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liljovi93 03-28-2019 07:47 AM

First time since 2008 I've seen decent promotion. In the past week, I've seen a few buses with a massive Bon Jovi poster on the side about the Anfield gig and then a few posters around the city too.

Hoping to see some big billboards soon!

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Supersonic 03-28-2019 08:06 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1252035)
I would say that venues are even bigger than their last tour in EU, even ticket are selling much much better (UK, Germany, Austria......) I was very suprised with how good tickets are selling this time. So I do not agree with you here. sory ;)

Right. Let's dumb it down a bit.

Bon Jovi sold roughly 660.000 tickets in the U.K. the last time the band was there. This time around they play 3 venues with a total capacity of 175.000 yet haven't sold out either show.

Bon Jovi sold roughly 155.000 tickets in Germany the last time the band was there. This time around they play 2 venues with a total capacity of 140.000 and yet haven't sold out either show.

Bon Jovi's popularity has been on the decline for the last 20 years. With every subsequent tour demand has gone down hence the addition of shows in Spain and Eastern Europe. They have to, or they won't make as money as Jon wants to.

Even though I'm still surprised at how well the band are doing this time around there's no denying demand has gone down a lot. In a period of 20 years they've lost about half of their audience in what used to be their most lucrative market.

Salaam Aleikum,

kleman 03-28-2019 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1252037)
Aloha !

Right. Let's dumb it down a bit.

Bon Jovi sold roughly 660.000 tickets in the U.K. the last time the band was there. This time around they play 3 venues with a total capacity of 175.000 yet haven't sold out either show.

Bon Jovi sold roughly 155.000 tickets in Germany the last time the band was there. This time around they play 2 venues with a total capacity of 140.000 and yet haven't sold out either show.

Bon Jovi's popularity has been on the decline for the last 20 years. With every subsequent tour demand has gone down hence the addition of shows in Spain and Eastern Europe. They have to, or they won't make as money as Jon wants to.

Even though I'm still surprised at how well the band are doing this time around there's no denying demand has gone down a lot. In a period of 20 years they've lost about half of their audience in what used to be their most lucrative market.

Salaam Aleikum,

660.000 in UK ? Are you joking. They played 5 venues and sold total tickets around 180.000, just like this time. Same goes for Germany and Austria, Spain...
I do agree about demand, but its not any different than in 2013 in fact its even better because of Richie is gone :p
And yes they lost half of their audience, mommys are gone/getting older :), no new younger fans, no radio hits......

Supersonic 03-28-2019 08:48 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1252038)
660.000 in UK ? Are you joking. They played 5 venues and sold total tickets around 180.000, just like this time. Same goes for Germany and Austria, Spain...

Whoops, made a typo there. 660.000 is a bit much indeed. :)

It's not 180.000 though. You're going by the assumption that Bon Jovi sells all tickets for the 2 other shows in the U.K., which they haven't done yet. They're not playing half empty venues there but they're not selling them out either, which they should considering how there's fewer options to see the band.

Wembley has sold really well but the others haven't. Neither GC, general standing or the best seats have sold out for both Anfield and Coventry. The same for Germany. I'd say the only market still selling as well as they did before are Vienna, Dublin and Munich. Again, demand surprises me still but they're not selling the amount of tickets they used to nor are they playing empty venues either.

It's hard to debate with you though when you're going from "demand is the same" to "I agree demand has gone down" in the same post.

Salaam Aleikum,

kleman 03-28-2019 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1252039)
Aloha !

Whoops, made a typo there. 660.000 is a bit much indeed. :)

It's not 180.000 though. You're going by the assumption that Bon Jovi sells all tickets for the 2 other shows in the U.K., which they haven't done yet. They're not playing half empty venues there but they're not selling them out either, which they should considering how there's fewer options to see the band.

Wembley has sold really well but the others haven't. Neither GC, general standing or the best seats have sold out for both Anfield and Coventry. The same for Germany. I'd say the only market still selling as well as they did before are Vienna, Dublin and Munich. Again, demand surprises me still but they're not selling the amount of tickets they used to nor are they playing empty venues either.

It's hard to debate with you though when you're going from "demand is the same" to "I agree demand has gone down" in the same post.

Salaam Aleikum,

My fault about that post. I was trying to say that demand is the same or better in some markets if we compare last BWC tour. Generally from 2000 on is a different story....

bonjovi90 03-28-2019 11:05 AM

Munich is close to being sold out, currently only seats in one section with partly blocked view behind the wheelchair area are available. This one is doing better than in 2013.

However, I'm surprised at the amount of tickets still available for Dusseldorf. That area (Cologne or Dusseldorf) had them shifting tickets by the snap of their fingers in the past.

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5X mit Tapatalk

kleman 03-28-2019 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1252041)
Munich is close to being sold out, currently only seats in one section with partly blocked view behind the wheelchair area are available. This one is doing better than in 2013.

However, I'm surprised at the amount of tickets still available for Dusseldorf. That area (Cologne or Dusseldorf) had them shifting tickets by the snap of their fingers in the past.

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5X mit Tapatalk

I just cheched on For Dusseldorf almost everthing is close to sold out. There are some seats left but it will be sold:

FLAME-XIII 03-29-2019 01:33 PM

Jon's interview for Russia media with eng subs

Xavi 03-30-2019 12:10 PM

Hey wait a moment...
In Spain,Madrid show was sold out in about 5 hours.
Bon Jovi NEVER,even in their top moments,was close to do this in Spain.
Last show was in 2013,Sold out yes,but with the "precio amigo"
In 2011 they played two shows.None was sold out.
In 2008,Barcelona had a good audience,but far from sold out.

I dont know why,but this time was the first time they sold out such a big stadium,probably the biggest they play in that country,so so fast.

FLAME-XIII 03-31-2019 12:48 PM

if someone don't know. in Moscow will be only 2 places for standing. general admission and fan-zone over the stage. no extra place for the golden circle

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