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Panda 06-09-2013 09:29 AM

It's funny how people still think Richie is returning for just the Hyde Park show.

gkkes 06-09-2013 10:39 AM

I had the notion, possibly from an earlier post that SKY were covering Hyde Park for broadcast (possibly live). Can anyone confirm this?

Solid Sambora 06-09-2013 02:26 PM

The Hyde Park thing- if it was genuinely a quote by him- is probably because he was asked specifically about Hyde Park. Remember, to a lot of the English based media London is the centre of the universe and it wouldn't surprise me if the reporter asked specifically if he'd be back for London rather than the UK. Richie has likely given a stock rock star response- "yeah, I'd love to be at <insert place name here>, it's a special place..."

jessycardy 06-09-2013 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1137256)
There has been an official anouncement that Richie won´t play at the european leg. Anything else is just speculation and wishful thinking.

True story, and I honestly don't think Richie could possibly be back for just the Hyde Park show, it's always sounded like a load of bullshit to me. I think the quote itself was totally made up, and that's also one of the reasons why I wouldn't take his interview from just a few days before so much for granted, it could very well be a fake one.

BUT the thing here is the people working in the whole Bon Jovi organization are totally fueling the speculation and wishful thinking. They'll tell you not to, but will in fact feed the phenomenon themselves. Think of Matt. People are begging him to give them any kind of clue, especially regarding the European leg, and it's not like he's replying to just go by the official announcement and live with it. He's come up with stuff like "I wish I knew when he's coming back, but I don't" at least a couple times, and a month ago or something he even went to the extent of saying that he thought Richie would be back sometime during the summer.

One could appreciate his honesty, if there is REALLY a chance of Richie coming back for the rest of the European leg and he indeed doesn't know. But you can't help but wonder. The whole "he can come back whenever he wants" stuff is starting to sound like bullshit to me. I mean, obviously I don't know the reasons why Richie is missing, but even if it wasn't a falling out, can you really imagine Richie just coming up and going: "hey, I'm back... 'd you miss me?" and showing up at the first available show mid-leg or later on.
But this is something even Jon and David said, so I don't know, maybe there's something major to this picture that we are actually missing and therefore we see the whole thing distorted. But for what we know, it almost seems like we're being fooled or something.

nrm123 06-09-2013 03:00 PM

Id prefer it if Richie doesnt come back to Europe now even if he turned up tonight and was there for my show. Id be more disrespectful to show up to please the cameras and not thousands of fans that have been to the shows without hin

JackieBlue 06-09-2013 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1137304)
The Hyde Park thing- if it was genuinely a quote by him- is probably because he was asked specifically about Hyde Park. Remember, to a lot of the English based media London is the centre of the universe and it wouldn't surprise me if the reporter asked specifically if he'd be back for London rather than the UK. Richie has likely given a stock rock star response- "yeah, I'd love to be at <insert place name here>, it's a special place..."

That's exactly what I thought when I first read it. How many times have they been asked that same question in other interviews and nobody thought a thing about it?

JackieBlue 06-09-2013 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1137307)
The whole "he can come back whenever he wants" stuff is starting to sound like bullshit to me. I mean, obviously I don't know the reasons why Richie is missing, but even if it wasn't a falling out, can you really imagine Richie just coming up and going: "hey, I'm back... 'd you miss me?" and showing up at the first available show mid-leg or later on... maybe there's something major to this picture that we are actually missing and therefore we see the whole thing distorted. But for what we know, it almost seems like we're being fooled or something.

THIS. Exactly. And I would add that whenever we ARE able to see what we're missing, we may also see that nobody in the organization (including Jon and Richie) were playing with us or being disrespectful. They may just be making the best of a bad (or uncontrollable?) situation until it's resolved.

And this is exactly why it makes me sad to see fans on both "sides" giving up on people they've admired and/or blaming others when we don't have the whole story.

THANK YOU, Jessycardy. You said it SO much better than I've been able to!!

samboraisgodUK 06-09-2013 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1137317)
Id prefer it if Richie doesnt come back to Europe now even if he turned up tonight and was there for my show. Id be more disrespectful to show up to please the cameras and not thousands of fans that have been to the shows without hin

Oh come off it, no-one's that altruistic.

Mysterytrain 06-09-2013 04:29 PM

Here's an article in Polish that I used Google Translate on to translate into English. Someone posted it on another forum I am on:

"Meanwhile, the team coming out of the camp unofficial information that leave hope that in Gdansk see Bon Jovi but the gold stock. Formation techniques and a close friend he had betrayed Sambora fans of the band, the guitarist "has already solved their problems" and may return to the stage at any time. According to his words, it would already be at the shows in Germany, after which the group has zawitać just to Polish.

Hounded by a leader, diplomatically replied that Sambora is still part of the team is always welcome in its ranks, and only depends on him when he comes back."

baileybums 06-09-2013 04:48 PM

As far as I'm concerned Richie can **** off now . . . I'm gutted he left and he was a huge part of this band . . But it seems he's acting like a little girl . .

Yes I know I don't know the story and what went on but Jon, Tico and Dave are still doing it night after night . .

He says he's great and concentrating on his gay little fashion shit . . Well get your ass on tour and give the fans what they paid for . . . .

After seeing videos from Manchester it seems the band are having a blast and phil is loving it . . Good on him and I'd love to see him finish the tour I think he deserves it . . .

I'm going next week and I can't wait . . Will it be the same without richie.... No it won't ... Will I enjoy it as much .... He'll yeah I will . . He don't wanna answer any questions . . Screw him I'm done with him the rest are true professionals ....

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