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jovifan93 12-12-2018 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1249449)
I don't disagree with you here at all, for me it's never been about a replacement rather than an alternative. The funny thing is that Olli himself says that he doesn't sound like Jon and hence they don't even try to replicate every move/look like some other bands do (and which makes most of them look foolish), but they want to give songs their own spin.
Up until 2011 or so, it was just a way to bridge the gaps in the time Bon Jovi didn't tour here, since then it's been some sort of coexistence for me.
Simply because both cover different grounds by now.
Bon Jovi is the band who've changed my life and they'll always be in that spot and even though it may be some nostalgia in there by now, I'll go there to to feel that anticipation etc. again that was there when I saw my first concert in the Olympic Stadium.
But what made me a fan of their music were mostly the albums from SWW through TD and the energy of the songs. And I gotta say that sometimes I've missed just that there in the live shows like on some Runaway performances in 2011 or I'd Die For You in Cologne 2013. You know, when you want to singalong and have to stop again and again because the chorus is sung so much slower live.
That in-your-face energy of something like In These Arms in the original key, the key-change in prayer, the screams at the end of Runaway, the high "I guess I'd rather die than fade away" part in These Days or simply just a song like Fear, Stick To Your Guns or Undivided - that's why I enjoy going to their shows so much. As I said, it's different, but it fills a void the original act has left.

Funny thing about the accent though: Many get hung up on Olli's accent and some of his pronounciation etc. is weird, but I had not realized how much we had gotten used to Jon doing similar things all the time. On a family trip about two years ago, I had put on a Soundboard recording of either 2010 or 2011 (may have been Lisbon 2011) and my cousin, who likes Bon Jovi a lot (though simply by listening to them on the radio) all of a sudden said: "is that a cover band?". I told him no and he said "wow, he surely sounds quite different live than on the records, his voice is much more nasal and his accent/pronounciation (I think he meant Jon using twang) is different as well." I had gotten used to Jon sounding the way he did live due to tons of live videos we've all watched that it was the most natural thing to me, but to casuals it was quite a difference. I think the same can be said about Olli. When you've seen a lot of shows, you've just grown accustomed to it just like we've gotten used to Jon sounding the way he does live.

Hmm, interesting point. Though I think the problem for me with Olli is some of the typical Germans trying (and failing) to speak English "correctly". I realize there are multiple native English accents, but I think he's either not decided on one or is somehow (I can't put it down exactly) failing at it. It just sounds weird sometimes. And he somehow comes across as more of a hard rock/metal guy instead of the pop rock/country guy that JBJ is. Even on the older songs, he tends to overdo the rasp/attitude (at least for me). If he actually tried a bit more to imitate JBJ, I think he could really nail it.

Still would like to see them some time in the future, so please pass the request along to come to Berlin ;-)

WhamATC 12-12-2018 12:20 PM

I don't like the excessive rasp he adds at all.
Especially when he puts rasp in a part your not supposed to.

bonjovi90 12-12-2018 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by WhamATC (Post 1249461)
I don't like the excessive rasp he adds at all.
Especially when he puts rasp in a part your not supposed to.

That's actually something that reminds (when being there) of the way Jon used to fire in rasp at every possibility in around 1991. However, his voice has softened a lot since he had some major voice problems about 2 years ago and since then, he's using it much less which works better.

bonjovi90 12-12-2018 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1249459)
Hmm, interesting point. Though I think the problem for me with Olli is some of the typical Germans trying (and failing) to speak English "correctly". I realize there are multiple native English accents, but I think he's either not decided on one or is somehow (I can't put it down exactly) failing at it. It just sounds weird sometimes. And he somehow comes across as more of a hard rock/metal guy instead of the pop rock/country guy that JBJ is. Even on the older songs, he tends to overdo the rasp/attitude (at least for me). If he actually tried a bit more to imitate JBJ, I think he could really nail it.

Still would like to see them some time in the future, so please pass the request along to come to Berlin ;-)

Yeah that accent mash-up or whatever that is is something that I don't like too much either. I think it may be due to the guitarist and him having an acoustic cover band as well where they play all sorts of pop/rock tunes and him liking to partly imitate accents of other artists there as well might've lead to this. However, I've heard other people from the Ruhrpott speak English and some of them just sound as horrendous accent-wise :mrgreen:

I'll pass that request on to them ;) I vaguely remember that they were in Berlin in around 2009 and also played some northern cities like Hamburg at one point, but it was a chaos with the promoters that had booked them, so they've refrained to return ever since.

Supersonic 12-12-2018 02:27 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249417)
This post right here is the exact problem with today's music and how these singing competitions destroyed the entire music industry... Just because Oli can hit a note or two better than Jon in 1995 doesn't make him a better singer by any means.

Yes, it does. It's not just hitting a note or two, it's everything. Olli's capable of singing everything better than Jon does. Just because you prefer Jon's tone over Olli doesn't take away Olli's a better singer. Olli's capable of singing anything out of the Bon Jovi catalog at ease while Jon's never been capable of doing so. You seem to have gotten so used to Jon's nasal tone and technique that it's as if you've forgotten what real vocals sound like. The vocals from Keep The Faith are closer to Olli's live sound than they are to Jon's.


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1249417)
Back in 1995 Jon had better control, zero breathing issues even when running around the stage, his musical phrasing was spot on, his tone is his signature obviously, but most of all the guy could deliver a song with passion like no other...

Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with that at all and I'm not denying Jon was a great singer in 1995. I prefer it over pretty much anything he's done after but for whatever reason people on here seem to think Jon was capable of singing everything back then. He just wasn't. Jon's voice has always had it's downfalls. In the eighties he'd never been able to sing the nineties stuff, in the nineties he's never been able to sing the eighties stuff. Comparing it to a talent show sounds rather ignorant, really. It's a completely different ball game.

You obviously care a great deal about the passion and stage presence and what not whereas I don't give a **** and just want great vocals. With Richie gone Bounce does that for me nowadays. The only reason why I preferred Bon Jovi before Richie left was because of Richie as Jon's voice left much to be desired. You on the other hand seem to prefer a singer who can't sing but is capable of running on stage.

Just because our preferences are different doesn't mean either of us is wrong as to what we prefer. Saying Jon's a better singer out of the two while the other's actually singing the stuff in the right key is though. No amount of charisma can take that away.


Originally Posted by rokenrola (Post 1249446)
And what is your reason to call BJ cover band today? Because of Jons voice or because Richie is not there?
An insult is to call great band a cover band without any evidence. We all know what is the cover band and BJ arent that for sure.

I'm just wondering; what to you is a cover band then?


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1249464)
Yeah that accent mash-up or whatever that is is something that I don't like too much either. I think it may be due to the guitarist and him having an acoustic cover band as well where they play all sorts of pop/rock tunes and him liking to partly imitate accents of other artists there as well might've lead to this. However, I've heard other people from the Ruhrpott speak English and some of them just sound as horrendous accent-wise :mrgreen:

I've yet to meet someone from Germany who's capable of speaking English without the dodgy main klain zain accent. :D

Salaam Aleikum,

jovifan93 12-12-2018 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1249466)
Just because our preferences are different doesn't mean either of us is wrong as to what we prefer. Saying Jon's a better singer out of the two while the other's actually singing the stuff in the right key is though. No amount of charisma can take that away.

You actually do have a point there for a change ;-)


I'm just wondering; what to you is a cover band then?
Well, that one's easy. A cover band is a different band (most of the time no original member, but at least not the original singer) playing songs of another band. While you could argue that Jon & the KOS are a cover band playing BJ songs when they do, you cannot argue about BJ, because it still has 3 out of 5 founding/longtime members.


I've yet to meet someone from Germany who's capable of speaking English without the dodgy main klain zain accent. :D
I don't know which accent you're talking about, but then you haven't met me yet (or at least I cannot remember ;-))

bonjovi90 12-12-2018 05:57 PM

There even was a concert report from one of Germany's biggest TV stations:

Though it may not be too interesting if you don't speak German since there are a lot of backstage interviews there :D

WhamATC 12-12-2018 07:37 PM

Talking about Ollie's excessive use of rasp at times, not Jon's. Always like Jon's rasp so far.

rokenrola 12-12-2018 08:12 PM

After all,someone wants great vocal,someone wants great playing,someone wants all of that,someone wants god effort from Jon and great playing which is majority here. It si an insult to call BJ a cover band because of vocal or because someone dont see chemistry between Jon and Phil or Phil and John S.
Enjoy the freaking music of your favorite band,dont analyse sparks on the stage,whatever you(moaners)think about them,they are still great band and please dont compare them to the other bands,it is useless.

jovifan93 12-13-2018 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1249469)
There even was a concert report from one of Germany's biggest TV stations:

Though it may not be too interesting if you don't speak German since there are a lot of backstage interviews there :D

Cool, thanks for the link! In the snippets, Olli actually sounded great. And nice to see some behind the scenes stuff!

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