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danfan 06-13-2013 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1138310)
What's Left Of Me is worse that anything in Lost Highway.

Um, gonna have to disagree with ya there.

JackieBlue 06-13-2013 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1138306)
First of all rock is a very open musical genre,…

…that, for the record, has its roots in COUNTRY music, in case anyone needs a refresher in the history of rock.


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1138306)
And gotta agree with Captain_Jovi, Saturday Night has that country-ish sound not so far to the one on Lost Highway but still everyone likes it.

My guess is the only reason some like Saturday Night and they don't like Lost Highway is because they didn't hear ahead of time that the band was going to be recording Saturday Night in Nashville and that it was going to be a "Nashville-influenced" recording. Didn't really matter what it sounded like.

And after Jon and Richie used similar same phrases while promoting Lost Highway, those songs could have sounded like Black Sabbath or Megadeth and a lot of people would still have cried, "Country!! Eewwww! I wanna ROCK!"

I agree with you, Ezearis (and have wanted to get back to respond to your other thread about Lost Highway). I never thought I’d hear a Bon Jovi fan admit that LH is one of their favorite BJ albums and that the songs are really good. In my opinion, with the possible exception of SWW, it’s their best. No apologies. (Oh wait, that’s on another album…)

Crushgen24/88 06-13-2013 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1138310)
What's Left Of Me is worse that anything in Lost Highway.


Anyway, I know I've been saying this forever, but this whole "country" argument would never be happening if they hadn't marketed LH as a country album.

ezearis 06-13-2013 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1138315)

Anyway, I know I've been saying this forever, but this whole "country" argument would never be happening if they hadn't marketed LH as a country album.

Agree, I gotta admit I didn't listened to Lost Highway until 2009 because of that. I only used to hear Memory... and that's all. Then my father bought it saying "you don't have this one" and I was like "meh". Until I heard it on the car and thought that it was good :D

Alphavictim 06-13-2013 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1138314)
…that, for the record, has its roots in COUNTRY music, in case anyone needs a refresher in the history of rock.

You might wanna double-check that one. The rhythm & blues-influences, which accencuated the "danceability", were extremely important to rock & roll. There's a bit of country to it as well, sure, but really, the white man had the schmalz, the black man had the blues.

LeaJovi 06-13-2013 05:22 AM

Holy shit they already buried Richie. :(


JackieBlue 06-13-2013 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1138311)
I don't get this. I'm on several "Jon Bon Jovi" fan pages and probably on some "Richie Sambora" fan pages, but if I see people talking crap, I call them out on it.

I agree and I wasn't saying they shouldn't be logical. My question was why someone who is already pissed because some Richie fans think that he "of course is an angel fallen from heaven and of course hes not shown up for work but that's ok because obviously his adoring fans love him unconditionally and whatever he's doing must of course be satan Jon's fault" (no prejudice at all in THAT statement, though!) then why would they go to a "RICHIE SAMBORA FAN PAGE" and expect to find anything different? I admit freely that I like Richie but even I can't handle some of that shit. On most of the sites that I see that are set up specifically for Jon or Richie, it's pretty clear that logic or objectivity has no place there and woe be unto the person who dares to suggest that their HERO (whichever it is) is less than perfect.


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1138311)
(and yes, it's actually possible, surprise-surprise!)

Not surprised in the least, actually. I walk that same line you do. I just have one foot on the Richie side, whereas you have on foot on Jon's.


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1138311)
isn't a freeway to assholeness or plain stupidity. You can and should still be logical.

And if only the world felt about that as you and I do, then a lot of this would have already gone away and probably with less than the first 100 pages. (Can I put a smiley here, or will that piss you off again? Ah hell... I'm gonna risk it! :D)

JackieBlue 06-13-2013 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1138319)
You might wanna double-check that one. The rhythm & blues-influences, which accencuated the "danceability", were extremely important to rock & roll. There's a bit of country to it as well, sure, but really, the white man had the schmalz, the black man had the blues.

No I don't think I need to check the statement I made; but I'll clarify it for those who may have read it with the same interpretation that it seems you did. I didn't say, nor did I mean to imply, that Rock was ONLY rooted in Country. Of course, the Blues was a strong influence, as was Jazz and Gospel; I was just pointing out that Rock has roots in Country Music (and Nashville) because that was the other genre under discussion and people seem to think there is this great divide between them; when especially today, it's more about marketing than it is anything else. My 2 cents.

Supersonic 06-13-2013 05:42 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1138321)
Holy shit they already buried Richie. :(



When looking at the size of that grave I'd say they buried half a liquor store with him.

Salaam Aleikum,

Spidey5150 06-13-2013 05:45 AM

Local radio station just tweeted the story with Richie's alleged text to Jon telling him to "Hire The Edge" and asked which side we were on. Great way to advertise a concert coming up on 7/23, right?

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