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dcj28 06-10-2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Juls Sambora (Post 1137601)
I've already seen them in Munich last month. It was a good show but without Richie I can't enjoy it to 100%. There are too many things that I miss, for example his vocals. It's a strange feeling if you look at the left side of stage and there is no Richie.

I didnt realise youd already seen them this tour but after seeing them last night id definitely go again with or without RS. I just dont see him coming back tbh and i wouldnt give up on them if he didnt. Could have the best of both worlds one day,Jovi and Sambora tours to attend.

Supersonic 06-10-2013 05:31 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by dcj28 (Post 1137604)
Could have the best of both worlds one day,Jovi and Sambora tours to attend.

Most Bon Jovi fans only go see Sambora live because he's the guitarist of Bon Jovi. Once Sambora leaves Bon Jovi most will see no reason anymore to go visit any of his shows. There's not been any solo tour so far that actually made him any money.

Salaam Aleikum,

crashed 06-10-2013 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1137607)
Aloha !

Most Bon Jovi fans only go see Sambora live because he's the guitarist of Bon Jovi. Once Sambora leaves Bon Jovi most will see no reason anymore to go visit any of his shows. There's not been any solo tour so far that actually made him any money.

Salaam Aleikum,

For me that would be the case. There's just not that many solo songs of Riche I absolutely love. There's definitely a few, but if I was going to see any member of the band solo it would be Jon, because he wrote the songs that I fell in love with before I even knew there was a Bon Jovi.

Supersonic 06-10-2013 05:56 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1137608)
For me that would be the case. There's just not that many solo songs of Riche I absolutely love. There's definitely a few, but if I was going to see any member of the band solo it would be Jon, because he wrote the songs that I fell in love with before I even knew there was a Bon Jovi.

Yeah, I know, and there's loads more like you. And to be honest, if his next solo project would be of similar quality like the last one I just can't see myself seeing multiple shows like I did last time. I spoke to other fans in Amsterdam who felt the same way.

Salaam Aleikum,

IML88 06-10-2013 06:09 PM

Given up hope on Richie being at Hyde Park. IOW is arguably the more "special" date considering its history and the fact they've never played the festival before. If he was going to return it would surely be for that.

Seeing the JBJ ft Tico, Dave, Hugh, Bobby and Phil X show on Weds - if its any good I'll try and get cheap tickets on the day for Hyde Park. I'm certainly not paying full price for an incomplete band.

steel_horse75 06-10-2013 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1137607)
Aloha !

Most Bon Jovi fans only go see Sambora live because he's the guitarist of Bon Jovi. Once Sambora leaves Bon Jovi most will see no reason anymore to go visit any of his shows. There's not been any solo tour so far that actually made him any money.

Salaam Aleikum,


jovigirlCT 06-10-2013 09:03 PM

In answering fan questions, Phil X has said that he is "not a member of Bon Jovi", just filling in. Also, when asked if he was a permanent member of Bon Jovi he said "I'm just filling in and helping out." For what its worth. I still believe that at some point Richie will be back and that it isn't a problem with the band but actually a personal matter.

jessycardy 06-10-2013 10:23 PM

Just got on the computer. Wow, lots of stuff to catch up with here.


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1137501)
"Casa Roman" probably means Joel Roman's house. He is Richie's close friend and agent.

Thank you! So that's gotta be LA, I guess...


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1137502)
How can you be so naive? Richie had this planned since February!

Right! What was I thinking?!? LOL


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1137510)
It's my opinion that the former Richie fans who are turning into Phil X fans -- (and by that, I mean, the ones that assume they know what is going on with Richie and just dismiss his 30-year history with the band as inconsequential and say, 'Richie who?') --are the fickle ones here.



Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1137511)
Those people are ridiculous and don't deserve to have Richie back. A lot of people are going to look like assholes once Richie gets back. I'm sure they'll forget all about Phil (again!) and go back to kissing Richie's ass and pretend like they never stopped supporting him.


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1137542)
I don't have a problem with Phil X. I don't see how you think I was lambasting him in that comment. I think I stated pretty clearly that my problem was the dishonesty some fans are displaying at the moment.
You're right, I don't know why Richie isn't there but I'm not judging him for it (or anyone else in the band for that matter), which I think is objective. And since I wasn't quick to judge, I'm not going to look like the asshole.

I absolutely agree with you. I don't understand how so many people seemed to miss your point completely. It's not about supporting Phil X, it's about taking sides, hating on Richie and kissing Phil's ass like a bunch of 3-year-olds. Pretty much the same thing that's going on with people hating on either Jon or Richie to kiss the other's ass. Pathetic.


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1137562)
Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

This is priceless! LOL


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1137591)
also someone asked him if he's gonna be in Lisbon and this is his answer

Phil X ‏@TheRealPhilX

@SarafdezCa #11 but will prob answer many ?'s. it looks like I'll be here for the rest of the leg (til Hyde Park) ...but you never know.

That's very precious stuff. Thanks!

alois 06-10-2013 10:43 PM

‏@KatieNeocleous 7h
Are you coming to Australia in Dec??
‏@TheRealPhilX 7h
sorry, I don't know.

Richie may have to take care of a "personal matter" until December ?
what kind of personal matter is this ???
what is there to "resolve" ?

Kiwi78 06-10-2013 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by alois (Post 1137678)
‏@KatieNeocleous 7h
Are you coming to Australia in Dec??
‏@TheRealPhilX 7h
sorry, I don't know.

Richie may have to take care of a "personal matter" until December ?
what kind of personal matter is this ???
what is there to "resolve" ?

I think though its way too soon to know that anyway, it's 6mths away and I would hope ONE way or another by December we'd all know what Richie was actually doing.

I think its not over, I don't think they're done yet. The speculation has just made it worse, like a lot of people have said we don't know if all those tabloids had an inch of truth and we don't actually know why he left in the first place.

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