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Mysterytrain 06-13-2013 05:58 AM

I happened to notice that Sean Borg, that PR guy that was pictured with Nikki and Richie in the photos that came out a few weeks ago, re-Tweeted the "Hire the Edge' story on his Twitter page.

Though I don't know if he is 'representing' Richie in any official way, I found it interesting that he chose to post that article. It makes me wonder if there is more truth to it than not, since if Richie and Sean had communicated recently and it was an inaccurate article, Richie probably would have insisted it be removed or Sean would have known it was false and not perpetuated the story by posting it.

Just a thought....

Also, I love the 'buried Richie' pic lol. If this ever gets resolved, someone should create a thread with all of the creative pictures from this saga for an 'illustrated history.'

jessycardy 06-13-2013 06:00 AM

Woah. LOL


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1138322)
I agree and I wasn't saying they shouldn't be logical. My question was why someone who is already pissed because some Richie fans think that he "of course is an angel fallen from heaven and of course hes not shown up for work but that's ok because obviously his adoring fans love him unconditionally and whatever he's doing must of course be satan Jon's fault" (no prejudice at all in THAT statement, though!) then why would they go to a "RICHIE SAMBORA FAN PAGE" and expect to find anything different? I admit freely that I like Richie but even I can't handle some of that shit. On most of the sites that I see that are set up specifically for Jon or Richie, it's pretty clear that logic or objectivity has no place there and woe be unto the person who dares to suggest that their HERO (whichever it is) is less than perfect.

That's not prejudice. You said it yourself, "SOME" Richie fans, not ALL. It's true, some Richie fans are totally nuts and actually think like that. Just as some Jon fans do the same thing. Prejudice would be saying that all of them do it, but of course that's not the case! Now, I can't speak for them, but just like I am on their fan pages, they could be there too. I've seen crap posted on pages that I've been following for a while. I didn't start following them with the intention of having a safe madhouse to vent my irrationality, but simply out of admiration for the people I'm a fan of. If other people on the page happen to be idiots, I can only do good by trying and improve the overall quality of the page's posts. Mind you, nowadays I ignore a whole lot of more stuff. In the distant past, I would bring myself headaches over shit I read.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1138322)
Not surprised in the least, actually. I walk that same line you do. I just have one foot on the Richie side, whereas you have on foot on Jon's.

You probably won't believe me, but this wasn't aimed at you. I know you can be objective (at least when you want!).


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1138322)
And if only the world felt about that as you and I do, then a lot of this would have already gone away and probably with less than the first 100 pages. (Can I put a smiley here, or will that piss you off again? Ah hell... I'm gonna risk it! :D)

Sure thing.
And I have nothing against emoticons, I actually couldn't live without them! You don't see me using many, because for some reason they just don't come as natural to me here. But I usually do, a lot. I didn't like the emoticon last time, because I perceived it as an attempt to somehow be patronizing or ambiguous... you get the picture. This time, all is good and well!

jessycardy 06-13-2013 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1138329)
I happened to notice that Sean Borg, that PR guy that was pictured with Nikki and Richie in the photos that came out a few weeks ago, re-Tweeted the "Hire the Edge' story on his Twitter page.

Though I don't know if he is 'representing' Richie in any official way, I found it interesting that he chose to post that article. It makes me wonder if there is more truth to it than not, since if Richie and Sean had communicated recently and it was an inaccurate article, Richie probably would have insisted it be removed or Sean would have known it was false and not perpetuated the story by posting it.

Just a thought....

Back then, I noticed the guy pretty much would retweet anything Richie posted, anything Nikki posted and also anything the gutter press posted about this matter. I remember thinking it was kinda weird, because apparently he's friends with both Richie and Nikki, and I wouldn't expect a friend to retweet and spread the bullshit about me. Now of course it's Hollywood, and I'm probably oblivious to what "friendship" even means in that scary place.

ezearis 06-13-2013 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1138329)
I happened to notice that Sean Borg, that PR guy that was pictured with Nikki and Richie in the photos that came out a few weeks ago, re-Tweeted the "Hire the Edge' story on his Twitter page.

Though I don't know if he is 'representing' Richie in any official way, I found it interesting that he chose to post that article. It makes me wonder if there is more truth to it than not, since if Richie and Sean had communicated recently and it was an inaccurate article, Richie probably would have insisted it be removed or Sean would have known it was false and not perpetuated the story by posting it.

Just a thought....

Also, I love the 'buried Richie' pic lol. If this ever gets resolved, someone should create a thread with all of the creative pictures from this saga for an 'illustrated history.'

We need to compile this thread in a book, pretty sure that I'd be a best seller.

Lisa71 06-13-2013 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1138329)
I happened to notice that Sean Borg, that PR guy that was pictured with Nikki and Richie in the photos that came out a few weeks ago, re-Tweeted the "Hire the Edge' story on his Twitter.

That story has Nikki Reed written all over it. She is one person who is loving all of this.

Spidey5150 06-13-2013 07:17 AM

Like, honestly, if Richie just came out and said he'd quit Bon Jovi, i'd be okay. I mean, i'd be upset, but it would be settled. And I loved Richie's solo album much more than I liked WAN. If Richie wanted to pursue his own interests i'd support it, even if it had no mainstream appeal. I've seen BJ 5 times, and I loved their show in Buffalo in February. If that was the end, then that was the end. I just saw Guns n Roses and loved it, even if Axl was the only original member. I used to be disappointed that it wasn't the true band but over time I had gotten past it. I mean, I though WAN sucked. In my mind it was the worst album of their career. If that's the future of BJ there's no need for Richie to be a part of it or for me to even care. I'd much rather Richie be happy and churn out material that he presented on AOTL.

Sambo-Chris 06-13-2013 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Spidey5150 (Post 1138336)
Like, honestly, if Richie just came out and said he'd quit Bon Jovi, i'd be okay. I mean, i'd be upset, but it would be settled. And I loved Richie's solo album much more than I liked WAN. If Richie wanted to pursue his own interests i'd support it, even if it had no mainstream appeal. I've seen BJ 5 times, and I loved their show in Buffalo in February. If that was the end, then that was the end. I just saw Guns n Roses and loved it, even if Axl was the only original member. I used to be disappointed that it wasn't the true band but over time I had gotten past it. I mean, I though WAN sucked. In my mind it was the worst album of their career. If that's the future of BJ there's no need for Richie to be a part of it or for me to even care. I'd much rather Richie be happy and churn out material that he presented on AOTL.

Where is the "like" button? ;)

wichi850262 06-13-2013 08:39 AM

Me too - *like*

jessycardy 06-13-2013 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1138335)
That story has Nikki Reed written all over it. She is one person who is loving all of this.

You mean Nikki Lund, or am I missing something?

PatriciaSambora 06-13-2013 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1138326)
Aloha !


When looking at the size of that grave I'd say they buried half a liquor store with him.

Salaam Aleikum,

On the one hand, it's funny how people it's making fun of this strange Richie situation but on the other hand, it's sad people are talking like this (alcohol issues, philx is better than Richie..) of Richie :(

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