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Stranger11 06-10-2013 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by PatriciaSambora (Post 1137507)
Yes, I was wondering what was happenning with Richie cause he didn't tweet 14 days ago

Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

DryCounty 06-10-2013 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1137562)
Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

Haha, brilliant! :D

Chris_Newton 06-10-2013 02:02 PM

I really dont think it would be fair on Phil if Richie was just allowed to come back for the so called "bigger" concerts.

I cant pick and choose when i go to work !

RonJovi 06-10-2013 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jack27 (Post 1137540)
Thick as Thieves:

I’m in an empty room
You’re driving your car
I’m on the bands World tour
You’re somewhere away, too far
Rich, man where ever you are
You and me
Thick as thieves

I know it ain’t always pretty
Sometimes it gets rough
After the New Jersey tour
It could have been the end of us
But Rich we made it through
You and me, we’ll always be
Thick as thieves

Time, just a little time is all I strive
You, me, we wrote classics like Wanted Dead or Alive
It was classic Rich and Jon
We can write another hit song
You and me
Thick as thieves

In a World without faith
You’re what I believe
You’re the wind in my sails
You’re the air that I breathe
Yeah you and me, thick as thives.

Rich, I know that you still care
You, me, we wrote classics like Livin’ On a Prayer
It was classic Rich and Jon
We can write another hit song
You and me
Thick as thieves

Bon Jovi without Richie,
Just ain’t the same
I know you’re pissed
I’m sure I’m to blame
You’re my right hand
…but this is still my band

I know we’re close to blowing out the flame
But you, me, we wrote You Give Love a Bad Name
What’s a boy to do, but get down on my knees to you
My brother, my blood
We’re as thick as thives
Thick as thives

Very good.

I'd have changed the "Thick and thieves" bit to "Thick as shit" though...

jovigirloz 06-10-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1137562)
Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

lmao - thats gold

Stratocaster 06-10-2013 02:19 PM

Phil X is awesome. Great player, great to watch. Looks cool. Voice work isn't a patch on Richie's but hey-ho, if they were to try and replace him - Phil X would be a good choice.

steel_horse75 06-10-2013 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1137533)
The chemistry isn't quite the same, but Phil's doing a superb job as the stand-in and, as Jon has upped his game, we're still getting value for money.
I'm beyond caring about whether Richie is coming back and why he's not there.

Youve seen them so I think your views have a good perspective. Ill let you know my thoughts after 05/07/13.

It will never be the same without RS but he isnt here out of choice. He isnt ill. He dont want to be here. He'd rather talk knickers and fashion and let his fans down.
JBJ has said all he can while RS has stayed quiet when a simple statement from him would have done.
Im still going with my previous thoughts that RS has left but the band and JBJ cant say anything as its all with lawyers.

So, Phil gets as many cheers and respect that Richie would have. The guy has saved the tour by stepping in.

nickolai 06-10-2013 02:43 PM

At Villa Pak last night I thought it would be an issue Richie not being there but I concede that Phil X did a cracking job. I kinda forgot about it after 3 songs. The guy seemed humble and very honored to be there. Jon referenced him quite a bit and he almost seemed embarrassed in a modest way-probably because be feels that the majority of fans would rather Richie was there instead of him.

But the guy is a fantastic guitarist. I echo that we miss Richie's voice, but his attitude in this whole saga didn't make me miss him last night. The guy can do one as far as I'm concerned. I genuinely think if he JUST came back for Hyde Park the majority of BJ fans already at previous shows would turn on him. He needs to stay away for the remainder of the tour and the band need to regroup, talk and iron out this issue. Whatever it is. Because it isn't the fault of the fans, but they (initially) have been punished.

PatriciaSambora 06-10-2013 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1137562)
Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

Hahaha their faces are like Jon: c'mon David check Richie's twitter cause I have no idea how it works and I can't wait to know what he's doing in LA for 3 months ago.. David: ok, let's see.. (Resigned) and Tico thinking I'm sooo bored.. And i don't need to check out his twitter cause i talk with him every day on the phone, so please, let the show starts

PatriciaSambora 06-10-2013 03:34 PM

Someone just asked Phil if he will be in Australia in December and his answer is Sorry, I don't know... Don't know if it is a good or bad news.. So nobody knows if Richie will be back in December?

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