, repeating the phrases, “This is frickin’ ridiculous” and “Seriously?! Seriously?!”

(The passenger also said)..."After about 10 minutes, the conductor asked him to stop or go to another car. He got up and walked out again yelling at his secret service. He was drinking a McDonald’s strawberry smoothie."
Amtrak's quiet cars are notoriously quiet -- not only are cellphones banned, coughing fits can result in a warning, and earphone use or even typing on laptops that can be heard by others are grounds for ejection. Christie's spokesperson said he'd boarded the quiet car "accidentally." However, the passenger is probably wrong about Christie's security detail being Secret Service agents -- he doesn't qualify for them yet, and he certainly wouldn't be yelling at them. And about that smoothie -- 210 calories and a day's worth of sugar? Why did he bother having his stomach stapled?

rocknation 11-06-2015 06:32 PM

The past week had all the makings for a big comeback for Christie -- nationally as well as locally. What better way to show off his presidential credentials than by celebrating the third anniversary of his victory over Hurricane Sandy?


Washington Post: Some victims of Superstorm Sandy said they feel New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has forgotten about them in his pursuit of the presidency...

About a dozen protesters intended to pitch tents and camp out across from the Statehouse in Trenton on Tuesday to dramatize their plight, but were barred by state police...Many of the demonstrators are still unable to return to their homes three years after the storm...

“He’s completely forgotten about us,” said Doug Quinn, whose Toms River home is still uninhabitable since the Oct. 29, 2012 storm. “He didn’t even mention Sandy in his State of the State speech. We feel absolutely abandoned by Chris Christie.”

The state Community Affairs Department said Tuesday that of the more than 8,000 homeowners active in the state’s main rebuilding grant program, 7,680 have signed their awards and more than 7,600 have received at least one payment...(M)ore than $659 million has been paid out to homeowners under the program, more than half the projected total...
Quote: Chris Christie showed up in New Jersey last week for the third anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, so finally, storm victims didn't have to chase after him on the campaign trail. He also made them a brand new promise: to finish the recovery effort before his term ends.

This is the first time Christie has set a particular time limit...But the end of his term is still two and a half years away, which means...that some people may be out of their houses for more than five years...Christie...defended his performance...saying..."365,000 homes damaged or destroyed in Sandy, and now you’re talking about a few thousand that are left...I think it’s a pretty good record.”

...That big number likely includes (those) who had only minor damage and little interaction with the state...The vast majority of...(those who) actually needed help putting their lives back together...are still stuck in limbo...What are all these people going to do in the interim? And what about those who are already facing foreclosure?
And what about the interest that has been accruing on the funds he's been so slothful about disbursing in the interim? However, Christie does have a point -- should a thousand homeless people and a dozen protestors be considered the "voice of the people" of New Jersey? Forget those ingrates -- let's turn to some New Jerseyans who DO understand the meanings of appreciation and respect!

Quote: During a hastily arranged visit to counter President Obama's trip to Newark to discuss reform of the criminal justice system, Christie declared that (Nov. 5) would be Law Enforcement Appreciation Day to showcase the city's efforts at stemming the wave of violent crimes and thank local police. "...(W)e'll stand shoulder to shoulder," he said. "We're going to keep supporting you in every way we can."

...(But) Patrick Colligan, president of the New Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Association...rejected the gesture..."Our officers deserve respect and appreciation every day, and not just when Chris Christie is polling within the margin of error and grasping at anything that might possibly give him a boost on our backs...(And) we would appreciate Gov. Christie holding to the sacred trust promise he made when he was a candidate for governor in 2009 and meeting his obligation to fully fund the pension system..."
Well, forget New Jersey law enforcement, too, if they're going to drag Christie's pension looting into it. Besides, the only New Jersey poll that really counts is the one that's held on November 3 -- Election Day!

rocknation 11-07-2015 04:43 PM

The 2015 United States Election Day has come and gone. Let's see what Governor Soprano has to show for it:


IfYouOnlyNews: The results are in...Voters have had all they can stand of the failed and corrupt Christie administration...and sent them a message to get out...Democrats now control at least 51 of the 80 seats in the lower house of the state legislature as of January, which is their biggest majority since 1979.

Despite all of Christie’s bluster, bullying and grandstanding, he did not have the ability to bring Republicans to power in the state house. Mostly this was due to the (Bridgate) scandal...his flop as a presidential candidate...(and) a long list of local failures (including)...Hurricane Sandy money being held hostage...(O)n the train to the Presidency, there is a limit for “carry on baggage...”
But just as a handful of people don't reflect an entire state, a single state doesn't reflect an entire nation. With the help of two Republican candidates dropping out of the race, Christie has undisputed possession of tenth place in the national poll rankings, and an opportunity to make up ground at next week's national Republican debate:


UPI: The next prime-time Republican debate...on (November 10) will be much like the previous three, with two distinct exceptions -- Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee...will appear in the secondary debate, which occurs immediately prior to the prime-time event...Candidates averaging 2.5 percent or better in those four polls qualified for the main debate... average of 2.3 percent.

"It doesn't matter the stage, give me a podium and I'll be there to talk about real issues," Christie tweeted.
What a trouper! And only with only three other debaters to shout down, there's definitely the potential to make lemonade out of this lemon of a week!

rocknation 11-08-2015 05:16 PM

Back in July, the web site was hacked, revealing the private information of tens of millions of its account holders. Now for the bad news: Ashley Madison specializes in setting up extra-marital affairs between its supposedly anonymous members.

Not surprisingly, legal actions against Ashley have been sprouting like weeds. Some employees have claimed they were ordered to invent thousands of false profiles of female members to attract more men. The hackers claim they can prove that while Ashley charges extra to delete your account, they hold on to your info anyway. And of course, lawsuits have been filed by cheating spouses who feel they've been also cheated on by Ashley.

And now for the good news: Chris Christie's brother Todd was one of those cheating spouse Ashley Madison account holders!

DailyMail: Todd Christie, a married father of five...had an Ashley Madison account (and)...reportedly had sex "a dozen times" with one woman he met via the cheating website. He is one of the thousands of Ashley Madison users whose details were leaked by hackers of the site.

Todd, 51, wrote on his Ashley Madison profile: "I'm looking for someone to bring some more spice into my life. Love to have fun, in and out of bed. Love to laugh and have been blessed with a successful life. Love great red wine...lots of laughs and long passionate kissing. Willing to try most anything once..."

(When Todd) Christie was asked...about his account and the his home in Mendham, New Jersey (he) said simply: "Walk away. Walk away."
Well, shame on Todd for being so surly -- doesn't he realize that the Ashley Madison hackers have done him an enormous favor? If I were him, I'd be grateful, and here's why:

Todd has worked on every single one of his brother's campaigns since high school, and has also donated millions of dollars to members of the Republican party in New Jersey over the past 15 years. In June, he was named as a member of the New Jersey Finance Leadership team that is trying to help Chris become the Republican party's presidential candidate.
If Todd Christie were not in the employ of either Chris Christie's presidential campaign team or his administration, this would be a private matter for him and his wife to resolve. But as a member of Chris' campaign team who holds its purse strings, the last thing in the world Todd Christie should be is blackmailable, because the further up the ladder Chris Christie rises, the more blackmailable his administration could become. A former U.S. congressman is now facing jail time because he didn't tell anyone he was being blackmailed, and he made it up the ladder to Speaker Of The House of Representatives, who is second in line to the U.S. presidency.

Todd Christie may end up without a marriage or a job with his brother over this. But at least he can't be used as leverage to force Governor (or President!) Chris Christie into acting against his constituents' best interests -- that's grounds for rejoicing!

rocknation 11-13-2015 02:55 AM

The trials of Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni were to start this month, but they've been pushed back to April. Which is just as well, since it appears that their lawyers very likely would have had to ask for it to be delayed anyhow:


New York Times: Lawyers for two former allies of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey have complained to...the United States District Court...that prosecutors and the governor’s lawyers had not provided emails and other documents related to the scheme to snarl traffic at the entrance to the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee...

Mr. Baroni’s lawyers also requested a change of venue for the trial...They said the extensive news media coverage of the matter had made it impossible for Mr. Baroni to receive a fair trial in New Jersey...
And speaking of missing emails, remember this from about two months ago?
Quote: As Gov. Chris Christie continued to skewer Hillary Clinton on the presidential campaign trail for conducting government business on a private (email) server...a report surfaced...detailing how Christie sent a government-related email from a private account as the George Washington Bridge scandal brewed...(Fox News) host Chris Wallace said...the exchange...was sent from the governor's personal Yahoo! account...

"The one email you're referring to — and it's the only one they've released — involved a press release," the governor told Wallace. "So, let's all remain calm. My press secretary sent it to my private email account, I'm sure inadvertently, and I responded to it. We cannot compare that, can we, to someone having a private email server...that could be hacked..."

...Christie added that "everything I've done as governor has been an open book, and I've answered every question anybody's ever had to answer. Can you hold Mrs. Clinton to that standard?"
Well, maybe it's time to hold Mr. Christie to that standard!
Quote: ...(W)ithin hours of...(his Nov. 10) debate...lawyers for the two Bridgegate defendants filed papers in federal court, (arguing) that...Christie's legal team is inappropriately hiding thousands of documents related to the Bridgegate scandal...Among the hidden documents, the lawyers say, are emails to and from the governor's personal and work email accounts and a calendar entry from the week when an order was delivered to close lanes at the George Washington Bridge in 2013.

At least 16 of those emails were sent from top Christie aides to former Port Authority appointee David Wildstein, who pleaded guilty in May to felony corruption charges...and Bill Baroni, the former top Port official who has pleaded not guilty...All told, Christie's taxpayer-funded attorneys at the Gibson Dunn law firm have withheld or redacted 9,428 emails and other documents. The reasons given include "campaign strategy" and "press strategy."
No, no -- the words you're supposed to use are "confidentiality" and "proprietary." Calling them "strategies" give the impression you're trying to come up with a way to conceal something -- they're next door to the words "potentially self-incriminating!"

rocknation 11-15-2015 03:42 AM


NBC Philadephia (2/2014): ...In his latest pitch to federal and state investigators to have David Wildstein testify in exchange for immunity, (his attorney) wrote that "evidence exists...tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference..."
Quote: In (the Nov. 10) debate, Gov. Chris Christie argued that...he's uniquely qualified to "prosecute the case against Hillary Clinton." But within hours of uttering those words, lawyers for the two Bridgegate defendants filed papers in federal court that could undermine his effort to make such a case...

The documents...contain...allegations (that) Wildstein was apparently cooperating with federal authorities early on in the case...getting interviewed by investigators at least four times...(and that) Wildstein removed Bill Baroni's hard drive from the Port Authority offices...though he left his own family photos at his desk.
Now, hold on, let's get the facts straight: You can't fire him, he quit! Wildstein therefore had every right to enter the office of the person he reported to (but was not hired by) and remove what was government property (federal government, since the PA is a bi-state agency)!

According to Rachel Maddow and the court filing:

...(David Wildstein) stole Bill Baroni's Port Authority hard drive. At the time, (it) was subject to a subpoena from the New Jersey Legislature as well as (to) a request for information from the Port Authority office of the Inspector General. Rather than turn the hard drive over, he kept it (until) at some unspecified point later...he gave it to the government.

Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1187593)
"Give us immunity and we'll tell all!" (Wildstein, Baroni, and Kelly) have been crying out for a year. To which (the federal prosecutor) has replied, "We don't have any immunity deals in stock. But we have plenty of nice PLEA deals." Wildstein blinked and took one...

It's not news that Wildstein has claimed to have evidence that Christie not only knew about Bridge(t)-Gate, but had helped mastermind it. But he blinked despite being able to tell the prosecutors, "I get immunity, you get the hard drive, the hard drive gets you Christie"? Well, maybe the drive doesn't contain anything worth an immunity deal. Maybe it's not admissible as evidence because it had been stolen. But my guess is that Wildstein blinked because Paul Fishman And His Fabulous Feds made an counteroffer he couldn't refuse: "We get the hard drive, all you get is less jail time...because we don't NEED the hard drive!

"Sure, anything that you, Bridget or Baroni can give us on Christie would help us do a better job of nailing him on Bridge(t)-Gate. But we've got him dead bang on his attempts to cover it up, plus on his relationship with David Samson. THAT is why we have no immunity deals in stock. It's no skin off our backs if you, Kelly, and Baroni take the entire fall for Bridge(t)-Gate -- as far as we're concerned, it's only a matter of how much jail time each of you ends up with.

" you give us the hard drive, or do you try your luck with a jury? Ask yourself how lucky you feel about getting acquitted -- punk!"

Old Joysey 12-15-2015 03:23 PM

"He's not a friend of yours, Gov'nor!"

Christie: I'm seeing Bruce Springsteen in Boston

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