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jessycardy 06-13-2013 10:02 AM

Apparently, this was posted two days ago, but only surfaced now. Jon speaks out about Richie again.

There's also an audio clip, so it's the real deal.


"Same thing I've said since day one -- personal issue. We miss him, love him and he's welcome to come back when he's ready, and that's all I can tell ya... There's not a definitive date. It's up to... He's going through some stuff... It's difficult for me, too, but that's the story."

Walleris 06-13-2013 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1138345)
Apparently, this was posted two days ago, but only surfaced now. Jon speaks out about Richie again.

There's also an audio clip, so it's the real deal.

Well, he mellowed his tone comparing to "you gotta ask him" from a couple of weeks ago. Does that mean the return more likely or is he just being more polite so it would be more encouraging for Richie to come back? Probably neither :D

jessycardy 06-13-2013 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Walleris (Post 1138349)
Well, he mellowed his tone comparing to "you gotta ask him" from a couple of weeks ago. Does that mean the return more likely or is he just being more polite so it would be more encouraging for Richie to come back? Probably neither :D

He's basically continuing on the original route he came back to with that interview he gave while in Stockholm. I think he was about to say: "it's up to him", but eventually went for a more watery wording.

KeepTheFaith2211 06-13-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Tictoc (Post 1138296)
Do you know what's embarrassing?

A 19 year old man going around with a 20 year old man on Facebook trying to stick up for Jon Bon Jovi. You should be out getting drunk and laid but instead you're online trying to one up other sad internet people. That's the real tragedy here.

Okay. Fair enough.

rainsong 06-13-2013 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Spidey5150 (Post 1138336)
Like, honestly, if Richie just came out and said he'd quit Bon Jovi, i'd be okay. I mean, i'd be upset, but it would be settled. And I loved Richie's solo album much more than I liked WAN. If Richie wanted to pursue his own interests i'd support it, even if it had no mainstream appeal. I've seen BJ 5 times, and I loved their show in Buffalo in February. If that was the end, then that was the end. I just saw Guns n Roses and loved it, even if Axl was the only original member. I used to be disappointed that it wasn't the true band but over time I had gotten past it. I mean, I though WAN sucked. In my mind it was the worst album of their career. If that's the future of BJ there's no need for Richie to be a part of it or for me to even care. I'd much rather Richie be happy and churn out material that he presented on AOTL.

No offense but I just don't get what some thought was so great about AMOTLD. To me it was much like Richie seems to be these days, just kind of all over the place. There were individual songs, 2 to be exact, that I really liked, but as an album, for me anyway, it had no flow. It seemed to be a jumbled mess of styles, bits and pieces of things Richie likes , but with no cohesive style.

Walkerboy 06-13-2013 11:56 AM

Totally agree with rainsong.
I can't listen to Aftermath at all - it's just a horrible mixture of stuff.

bonjovi90 06-13-2013 01:10 PM

I used to strongly dislike AOTL when it came out (or rather when it leaked), but have grown to really enjoy most of the tunes - especially after seeing them live. I'm really lovin' Seven Years Gone and You Can Only Get So High and I'd even go that far to say they are among the best ones Richie has written.
Still, as an album, it isn't a masterpiece by any means. But it pisses all over WAN for me. The latter one is mostly a piece of junk to my ears - but each to their own :D

JoviJovi 06-13-2013 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1138339)
You mean Nikki Lund, or am I missing something?

If I were a betting woman, my money would be on her being the "source" of many of these leaks including the original one to TMZ.

Gabriel Shoes 06-13-2013 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1138332)
We need to compile this thread in a book, pretty sure that I'd be a best seller.


But about Richie, am I wrong or he's been not denying those rumours? It's a tip that they're true I guess.

schlochty 06-13-2013 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1138375)
I used to strongly dislike AOTL when it came out (or rather when it leaked), but have grown to really enjoy most of the tunes - especially after seeing them live. I'm really lovin' Seven Years Gone and You Can Only Get So High and I'd even go that far to say they are among the best ones Richie has written.
Still, as an album, it isn't a masterpiece by any means. But it pisses all over WAN for me. The latter one is mostly a piece of junk to my ears - but each to their own :D

I feel the exact same way. The release of WAN has massively improved my appreciation for AOTL despite the fact that it is by no means a masterpiece. In hindsight, for AOTL has so much more Bon Jovi in it than WAN does.

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