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angelsambo 06-24-2014 12:08 AM

LeaJovi 06-24-2014 12:18 AM

My gosh !!

rolo_tomachi 06-24-2014 12:48 PM

I want to hear the mess they have made with Does Anybody Really Fall In Love Anymore

Lucas_Roli 06-24-2014 12:52 PM

I really hope they won't f*ck up Backdoor To Heaven cause that's my fav.

rolo_tomachi 06-24-2014 01:13 PM

I think the star launch will who comes at Christmas. I hope it's a new box set. I'd hate a compilation of the last live tour or similar.

semigoodlookin 06-24-2014 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1178936)
I think the star launch will who comes at Christmas. I hope it's a new box set. I'd hate a compilation of the last live tour or similar.

Yeah, how depressing would that be. I simply wouldn't buy it.

That said, I think the only way we'll get a live DVD is alongside some other release or if they just haven't bothered doing anything else.

rolo_tomachi 06-24-2014 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1178947)
Yeah, how depressing would that be. I simply wouldn't buy it.

That said, I think the only way we'll get a live DVD is alongside some other release or if they just haven't bothered doing anything else.

Well, I would be very happy if they release An Evening With BJ remastered on DVD.

Nige 06-24-2014 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1178948)
Well, I would be very happy if they release An Evening With BJ remastered on DVD.

Extended four hour version I trust? That'd be awesome!

Rdkopper 06-24-2014 03:52 PM


Next week is the big release day in the US... Just focusing on disc 2, we already have 6 of the 13 songs.

- Homebound Train
- Full Moon High
- Now And Forever
- Judgement Day
- Diamond Ring
- Growing Up The Hard Way

- On top of that we also got to hear 30 seconds of each song off the entire album.

(I will say that all the full versions posted on Soundcloud and Yahoo Video aren't as good in quality as the I-Tune versions (obviously). I did a comparison using Full Moon High... so if you still don't think that they are up to par based on all these full samples, it does get even better. )

All in all, I'm extremely satisfied with the quality results of this set. Diamond Ring was actually a really nice surprise.

Unfortunately, due to all the above, there really isn't too much for me to look forward to on release day - Damm I hate the internet but I just can't help myself.

My big three are now:

- House Of Fire
- Does Anybody Fall In Love - I'll hold my breath
- And the Booklet - mainly for the overview on each song

I did do a mini mix of the "I Knows" using the sample and leaked version. I was just curious to hear how it blended and it actually mixed pretty well. It's not going to be perfect and not an alternate to the Deluxe Version but it will satisfy a void for those who need it.

Other than that, I hope they make the next announcement soon as to what future release we can expect.

Thanks everyone for staying on top of this and making this release somewhat enjoyable. And although we can pretty much write-off Cadillac Man at this point (which aside from the I Knows being removed, might be the other big disappointment with this set), BONJOVI90 did an amazing job providing us a really get version in the best quality I own to date... Good Stuff....

rolo_tomachi 06-24-2014 04:19 PM

Angry for "Does Anybody Really Fall In Love Anymore", but the rest seems fine.

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