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semigoodlookin 04-05-2013 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1119991)

It's just not an 'event' in the US, like it is in Europe, in my experience. In the days before you paid for a place in the pit, most of the people I know in the US still strolled in at the last possible minute before a gig. Most of the people I know in Europe used to take the day off work and queue from the crack of dawn to be at the front.

Gigs I have been to I would always get there early. Although the older I get the more turning up last minute sounds appealing. I remember many a long day waiting at stadiums and what not.

jovifan93 04-05-2013 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1119991)

Also, if we were making judgements on entire nationalities... My experience leads me to believe that it's the attitude to going out, to experiencing entertainment as a whole that is judged completely differently in the US, it's just not as a big a deal for many. I have travelled all over Europe and the US seeing bands, watching sports and it never ceases to amaze me how Americans talk during EVERYTHING.

I sat behind two guys watching The Who in the US once and they chatted like they were at a bar... it was just another place to congregate on a Friday night for these guys.

It's just not an 'event' in the US, like it is in Europe, in my experience. In the days before you paid for a place in the pit, most of the people I know in the US still strolled in at the last possible minute before a gig. Most of the people I know in Europe used to take the day off work and queue from the crack of dawn to be at the front.

Had the same problem in Dresden, Germany 2011 - a group of people standing in front of my wife and me, talking, drinking, joking, most of the time not even looking in the direction of the stage - just annoying :(. So that's not neccessarily all-american..

ticos_stick 04-05-2013 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1119991)
Most of the people I know in Europe used to take the day off work and queue from the crack of dawn to be at the front.

I bet Dawn wasn't very happy about that.

samboraisgodUK 04-05-2013 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1119995)
I bet Dawn wasn't very happy about that.

Why oh why does this forum not have a "like" button. Well played sir.

danfan 04-05-2013 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1119986)
Aloha !After this though, Bon Jovi was, unlike you're claiming, not selling out the smaller arena's in the nineties. Many of them were amphitheaters. Sure, the seats were all sold, but the 13.000+ tickets available for the field weren't rarely gone. Jon has even gone as far as calling one of their nineties tours the red-seat tour, simply because whenever they weren't playing an amphitheater and 15.000+ seats had to be sold they just were no longer able to.

Salaam Aleikum,

February 19, 1993
July 1993
August 3, 1995
September 1995

I have a pretty good memory. Can't remember the exact dates on 2 of those shows, but I saw the band at an arena and 2 sheds. Don't know the exact numbers, but they were as crowded as I've ever seen them for any other show. One of the sheds, used to be called Great Woods, has a capacity of over 20,000 and I remember that one being sold out (at least the day of).

Again, not saying they're popularity didn't wane in the 90's, but I've never claimed pride given that America gave birth to bands like Nirvana and Soundgarden.

Crushgen24/88 04-05-2013 06:31 PM

This thread gets more hilarious by the day.

Gabriel Shoes 04-05-2013 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119976)
By the same token, South American tourists are also known to be rude, disruptive, disrespectful, disgusting animals while visiting North America. It's the culture.

Please tell me it's a joke.

danfan 04-05-2013 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1120002)
Please tell me it's a joke.

Sadly, it's not. Just google Brazilian tour groups at Disney World.

BTW - I should say, as Seb pointed out, I have no idea how they act in their own country, and should not stereotype, but this type of behavior is the norm in Florida.

jon-flp 04-05-2013 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1120002)
Please tell me it's a joke.

I'm controlling myself to not comment.

danfan 04-05-2013 06:45 PM

This is an example of the type of crap you see that pisses people off. And for the record, Disney reports that in the handguide given to the leaders of the groups, this crap isn't supposed to happen.

Is it a big deal? Maybe not seeing a short video of it. But we deal with that for 2 straight goddamn weeks in what is supposed to be a place of complete immersion from the outside world. Never in a million years would I dream of going to another country and subjecting my hosts with rude behavior. Show some goddamn respect.

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