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danfan 04-05-2013 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by jon-flp (Post 1120004)
I'm controlling myself to not comment.

Like I said, if you think I'm making it up, just google it.

Hey, there's plenty of American scumbags too. No country is immune to it. This just happens to be the impression that South America leaves on me. If you think being loud, disruptive and not following the same rules that apply to everyone else is acceptable, then I'm sure you don't have a problem with this.

Supersonic 04-05-2013 06:55 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119999)
I have a pretty good memory. Can't remember the exact dates on 2 of those shows, but I saw the band at an arena and 2 sheds. Don't know the exact numbers, but they were as crowded as I've ever seen them for any other show. One of the sheds, used to be called Great Woods, has a capacity of over 20,000 and I remember that one being sold out (at least the day of).

Again, not saying they're popularity didn't wane in the 90's, but I've never claimed pride given that America gave birth to bands like Nirvana and Soundgarden.

America giving birth to such bands is no excuse. America always needs "the next big thing". Would it not have been grunge it'd have been something else. Every hype over there only lasts so long. America is very varied when it comes to music acts because there's a market for everything there due to its population being so varied, but there's always something that has to be the big thing everyone accepts. There can never be 2 big things at the same time, hence when something new comes along, something old has to go.

Where Bon Jovi used to play the A locations (as in the middle of the city) in the eighties, they moved to the B locations. You have to realize that the places where you've seen them have always drawn Bon Jovi's biggest crowds. Bon Jovi used to be able to sell out any arena anywhere in the U.S.A. and now had to resort to B-locations in A- places, meaning the smaller places in the big cities, as opposed to the big places in smaller cities. It'd take them 12 years before they'd be able to do something even remotely the same.


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1120005)

Is it a big deal? Maybe not seeing a short video of it. But we deal with that for 2 straight goddamn weeks in what is supposed to be a place of complete immersion from the outside world. Never in a million years would I dream of going to another country and subjecting my hosts with rude behavior. Show some goddamn respect.

I was expecting a bunch of South Americans being involved in some fight before I clicked that link but all they're doing is chanting a song of some sorts? No offense, but I honestly don't see what the big deal is, they're just having fun? What's rude about this?

I agree the cutting in line thing isn't the right thing to do in a theme park but if it's such a trend it means Americans are really letting it happen. All you have to do is say no, really, and I'm talking from my lovely Disneyland Paris experiences here. :)

Salaam Aleikum,

Gabriel Shoes 04-05-2013 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1120003)
Sadly, it's not. Just google Brazilian tour groups at Disney World.

BTW - I should say, as Seb pointed out, I have no idea how they act in their own country, and should not stereotype, but this type of behavior is the norm in Florida.

I'm aware of that, I'm not in any way endorsing the bad behavior that a good part of brazilians do, but you're not being fair. Those rude people leave in Florida money, tons of money that employs a lot of americans that depends on tourism.

But I kinda understand you. You have no idea the image that north americans have here, that americans are rude, xenophobists, and a lot of other stuff. I lived in LA for 4 months, just found kind people and people interested in my country (although not really aware that we speak portuguese, probably like you), and sure, I will return any time, in fact I'm going to Fort Lauderdale next month, off course expecting to not dissapoint you.

choclady 04-05-2013 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1120006)
Like I said, if you think I'm making it up, just google it.

Hey, there's plenty of American scumbags too. No country is immune to it. This just happens to be the impression that South America leaves on me. If you think being loud, disruptive and not following the same rules that apply to everyone else is acceptable, then I'm sure you don't have a problem with this.

Do you realize that exactly these three words some up the experience many Europeans have with American tourists?


danfan 04-05-2013 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by choclady (Post 1120009)
Do you realize that exactly these three words some up the experience many Europeans have with American tourists?


I have absolutely no doubt. There are rude people in every country I would assume. They're the ones that stick out and give the bad reputation their country has. It's sad, but that's how a stereotype begins.

ezearis 04-05-2013 07:01 PM

First of all I wanted to say one thing: don't ever let this thread die.

Now, back on topic. Danfan, we act like animals in our country, I don't do it myself but most of the people here does; but talking about the Disney groups is unfair, the Disney travel is a gift that fathers give to her daughters for their 15th birthday (something like sweet 16 here) and some of them haven't even turned 15 by the day they travel! You can't really expect a group of 50+ 14/15 year old girls to behave quietly like adults, it's just not gonna happen.

Most of argentines behave better outside their country than in theirs, I don't know why, we're just that stupid.

danfan 04-05-2013 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1120008)
I'm aware of that, I'm not in any way endorsing the bad behavior that a good part of brazilians do, but you're not being fair. Those rude people leave in Florida money, tons of money that employs a lot of americans that depends on tourism.

But I kinda understand you. You have no idea the image that north americans have here, that americans are rude, xenophobists, and a lot of other stuff. I lived in LA for 4 months, just found kind people and people interested in my country (although not really aware that we speak portuguese, probably like you), and sure, I will return any time, in fact I'm going to Fort Lauderdale next month, off course expecting to not dissapoint you.

Eh, they can keep it in their home country. I don't live in Florida. I could care less about what money goes in and out. I leave money there too, but I don't think that entitles me to behave in a way that is disruptive to other people.

danfan 04-05-2013 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1120011)
First of all I wanted to say one thing: don't ever let this thread die.

Now, back on topic. Danfan, we act like animals in our country, I don't do it myself but most of the people here does; but talking about the Disney groups is unfair, the Disney travel is a gift that fathers give to her daughters for their 15th birthday (something like sweet 16 here) and some of them haven't even turned 15 by the day they travel! You can't really expect a group of 50+ 14/15 year old girls to behave quietly like adults, it's just not gonna happen.

Most of argentines behave better outside their country than in theirs, I don't know why, we're just that stupid.

I understand this. Kids will be kids anywhere. In America, we have annoying cheerleader groups that travel to Disney and they're almost as bad. I think the Brazilians get the bad rap because there's just so many of them. One thing they do that drives people crazy, and they are told not to but simply don't listen - Take flash pictures on dark rides or of parades and fireworks at night, blinding anyone in the vicinity.

choclady 04-05-2013 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1120012)
Eh, they can keep it in their home country. I don't live in Florida. I could care less about what money goes in and out. I leave money there too, but I don't think that entitles me to behave in a way that is disruptive to other people.

yet it's okay to do it on message boards?

samboraisgodUK 04-05-2013 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1120012)
I could care less about what money goes in and out.

Now you're just going to stoke even more anti-American sentiment.

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