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rolo_tomachi 05-01-2013 10:15 AM

Bon Jovi are my Beatles, my Rolling Stones, if Richie missing, it's like missing Lennon or Richards. I could not go to a show without Sambora, because for me (IMO) would not have magic on stage.

afk 05-01-2013 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1126073)
Hope all is well with your father crush.

Me too. Best wishes!

RonJovi 05-01-2013 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1126082)
I am giving up my tickets, so I guess this is aimed at 'people like me' and frankly, you are such an amazing person and I wish I was more like you. I am such a bad fan and you are so dedicated and I am such a waster.

The fact that I wouldn't want to see a band that is no longer a band, a guy that can no longer sing and the main reason I wanted to go to the gig is no longer going to be there... on top of that, I actually chose to express my disappointment (and that's what it is, it's not b*tching, whining, moaning... disappointment comes when you care, when you're invested in something and when you can see it slowly crumbling before your eyes) that fact that I chose to express that, here, of all places, on a discussion thread about that very topic... well how f*cking dare I.

I am really pleased you're so clear-headed about this, I am happy for you. You tell people like me to 'grow up'... well, here's a plan... adults, by and large, tend to be accepting of other people's views and opinions, so in reality; why do you f*** off to the shadows and do some growing up yourself.

I just wanted to add, I get the feeling that everyone is desperately trying to write *the* definitive post... and in doing so, you get the kind of sh*t above where we're all attacking each other because there's no speculation left, we've covered it all. But do we really have to get into the whole 'you've only been around since 2002,' snobbery!? I've only been on here since 2005 because before I had a freelance job, I spent a lot less time in front of a computer. But I am your age and have been into this band for 25 years or more. You're emotional, fine. But don't start being a tw*t now, you've not done it in the past.

I find that attitude a lot harder to ignore than the people you're lambasting. I will take your advice though, I think I need to walk away from this for a little while. If this kind of attitude is actually appreciated around here, not sure it's good for my blood pressure.

Ah come on, the creator of Sambongo and touch the winkie really can't walk away. This thread needs you :-)

I see what Steel Horse is saying to be honest in relation to people who are having a pop at the band and Jon in particular when we don't know the details. If this is a personal issue, which we have no solid grounds to believe that it isn't, then attacking Jon or protesting against him is really unfair. If Richie has said to him "Jon, x is going on. Please say nothing" and Jon has taken all this flack and damage to the band to protect Richie, then I take my hat off to Jon completely and he doesn't deserve some of the sh!t he is getting. In fact, it would make him an unbelievable friend.

If this turns into anything else, then I'm pretty much done with (Jon) Bon Jovi because they have mistreated the fans and they have lied from start to finish. In that case, even if Jon hasn't technically lied, he has completely and deliberately misled his fanbase and that would be enough for me to walk away. Also, if that is the case Matt has downright lied and he is the official voice of the band so that's the same as Jon for me. But for the minute, I'm willing to trust what they are telling me in the absence of any solid evidence to the contrary.

In this case, it really is Richie's responsibility to put us in the picture. If this is truly personal to him, then I can see why he might not want to but the situation is getting untenable now.

If people are saying "You know what, this isn't Bon Jovi to me because, for whatever reason, Richie won't be there and he's an important part of the experience for me" then I can understand people not going or selling their tickets. That's reasonable behaviour to me.

However, slamming the band when we don't know the circumstances (and the band might not be allowed to reveal the circumstances) is just unfair in my view.

Solid Sambora 05-01-2013 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1126077)
Im reading some of these posts and Im shocked.

You call yourselves fans yet some want to boo JBJ as its clearly his fault, give up tickets, start slating everything the band does.

Granted I dont recognise half these usernames cause your clearly the sort that hate it when things are going well but the moment there is something wrong you log in and add to your 130 post since 2002 by slating the band and everything to do with them.

Have you stopped to think that maybe JBJ has been asked by Richie not to say anything about whats happend? Yes as fans that seems out of order as we have all bought tickets but maybe the guy is in such a bad place he just wants to be left alone.

Secondly if and i say "if" he has left then legally maybe everyone in the band and within the whole Bon Jovi family are legally not allowed to say anything while the "divorce" happens.

I for one cant wait to find out whats happening just so these so called fans on this board can all **** off again and go lurk back in the shadows.

Tom Hamilton has had to pull out of the Aerosmith tour due to ill health - I wonder if on the Aerosmith boards they are all suggesting that they boo Steve Tyler as its clearly his fault.

Some of you need to grow up.

Translated: "I'm a bigger and better fan than yous, I've even posted more posts so it must mean my opinion is more right than yours."

Not sure what the amount of posts a person has made has to do with anything? Maybe some prefer quality rather than quantity...

Maybe you're the kind of person that finds statistics important, but I think maybe given the tone of your post, perhaps you are the one that needs to grow up.

rolo_tomachi 05-01-2013 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1126077)

Tom Hamilton has had to pull out of the Aerosmith tour due to ill health - I wonder if on the Aerosmith boards they are all suggesting that they boo Steve Tyler as its clearly his fault.

Tom Hamilton does not take the place of Richie. In any case it would Joe Perry, and without Perry, Aerosmith would be a disaster.

DestinationJovi 05-01-2013 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1126090)
Tom Hamilton does not take the place of Richie. In any case it would Joe Perry, and without Perry, Aerosmith would be a disaster.

1979-1984: Aerosmith without Perry

samboraisgodUK 05-01-2013 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1126091)
1979-1984: Aerosmith without Perry

And it was an absolute disaster, as this will be.

RonJovi 05-01-2013 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1126090)
Tom Hamilton does not take the place of Richie. In any case it would Joe Perry, and without Perry, Aerosmith would be a disaster.

I don't think the point is specific to Richie.

I think Steel Horse is saying that if a band member gets sick and pulls out of a tour, is that a reason to slag off the lead singer? Whether it's Richie, Tico or Dave - it wouldn't really matter.

The only thing that logically doesn't add up for me in that scenario is that, about two weeks after he dropped out, Jon, by his own admission, still hadn't spoken to Richie. If this was an illness, I'd have fully expected him to.

peewee 05-01-2013 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1126089)
Translated: "I'm a bigger and better fan than yous, I've even posted more posts so it must mean my opinion is more right than yours."

Not sure what the amount of posts a person has made has to do with anything? Maybe some prefer quality rather than quantity...

Maybe you're the kind of person that finds statistics important, but I think maybe given the tone of your post, perhaps you are the one that needs to grow up.

Totally agree. There's a bunch of fans with the same way of thinking here. Even the sacred cows ;)

DestinationJovi 05-01-2013 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1126077)
Im reading some of these posts and Im shocked.

You call yourselves fans yet some want to boo JBJ as its clearly his fault, give up tickets, start slating everything the band does.

Granted I dont recognise half these usernames cause your clearly the sort that hate it when things are going well but the moment there is something wrong you log in and add to your 130 post since 2002 by slating the band and everything to do with them.

Have you stopped to think that maybe JBJ has been asked by Richie not to say anything about whats happend? Yes as fans that seems out of order as we have all bought tickets but maybe the guy is in such a bad place he just wants to be left alone.

Secondly if and i say "if" he has left then legally maybe everyone in the band and within the whole Bon Jovi family are legally not allowed to say anything while the "divorce" happens.

I for one cant wait to find out whats happening just so these so called fans on this board can all **** off again and go lurk back in the shadows.

Tom Hamilton has had to pull out of the Aerosmith tour due to ill health - I wonder if on the Aerosmith boards they are all suggesting that they boo Steve Tyler as its clearly his fault.

Some of you need to grow up.

Oh FFS, get over yourself! :rolleyes:

rolo_tomachi 05-01-2013 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126093)
I don't think the point is specific to Richie.

I think Steel Horse is saying that if a band member gets sick and pulls out of a tour, is that a reason to slag off the lead singer? Whether it's Richie, Tico or Dave - it wouldn't really matter.

The only thing that logically doesn't add up for me in that scenario is that, about two weeks after he dropped out, Jon, by his own admission, still hadn't spoken to Richie. If this was an illness, I'd have fully expected him to.

No matter what the reasons. The stark reality is that, without Sambora, I can not see Bon Jovi, just would not go to see Led Zeppelin without Page. Bon Jovi are my Beatles, my Led Zeppelin, my Rolling Stones. You are able to understand my point of view?

angelsambo 05-01-2013 10:49 AM

i hope jon understands that the setlist needs now a dramatic change(into a more rock direction)to save this situation to some extent.

The Rock 05-01-2013 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1126075)
Well right now Richie is looking like the bad guy in all of this. If he has quit he should just come out and say it, fans would understand that more than the shit we are being fed. If he rejoins the band and just didn't fancy touring this summer, then I will lose a lot of respect for him.

I'm gutted he won't be there, I just can't imagine that stage without him. However, everything's been paid for and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and getting away, so just gotta make the best of it. I really hope it doesn't mean a summer of autopilot JBJ though. It would be good if he could add a few special guests here and there , can't see it though.

I see the opposite. I think this will take him off autopilot and he will work over time to get the crowd on his side because Richie is not there.

steel_horse75 05-01-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1126089)
Translated: "I'm a bigger and better fan than yous, I've even posted more posts so it must mean my opinion is more right than yours."

Not sure what the amount of posts a person has made has to do with anything? Maybe some prefer quality rather than quantity...

Maybe you're the kind of person that finds statistics important, but I think maybe given the tone of your post, perhaps you are the one that needs to grow up.

Not at all. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but to say "yeah Im gonna boo JBJ" or "Theyre shit" is childish.

RonJovi 05-01-2013 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1126096)
No matter what the reasons. The stark reality is that, without Sambora, I can not see Bon Jovi, just would not go to see Led Zeppelin without Page. Bon Jovi are my Beatles, my Led Zeppelin, my Rolling Stones. You are able to understand my point of view?

Absolutely I do and that is your right and makes sense to me even if I don't personally agree.

If you see my post a page back, I have said that I can understand this point of view completely. What I don't understand is people having a pop at Jon or the band and saying they won't go in protest when they have no idea if Jon has done anything to cause this.

steel_horse75 05-01-2013 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126093)
I don't think the point is specific to Richie.

I think Steel Horse is saying that if a band member gets sick and pulls out of a tour, is that a reason to slag off the lead singer? Whether it's Richie, Tico or Dave - it wouldn't really matter.

The only thing that logically doesn't add up for me in that scenario is that, about two weeks after he dropped out, Jon, by his own admission, still hadn't spoken to Richie. If this was an illness, I'd have fully expected him to.

Bang on....

gkkes 05-01-2013 10:56 AM

Just to add a couple of things to the speculation from my personal experience. (Past Nazareth drum roadie)

I'm the same age as Richie, have a family. I've been working in TV sport for 25 years. I've travelled maybe a million miles round the world by plane. In the last 2 years I've experienced 3 terrifying flights. These affected me so much that I get anxiety attacks every week that I get on a plane. Often I need help, I'm not addicted. I'm looking for an alternative way to earn my living that doesn't involve flights to every job! I wouldn't want my employers to know this....

I also read much about Phil X. I know he can never be as good as Richie for many fans. He has been contracted to do a job, at quite an attractive rate I'm sure + the thrill of performing to huge audiences.

Query - how does he approach it? He can really only play the guitar parts faithfully as they appear on the albums... Casual fans may only know these versions from CD or radio. Richie ad-lib's and jams live (sober or not), and everybody loves the experience, if Phil X bought his own skill and interpretation to those well known numbers everyone would ask "what the hell"?
From the YouTube clips I see often that JBJ wants to involve him, needs some interaction, but X seems wary! I can understand he is wary, he's a stand in, not a replacement.

I hope now that, as it has been announced, he will be performing with Bon Jovi for SA/Europe, that he will get the confidence and support to "perform", rather than just play the album tracks.

I'll certainly get tickets for the gigs I can drive to.....

rolo_tomachi 05-01-2013 10:56 AM

I'm not going the show for give food to the workers of the tour. If I go to a show is for to see on stage "Jon & Richie" do what they always do.

rolo_tomachi 05-01-2013 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126100)
Absolutely I do and that is your right and makes sense to me even if I don't personally agree.

If you see my post a page back, I have said that I can understand this point of view completely. What I don't understand is people having a pop at Jon or the band and saying they won't go in protest when they have no idea if Jon has done anything to cause this.

ok, I agree.

Neurotica80 05-01-2013 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1126098)
I see the opposite. I think this will take him off autopilot and he will work over time to get the crowd on his side because Richie is not there.

Without getting into the Europe vs States argument, I really think he will have to as Germanys Richie fan base alone is huge. He will be missed over here more, that's a fact. Only have to look at his solo ticket sales, RS could have done a full blown European tour by himself.

Wanted without Richie will be very, very weird for me.

rolo_tomachi 05-01-2013 11:10 AM

Bon Jovi should change the name "Because We Can Tour", and put in place "Army of One Tour".

afk 05-01-2013 11:14 AM

My main concern: Who will be the official guitar player for Austria??

Roll 05-01-2013 11:16 AM

About the "Richie issue", I think that though he looked perfectly fit on the first leg of the tour, the guy is such a mess that bringing in Phil X to play the lead guitar parts is 1) a good idea 2) a likely improvement over Richie's live work. The real deal is his being a member of the band. While I think Jon and Richie are both done artistically, I still think they might haphazardly write a great song.
Anyway and despite what I said earlier, I'm still gong to Madrid to see BJ live next June, because even though Richie's still in the band, the odds are that next time you'll have more chances to see the band perform without him than with him considering the last tours. I'm also going because it smells soooooo much like the end of the band and I want to thrill one last time, for Dave's and Tico's sake!!!

fairtex444 05-01-2013 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1126107)
Wanted without Richie will be very, very weird for me.

on the other hand, watching Richie performing Wanted in Munich last year without Jon, wasn't weird at seemed kind of right...

rolo_tomachi 05-01-2013 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Roll (Post 1126111)
About the "Richie issue", I think that though he looked perfectly fit on the first leg of the tour, the guy is such a mess that bringing in Phil X to play the lead guitar parts is 1) a good idea 2) a likely improvement over Richie's live work. The real deal is his being a member of the band. While I think Jon and Richie are both done artistically, I still think they might haphazardly write a great song.
Anyway and despite what I said earlier, I'm still gong to Madrid to see BJ live next June, because even though Richie's still in the band, the odds are that next time you'll have more chances to see the band perform without him than with him considering the last tours. I'm also going because it smells soooooo much like the end of the band and I want to thrill one last time, for Dave's and Tico's sake!!!

Compare Cleveland Show with San Jose Show. You will realize who is the real winner of the show. Richie Sambora is better than Phil. Jon & Richie make the magic in some moments. With Phil, no magic, no feeling, It not feels like a Bon Jovi show. At least not for me.

peewee 05-01-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1126114)
Compare Cleveland Show with San Jose Show. You will realize who is the real winner of the show. Richie Sambora es better than Phil. Jon & Richie make the magic in some moments. With Phil, no magic, no feeling, It not feels like a Bon Jovi show. At least not for me.

I thought you were about to say "compare Cleveland Show with Family Guy".

RonJovi 05-01-2013 11:55 AM

Just coz I'm bored...someone mentioned the "Because We Can't" tour yesterday. This could be the anthem maybe:

Because We Can't

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand (but I can’t)

He's in the kitchen drinkin himself stupid
So tired of takin, my autocratic shite,
Right now he's takin' those breakfast painkillers
When he chugs down the pints
But lately feelin' like a backing singer
In the shadows starin' at my ass
There's only one thing in this world that he'd know
He said ‘no more’ and he has to let you down

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand (but I can’t)

Empty stadiums, everywhere that we go,
No Sambora, he’s downing loads of wine
Turn down the sound and we’ll go somewhere smaller
And we’ll pretend everything is alright

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand
But we can’t, new songs can’t sell those tickets
(We can’t) If you believe in we
(We can’t) then you just don’t know me
We can’t, we can’t

[Piss poor excuse for a solo]

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora (I don't wanna play)
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand (but I can’t)
(I am a, I am a, I am a...)
Because we can’t

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora (I don't wanna play)
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand
But we can’t (because we can’t)
New songs won’t sell those tickets
(We can’t) If you believe in we
(We can’t) then you just don’t know me
We can’t, we can’t

jovigirloz 05-01-2013 12:01 PM

the tour should be renamed "F***, we shouldn't have"

RonJovi 05-01-2013 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1126117)
the tour should be renamed "F***, we shouldn't have"

Haha yeah, have a feeling when the dust has settled on this and Jon is reflecting honestly he'll have to admit that it was ill-judged and an absolute disaster.

Roll 05-01-2013 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126116)
Just coz I'm bored...someone mentioned the "Because We Can't" tour yesterday. This could be the anthem maybe:

Because We Can't

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand (but I can’t)

He's in the kitchen drinkin himself stupid
So tired of takin, my autocratic shite,
Right now he's takin' those breakfast painkillers
When he chugs down the pints
But lately feelin' like a backing singer
In the shadows starin' at my ass
There's only one thing in this world that he'd know
He said ‘no more’ and he has to let you down

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand (but I can’t)

Empty stadiums, everywhere that we go,
No Sambora, he’s downing loads of wine
Turn down the sound and we’ll go somewhere smaller
And we’ll pretend everything is alright

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand
But we can’t, new songs can’t sell those tickets
(We can’t) If you believe in we
(We can’t) then you just don’t know me
We can’t, we can’t

[Piss poor excuse for a solo]

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora (I don't wanna play)
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand (but I can’t)
(I am a, I am a, I am a...)
Because we can’t

I don't wanna play another gig with Sambora (I don't wanna play)
Stubborn as a rock, that’s why I don’t have a band (that's right)
I wanna be the one you pay to when you buy a ticket
I ain't a team player and I’d play the desert sand
But we can’t (because we can’t)
New songs won’t sell those tickets
(We can’t) If you believe in we
(We can’t) then you just don’t know me
We can’t, we can’t

Fantastic anthem!!!

BJ?YesPlease 05-01-2013 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126093)
I think Steel Horse is saying that if a band member gets sick and pulls out of a tour, is that a reason to slag off the lead singer?

I don't think it's about the singer - it's, for me anyway, more about Jon in his role as self-professed CEO of a company. In that role, he holds all responsibility. Not for Richie, or the tour, but for communication, fan relations and for trust in the band.
Someone has cocked up - fans are upset left, right and centre - and who takes the can? The head of the company.
Step forward, Mr Bongiovi.
Now step back.

jbjhand 05-01-2013 12:24 PM

Ronjovi shoots and scores :) Awesome!!

RonJovi 05-01-2013 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1126120)
I don't think it's about the singer - it's, for me anyway, more about Jon in his role as self-professed CEO of a company. In that role, he holds all responsibility. Not for Richie, or the tour, but for communication, fan relations and for trust in the band.
Someone has cocked up - fans are upset left, right and centre - and who takes the can? The head of the company.
Step forward, Mr Bongiovi.
Now step back.

I get what you're saying but...

What if, and it's the only official story we've gotten, Richie has said to Jon "I have this going on. I can't tour. I don't know when I'll be back. Please don't say anything".

What is Jon supposed to say beyond "It's a personal issue. He is still in the band and he will be back. Please support Richie." Which is what he has said. Beyond that, if this is what Matt and the band have said it is, I don't know what else Jon can do without betraying his friend. It sucks for the rest of us but maybe it's one of those situations without a right answer and Jon is trying his best to do right by everyone (i.e. keep the show on the road for the fans while keeping loyal to Richie).

StoneDeaf 05-01-2013 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by fairtex444 (Post 1126113)
on the other hand, watching Richie performing Wanted in Munich last year without Jon, wasn't weird at seemed kind of right...

There is quite a difference when it comes to Rich or Jon performing whatever as solo artist and a band named Bon Jovi performing whatever. Without one of the corner stones it isn't the band people pay to see.

Jon should change the tour to "Jon and his buddies." For example, when Black Sabbath's tour got f*cked up due Tony Iommi's cancer, Ozzy & Co didn't tour as Sabbath but as "Ozzy & Friends", which was fair to the fans.

BJ?YesPlease 05-01-2013 12:36 PM

I can't really see any situation that can't allow for more of an explanation to stop the craziness that's going on right now.
If he's ill, say he's ill. If's it's family, just say it's his family. If it's a fall, then have some balls.
"Personal issues" is an out-dated attempt to pretend all is well.
Unfortunately, it seems regardless of the rights and wrongs of what they SHOULD do, they've caused more problems than they need have - be it Jon, Richie, promoters or management.

DestinationJovi 05-01-2013 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126123)
I get what you're saying but...

What if, and it's the only official story we've gotten, Richie has said to Jon "I have this going on. I can't tour. I don't know when I'll be back. Please don't say anything".

What is Jon supposed to say beyond "It's a personal issue. He is still in the band and he will be back. Please support Richie." Which is what he has said. Beyond that, if this is what Matt and the band have said it is, I don't know what else Jon can do without betraying his friend. It sucks for the rest of us but maybe it's one of those situations without a right answer and Jon is trying his best to do right by everyone (i.e. keep the show on the road for the fans while keeping loyal to Richie).

For one leg, fine. But to add two more months to his absence due to "personal issues" without further explanation is unacceptable. This is affecting hundreds of thousands of fans and their money. Richie saying "hey buddy, don't tell" is a crock of shit.

Bon Jovi is a business. What other business can get away with only delivering partial goods when they were paid for in full? What other business can get away with such a veiled, vague excuse for an extended period of time? I understand this is all Richie, but as CEO, Jon needs to step up and offer more than "personal issues".

So now Oz will go on sale any day now. If it's already known Richie is gone for the rest of the tour, I 100% believe Jon would keep it under his hat so that ticket sales will not be any more affected than they already are. If that's not the case, again, Jon needs to give fans more info so we can truly understand the uncertainty of when/if Richie will return. Personally, I've had it with the "personal" excuse.

Supersonic 05-01-2013 01:00 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126093)
I think Steel Horse is saying that if a band member gets sick and pulls out of a tour, is that a reason to slag off the lead singer? Whether it's Richie, Tico or Dave - it wouldn't really matter.

The difference is that Tom Hamilton pulled out of 2 shows and has a history with throatcancer. Aerosmith gave a reason, and pretty much all Aerosmith fans accepted the situation because everyone's aware how Tom doesn't make "The" Aerosmith sound, save for a few songs.

Compare this to Bon Jovi, where no reason is given and everyone just has to accept it for what it is, refunds aren't given, and the guy who's created most of the songs and gave them their signifying sound pulls out. I'd say that's a very different situation.

Boo-ing Jon sounds fair to me. Jon doesn't offer refunds, thus makes people "have" to go to a show they no longer want to see. He's the CEO, he's in charge, and could postpone or cancel the shows if he'd like to. He doesn't, because it costs him money, thus boo-ing sounds rather well deserved to me.

I've also got 10 times as many posts than steel horse and hereby consider him a newbie as well, which makes his whole argument childish and invalid.

Salaam Aleikum,

Lisa71 05-01-2013 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1126136)

So now Oz will go on sale any day now. If it's already known Richie is gone for the rest of the tour, I 100% believe Jon would keep it under his hat so that ticket sales will not be any more affected than they already are. If that's not the case, again, Jon needs to give fans more info so we can truly understand the uncertainty of when/if Richie will return. Personally, I've had it with the "personal" excuse.

They go on sale 20th May. The dates have been announced.

Tour Dates
7 - Etihad Stadium, Melbourne - Tickets: or 136 100
11 - AAMI Stadium, Adelaide - Tickets: or 136 100
14 - ANZ Stadium, Sydney - Tickets: or 132 849
17 - Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane - Tickets: 132 849

steel_horse75 05-01-2013 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1126139)
Aloha !

I've also got 10 times as many posts than steel horse and hereby consider him a newbie as well, which makes his whole argument childish and invalid.

Salaam Aleikum,


RonJovi 05-01-2013 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1126136)
For one leg, fine. But to add two more months to his absence due to "personal issues" without further explanation is unacceptable. This is affecting hundreds of thousands of fans and their money. Richie saying "hey buddy, don't tell" is a crock of shit.

Bon Jovi is a business. What other business can get away with only delivering partial goods when they were paid for in full? What other business can get away with such a veiled, vague excuse for an extended period of time? I understand this is all Richie, but as CEO, Jon needs to step up and offer more than "personal issues".

So now Oz will go on sale any day now. If it's already known Richie is gone for the rest of the tour, I 100% believe Jon would keep it under his hat so that ticket sales will not be any more affected than they already are. If that's not the case, again, Jon needs to give fans more info so we can truly understand the uncertainty of when/if Richie will return. Personally, I've had it with the "personal" excuse.

I don't agree. If Richie has said "Don't tell", what is Jon to do? Tell anyway? How would that go down? Matt has already said this is Richie's to tell. Therefore, I don't see what Jon can really do, even as the self appointed CEO.

I think it's nonsense to think they are protecting ticket sales. Most people will go anyway. Like it or not, it's only the die hards that see Richie as integral to the band. Ticket sales won't be affected that much as long as Jon is there.

Even if that was the case and they were delaying announcements to maximise sales, then why not string the Europeans along for a little bit longer? Doesn't make sense not to going by your logic.

The damage Jon would do himself and the band if it is to come out now that Richie has always been gone would be huge. Whatever sales he would be protecting would pale compared to the reputational loss, credibility loss and future sales he would lose amongst the die hards for being a liar.

Jon is a smart businessman. There is no way that this is to protect ticket sales.

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