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JoviJovi 06-15-2013 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1138750)
I'll change it back--just having a little fun to lighten the mood for a little while.

Damn, missed it! :|

Jayster 06-15-2013 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1138562)
I'm not familiar with the guardian. What is that?

You clearly have an Internet connection, why don't you use it to answer your question. I would have thought clicking on the link would have answered it in the first place.

bonjovi821 06-15-2013 04:03 AM

Plot twist: It's Bobby who's editing the Wiki page.

Think about it, he's finally gotten what he's always wanted. Richie's now out of the picture, but just when he thought he was in the clear, Jon brings in a replacement guitarist for the second tour in a row. I wouldn't be surprised if Phil disappears for "personal issues" and suddenly Bobby's the new lead "guitarist".

ezearis 06-15-2013 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi821 (Post 1138764)
Plot twist: It's Bobby who's editing the Wiki page.

Think about it, he's finally gotten what he's always wanted. Richie's now out of the picture, but just when he thought he was in the clear, Jon brings in a replacement guitarist for the second tour in a row. I wouldn't be surprised if Phil disappears for "personal issues" and suddenly Bobby's the new lead "guitarist".

And remember, Bobby was the one that poisoned Richie's dog in like page 60, so this could've been his plan all along.

Javier 06-15-2013 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1138765)
And remember, Bobby was the one that poisoned Richie's dog in like page 60, so this could've been his plan all along.

I can picture him right now tracing his evil plans while munching on Twinkies and moonpies....

bonjovi821 06-15-2013 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1138765)
And remember, Bobby was the one that poisoned Richie's dog in like page 60, so this could've been his plan all along.

I had forgotten about this. So many pages to keep track of...

The only logical solution now is that Bobby, since the beginning, hates Bon Jovi's music. He hates it so much that he's made it his mission to butcher every single song live and I daresay he's not far from his goal. That fat, pasty genius....

gkkes 06-15-2013 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi821 (Post 1138769)
That fat, pasty genius....

Do you mean pallor or pie?

jovigirloz 06-15-2013 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1138766)
I can picture him right now tracing his evil plans while munching on Twinkies and moonpies....

What is a moonpie? I thought he would be more of a S'mores kinda guy. That's why his playing sucks, sticky marshmallow fingers

JoviJovi 06-15-2013 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1138777)
What is a moonpie? I thought he would be more of a S'mores kinda guy. That's why his playing sucks, sticky marshmallow fingers

Well a moonpie is marshmallow and cookie covered in chocolate so you aren't far off. The fingers are probably more chocolate sticky than marshmallow sticky though.

jovigirloz 06-15-2013 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1138797)
Well a moonpie is marshmallow and cookie covered in chocolate so you aren't far off. The fingers are probably more chocolate sticky than marshmallow sticky though.

sounds yummy. We have something similar here called a Wagon Wheel but it has jam in it. Damn.. now I am craving one.

Maybe Bobby has marshmallow on one hand and chocolate on the other ;)

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