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steel_horse75 06-14-2013 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by taker5962 (Post 1138579)
yes, but Richie is the man who said f*ck to all his fans around the world...
Fans who were going to his solo shows (me and many of you), who bought Aftermath...

Thanks to Phil X to make this possible, and play the game afterall !

Nail.On. Head.

steel_horse75 06-14-2013 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by IML88 (Post 1138580)
I was reserving judgement on Phil X (ridiculous name) until I'd seen him live. He's at best a session musician. He's not good enough to be a replacement. He's an adequate stand in and that is all. It really got on my nerves in Cardiff that he didn't play the solo's as they are written. Pre 00's Bon Jovi songs are guitar driven rock songs where the solo's are an integral part of the song. He either improvised to put his own spin on them or just wasn't good enough to pull them off note for note. Too many times the solo's were unrecognizable and thats not the way it should be.

He's a stand in helping Jon out in a tough spot and he should play the songs note for note the way they are supposed to be performed. The tone of Bad Name genuinely made them sound like a tribute act - it was gutting to watch.

Anyone who say's he's better than Sambora is frankly deluded. He may have a decent chops but he's by no means a world class player. I don't give a toss about why he's gone but the sooner Sambo comes back the better.

He is a stand in and its thanks to him the tour goes ahead and 1000s of people dont feel as badly let down by the guy who said **** you to his fans.

steel_horse75 06-14-2013 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1138604)
I bought one of the 7 sold in Germany ;-)


OK you find the other 6 in Germany and ill find the UK 6!

bonjovi90 06-14-2013 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1138607)

OK you find the other 6 in Germany and ill find the UK 6!

I bought one as well. 5 to go in Germany :D

jovifan93 06-14-2013 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1138607)

OK you find the other 6 in Germany and ill find the UK 6!

Ok, deal :D

jessycardy 06-14-2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Jayster (Post 1138551)
On a Richie note, I was listening to WSFM here in Sydney in the car on the way to work this morning.

They do this competition where you go to their website and guess which 'classic hits artist' is behind a almost fully closed blind. Anyway, today it was Richie Sambora and some woman won $1000.

Anyway the interesting part came afterwards when the two DJ's were recalling they interviewed Richie last time he was in Sydney in his hotel room. Richie had a glass of coke, and Amanda, who had no idea he was a recovering alcoholic, asked him what was in his glass.

"Just Coke" Richie said and she pretended not to believe him, went over and sniffed his glass!

Then Jonesy, the other host, said not long after that Richie went on a massive bender and it was all Amanda's fault.

It was an amusing start to my day.

I was impressed by the fact that no one felt the need to point out that Richie was the Bon Jovi guitarist at any point.

Thanks for sharing this. I'm appalled at how anyone could think they can just go and interview Richie Sambora without at the very least have a clue about this major, relevant, recent (fingers crossed, not current) issue of his. You might as well just stay home and leave the job to someone else. How incredibly rude and stupid, I feel sorry for Richie.


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1138557)
Wow, the Guardian picking up gutter press rumours that haven't in any way been substantiated. Seen it all now.

Wow, I guess the line between newspapers and tabloids has definitely blurred now.
Not only do they pick up the gutter press rumors, they also come up with a few of their own!

The 53-year-old claimed that Jon Bon Jovi has ignored his requests to rejoin the band, especially for their 5 July gig at Hyde Park. "My opinion is, Jon wants to see if he can pull off stadiums by himself," he said.
What? Both of those statements from Richie are not confirmed and, in any case, the one about being willing to come back for the Hyde Park gig came out after the other. And the fact that Jon ignored his requests to rejoin is yet another unconfirmed rumor, actually the most likely to be bullshit of all. They shamelessly twist it and change it and tailor it to their convenience.

baileybums 06-14-2013 04:19 PM

S I never actually said that phil x is better or even as good as richie . . I know that . .

But richies said **** you too us all so I don't care about his quality of music playing . . Phil did a great job last night . . Had fun and looked comfortable . . I can respect the guy for stepping in at very last minute and suddenly having a world tour on his hands . . He's made it possible for it to continue . . I'm not a big musician and not even as big a fan as most of you I'm sure . But I didn't miss richie like I thought I would and too me last night was superb . .

As for expecting him to play it note for note. . I guarantee if he did you would moan cause he's not putting his own spin on it . . He's jamming out there and having fun . . Some people need to realise what richie has done . . . Even if its a break up with Jon . . When I have a bust up at work . I still have to go . . And I don't have people paying hundreds to see me

Sambo-Chris 06-14-2013 04:57 PM

If you get fired Organisationen fire by yourself you dont need to go to work again.

JackieBlue 06-14-2013 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by baileybums (Post 1138574)
Phil did amazing ... Was great on stage . . Interacted with he fans and looked to have some great banter with all of the band . . .

Well I'm glad to see that Jon and Phil are having great banter - because Jon and Richie sure didn't seem to have much of anything goin' on, since as far back as Bamboozle, at least not based on most of what I've seen on YouTube.


Originally Posted by baileybums (Post 1138574)
I only noticed richie wasn't there once . . During the WANTEDs from dead or alive . . And that's not a big deal . . .

I respectfully acknowledge that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and I'm not saying anything against Phil or the band; but speaking for myself, missing Richie during the "WANTEDs" would be a huge deal for me. I think it would literally ruin the concert for me. I'm not sure - it may be an exaggeration even in my own mind - but I honestly think if I had to choose between hearing Bon Jovi do a slam-bang 3-hour set with no WDOA versus a 45-minute set, even a mediocre one, that included WDOA with Richie on guitar, his trademark vocals, and the old interaction between JxR with the two-guitar salute at the end - there would be no contest. I'd take the second option any day. (And if you'd throw in one of those looooonnng Spanish flavored acoustic intros? Just the one song would probably be enough! :-))

baileybums 06-14-2013 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sambo-Chris (Post 1138628)
If you get fired Organisationen fire by yourself you dont need to go to work again.

Fair point but if I get fired it because I've done something . .

Still my fault,

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