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DevilsSon 06-13-2013 06:40 PM

Have you guys seen this one. Pretty interesting...

C'monFeet 06-13-2013 07:00 PM

In the light of the reports coming out of the Michael Jackson trial, it's probably a good thing that Richie is nowhere near AEG live if he's not 100%

Whatever the issues, almost certainly they'll be tied up with lawyers for a length of time (stress in itself) even if they're resolved personally.

Tictoc 06-13-2013 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1138411)
Think this Tictoc fella has some Independence issues. Or perhaps he's a touch xenophobic?

I think Scotland should be independent, it can support itself and you can get away from the Tories. A win win surely?

I'm all for Irn Bru too. Nothing Xenophobic about me.


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1138413)
I never even noticed the post. Actually I don't like anybody over anybody. If there's something to bash Jon for I'll do it except right now he's being the professional and Richie's not - I may come across as a Jon defender because well, he takes a lot of stick on here that isn't necessarily always deserved. I've just no interest in jumping on the hate-Jon bandwagon - but can appreciate why it comes across like I prefer one band member over the other. In reality, I'm a fan of the music. That's the be all and end all of it.

As to your other pretty needless comments - I like Irn-Bru. On the fence about independence.

I don't really have a problem with your opinion but you keep regurgitating the same things over and over again to the point that it's become a bit sickening.

Lisa71 06-13-2013 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1138339)
You mean Nikki Lund, or am I missing something?

Sorry, yes I meant Nikki Lund. I didn't even realise that I wrote Reed.

If I were a betting woman, my money would be on her being the "source" of many of these leaks including the original one to TMZ.

Yes, if you had to bet. Put your money on that because it's very likely that she is the source of most of these articles and leaks.

jessycardy 06-13-2013 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1138410)
Oh my love!!!
I'm here for you. I always read your posts.
please don't cry :))

I'm here to wipe your tears :p:D:D

Is it sick that I was actually expecting a comment like this from you? LOL


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1138409)
I'm just surprised it wasn't TheseDaysEra who posted it again. Give it a day or two...

I may pee my pants if this happens for real. LOL

crashed 06-13-2013 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tictoc (Post 1138421)
I think Scotland should be independent, it can support itself and you can get away from the Tories. A win win surely?

I'm all for Irn Bru too. Nothing Xenophobic about me.

I don't really have a problem with your opinion but you keep regurgitating the same things over and over again to the point that it's become a bit sickening.

Well that's because the same subjects keep coming up, but feel free not to read anything that makes you want to puke. I'd hate to be the cause of anyone's projectile vomit.

Anyway after this many hundreds of pages if anyone has anything new to say, I'd love to hear it ;)

crashed 06-13-2013 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1138433)
Well that's because the same subjects keep coming up, but feel free not to read anything that makes you want to puke. I'd hate to be the cause of anyone's projectile vomit.

Anyway after this many hundreds of pages if anyone has anything new to say, I'd love to hear it ;)

Except I'm off to bed. Early flight to Dublin tomorrow. Night gang.

Lost_Faith 06-13-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1138394)
There are far more good songs to me on What About Now than there are on Aftermath - Water, I'm With You, What's Left Of Me, Beautiful World - their all really solid tracks whereas Aftermath for me only has Seven Years Gone.

Aftermath has some nice guitar work but that's all it is - just a burst of random guitar that almost doesn't even seem to be part of the song it's connected to.

To each his own. I think that AOTL is the worst RS solo album but it still pisses over the crap WAN cd. I think it is their worst effort beating even the horrible LH. Water is the only bearablke song. I'm with you is a snoozefest and way to slow, What's left of me is the failed attempt to recreate the magic of SIBSN, and Beautiful World sounds love PINK. I love Pink but when it is sung by her not by a 51 yr old ex rocker trying to stay "current" by singing a pink like SOng. The other tracks you did not even mention are forgettable.

SYG has more substance and depth than the whole WAN record. I still think RS 's absence is due to the music which he is not into anymore.

Juls Sambora 06-13-2013 10:39 PM

Aftermath has these two things that I miss on What about now: passion and sincerity. Just listen to You can only get so high. Richie lived every line from that song. Look how he performed it on stage. He was so into it.

crashed 06-14-2013 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by Lost_Faith (Post 1138451)
To each his own. I think that AOTL is the worst RS solo album but it still pisses over the crap WAN cd. I think it is their worst effort beating even the horrible LH. Water is the only bearablke song. I'm with you is a snoozefest and way to slow, What's left of me is the failed attempt to recreate the magic of SIBSN, and Beautiful World sounds love PINK. I love Pink but when it is sung by her not by a 51 yr old ex rocker trying to stay "current" by singing a pink like SOng. The other tracks you did not even mention are forgettable.

SYG has more substance and depth than the whole WAN record. I still think RS 's absence is due to the music which he is not into anymore.

I actually agree that Seven Years Gone is better than anything on What About Now -but Seven Years Gone is an incredible track that trumps a lot of the Bon Jovi back catalogue and all of Richie's previous solo stuff. If Aftermath had more tracks along those lines I'd probably like it better, but as it is, it's the only song that really feels like Richie to me.

If his absence is because he's "not into the music though", that isn't acceptable to me - because at most their playing a few new songs each night. How could he still not be into Wanted, or I'll Be There For You or the dozens of other amazing songs he and Jon wrote together?

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