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Captain_jovi 06-12-2013 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf (Post 1138124)
So, duets with pointless artists (from rock fan's point of view) is staying true, but a duet with artist from different kind of genre would not have been? Idiots.

Now that you brought it up. Duets to lauchs albums. That's quite far from staying true to themselves. Staying true to their identity would have been doing it by themselves, not using "help" to sneak in audience from another target group. What they have been doing is absolutely not being true to themselves, but calculating every move. No heart, no soul, just plain old greed motivating the move into different market.

Interesting point and I agree, but but what duet did Bon Jovi use to launch an album?

StoneDeaf 06-12-2013 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1138128)
Interesting point and I agree, but but what duet did Bon Jovi use to launch an album?

They used the duets to "launch" albums into nasville-crowd to begin with. And when they took the bait, Lost Highway followed.

crashed 06-12-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1138128)
Interesting point and I agree, but but what duet did Bon Jovi use to launch an album?

I'm guessing he means Who Says.

Once again - and it seems I'll say it a million times cause some people just don't get it - Bon Jovi are a commercial band. They were never in it for the art. They will try and make music that sells. That is being true to themselves and what they've always been. If you think they've ever been anything else, you really don't know what you're talking about.

Myguitar 06-12-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1138122)
Okay, tell me again once he hires a rapper.

I'd never said he'd bring in a rapper (only jokingly). So, while you believe him when he says they've stayed "true", you are completely ignoring the fact that they've brought in country folks to get some sales, anf therefore did not stay true. It doesn't really matter if it was a country artist or a rapper, they crossed genres because at the time the grass was greener on the other side for the band. As I said, he's a businessman first, he has to sell his band no matter what because he wants whatever spotlight he can get.

Captain_jovi 06-12-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf (Post 1138129)
They used the duets to "lauch" albums into nasville-crowd to begin with. And when they took the bait, Lost Highway followed.

That's not the same thing though. "Who says..." was the second single on HAND and wasn't released until January of 2006 with Lost Highway coming the June of the following year. Obviously the success of Who Says is what got us Lost Highway but Who says wasn't a lead off single. I can't stand the country remix.

jessycardy 06-12-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf (Post 1138124)
So, duets with pointless artists (from rock fan's point of view) is staying true, but a duet with artist from different kind of genre would not have been? Idiots.

Now that you brought it up. Duets to lauchs albums. That's quite far from staying true to themselves. Staying true to their identity would have been doing it by themselves, not using "help" to sneak in audience from another target group. What they have been doing is absolutely not being true to themselves, but calculating every move. No heart, no soul, just plain old greed motivating the move into different market.

We'll have to agree to disagree then. I find "Lost Highway" one of the most heartfelt albums since "These Days". Obviously doing the duets is also a business-oriented decision, but I don't see where the big deal is. They wrote the songs and then had a couple other artists featured in them. It's still their songs. After that, Bon Jovi collaborated with some of these artists on their own albums as well.
Also, the genre might have been a big thing then, but if anything it was Bon Jovi bringing those names to worldwide fame, not the opposite.

I honestly don't get what the big deal is. It's always been like this. Even the very first few albums, they said it's glam rock because glam rock is what was popular at the time and it would just come natural to them to play such music. Does that make the albums from the '80s any less good or any less heartfelt or any less Bon Jovi? I don't think so.

StoneDeaf 06-12-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1138132)
That's not the same thing though. "Who says..." was the second single on HAND and wasn't released until January of 2006 with Lost Highway coming the June of the following year. Obviously the success of Who Says is what got us Lost Highway but Who says wasn't a lead off single. I can't stand the country remix.

Nope it wasn't the 1st single, but it was used to gain new audience, selling false identity. Ok not completely false, image it sold came afterwards.

Being commercial. Sure. It can be done in many ways. One can surf the waves of commerciality and still stick to one's identity. Or one can check out the charts first and decide what to write based on that. We all can and should put our money where our mouths are. Personally, haven't really invested anything on BJ after HAND.

crashed 06-12-2013 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf (Post 1138136)

Being commercial. Sure. It can be done in many ways. One can surf the waves of commerciality and still stick to one's identity.

And I'd say that's what they've done most of their career.

Alphavictim 06-12-2013 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1138111)
Has the sound really changed? There's zero difference live between Lost Highway (the song) and Hard Times Come Easy, and Saturday Night, and Destination Anywhere. I've never bought the "they've gone country" crud, they just changed what it was called.

The arrangement on Lost Highway (the song) is totally different - ****ing violins and all that. It sounds fake, and it is. It's got **** all to do with country, it's all "nu country", and that reduces the whole affair to out of place violins and steel guitars. I personally find the "country remix" of Who Says to be laughably awful, whereas the original tune is fine (or should I say alright?) with me.

The songwriting on the LH album was also at an all-time low. Summertime, anyone?

crashed 06-12-2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1138139)
The arrangement on Lost Highway (the song) is totally different - ****ing violins and all that. It sounds fake, and it is. It's got **** all to do with country, it's all "nu country", and that reduces the whole affair to out of place violins and steel guitars.

The songwriting on that album was also at an all-time low. Summertime, anyone?

Whole Lot Of Leaving anyone?

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